>ACKCHYUALLY according to statistical analysis, the majority of those hikers were only allegedly experienced, had some form of pre-existing health issue (or were of the age where underlying health issues become problematic), or were actively engaging in dangerous trails, therefore the entire """theory""" is a non-mystery
ACKCHYUALLY according to statistical analysis, the majority of those hikers were only allegedly experienced...
Other urls found in this thread:
ok glowie
I hate this bullshit. Their deboonking explanations are more outlandish than the actual /x/ theories.
You do not hike 6 miles through a foot of snow without your boots on.
This but unironically. Paulides manipulates the facts to fit his dumb bigfoot theories.
Marathoned the first half hour of this last night, pretty clear that the first mom and dad just wanted to start over and disappeared the kid themselves
can someone give me a rundown of what this is all about?
Why do people act like disappearing in the woods immediately means it is Bigfoot or aliens?
you should have watched The Hunted, its got a lot better cases where it wasn't obvious murder.
The shit with the laughing in the trees and the beating on the cabin door was fucked
Spooky shit happens in the American woods.
because thats what the fae folk want you to think
American national parks are unsafe and there's this desperate denial of reality (not unlike what happened with Pedowood) because the parks have always been seen as relatively safe places for tourists.
>lived in the boonies growing up
>also liked taking pictures and shitty video
>never once occurred to me to make shitty inna woods vids
I really need to go back there one day, the woods where I live in town aren't deep at all
Alright, Is that the one where the grandma sees a weird standing deer or some shit like that
Doesn't explain much.
Whats the theory behind this? Aliens or just boomers falling over and dying and getting eating by wild animals?
yes, I think that's the lady whose grandson mentions that he hung out with her doppelganger or something and she related the red eyed thing she saw that moved her sleeping bag that night
So are these stories about Aliens or ghosts or what?
The bigfoot shit is dumb, I agree.
can you just tell me what this is about and not post memes? If it's /x/ kind of material i'll watch it. but if its not then i'm not intersted.
the last story is a woman in a deer stand and a bunch of kids playing football in a nearby field see an invisible creature ala the Predator
woman takes a spooky picture of it
there's way more actuve serial killers out there nowadays but the media isnt allowed to blow them up anymore, these forests are perfect places for them to do what they want
dont go into the woods
>path along a river
Explain the kid who was lured away by something that resembled his dead grandmother then
I’m sorry, are you referring to the OP film? Or some other film. I’m confused as to which you’re alluding too.
zoomer thread
it's left up to your imagination and in reality it's probably both of those plus serial killers and mythical beasts
Some disappearances have to do with paranormal, some are more mundane. It's any one thing kidnapping & killing people.
you can't go in circles if you follow a river
they will be found within weeks if a single skin flake is found at the scene. there are not more serial killer about
desu. They are getting scared people are catching on
Bigfoot is kidnapping middle-aged hikers and keeping them as "forest brides"
I remember someone once posting an image where maps showing the distributions of disappeared hikers and caves were superimposed, and they were almost identical.
god i wish that were me
cave dwellers kidnap people
For the Dennis Martin case he pushes the idea that one of the witnesses heard a strange cry and saw a hairy looking wild man. However in an interview another person did with the same witness he said the cry he heard was a human yell and the man he saw was definitely human. He also mentions seeing the man get into a truck which is something Paulides omitted to push his bigfoot theory.
He’s a dumb kid whose probably heavily medicated.
I hate bigfoot shit. It is way spoopier to think that wildmen are out there in the woods and caves ready to rape and eat you than some hairy dork walking around.
Basic rule of being lost in the woods is to follow a creek or river. Keeps you from going in circles and is more likely to have other people on or around it.
