Snake bros…I’m not feeling hopeful about our movie
Snake bros…I’m not feeling hopeful about our movie
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disaster incoming
They just need to turn MGS1 into a movie. How hard is that?
Just hold on long enough til Oscar gets bored and drops out then cast a white guy
Why’d they cast a manlet
I need this to fail. Especially after seeing what they're doing to Mortal Kombat and Halo. I don't want to see MGS get fucked, too.
>play a game with a shitload of cutscenes and hours of dialogue
>now wish to see a movie about the movie you just played through
Consoomers are weird.
why the fuck did they pick him to be solid snake wtf
but snake is a hapa
MGS was already inspired on a few movies what the fuck is their problem
Was he?
It's been a while since I've played but wasn't he a clone of big boss, who was white?
i have no idea what they were thinking trying to make this. MGS is entertaining because the plot is retarded and the characters are ridiculous. its not impossible to make it work but its to need to a specific tone thats extremely hard to pull off.
he had a japanese surrogate mother, he wasn't part japanese
fits better inside a box. also, checked
Missed casting opportunity
is what world does big boss look anything but white.
yes but the female egg is japanese
>these games are my personality
>searching for story
funny, i felt the same way playing metal gear
not diverse and inclusive enough user.
That’s not what surrogacy is. Surrogacy is just using her as an oven. Insemination is using her eggs
Nope, the egg is from EVA/Big Mama, the surrogate was Japanese.
>DARPA chief
>mei ling
>snake himself
>bad guy is white with blonde hair
come on, it's just a game series about the not-illuminati, nanomachines, genetic engineering, AI overlords, and bisexual vampires. how hard could it be to adapt?
sounds transphobic
All theyve got to do is use the story in metal gear survive , 10/10 billion dollars first hour of opening box office
Why the hell wouldn't they just use the MGS1 story?
hopefully he gets bored and drops out of it. It needs Chris Evans.
They should do Revengeance story
Chris Evans would be shit, why are you trying to force this. The only good casting would be prime Christian Bale
>The only good casting would be prime Christian Bale
agreed, and if he played Liquid too he could use his British accent
Nice projection.
It would imply that Kojimbo indirectly wrote a movie.
It's like an indirect kissu.
They should cast me as solid snake and Tom Holland as Liquid and we should kiss and have an hour long unsimulated sex scene
When they announced this (and this is the 3rd time they've tried to make it?) anyone with a brain knew it would never happen. Its still not going to happen anytime in the future either.
so it's going to be like the Halo tv show, I mean they already replaced a white protagonist with a non white just like they did with MC
They could do a fairly straight-forward adaptation of MG, MG2 or MGS1 and have it come out just fine. I wouldn't even mind the first two, since it'd be kinda fun to see them in a more cinematic light that's more in line with MGS. Hollywood writers are some of the most creatively bankrupt retarded on the planet.
How is it difficult to make a plot for a fuckin Kojima game, just make everything confusing and have pointless cutaways about orphans or some dumb shit like that. Then cut back to Snake getting pissed on by some clueless guard.
too much onions
Why is every movie made by incompetent retards now? It's like they're children who have been given a blank check and have no idea what to spend it on.
just make MGS 3
They basically have to find a way to rewrite away from the government being shady, at least as long as democrats are in charge. The idea that literally everything is rigged and controlled by a shadow organization pulling all strings isn't exactly a "conspiracy theory" they want to legitimize, is it?
then cast a hapa and not some mexijew lol
seriously, for examples of all these one only needs and look at rl
mgs1 is a movie tho
Oscar Issac got in trouble a couple years ago because he was ranting about Hollywood being filled with jewelry. Saying they get all the opportunities.
>ranting about Hollywood being filled with jewelry.
Women like to look nice, user.
No he didn’t
Ehh, what works in a game doesn't necessarily work as a single film. You don't want characters like Sniper Wolf to just be a cameo, but you have to balance their presence with the overall plot, Snake and his comrades, the backstory of big boss, and the Metal Gear itself. Even a lengthy movie probably doesn't have the space for all that, and multiple films wouldn't work either. So adaptation will require very careful work. Frankly I'm glad they're putting real effort into getting it right.
