I am about halfway through season 6

I am about halfway through season 6.

This show has turned up the dial on "wokeism".

>Facists are psychopaths
>Punching Nazis line from Arthur
>Socialism totally different from communism
>Communism acceptable, national socialism is pure evil
>All Nazi characters divulge very personal and sadistic information about themselves
>it comes off as awkward, cringey, and out of character
>is done to show how they're psychopaths but just makes them look retarded

Women have always had an unrealistic representation in this show (boss bitch attitude, speaking out of turn, being assertive) by having disgusting wine aunt personalities.

Thomas Shelby is the richest man in England yet he marries the 6/10 giraffe town whore? Why not marry any other decent lady that wasn't railed by everyone in town, including his own brothers? Oh right, because of wokeism viewers must be sent subliminal messages that being a whore does not lower your value as a woman.

>being a whore is ok or preferable than being a self-respecting woman
>Women curse more than men on this show
>Women all of a sudden are becoming the leaders
>Jack's widow controls a giant gypsy caravan
>Mosley's wife is the 'engine' of the operation despite being non-existent last season
>The women are all petty and have lines about being whores and being ruthless
>All women have monologues on how men are pathetic, miserable, and useless.
>Men constantly get emasculated and do nothing to shut the women up

Another show gone straight down the shitter, eh.
Thoughts, lads?

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You Republicans are outcasts of society and you should know it. Outcasts don't get TV shows and movies made for them. If you are a republican you shouldn't even bother watching anything beside Larry the cable guy.

Keep watching mate. Last 2 eps are absolute kino of the highest order.

At least they don't speak german

i'm not gonna read rubbish. pretty good show. finale is decent. nice that alfie came back for one last time

/leftypol/ is that way pal

I'm finishing it now, please tell me every female on this show gets BTFO

Seethe harder, chudcels

>Facists are psychopaths
that much is certainly true

That last scene with the carriage burning and Tommy riding away on a white horse was kino

if you continue to chudpost you will be erased

Does Ana's character die?

why you yhink chad is insult?

This show was shit in season 1, episode 1.
Why do people still watch it?


name this character

>1920s gangster is a militant atheist, anti racist, socialist MP advocating for affordable housing when half the country was victorian slums, anti facist, pro LGBTQ, anti alcohol, anti tobacco communist sympathiser


If you look past some of the post modern shit it's pretty good. I just get so pissed that they go through such expensive, meticulous shit to make all the scenes look so realistic. The cars, the furniture, the atmosphere. And then the plot is a gender studies experiment with its character design.

Fuck me bros. Can we have 1 show that isn't pozzed?

>Can we have 1 show that isn't pozzed?
No. You VILL embrace ze poz.

It's a generic gangster show.
It could have been an interesting examination of post Great War Britain, PTSD, and the trials of veterans, and it did sort of touch on that initially, but it quickly turned into masturbatory look how ballsy and cunning our man is show.

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Damn you are fucking fragile

Is it just me or /pol /is seriously losing influence? It feels like most of Yea Forums has turned against them. I mean just look at this thread

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don't know why everyone thinks tom hardys character is so amazing, literally cant hear a word he says and what you do hear is nonsense

I don't even know literally anything about this show but this meme makes me laugh like no else

It's not about being fragile you stupid troon. It's about getting pissed that every show guzzles woke cock like you.

Why aren't you dead yet stupid tranny?

A small but committed crew consisting of myself and a few friends have been cleaning all traces of chudism from this board. It is hard work but we are winning. If they are not removed we will lose everything

the show was utter shit since season 1, it's your fault to watch that garbage

the “sex work is real work” agenda is hilarious to me because after 10-15 years of “girl power girl power women in the workplace” most women realize they’d rather just whip out their tits or suck a cock for an easy paycheck

I stopped watching this after the first fascist season

1 because there were no more episodes and 2 because it sounds like shit now, they couldn't just do more cool shit could they

>fascism is … le bad
>arthur i need you to kill these guys for me. I dont care about your ptsd or alcoholism

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Fucking this. All the personal liberty to do and be whatever the fuck you want on easy mode as a woman and record numbers of women since the fucking dark ages are spreading their pussy and asshole online for money.