T. A wilderness EMT in Montana
I learned this as a kid because one of the hobbits says it while they walk through the woods, that following the stream will prevent them starving in there and they’ll get out
>wilderness is unsafe
no shit
as a wilderness emt in montana i would be very interested to hear your take on the missing 411
I wish the lighting wasn't so forced
real answer
people go missing steps away from their groups.
disappear without a scream or any force
their clothes are founds 20 miles away. unharmed
Isn't the more obvious conclusion that they just get lost in caves?
it's just some retarded conspiracy theory to get people to think that faerie abductions are caused by bigfoot
Shut the fuck up faggot, I want to hunt skinwalkers
Checked, can someone PLEASE redpill me on this fairy shit?
you overestimate the police
>weird smell of copper or roses in the air
is this some /x/ shit?
this. read any gaelic or old english folklore like sir orfeo. this is obvious fairy king stuff. people disappear near magically potent areas of the woods and enter the faery realm. their clothes don’t come with them. they are then taken as subjects by the seemingly twisted rules of the fairies but really they are just different from our own. if you are cordial you can go there and bring people back, but you just respect their rules and offer something to them. most of these unexplained disappearances are faery stuff and have king oberons name all over them. transported to faery land, clothes folded, paralysed and kept as a trophy in oberons gardens or cursed. if you know how you can enter this realm at will but it’s dangerous
Tell us a story, mr forest EMT user.
Wendigos my nigga
Finna marathon this kino. Keep the thread warm for me.
What's the pay like? Sounds like a cool job
OK just a few minutes in and the mom had her period so bears ate the boy, next mystery.
>le ebin monster killed people
>all these people go missing near water
>all of them in the woods
It's just bears eating people
No shit. Its a cute little spoopy /x/-tier fan fiction of the simple fact that people are stupid and make mistakes, which cost lives.
For example:
>My son was walking 2 feet behind me for 15 minutes
>I looked at him, then turned around and turned back and the HAD VANISHED
In reality this happened:
>Bad parent lets kid roam freely
>probably loses kid and doesnt notice for 10 minutes
>makes up bullshit story to rationalize their failure as a parent
A lot of the cases could have pretty obvious normal explanations, but there is a couple that I can't logic my way around. Like the one with the old fart who was like 80+ years old on a quick little hunting trip close to home with his buddies and their kids and he just fucking disappeared from the spot they set up for him where he was sitting and waiting for the younger guys to scare some game their way. No trace of him, his gear, his gun, nothing. and a huge sweeping search party that combed the entire are multiple times couldn't find a thing, and for some reason the FBI shows up. Not saying it was ayy lmaos or big foot though.
>dragged off by mountain lion to its den 5 km far away
The only interesting thing is that there is a pretty big area near Smokey mountains national park, which is completely off limits to civilians, despite not being a military area.
>80 year old
Dude. He’s old. He probably got up to take a piss in the woods, got lost, then died. Then his body was eaten by mountain lions or coyotes.
Or heck. Maybe the family killed him, buried his body, then lied about it.
How do I get some fae pusy? do I just bring some berries or some shit?
you stupid motherfucker
a grandma and a seasoned hunter disappeared without trace minutes away from their group.
no animal sightings
no signs of struggle
no remains
motherfucker, real police detectives looked at these cases when they happened. they looked for bears nearby. they looked for foot prints
NOTHING you fucking piece of shit
>then lied about it
Exactly. Its always so funny how the easiest explanation is always cast aside. Whats more likely? Some borderline supernatural/alien/crypoid element, or simply unreliable witnesses telling bullshit stories.
He was half deaf, missing his right eye ,82 years old.
probably walked for a couple of days out side the search grid and just died.
he was an old guy with lots of experience so he probably didn't believe that he cant find his way back, after a couple of days no more energy. die in woods miles away from where he sat.
or may be serial killer just hunts old farts for fun, gun to the head get in car drive them off kill them.
>a grandma and a seasoned hunter disappeared without trace minutes away from their group.
Wouldn't there be scraps of his clothing left behind nearby if he was dragged off by an animal? or any of his gear/gun? and if he just walked off and died how did nobody find him? he is 80 years old man, how far could he possibly go. The family killing him and covering it up is possible, but why the fuck would they agree to do this documentary then? pure hubris?
lets say he walked 9 miles in a couple of days. possible for an old man.
that's 81 square miles of forest and hills to cover.
good luck finding a body kek
are the books any good?