Fucking shit, I was exposed as a phone poster. Sorry lads.
unfilmable, why even bother lmao
They could just make the shadow government a bunch of white supremacists plotting to take over, better yet make them colluding with Russia.
How do you make him work in a movie? All his meta stuff only work in a video game.
>in b4 walk into le next theatre LMAO
Big boss is a hapa though, look it up. Snake was cloned from a 'third generation japanese american' guy through a japanese surrogate
It's not as if he's a crucial part of the universe
I've said this for twenty years now
If you cut all the gameplay out of MGS1 and left only the narrative, it would be like 8 hours long
Nothing but cutscenes and codec calls
How the fuck are you going to cut that down to movie length?
You'd have to cut characters - which ones?
And plot points - how do you do that without breaking the journey?
Unironically they could make it an 8 episode miniseries which would work... about as well as it ever could (not very), anyway
He works perfectly well as just a creepy psychic. If they wanted to fuck with the audience they could just have sound/video distort like crazy when he's using his powers or something. Iirc the novelization just has him make Snake hallucinate about his past.
Here's your Meryl
fuck you
The vast majority of codec calls are just fluff. Notably all the ones where you save the game and all the ones that are just gameplay tips. And you can easily cut Vulcan Raven at least.
Make it like Dune with the loud as fuck voices during the fight (no idea if this was as obvious outside the theatres desu)
>movie is straight to streaming
>psycho mantis actor records several dozen lines to mock the viewers streaming history
>"I see you've been watching cities, user. And they think I'm the bad guy! Hahaha!"
Would be kino.
Moar like Solid Spic amirite?
You can't make an MGS movie because the series is about how a shadow government rules the world and nothing you see on the news is real. It would be a huge no-no for Hollywood to do that. Also it's clear Isaac doesn't give a fuck about video games and is here for cash. I remember when Tom Hardy was in Tomb Raider he played every Tomb Raider game that had come out up to that point on set.
how the fuck do you announce you're going to make a movie and not even have a script ready. THATS LIKE ME SAYING IM GOING TO MAKE A MOVIE. I HAVE A CAMERA, YEP JUST WAITING FOR A SCRIPT.
it'll be the same as GITS live action, a shitty political commentary on current affairs tacked in with really poorly done CG of what people actually want to see (gray fox, mg, etc)
>we need a story
man sneak man cheek man shoot man run man leak man snide man jump man hump man pump man slide man hide
they will never ever do that. they always have to twist it into some forumula that alienates fans of the source material and ends up as some generic movie normies don’t care about
This fucker's NOT solid Snake. And it'll be made the HALO way of "well we didn't actually play the games or give a shit about the source material, but hey our version's better! And that's a good thing! Here's why!"
And I know that's true SINCE THEY DON'T HAVE A FUCKING STORY! Hideo Kojima already came up with one, and it kicks ass. So they need some fags and feminazis with koolaid hair to come up swith some retarded shit that makes them feel like "this ends the white patriarchy!"
no, prime would be kurt russell, but hes too old now.
They switched that in MGS4, that EVA was the surrogate and the egg was Japanese (the asian lady was Para-Medic's assistant IIRC)
Not to mention:
>Kurdish sniper
>Giant native man with machine gun
>Orphan of indeterminate ethnicity with british accent
>Old bisexual Russian man
would actually be funny to have a parody movie with shitlib rainbowhaired liquid an ocelot making threatening to white house to "end the patriarchy" or theyll launch a gay bomb
Big Boss being a hapa is only from the MGS1 manual IIRC and was retconned for MGS3. The "blood from the east flows through your veins" line was looped back into Snake's surrogate mother being Japanese or something. So I guess Snake is the hapa despite canonically being blonde and dying his hair brown?
>I that nigga eating beans!
>That guy in the tux that said Nigger, he's cute...
>Snake is the hapa despite canonically being blonde and dying his hair brown
standard practice with japanese hapa characters
I've never understood this. In nipland does half asian = asian with light hair? Like in MGS they turned a guy named McDonnell Benedict Miller into a hapa named Kazuhira while making him blonder than the blond brit who impersonated him. Which now that I read makes me understand why it's a bad idea to adapt MGS.