I'm not mad about it, but there's a reason why women's liberty was always a meme. It's because of this, shit that men already know about women.

My favorite fucking part is seeing women conflicted on prostitution.
>women lose their tight grip on the sex market
>all of a sudden men can fuck just as or more bodies than women
>women want to be free of judgment for being a whore and must now extend that to men who fuck prostitutes on the regular or they are hypocrites
>women believe being naked or fucking for money is empowering
>while studying in college for a degree to earn about the same money is fair
>can't slut shame tho, because that's sexist!

I know a girl who noticed how many older women seemed to feel that way, and after college just went to be a stripper. Only have to work 3 nights a week, good money, exercise, and she gets to be a NEET and play vidya the rest of the time.

Look at this post from Quora. Literally every single point she made could be said exactly the same for every single roastie that goes to college and gets passed around by the football team, the lacrosse team, the soccer team, the basketball team, and the class drug dealer to score some weed.

That's not even naming all the Tinder guys she's fucking on the side. I can't wait till we legalize prostitution in the states to witness this butthurt from women firsthand.


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>Another show gone straight down the shitter, eh.
It was never good. Season one had a woman come in and charm a place full of factory workers with singing.

kek only thing that makes sense is being atheist, the norm at the time was religion and if you're a criminal and especially a violent criminal then it is likely you don't believe in god because if you did then you would be afraid of being punished

it's possible to ignore like a few moments like that and it still be overall worth it

Most of the mafia today are catholics who regularly attend church. Prisons are also full of religious people. I think if you have a guilty conscience religion would probably appeal to you

It reminds me of that segment in Idiocracy with the Time Machine.

go back to the 1920s and find a single mob boss who seriously was religious, it wasn't a thing, these are cold blooded killers, and close to half of them were jewish hence godless as well

today the mafia isn't doing shit, might as well just say you own a business selling pizzas or some shit, also you don't know shit about the mafia be real right now, you have no idea the church attendance rate of the current mafia

mafia are still killing people dude, they blew up some dudes car a while back

I once tried to find this gif on Yea Forums to post on Yea Forums and it only took me 3 minutes so much it's posted often.

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Some of the Jewish ones were religious too, outright practicing Orthodox.
I think the thing that shows that they were religious is how they didn't let their kids follow them into the business, but made them go to college and get legit jobs.

that was me

yea going to church once every 5 years to receive a political prize because you donated to the church

seasons 1 and 2 are kino
everything else is shit

Is that some Catholic ritual?

no that's just what mob bosses do, they aren't going to church every week, they run whores, kill people, and run a criminal operation

especially in the 1920s, find a single mob boss who took religion seriously, meaning they went to church more than once a month, also the level of crime in that time period is directly opposed to religion, prohibition is moral fagging and religion based

"but muh guy who beats his wife modern day says he believes in god"

I have zero interest in doing any research right now, so I'm just gonna assume you're correct.

why are prisons full of religious people then?

The same reason foxholes are, I assume.

prisons aren't full of mafia, because the mafia isn't as stupid as your average criminal and neither were the mob bosses of the 1920s

>low IQ
>low EQ
>mentally ill
>likely suffering from trauma
>likely suffering from child abuse


but enough about militant atheists


christcuck scared of what an invisible man will say about him so he genuflects

>blah blah blah christcuck
Get new material

I usually don't argue with you faggots, but now I am

you bow to an invisible being

the psychology of a child

This. Upvoted. Also don’t forget to mask up and get your booster so the invisible coof doesn’t kill your entire family.

oh thank god the 4channel autist has graced me with his rare responses lmfao. imagine anyone here calling anyone else a manchild

Bros the trannime incel called me a child. I can’t recover from this...