Youre asking questions to which we dont have answers, because we dont have details. I can however explain a simple principle know as "Occam's razor".
What is more likely? That a half blind man got dragged off and eaten by an animal and then the witnesses misremembered or exaggerated events, OR ?
i am shit at math its 254 square miles to cover.
>fat americans go into woods
>can't find a mcdonalds
>other americans assume ghosts and ghouls, rather than obesity
Repeat 411 times
that must be why they never find blood or even any remains for most of the cases
Why is the area off limits and why did the FBI show up? Seems really weird. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for that.
I suppose if he had dementia or something I could buy this. He would have had to ignore the multiple shots that his friends/family fired shortly after they noticed he was missing to try to signal their location. if he was scared/confused suddenly I could believe it. but his family never mentioned any mental illness. Granted they could all be lying to cover their ass like you guys are saying.
Damn, they even sent CSI: Miami to magnify the entire forest area of 200km2 and still didnt find a perfectly preserved body intact.
Everyone knows these days you can't leave forensic evidence with modern technology, bears aren't stupid dude.
Kids are dumb
that's the whole point of the cases.
REAL trackers looked for foot prints or any traces of wolves or bears...
it was a REAL disappearance
>Leave berries for the birds
greenpill me on this
yeah eaten by an animal that left no tracks
you dumb imbecile fuck
They said he has hearing aid!
you walk off for a mile in the forest with hills when half deaf, you might not hear the shots.
According to the documentary creator the FBI showed up because they have a bunch of similar cases that they investigate but never explain why or who/what could be responsible. That might be the dude trying to push his big foot theory though.
what explanations?
>left no tracks
Holy shit, they didnt find perfectly preserved footprint with the Nike logo still intact in a forest????? LITERALLY ALIENS
a simple adage that if you're not experienced enough to forage berries it's better to leave them alone completely and not accidentally poison yourself
>Missing 411is a series of books and a film, which document cases of people who have gone missing innational parksand elsewhere, and maintain that these cases are unusual and mysterious, contrary to data analysis which suggests that they are not actually statistically mysterious or even unexpected.
>national parks
This is going to get me thinking about the tunnels all night again. They are real, aren't they? And so are the monstruosities they create down there.
Oh so that's who's saying they showed up. I have a massive IQ and inhuman levels of observation and pattern recognition and I'm finna tryna say that nigga bullshittin
people go missing while picking berries often, I need to be yellow light-pilled though
You mean other than the creatures from "the descent" coming up from a cave and yoinking people off trails?
Wtf are you guys talking about? 411 The Hunted is instead of little kids vanishing it's all hunters/hikers and outdoorsman types.
Bros imagine being in the woods and seeing one of these monsters
wtf are you guys talking about? is this from a different documentary?
a heavily fat bear that leaves no prints
Where did the author say this...
Would you like it if I went into your home and started eating your food?
I can't remember if the family themselves said the FBI showed up, or just the documentary creator. either way it wasn't lingered on long.
it could just be military or Disney Satanists
nothing paranormal
But, someone is using the cave system to kidnap people.
let's just say it is illuminati.
but it is NOT bears.
there's no trace. no blood. no bear prints.
>Hums a song, makes his presence known
Isn't that counterproductive? Whatever is out there you don't want it to find you, no?
>guy is left alone by "friends" for 30 minutes
>when they come back, hes gone
The author doesnt say anything. Thats the biggest joke about his books. He just makes vague spoopy "observations" by retelling unreliable stories of "witnesses" and then leaves overimaginative readers run their imagination wild.
accidentally sneaking up on an animal or hunter is generally not a good idea
I wish I could be a Schizo and legit believe in fairy folk it seems fun
So he never used that as a explanation and you were just lying....
it's the military using the caves
>there's no trace. no blood. no bear prints.