I mean... at least that means they're actually making an effort and not settling for any old shit, right?
too much herpes
David Hayter has been staring at you in face as the best Snake pick for over 20 years.
who will play Ocelot???
They settled for Oscar Isaac, so yes they are settling for any old shit.
We know David, you keep going on about it.
If they were smart they would instead do a TV show focusing on Big Boss training with The Boss -> MGS3 -> Peace Walker -> MGSV/Big boss going around saving and recruiting the members of Foxhound, MG1 and 2 then MGS1
maybe if he got fit he'd be perfect but i dont see that happening with his cheeseburgers and shit
>having any hope on anything that comes from western television and film
>cutting 2 action scenes
Nice going retard.
you're exactly right, but once he's on they'll fit him with the trainers and roids and whatever else he needs
Ok. Here’s the alternative
marler redditor plebs
Sam Elliot obviously
Nah, more likely Tessa Thompson
They could just focus on Solid & Liquid's story. All the audience really needs to know is that Liquid has a small unit of supersoldiers and have a handful of creative fights. All you really need to get the point across is the encounter with Decoy to set up Foxdie, Ocelot for sequels & Liquid himself. Could easily have Snake reach Liquid in an hour. Most the characters could be cut to be introduced in a sequel. Does Otacon need to be there, not really. Gray Fox? Nope. Most of the villains? Nah.
>cutting out otacon
>not having a scene zooming in Cillian Murphy's face
>"you know snake, this is...*pushes up glasses* /just/ like one of my Japanese animes"
>audience cheers, gives a standing ovation
>Murphy smirks knowingly at the audience as a puddle forms beneath him
>cheering and clapping drown out the next 10 minutes of the movie
>mgs 3 movie
>10 minute ladder boss scene 60% through the movie
>what a thrill...
revolver ocelot
which American actor will play Fat Man?
skarsgard, why not
>not fat
>doesnt belong to the people that actually dropped the Fat Man bomb
uh cringe?
>Does Otacon need to be there, not really. Gray Fox? Nope.
The problem is the zeitgeist has changed so you can't lift the whole story and its themes and transplant it into 2020s. People are less interested in nuclear arsenal reductions now that Russians have shown how subhuman they really are, nuclear war is less scary and terrorism has taken a step back. It's just not the same world in which mgs1 was made so the story needs an uplift
>Snake, Meryls codec frequency was written on the side of the Popcorn tub. Go out to the concession stand and read the tub! you've got to hurry!
Cast her
Emily Blunt
Ezra Miller
They could just make a movie like Enter the Dragon/Kill Bill/Ninja Scroll where Solid Snake kills all the bosses one after another.
I wouldnt even say its that , I just want them to fail so hopefully they will find something else. Time and time again they grab these Nerd IP's adapt them poorly and then when they fail move on to the next one without learning anything. Even the braindead kids I teach understand if you fail at something you are doing something wrong , try a different method.
>getting called on your phone with codec calls and just watching Snake smoke in some corner on the screen
would be just as annoying as in the original therefore perfect
jesus christ just fucking do shadow moses how is this so hard
except ditch the stupid ending carchase where the only reason snake and meryl live is because of liquids heart attack from foxdie. It undermines the message about genes not determining ones future. Have liquid die after the fist fight on top of metal gear
mgs2 bro is more relevant than ever. just dump the ninja and replace him with snake.
bunch of fomo nerds will always keep watching them just to say it was bad even if the original released ten years before they were born. just let it go. I mean you can always whine but if that's all you can do then hopefully it doesn't make you actually angry, that's a waste.
Honestly, I can see why they wouldn't do that. They'd have to change a lot of shit to make it work as a movie, and what that would basically mean is cutting scenes and characters and essentially making it just a weird cut down live action rendition of a playthrough of the game. It could very well suck and gamers and non-gamers alike would still complain.
I can see why film adaptations of video games always tend to be fuckups. There's no reason to do them in the first place, and when you do them, you're forced to make up some alternate timeline bullshit and just use the game's brand as a marketing tool and nothing else.