There was a huge socialist presence in working class British slums back then. When you consider that they lived in cramped, unsanitary conditions and had to work long hours in factories, mills and mines and their main political outlet was union activity and the labour party it would be kind of weird if they were all free market libertarians or some shit like that.

People are more complex than that.
>You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder. James 2:19

Digits. Very nice.

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And unlike True Detective where it's made clear Rust is wrong for his ultracynical beliefs, here he's the hero. Violent gangsters are the heroes because communism and militant atheism are apparently virtues now.

So you admit that you’re actively brigading the board? Isn’t that against the rules?


You first.

I completely aCK

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The thing about Tohmeh relationship with the whore is simple to me. Tohmeh sees himself as a dAmAgEd guy that lost the love of his life and has told himself he will no longer love anyone so his relationship with the whore is pure transactional and both are aware of it. Not saying it isn't trying to normalize the whore but their relationship isnt based on love.

Saw this shit happening after based Sam Neil was killed by their mother immediacy you dropped the show then

yea people who run whores, kill people, and break the law tend to be less likely to believe in god, because if they did believe that god would condemn them to eternal hell for doing it, then they wouldn't do it

also there isn't a single mob boss from the 1920s who took religion seriously

you say that but don’t really give any proof of it. i mean some priests rape children

honestly you can be as big of a retard that you want, recover or don't it really doesn't matter

which proves that religion is bullshit.

>>Facists are psychopaths
To be fair, that one is 100% accurate to real life.

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a priest is a position of trust, you don't have to believe in god to be a priest, most of them obviously don't, it's a job with very minimal labor as well, the snake oil salesman doesn't seriously believe his elixir will fix your illness either

I’m not massively threatened by people disagreeing with me like you so I don’t really care. I love my life and am happy with it the way it is. Thanks for the sermon though, not interested sadly.

being a priest is actually really fucking full on and difficult. i’ve you’ve ever lived in a city and seen what priests have to deal with it’s not easy. there’s someone calling them threatening to kill themselves at 3am twice a week while they have 50 local events to attend to and all sorts of other crap


you fucking cattle are so far beneath me, threatened, I run circles around you retards, continue believing the boogie man will punish you though

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same to you pal :)

not every church is in a city though

>Our ethnocentric mass murdering drug empire is moral
>The ethnic majority of your host nation not wanting to be ethnically cleansed is morally repugnant
Surely the normies can see the propaganda? Or is the muh holobunga foundational myth still too strong?

imagine unironically posting this shit in the autism daycare that is Yea Forums and expecting people to take it seriously lmfao. ok enlightened one, i’m sure your seething is some 300 iq move

yes imagine unironically not believing the boogieman, which is a minority opinion because there are so many stupid fucking cattle on this earth

imagine that

Babylon Berlin is better

>more edgelord 2008 reddit shit
you done yet bro? is it really such a big deal that not everyone on the incel forum has the same faggy views as you?

>internet superiority complex
Almost always means an insecure beta at the other end of the line.

>literally nonstop calling modern tv and films for their wokeshit in every thread
>"we're winning against the nazis guys believe me"

I have a superiority complex irl

this is all happening, this is all real regardless of your beliefs

I'm the closest thing to god there is, I'm god, I'm the ubermench, fear me, I will smite you

yea who cares, wasn't reddit founded in like 2013, oh right you're being le epic troll right now

>knows the exact date reddit was founded
yikes honestly

I don't believe in god

god won't do shit

god is a fag

Imagine throwing an autistic temper tantrum of this magnitude because some guy vaguely made fun of atheists on the internet

Ok, I do.

Woman doesn't understand what South Park understood decades ago. You're not paying the hooker for sex, you're paying her to leave afterward.