Im getting real tired of people posting these things as if they were facts. Just because someone vanished from an area of 2km2, doesnt mean youll will fill always find the exact spot shit went down.
There should be a trail that a trained dog can follow and find the body yes...
or a serial killer dragging a body
this one bugged me out the most since it was a bunch of old boomer cowboys who you wouldn't think lie & they seem pretty shook up
You will find a dead person or some remains with a cadaver dog...
You keep moving the goalposts. You ask us for explanations, we give them, then you move the goalposts to saying "the author never said that". We know, the author is a tip-toeing bitch who sells books by exploiting the deaths of dumb people who get lost in the woods and die.
*disappears you*
Ah yes, the dogs that are 100% reliable and search areas that are tiny and easily traversed during and after rain storms, where all scents and evidence are always left intact. My god its like you people have never left your wife's boyfriend's basement.
No nigger you said the author leaves out explanations to which he never does and he surely never mentioned creatures as you did
I know it sucks to get btfo by your own running mouth but chill bud.
It's a metaphysical law, like karma. Humming a song signals you're human and come in peace.
it’s nice being a bong, I can just sleep in the woods in the summer whenever I want with the knowledge no serial killers or dangerous animals can get me. just centipedes
>in a forest the size of a European country
Are all the times they werent found after a rain storm now?
The guy behind it is a retired detective or fed or something and was trying to find something to link missing persons reports across the country. They don't really want to delegitimize themselves by trying to say whatever theory they personally hold, they just give you the facts and surrounding information for you to decide yourself. One of them had some feds show up when they were looking for an old hunter that vanished out of nowhere and then the bureau refused to comment on why they were there or that case.
Another random theory basis is that they point out granite cave systems specifically and they largely line up with where all the cases are
So a bear or animal will traverse a body the size of a European country in a day
And a person who enters a cave will leave no trace for a dog to find outside?
Were there more episodes of this shit or something? You guys keep referencing cases I never saw when I watched this
Actually its funny you say that, because the author himself has claimed that 60%+ of these cases occur just before big storms. Funny how you shills/shizos forget that fact.
Again everyone?
The guy is a bigfoot conspiratard and leaves out details that inconvenience his storytelling
Tracks can disappear very quickly
>So a bear or animal will traverse a body the size of a European country in a day
No, you just need to be a couple of kms from the spot where a bear killed someone and dragged them away for your dogs to be useless, since the area they need to search is too big. Use your head kiddo.
Again no counter?
Well most of the cases I saw their known location wasn't anywhere in or near the caves, they were just beneath or in the general area. Like all of them were two or more people lose sight of each other while hunting or hiking and someone vanishes
So your argument is all these peope made it a few kilometers away from their freinds and family and then attacked by a bear but the dog can trace him there from the last place he was seen?
Use your head
user, clearly it is Bigfoot using his powers to cause storms.
Fix your sentence then get back to me.
The counter is not very one involved a storm.
True or false little cuck?
Pretty sure its el Chupacabra.
>user, come with me. There isn't much time left.
What do you do?
No counter?
go with that nigga
How? You need DNA to compare something to, and even if you use one of the sites that still lets you, the odds of you finding someone related enough to figure out who it is are very small.
If systemic racism is real but a nigger and my jewish lawyer can't find it then its more likely big foot is real aswell.
This shit is 100% a limited hangout. Yeah people go missing in forests but it's not because of bigfoot, it's because they're either trafficked or harvested for organs.
You don't think there are easier ways to do this other than send government ninja woodsmen into the forest to kidnap them?
There's two Missing 411 docs and if I'm not mistaken, the one not subtitled "The Hunted" has at least one very obvious case of a young couple who """lost""" their son inna woods
Can't speak for America but weird tunnels too small for humans to walk into are all over Germany. In America you have to watch out for all the forgotten caves and mines.
Bigfoot kino coming through
Never said it's the only way this happens, but it is certainly a way
Neither has proof, so they are equally as likely until some form of evidence presents itself.