Solid snake doesn't searches, he finds.
How is that any different than adapting novels or comics?
can't wait for the VAMP spinoff, targeting the young female audience!
you motherfuck how can you miss the point of mgs2 this hard you benchod goddamn you absolute madarchoder. raiden is crucial to the themes
no one is going to go see a metal gear movie without snake as a lead fag. the movies will never work whatever they try, I was just saying that 2 had themes that work for the modern culture.
This is why you do it as a 5 episode miniseries. You won't have to animate fucking dragons or anything, just big boxy mecha.
They should go MG1-MGS3 as faithfully as possible.
No, he isn't
>lol, nanomachines
There. Same story, no robot twink
with novels you get the addition of audio and video (with possible directorial flair) besides the story, which might have to cut down due to length iasues (this can be from bad through neutral to good), same with comics. video games already have all that and can often be as long as they want.
The audiences of those are less autistic and video games are already basically interactive 3D animated movies. It's easier to take a novel and take creative liberties with it when making it live action because people don't have such solid recollections of the events that occur in it. It's more of a loose thing than a video game. A video game is already a fully rendered thing - it has the story, the visuals and everything already there.
Here's your MGS movie
not only is raiden's inclusion necessary to the themes of parsing information for oneself, it is also just a cool narrative tool to frame the story from the perspective of the rookie who has to learn. Dredd (which is also currently the closest thing to a metal gear solid movie) pulled this off really well by putting us in Judge Anderson's shoes
Raidan is fucking kino cope you nigger faggot
how can you have Prez grabbing Raiden's pussy if Raiden isn't in it?
No one ever claimed he wasn't needed but again no one is going to watch a fucking metal gear movie/show without snake as the lead it just isn't going to happen.
>Kurt Russell
>Oscar Isaac
I guess 2in seems like a lot when it's your pp size
They should make a MGS3 movie, the story is more standalone.
>show Raiden in all trailers
>the movie is adaptation of rearranged Snake Tales and Raiden only becomes the protagonist from Arsenal Gear
m8 you have to be really incompetent to not be able to put MGS1 plot in a 2-2,5 hour film. It has like six actual characters.
yeah but it works better with the setup from the other games
>raiden's inclusion necessary to the themes of parsing information for oneself
>Lol, nanomachines
They even did that in MGS4.
For me? It’s Zach Snyder’s Death Stranding
Regular or
Director's Cut?
Who'd play Refn or Lea?
Do movie watching faggots really think latinx manlets are cool?
EVA was his surrogate mother.
This movie needed to be made 20 years ago. There aren't enough good actors left right now that could make it work.
go back, better yet end yourself.
I get the Mandela effect with this guy so hard. I vividly remember hearing news about his death the year after the golden compass came out. Like I remember seeing him on the stars we lost bit at the Oscar's that year. I distinctly remember turning to my dad and hearing him say "oh bummer, he was great in the big lebowski"
he just got better
If they are going to make a dogshit adaptation they should have just given it to Paul Anderson and cast Milla as Meryl and made her the new protagonist.
Right. Solid Snake was a test-tube baby made from the genes of Big Boss and an unnamed Japanese woman. That embryo was put into EVA.
That was retconned with MGS4
slightly better than the one they want to force you to think shes hot
The director is garbage what do you expect
Will he have the walking dead dude carry a cross shaped backpack the whole movie for the epic biblical reference.
Those shoes make it look like she has furry hobit feet.
What is a metal gear?
can't think of a joke so basically just a bipedal (mostly) tank also known as mecha
A bipedal walking tank with the ability to launch nuclear weapons.