>I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't believe in the abrahamic god; I mean there's tons of evidence for it and billions of people can't all be wrong. Atheists are so retarded, lmao.
>Loki? Shiva? Amon-Ra? Poseidon? Nah, I don't believe in those obviously made up deities, they're stupid.

some guy just said it was unbelievable that a mob boss in the 1920s was an athiest

but in reality all of them were non religious or only religious for appearances, they didn't seriously believe god would come down and smite them and send them to hell, this isn't like revelatory information, prohibition was moral christfaggotry

he’s started having strawman arguments with himself boys, we’ve entered terminal seethe

I'm not him nigger, but he's right, imagine not believing in Rah, or Thor

all this over one little joke. and they say they aren’t a religion kek

I'm kinda on the fence here
on one side, /pol/niggers are insufferable with their crying about the heckin gudbois fascisterinos being "misrepresented" or something

on the other, this anti roicism peeky bloinders with 21st century california political sensibilities it'ss all so fucking awkward, jesus, the writers have no fuckin self awareness at all?

t. left wing

>everyone is american
Kill yourself.

>i’m not him
if two of you got this insecure over a joke that’s even worse

>keeps responding pretending he doesn't care
>keeps responding

any self awareness with this post or nah?

Not the same person, just someone else who also thinks you niggerfaggots are a waste of air; too bad you guys survived the coat hangar.

Good try though, really straining those 9 remaining brain cells!

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>benny hill theme plays in background

>I don't care but you do
>keeps responding
>he obviously cares

>grammatically incorrect unnecessary semi colon
>cliche coat hanger comment from ten years ago
>tryhard redditor brain cell joke
yeah it’s a midwit

Yes pretty normal desu. Look at george floyd's record. Or mandela.
You can be a genocidal maniac and be viewed as good if you virtue signal enough

it's ok they believe it in their heart :)

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They were all heavily nationalist, too. Churchill's speech was actually very poorly received and seen as throwing away another generation for the day's version of globohomo. Moseley spoke of the evils of third world sweatshops

>This show has turned up the dial on "wokeism".
what the fuck are you talking about faggot?S6 is by far the best season so far, and the finale is top tier (especially the fighting scene)

go suck a dick somewhere else, this TV show is 18+ psychologically speaking

>puts space between "semi" and "colon" when the correct word construction is semicolon, in the same post as he calls someone else a tryhard
>can't think of any better comebacks than "old joke" or "redditor"
sorry man, I feel bad for you having to endure this public humiliation. I'll spare you any further embarrassment. Have a good one!

keep exaggerating, you will never have an actual tv show with 1920s proper acting in today's age, and quite frankly even before the 1980s there were no such shows

lmao the fucking cope trying to get at my grammar, everyone knows there’s nothing more pretentious than using an oxford comma when you don’t need to and don’t understand how to use them

The literal first episode had the MC talking friendly with a communist. The show was always down the drain

The average normie thinks George Floyd was a great man who got murdered by a cop and sparked peqceful protests that left the country burning.



Tommy killing the black horse and then riding a white horse seems rather hypocritical.


turns out laving away 50 hours a week isn't fun. Now they'll also be able to be whores without consaequence because slutshaming = bad and they don't pay taxes. They won't feel the labor cheapeing caused by females working.

>Anti alcohol anti tobacco
The amount all the bloinders drank and smoked in the first season would have rendered them usesless before tea time.

ask her if she's pro sex work lol

It doesn't matter what country OP is from, he's the same as a republican.

>It's an "user is retarded" episode
Man I hate repeats

He got her pregnant though. That is completely retarded on all fronts.

Ok, republican.

in the final episode of the show, he almost does that same shit, only he gets a hallucination from his dead daughter that tells him doctor who works for hitler lied to him about him being sick so he could kill himself. I'm not joking. Literal meme tier ending.

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nazis are...le bad.
racemixing is le...good.

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boardwalk empire was pretty good

every single female in this is just fucking unbearable. The stupid cunts need to be shot so Tommy can just take over the country with his mates

That show went to shit once they killed the incestfag off.