This is why people don't trust debunkers. You say, 'this could have happened', make no effort to prove that it's what did happen, and then declare the issue settled.
I did once in Alaska. The fucker bamboozled me and my friend and planned an ambush on us. Good thing my buddy had bear spray because I thought that was going to be my last day on Earth.
you can say whatever you want about the guy that wrote the book
but the real detectives and sheriffs in the real police case found nothing.
the Real professional trackers found nothing.
I don't care about the writer of the book or about what the families said.
the professional rescue and search team found no trace of attacks or trace of the animal
and the victim's belongings would show up in places that the police already searched
someone put it there. the shoes or pants or whatever. withoit blood. we're put in places that the cops looked already
I always thought it was them accidentally falling into pits or holes and getting stuck in caves, though there's definitely some weird shit with the clothes being found folded neatly miles away
Your problem here is, why would the dog not smell and track the bear?
classic scent of skinwalkers
Dude can speak and teleport. If he had nefarious purposes, he wouldn't need to take me anywhere. He's fucking bigfoot.
So I go with him.
No, you should make noise on the trail to not startle a bear or some methed up faggots fucking.
You also don't want to sneak up on a drug dealers camp on accident since they also booby trap those shits. I think a lot of missing people cases are people who ran into weed farmers or meth cooks. When I visited appalchia my local buddy warned me not walk into certain hills because dudes up there were up to no good and they can just disappear your body into a holler.
beyond based
the clothes or backpacks also reappeared in places that official police checked already.
places that different search groups already double checked
>I can however explain a simple principle know as "shitty reductionism"
Occam's Razor should never be used in any argument that doesn't involve the scientific modeling of phenomena, got damn
Black dogs and weird large cats are a thing in ingurland.
Why wouldn't he track the guy to the bear attack or cave from the last place he was seen....
Don't eat berries from the forest, they probably aren't what you thought they were.
That's what killed Alexander Supertramp
william of ockham himself used it for theology and he invented it
That was me kek dumbass niggas really fell for it, bigfootfags are low IQ
what is the most haunted/spoopy forest in America? I live near a place called Satan's Kingdom in MA wonder if that's spoopy
thats bullshit and you know it, nothing found in his autopsy was documented as a toxin in any quantity
>you can say whatever you want about the guy that wrote the book
>but the real detectives and sheriffs in the real police case found nothing.
>the Real professional trackers found nothing.
Isn't the author a retired detective
i like conspiracy theories as much as the next guy, but you niggers need to read a fucking book every now and then.
He was not present at each account.....
You know this right
yeah but people say he lie and stuff
people say he makes up shit
but. the real detectives and sheriffs said they saw no trace of animals or blood or struggle or an attack.
you glow
What’s more likely? He was a useless faggot, or an intelligent man who made beneficial contributions to the world?
It’s not even “likely,” but the explanation that accounts for the least variables. Which is irrelevant bullshit. You would have to know every variable involved, for one, and it’s just an idea a guy made up, not an actual observable universal law.
The author never even suggests this.
Sorry you got filtered.
What's the proper procedure and etiquette so I'm respectful to the woods and any campmates if I want to have an honest wank in the middle of the night?
I feel like there's rules about it.
So what's the best doc/vid on this topic?
Not answering your question, just wanted to let you know that ending your sentence in
>, no?
makes you sound like a massive faggot
>could just be military or Disney Satanists, nothing paranormal
That's honestly more interesting to me than dimension hopping bigfoot
What are they doing to these people? Is it like the Watchers in Dark City?
Dudes driving out in the countryside have reported seeing huge black dogs with glowing red eyes and stuff like cougars and Panthers that shouldn't exist in Bongland. Also kangaroos but lol at those big rats.
Most people don’t think it has anything to do with Bigfoot.
And a retired police detective.