Why isn't Kojima directing
It was confirmed in MGS4:
The Metal Gear IP belongs to Konami and Kojima no longer works for them.
this is the most cartoonish thing about MGS. the true "ultimate weapon" would either be a bioweapon/virus, or orbital weapons that shoot nukes from space
The entire game series is just a prequel to the Battletech universe.
i hate to have to break this down for you, but a core theme of mgs2 is fanboyism and hype. The idea of wanting to be the hero so badly but not being able to tell the difference between legend and reality. its almost comedic at points and its what gives the game its unique tone. if its just snake being fucking rambo on the tanker the whole time, the game would be really shallow, mostly because it would be retreading 1 without saying anything.
i think what Kojima was trying to say was that Metal Gear gave states and even non-state actors the ability to launch nukes from anywhere without detection
>A story
You just make it anti nuke and have Snake fight freaks and a metal gear
not tanker, big shell. woops
Gray Fox doesn't work without the codec calls, and Otacon in the first film would just make the cast overly large. Sure he gets rescued in the videogame, but does that need to be his story in the film?
that's actually corrected ultimately when it turns out FOXDIE exists and the true world control is not achieved by nuclear control but media/populace control. what little zanzibar or whatever would get from nukes can either be destroyed by single action army guy or actual invasionand it won't even matter because it'll get memoryholed. he can't write so it all just gets lost in fights with big robots and naked jumping jacks
kino double subversion, id watch it
hollywood has such a serious case of tunnel vision. Same 10 people over and over
Don't nuclear submarines already do that? Russia's hyper-sonic nuclear missiles are more threatening than Metal Gear since they can pierce any missile defense system.
Desu MGS is basically Die Hard in a nuclear facility if you cut out the most retarded shit but the director seemed to insist that it has to be done with the retarded anime shit which might possibly be entertaining but I doubt it's actually even getting made.
A video game movie can't be good almost as a rule at this point. I don't know why they even try.
metal gear used a railgun I think, so it probably had hypersonic projectiles
MGS has to much quirky jap shit in it to translate well to film. They should never have touched this.
Dude is Sephardic himself.
the jew disagrees
Then bring Meryl back since we already know she survived Shadow Moses. There's absolutely NOTHING that you miss out on by skipping the twink ninja.
japs have a hard-on for anti-nuke messages, but mgs does go beyond that. it's just that you get lost with all the exposition and you have to give thought to everything that happens besides killing the big bad and his mecha. metal gears are usually just a distraction.
rollin for daily workout
/fit/ pls go
the jew is fueled by greed and stupidity, it won't make shit
>ditch the car chase
The car chase is perfect for a movie though. Liquid can just die some other way. That being said how does it undermine the message when the "inferior" gene twin and rookie beats the shit out of the "superior" twin who has decades of active combat experience as a child soldier all the way to his adulthood? Snake punched way above his remit. Liquid should have demolished him
You dumb fucking nigger we're talking about a MOVIE, not video game series
liquid dying from some bogus experimental virus is important though and foreshadowed with baker as well.
I don't get why you even hate the virus? Solid Snake is no veteran, they literally send him in because he's an expendable rookie to see if the FOXDIE kills everyone they need killing without him needing to be good enough to get through a dozen elite soldiers with superpowers. Its one of the few parts of the plot that is grounded in reality.
I think its better writing than MUH GENES which if anything just shows Liquid is a deranged psycho since genes only make you slightly better at one thing or another than someone else. Especially when it comes to being a soldier, the guy with more experience who knows how to think his way out of a lot of scenarios will beat a less experienced guy with better genes.
>It undermines the message about genes not determining ones future
Its supposed to be Snake rejects genetic determinism and live, while Liquid embraces it and dies.
Lol this sounds so horrible sheeesh what a stupid way to ruin another franchise its literally a movie game why the actual fuck do you want a film of this????
i don't think you read my post right, i only called it bogus because Naomi exposition happens after Liquid's death so you have no idea what's going on and only then does the Baker thing click, or is supposed to at least
>You don't want characters like Sniper Wolf to just be a cameo
That's what made her character feel mysterious and threatening when you had to fight her. The Colonel briefing you on her intel is enough, Showing too much of her would go against that.
Friendly reminder that No Time To Die copied half of the ideas straight from MGS.
Damn thats pretty good.
I still don't get what you mean by bogus then, can you choose another word?
can you suck my dick faggot
It's gonna be worse than cowboy bebop
splinter cell is better anyway
>not genuine or true (used in a disapproving manner when deception has been attempted).
well I guess I don't know words I use. meant for it to be as a seemingly out-of-nowhere situation.