>I'm not joking
you are really dense though

no it didn't, you just need to let go

you can't be half a gangster nuck

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dzięki doktorku

there are people who have been memeing that hitler is gonna kill hitler or some shit. this was before all the mosley shit.
the memes became a reality. these are not longer jokes. TOMMY WILL KILL HITLER in the movie and somehow prevent a ww2
and hitler will be played by rowan atkinson

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>hears American propaganda
>believes American propaganda
>repeats American propaganda
You probably think there are good guys and bad guys lol

>militant atheist

He fought in some of the worst shit in WW1, how can you possibly still believe in a God after that?

>anti racist

He's a Gypsy, it would be kind of weird if he was supporting white supremacists


Did you miss the season where he actively fucks over actual communists?

>affordable housing

He lives in a mansion dumbfuck. Tommy's whole deal is saying empty shit that appeals to the masses then doing fuck all about it

does mr bean play Hitler?
does Ada show her glorious titties?
how do they handle pollys death irl?

>gyppos aren't racist
>racism = white supremacy
Congrats on being an enormous retard

>BBC on the top left

Don't you have a dress to prance around in, Fritz?

tolkien fought in ww1 and was a giga christchad. people respond differently to violence and horror. most religious people are pessimistic about human beings and human nature though, especially catholics

>does mr bean play Hitler?
next movie
>does Ada show her glorious titties?
they don't show her cleavage, can't offend women, now her tits are probably even bigger post pregnancy
>how do they handle pollys death irl?
IRA did it

>disliking nazis is “woke”

this is your brain on Yea Forums

anyone got the horse webm?

>We’re so fortunate that the good guys have won every war in human history.
Americans truly are the dumbest people on earth.

jesus fuck you are cringe, please shut the fuck up

Mosley killed a staggering amount of 0 people

Now go after Islam brave boy

I'm not that other guy but you're embarrassing yourself quite badly and this whole thread can see it

You know someone is a tourist when they claim /pol/ of all places has a single view on anything. Its a DISCUSSION FORUM and all you are showing is you fear discussion.
Which you do, because you guys all ran away to /leftypol/ and then bunkerchan lol.

t.former cripplechanner

yeah, every opportunity to show what their maximum potential supposedly is and they reduce themselves to a series of holes to be manipulated for dopamine hits. Absolutely de Sadian, and they're doing it to themselves.


>being embarrassed on an anonymous imageboard full of retards

I agree with like half of islam, multiple wives and they have no rights, obviously that's far superior than turn the other cheek faggotry but obviously I don't believe it's actually real like you retarded schizos do

Whether that statement js true or false has nothing to do with the indisputable fact that the nazis were a bunch of loser faggots who got put in their place. And anyone that claims to be a nazi today is a faggot poser who has lost themselves in a pathetic cope. Cry about it.

> He fought in some of the worst shit in WW1, how can you possibly still believe in a God after that?
Because it was literally all they had left at that point and he was fortunate enough to make it out. People back then weren’t as retardely jaded as they are now

>than turn the other cheek faggotry
You have literally no idea what the context and meaning of this is lawl, just none at all.

there was a study, which I can't find now of course, that showed the majority of women participating in the study supported "sex work" but wanted nothing to do with a guy who had been with one. Make of it what you will.

>go through hell
>actually survive it
>live to see another day
People born before 9/11 see this as a good thing and a reason to be thankful. I know thats hard for you to understand.

I know it's gay as shit

and I also know that I was raised catholic and went to sunday school for atleast 4 years and didn't get shit out of it

because it isn't real you stupid fuck

it's some shit some asshole wrote like 2000 years ago

it isn't real

not everyone believes in fairies and magic

>and I also know that I was raised catholic and went to sunday school for atleast 4 years and didn't get shit out of it

That's because it was designed to fuck with you and ruin your faith in God. It's the church of the Borgias for fuck sake do you really think they've any authority or really want you to be happy?