>Occam's razor
>author doesnt say anything. Thats the biggest joke about his books. He just makes vague spoopy "observations" by retelling unreliable stories of "witnesses" and then leaves overimaginative readers run their imagination wild
David Lynch does the same shit and everyone is fine with it, why is this any different?
please recommend me some movies like this
Pretend you are going to drop a deuce out in the woods and don't forget to bring your gun and tp with you.
I would keep a knife and flashlight on you. Supposedly people don’t usually disappear if they have their phone on them. But that also means you can easily be tracked. I saw a large glowing orange/red orb camping at night one time. I tried to send the message to it that I mean it no harm that we should mutually leave each other alone.
I'm just saying for some people that might be an important detail in figuring out the legitimacy of the series.
>paralysed and kept as a trophy in oberons garden
haha do you think they're aware but they can't move haha
Selling books. Go away David, you hack. There are actual researchers out there doing great work and you're pissing all over it.
Paranormal doesn’t mean supernatural.
how do I avoid this fate?
>right wingers literally believe that facts are a meme
hahahahaha the fucking COPE
>so you're saying the body just disappeared and nobody could find it?
>that's exactly what i'm saying.
>must have been highly evolved interdimensional travelers or crytozoological monsters or something. obviously.
you guys ever think some of these people got eaten, or fell into a big hole, or both? the only conspiracy i can believe is other humans killing these people or abducting them. for rapes, murders, enslavements, cloning, pick your poison. but ayys and bigfeet? don't be stupid.
except for thousands of years of folklore terrors like black dogs and faeries. gg bongbro.
Sucks for you dude. That was a gold light. You should have just marked the location and then returned in the daylight to collect your free gold.
You think Occam’s Razor is a “fact?” What the fuck does that mean?
everybody is arguing about aliens and Bigfoot
but occams razor even fits in the Satanist disney kidnappings
hundreds of kids go missing in Disney China too. hundreds and hundreds.
so it's very realistic that these American caves are passages to get humans for organ harvesting. for the elites
people in the Mexican border go missing a lot too.
it could just be organ harvesting.
but it is NOT bears.
bros give me some bigfoot mystery kino, something about old men obsessed with finding a hairy ass primate who walks around the woods is comfy
you did the right thing, should only approach yellow, blue, and green foxfires
he was a based christian monkbro
Why are you lying? Allah will strike you down.
Captcha: MDRDR
That wasn't in a documentary. It's bragging about thing's it's done.
no retard, they have him the shits and he died of dehydration
It’s nothing about bigfeet.
You know the series doesn't try to claim it's ayys or bigfoot, right?
>Purposely drawing out the /x/ schizos
Stop. They do a pretty good job of keeping their retarded ramblings to their quarantine board. Stop encouraging them to come here.
where tradfags go wrong is assuming everyone else is as obsessed with religion as they are. the kidfuckers (politicians, bankers, you name it) don't have to worship satan to want to fuck kids, they're probably just hedonists, hence their glamorous wealthy lifestyle. they probably feel entitled to stick their dicks in whatever gets them off. leave satan out of it and focus on their immoral actions and people won't dismiss your ideas as quickly.
and yes there are probably organ harvesters and sex slavers doing some of this kidnapping. the old men though? who wants to fuck or enslave a couple of old guys? those guys fell into a ditch and got eaten by bugs.
trump won btw
The docus are based on books...
>The guy behind it is a retired detective or fed or something
Fired cop. I keep reading a story that he got fired for pulling over celebs without cause and extorting them for autographs that he could hawk on ebay. He definitely comes off as a used car salesman so I'm not keen on any of his shit, but I did buy his first book and read most of his work to give him an honest shake. His threads keep cropping up here though, so I'll have to compile a list of trustworthy researchers to post whenever I see one so anons have stuff to compare to because this guy ain't it. He's got such a weird circular way of talking, never seems to answer the question, and I've gone through lots of what he cites in his books and he has a habit of changing/"misinterpreting" details to go along with whatever he's insinuating in his latest book. How many now? What's he "not telling us" but basically telling us is the cause now? It's hard to keep up.