Just film it like he's staring at you.
Have him make subtle references to Oscar Issac's other roles
You said it yourself that its not an out-of-nowhere situation though. You really thought FOXDIE was never going to come up again after being introduced in the first ten minutes?
I still have faith
>made potential writers come to his house and play MDS games
now my memory might be going simply bad, but I don't remember Solid knowing about having being a carrier until the end. it was in the background and you might have guessed it from Baker's death and Ocelot's remarks but I'm not sure on Solid specifically being called the spreader earlier.
That’s what people thought about the game and mgs2 is still considered one of the best games of all time, you idiot. Snake is still in the game anyway so he’d obviously still be in the movie too.
holy smokes wtf explain this
and just to clarify further, I'm arguing against someone's argument about having Liquid die "just some other way", as I understood that as skipping foxdie. that won't work without complete simplification.
If you weren't suspicious by Baker's death you must have been a bit too young to understand it. Something is clearly being triggered to kill him since he says that Snake is being used. There's a clear targetted weapon and the accusation is that Snake is using it.
>old agent taken on one last job, who finds out he has a brother, kills bads with a virus he did not know about and dies in the end
it's the mgs in these plotpoints more or less. dumb fucking shit female helper also but nttd's was annoying.
Metal... Gear?!
It would make a lot more sense if the director just wrote the script himself
>If you weren't suspicious by Baker's death you must have been a bit too young to understand it.
well I won't deny that, but it shouldn't be omitted anyway now that I do i believe we're stuck in a simple misunderstanding over someone else's argument. as long as liquid would die from foxdie it can work. some other way is a broad statement.
Silly, user. They can't just adapt an existing story. They've gotta put their own spins and twists in it. Haven't you learned from Halo or Castlevania?
I wish Kurt Russell was younger. He'd be perfect. He could do old Snake I suppose.
user's halfway decent cast list:
>Psycho Mantis - Ben Kingsley (he just floats around and waves his arms, so even an old man can play him)
>Ocelot - Daniel Day Lewis
>Sniper Wolf - diversity hire Zendaya or something to keep execs happy because who cares
>Vulcan Raven - Johnny Issaluk
>Campbell - Hugh Laurie
>Otacon - Taron Egerton
>Gray Fox - Danny Trejo (voice)
>Anderson - Idris Elba
>Meryl - Isabela Merced
>Johnny - Ryan Phillippe
>Big Boss's corpse - David Hayter
>Solid/Liquid/Miller - Oscar Isaac (as long as he can do a good enough Hayter impression and British accent)
cut the rest of the codec crew out since none of their interactions fit in the flow of a movie, move important dialogue from them to Cambell/Otacon/Meryl
>Guatemalan jew
It's like a metal slug but walks. And it can fire nukes.
that's a bullshit list sorry user
The film is proceeding through production. Because the Metal Gear games have absolutely abysmal writing/stories/characters/etc. they have to start from scratch and craft a reimagining of Metal Gear that doesn't suck.
Audience members' who have auto-connect to wifi on their phones turned on will start receiving video of Psycho Mantis walking across their screens while monologuing. PM starts with the phones on the left and slowly makes his way across to the right. Seamlessly transitioning from one phone to the next.
>>Sniper Wolf - diversity hire Zendaya or something to keep execs happy because who cares
I care fuck you, don't try to take away my white russian goddess.
>Oscar Isaac as Snake
The game was rigged from the start
Prime guyver David hayter
There's no good choices, everyone that could have played snake is 20-30 years too old now. There's no one left in hollywood young enough with enough talent to pull it off.
>strong female lead Meryle
>Cucking built into her backstory
Literally everything Hollywood wants
Easy, just make an MGS4 movie
Robert Pattinson
>Phil LaMarr
I used to respect that guy until he hopped on the Apu bandwagon despite voice acting every race under the sun.
solid snake is the most generic looking character out there plenty of white boys that look like him but this is Hollywood they never give the people a chance only the already shady actors to make a profit. So to make it simple. This is a disaster fromt he start.
w-w-what if I watch alone?