"Men are so they might have joy" - Jesus
Show me the joy in being a catholic ffs, its DESIGNED to make you hate Christianity.

our priest was actually pretty legit

we had 30 minute masses, but still, there is nothing to get out of it

Nietzsche himself mocked the "pale atheists", atheists who clearly made it their religion, as shown by their proselytizing. They're a funny bunch.

you are watching modern bri'ish loicenced telly series, what do you except? of course its going to be woke as shit, gay as shit, shit.

Multiparty system in America, when? Two-parties sucks. At the very least get regional parties in the State Legislatures

>guy said x
>this supports my belief in magic

Nietzsche wanted you to make up your own mind.


I'm sorry to hear that, I went to a catholic high-school and the morning mass was great naptime.

Any religion that wants you to be miserable, there is no truth in. Nobody has the complete picture of the nature of the universe.
Honestly, and this is going to sound weird, but it took me 15 years to not resent God for my life, to look back and see the lessons it taught me and the mercy that was in it, far beyond coincidence.

Cards on the table, I became LDS, which is like the 1.01 patch for Christianity. It's the only thought system that respects people, and that lays out the plan without bullshit. Also no paid clergy at all, which is nice. Keeps people honest.

Honestly, without LDS doctrine Christianity makes NO sense and is a slave religion.
>Lawl exist forever and praise God
>Guess he likes it IDK lawl

We also have no concept of a Hell by the way. It's amazing how much shit the Catholic Church made up.

I'm a Jimmyfag too but I respect season 3 and Gyp Rosetti, even though he felt like a DBZ one-saga villain he really made it work. Rothstein, Gillian, van Nelson, and of course Richard made it worth continuing. Funnily enough I never cared much for Nucky himself.

this series was always cringy dogshit. genuinely don't think i could get through the first episode

behold, the staggering intellect of the enlightened atheist as it goes about its missions to miss the point as aggressively as possible

>I don't believe in magic
>this appears as aggressive to the troglodyte

>I may be a murderer and criminal kingpin...but I draw the line at RACISM
they did this shit with that cringe biker show too. I expect propaganda bullshit to be sophisticated and they can't even do that anymore.

>here’s my childhood experience and why i’m incredibly biased against you
thanks for delegitimising your own posts

I'm just proving I was raised christian and it's obviously a crock of shit and a complete waste of time

Yeah the show sounds cringe

This show is set in Britain, you mong

no, you are parroting the same shit every redditor does. of course you grew up, had your personal revelation of atheism that you think is so important, and resented what came before. your seething hatred of christians is just basic psychology like everything else. nobody gives a fuck and you aren’t going to change peoples opinions by getting mad at them

Being a socialist actually makes sense though. British Labour used to be openly pro Soviet Union and lots of British factory workers in WW2 openly paraded pro-Stalin banners

the truth is I wouldn't have talked about atheism at all if it wasn't for the fact that every mobster of the 1920s was extremely non religious and anti religious unless they could get good press for donating to a hospital or something so the point that a mobster in the 1920s is an atheist being perceived as weird is just counter to reality

then a bunch of le epic trolls decided to mass reply to me and waste my time, but the truth is it doesn't matter

and god isn't real, cry about it

I was raised christian, it's fake, and for fucking morons, happy now, idiot

i literally made a fucking junkie prostitute cum like 4 nights ago. rode by her, she asked if i wanted her to ride with me, said yes, got her in, told her i had 30 and wanted to fuck. she said "30? sweetie i don't do that kinda stuff for 30" so i said.. well how about 20 for a bj. she says "... fine but i'd be doing you a favor" (they all say this)

we get to the spot and she says "you know... honestly you're cute as hell i'd fuck you anyway" so i snag condoms at a gas station and drive back. she not only sucks my cock, but gets on all fours in my back seat and tells me to take it. so i do, and she's going fucking wild this chick. tells me not to fucking stop and she cums on my fucking cock, says "that is a perfect fit good god". she stays in that position for a moment and then says "that was just what i needed. thank you". made me feel like she just fucking paid me.