Well, if they were eaten there would be blood or clothing or signs of a struggle on the trail. If it was a big hole there would be a big hole to find. So…since the emergency services at the scene could find neither, that leaves…? That’s right, the writer never says. Seems kinda weird you jump to schizo shit right out of the gate though.
they don’t really believe in satan, it’s just an occult larp because rich people like to dress up and terrify their prey. although in terms of ideology they are functionally satanists, morality is tyrannical, humans need to ascend through getting rid of it
What's the difference to you?
There have been dozens of cases where remains were found in a previously searched area. Your dishonest paulides shilling is embarrassing
every day that goes by i'm more turned onto the idea of owning nothing, living in a mud hut with my loved ones and some sluts, picking berries and eating bird eggs (and yes, sometimes bugs), and not worrying about any of this nonsense we create for ourselves
That larp fell apart when he made up the fishing line thing.
you literally said it
remains found, where cops had already searched
Were those cases in either movie? I mean the point is that they searched repeatedly and found nothing, so I don’t find the similarity. Can you explain what you mean?
>umm sweetie, every "disappearance" is just a case of teleporting bears eating someone in a single bite and then fast traveling to another national forest
oh like a religious monk then...
what fishing?
Can you stop being a passive aggressive bitch, please?
>Fired cop. I keep reading a story that he got fired for pulling over celebs without cause and extorting them for autographs that he could hawk on ebay
I wasn't aware there were so many celebrities in San Jose, where he was a cop. Though apparently he was charged with a misdemeanor offense for falsely soliciting for a charity when he was a court liaison officer at the tail end of his career.
So, no?
>don't leave the city!!!! the bigfoot skinwalkers are gonna get you if you don't stay under artificial light!!!
i thought this was the worst thing i ever saw until i sat through 2 seasons of blind frog ranch
check this out.
this other dude goes on the hunt for bigfoot
searching bizarre murders and disappearances. strange attacks.
by the end he uncovers the truth that it was the Mexican cartel beheading and dismembering people in the forest.....
Animals will generally avoid humans if given the opportunity. By humming you are less likely to startle an animal, and thus have it attack you.
I've unironically been stalked by a mountain lions, they're the nigger of the mountains
unironically yes. i wonder if i can give all this up just to separate myself from the dogshit we fill our days with. the distractions which keep us from connecting to something higher than ourselves.
Anyone reading the post I'm replying to, if you're confused it's for good reason. Whoever makes these threads (likely Paulides himself he might have money to pay wagies now with the book thing going who knows) often resorts to making confusing statements like that when Paulides and his fudging of facts in his books is called out. First they go "haha CIA shill no source" and then if you post enough info they just start saying these oddball responses mostly about bigfoot. This was a tactic early on that Paulides himself used in his interviews and talks, I listened to all of his coast to coast interviews at one point. He would make it out that all of the naysayers just haven't read his book yet and are shoehorning that he's a bigfooter when "he's clearly not" and really (akhschuallly) he's "trying to give an alternative theory" to bigfoot. He did this akhscuallly thing in every talk I've heard, like an inb4 but for a speaker on conspiracy theories and the paranormal that claims to be a legitimate researcher. This dude is unreal, he should be studied by sociologists.
when I go walking in the forest I just scream lines from the fresh prince of bel air
okay wait,
so if I get a $300k mortgage with a fixed interest rate of 2% p.a (which is common in my country now free health care w00t w00t) for 10 years, I have to pay $6k EVERY year plus free health care and then Im not even at the point where Im paying off my debt? the median net income in my country is like $25k per year, so with insurance, transportation (car), electricity, free health, heating and food costs, how the fuck are you supposed to pay off your mortgage when you can barely pay off the sick care?
My bad it wasn't skinwalker ranch. I got it mixed up with Mel's hole.