women are retarded and have no idea what the real world is like. and just like how roasties will lie about their body count, no sane fucking man will ever tell a woman he's actually interested under any circumstances that he's ever fucked prostitutes ever. in what fucking world would a guy just lay his cards down on the table like that and fuck up a potentially great thing for what is essentially paying for a no strings attached service that you don't have to worry about ever again?

in b4 incels ree at this post about IT'S NOT FAIR BROS or ultra normies go YOU'RE DEGENERATE and get mad because i can enjoy an aspect of life they've deemed morally wrong. kek

one guy made a joke and you threw a cringey tantrum and you are continuing to aggressively assert your opinion as if it matters or is some huge truth bomb. you’re just another anonymous retard spouting his takes nobody really cares about like everyone else in the thread. some people think atheism is retarded and bullshit, get over it. I don’t care that you don’t think the same as me, in fact i’m glad not everyone thinks the same as me

I responded to an earlier post as well

and I have said over and over that being an atheist mobster in 1920 was frankly the norm

and I will say whatever I want you little bitch so you better get used to it

>he gets a hallucination from his dead daughter that tells him doctor who works for hitler
my brain stopped working here and i thought you meant something totally different lmao

>some guy isn’t an atheist
>tantrum for an hour
>i say what I want get used to it
the fucking irony lmao.

And yet Fascists killed a few million while Communists killed hundreds of millions. Which ideology would you expect to be all but banned from discussion?

I do what I want, how about you just leave the thread bitch

oh fuck off

go suck corbyn

Amazing how just dressing well makes this group of chavs look respectable. The girl especially looks much better than I imagine she does normally, simply dressing how her gran did as a young lady.

your brain on mcdonalds

stopped watching after season 1, which i thought was pretty good, but didn't really see why the show carried on

>Seethe harder, chudcels

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Why is Doreen Cleyre screaming in your picture?

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>they don't show her cleavage
its a shame they are gatekeeping black men from enjoying her titties like the rest of us
they should be on display 24/7 for their enjoyment

Is Boardwalk Empire pozzed? If not, is it decent? Since a lot of people compare Peaky Blinders to it.

Attached: Boardwalk Empire.jpg (1075x1500, 211.88K)

>Woman doesn't understand what South Park understood decades ago. You're not paying the hooker for sex, you're paying her to leave afterward.
Eh, most men nowadays can't find any woman willing to have sex with them, whether she leaves afterwards or not.

There are some black gangs, but Chalky White is pretty cool. In S4 there's a cuck couple who hires a nigger bull but they're killed off in the same episode. And there's a quasi-Malcolm X who gets his shit pushed in as he's one of the main villains. That's about as pozzed as it gets. It's 90% about Irish and Italian gangs.

>nazis allying with gypsies
>woman leader of nazis that is also a degenerate dyke
>woman on top of a gypsy camp

wtf it makes no sense

After season 4 yes. Still Michael Pitt's wife character is a lesbian at first

They present the KKK as complete tools, otherwise it's cool.

Attached: meh Gyp.png (500x491, 96.13K)

Normies are fully supportive of "ethnocentrism for me, but not for thee."

Attached: Redpanels is Stonetoss.png (780x800, 91.25K)

>They present the KKK as complete tools
Ah yes, the honourable white swamp trash Protcuck AngloKrauts who couldn't cut it with the WASPs and went around lynching Irish, Italians and Catholics. I am flabbergasted that a show about Irish and Italian gangsters would be so pozzed so as to cast the great KKK in a bad light...

most characters are openly racist, and against women voting

it's hard to find another show like that, it's pretty great honestly, personally one of the best of all time for me

irish, italian and jewish gangs, new york and philly are majority jewish until like the last season, narcisse is racist as well in his own way against blacks

unlike most other shows, the characters are openly racist, so it counters pretty much all potential wokeness