So does Paulides say it's Bigfoot or what? I never finished The Hunt because it was too boring.
the skin walker ranch show on history Channel was pretty level headed.
a guy got radiation burns from digging on the earth
went to the hospital for real
it's a fake map
Link the spooky picture
>Look for my phone
>Can't find it
>Also can't see any prints
Save me, bros! The sasquatch niggerman fairy king is trying to abduct me and I'm out of silver butt plugs.
What’s the sources for most of these?
I know the berry thing is for the fairies
>to fit his dumb bigfoot theories.
he's never once speculated what the cause is faggot
Damn! Crazy bro, glad you lived to tell the tale. You owe that buddy big time.
Memes are ideas, retard
I know they probably just got lost and froze/starved to death, but I choose to believe that they got killed by Wendigos or Aliens
tell me more about these tunnels
Yeah these are creepy as fuck. if they're undoctored, it gives credence to Skinwalkers or other mimics/shapeshifters
At what point did Bigfoot go from being a large bipedal Ape, to a teleporting, high IQ trickster with mysterious motivations?
there's an underground chain of tunnels using caves all around usa.
people have legitimately described sounds of horrible screaming and the smell of rotting garbage near openings of caves.
not the smell of dead meat. but like a trash dumpster
people camping have described the sounds of extreme screaming late at night. and lights coming from the caves.when police search the caves. there's no one trapped
bros i'm halfway through Missing 411 The Hunted and these people keep talking retard shit. are credible people interviewed in this at all?
I can fuck this stupid animal up no problem. I would get behind it and choke it to death
fake conspiracy theories (not real ones like the phoenix program, iran contra, 9/11, etc.) attract people who don't think critically, thus their distractions can go big or go home to keep their attention over the years. same reason graham hancock makes some good points then shoves marbles up his ass with telekinesis theories, to keep people buying his books.
If any of you are genuinely hooked by these books and their shady as fuck author, please compare details he gives in his books to the sources he cites. I promise, it won't take but 5 minutes to have more than a few and be really questioning what the fuck this guy's end game is. If he's just selling books, you all might as well have fallen for a lameass Cracked article. If he isn't just selling books, why screw up the details so much?
Inb4 some weirdass out of left field reply about the books not being about bigfoot. I've read them, and researched the sources for them, and I only ever mentioned bigfoot in the inb4 so there's no need to reply talking about "you've got it all wrong this isn't about bigfoot"
Paulides if you're reading, I'm a bonafide neet and sick of seeing these threads over here. I hid them for years on /x/. I'm a good researcher and am glad to make it my lifes goal to shit up your image on this site or anywhere on the web that you choose to shill your goods. All it would take is a compiled list of every false claim (or convenient mistake) in your books, as well as whatever I can dig up about your work and education history. You pissed me off enough, I'm really gonna dig. All you had to do was stop being such a disingenuous prick snake salesman.
jokes on you he actually is a massive faggot
The cool thing is that we don't know. If we did it would be lame
if these people supposedly hear screaming coming from caves, why don't they investigate it themselves right then?
It was a real slap holy fuck as a fellow bbc lover u know it was a real slap
It's a very similar sound to
>Supposedly people don’t usually disappear if they have their phone on them
honestly you should just shut the fuck up for a good long while
Yes. Go and investigate weird screams, most likely mountain lions, at night by walking into a dark cave without any weapons. You should be a horror movie side character.
they do but the cave you need spelunking equipment
and it's late you can say
"people are lying. trolling"
but it's different accounts by different people and its older people like fathers or moms and stuff
could be the military torturing people. but it wasn't someone that fell down. and people see lights down the cave
but when professional search and rescue people check. there's nothing and no one down there
so you admit it's most likely mountain lions or some other big cat. if you're not gonna spelunk a cave then what's the point of putting so much effort in theorizing what's in them?
>planned an ambush on us.
It mimicked the voice of a friend we had left back at camp to tend the fire.
Paulides here. You wont do shit nigger, come at me aspie I ain't afraid no autist
>Hmmm why do retards go missing in dense forests and mountains that reach sub zero temperatures, and are also teeming with dangerous wildlife