What did Rian Johnson mean by this?

What did Rian Johnson mean by this?

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who cares about capeshit
It's been over a decade, it's not even fun to pick apart

will you anti-last jedi guys ever stop being mad, it's embarrassing

Imagine giving the shit about the lore of soulless franchises the actual creators don't know or care about.

Once they retcon it with the TV series. It is allowed to exist, but only in a pocket universe

>nowhere in TFA
>b-b-b-but the illustrated guide!!!
Learn to read, retard.

This is the biggest cope. you're a retard and there's zero evidence that they are gonna retcon anything

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shut up faggot

Well then where does he get it?
The problem with a lot of Rian's decisions in TLJ are that - sure, plot point A from previous films COULD have ended up at his plot point B, but if it's not a natural and logical flow from A to B you have to show what causes it to happen. Luke going from someone who has the hope and faith to believe there's still good in his genocidal cyborg father to someone who has a brief sense that his nephew is evil and goes straight for his lightsaber CAN happen; but something has to cause it to happen, and you have to show us what that cause is. If the map to where Luke is is a central plot point, and Luke didn't give the map to Lor San Tekka - fine, but then from whom did Lor San Tekka get it? If Luke doesn't want to be found, why is there a map at all? This isn't some little inconsequential detail, it's a main driver in the story.

thanks for proving my point

>nothing in that image says he left a map
Learn to read, retard.

I love the prequels - are you happy? Last Jedi is canon and your crying doesn't change shit lol

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its sad that disney is still trying to shill star wars.

its dead. no one cares.

>he thinks canon matters

What a dork lol

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not an argument

coming from the virgin who's still seething about TLJ years later

Who cares about Starshit, there's literally 2 good movies out of more than a dozen. Get fucked.


>3 years ago
Get over it already, man. I already forgot about these shit films.

apart from the fact the missing part was in R2D2, Luke's personal droid?

>t-the official illustrated guide isn't canon!
not sure how this helps your argument, just makes it seem Disney is incompetent and blows a hole in the entire
>Luke's depression and exile was totally planned from the start!

I think the worst sin Disney committed was the fact that they didn't have one ounce of faith in the brand they paid $4 billion dollarydoos for. Rather than create something new with this literal galaxy they bought, they had to dredge up the past and rehash the exact same story the established characters had already gone through, except they went about it in the most soulless and uncreative way they could imagine. It's bizarre to me how expertly they mishandled this whole thing, it honestly started to seem intentional after a while.

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how long after the prequels came out did the Plinkett reviews do it?

are you indian or something haha

>sequel fans

There are no genuine sequel fans. Then why do some people choose to identify as such?
A) for political reasons
B) brand loyalty to Disney and/or Lucasfilm
C) virtue signaling
D) to troll you

I love the Last Jedi and TFA was OK. Rise of Skywalker was so weird, it was barely a movie

Love the last jedi? Bahahaha

You're not allowed to use that word man, take a knee and do better. Imagine if your Disney masters could see these messages.

he's mad about the baby space movie

Judging from your reaction it was more than 3 years and I don't even need to go check.
more relevant than ever

I don't know, why does it matter?

They didn't even need to create anything new. Just the Vong war vs New Republic/Lukes Jedi would have been fine.

No, will you ever stop being a consoomer cuck?

Sorry I will check my priv immediately. This was a learning moment

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You're a bitch

its a weird double standard, nobody has a problem with the prequels being criticized decades later but defenders were throwing a fit that you should get over it a year later after the sequels were released.

>defending shit movies
You get no pussy

Firstly, prequel fans seethe almost as hard as old EU fans do. One of the most seething fanbases I've ever seen due to how long those retards have been rightfully abused. Secondly, there are no sequel fans.

star wars is dead

why bother trying to shill it? its never going to come back to life.

all these fellas are so red hot mad about star wars


>he slurps up shit

Yes I am. A great ip ruined by jews. What's your point?

angry tranny response.

i like TLJ btw before anyone thinks I'm on the side of the guys who are somehow still seething years later

>love the Last Jedi and TFA was ok
IQ under 50

I responded to the wrong person. Sorry.
>I like TLJ
Nevermind, kill yourself.

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>i like TLJ btw

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Directors for mainstream mega-movies arguing with randos on Twitter is never not funny. Can't wait to see what kind of shitshow Mangold's Indiana Jones movie is gonna be

The Emperor was the Emperor. His name alone says it all and we see through his actions how he is. Vader tossing him to his death as his redemption (rather than say Like killing the Emperor) is the payoff. Snoke is just deformed Goldmember who's just sort of there and then dies with no real payoff. Especially because we don't know shit about the FO.

Maybe it would have worked on its own but since it has the OT framing everything it needs to be explained. Which just occurred to me is probably why the ST apologists like the ST. They don't see it as having to be connected to larger story that must inform what is happening in it. To them it's just a standalone thing which is why "subverting expectations" for what a Star Wars movie is (as if they were a bunch of one off Marvel movies loosely strung together) became such a thing.

Rian clearly never watched TFA (and that's a good thing).

>The answer was literally " I found it"

I hope at some point a Star Wars character gets named Augh Mahddeek.

certified assblasted


>Still replying to random people on Twitter two years after your Starshit movie
What an insecure fuck

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Accurate. Prequel fans are actual Star Wars fans.



E) All of the above

Is he still ranting about it on twitter? Kek

>single handedly crashes the Disney SW franchise (with no survivors) losing them billions in potential revenue
You guys were too hard on the guy, Rian is pretty fucking based.

Rian is right, this is never said in TFA.
My favourite thing is how TLJ haters desperately try to find plot-holes in the movie by pointing artbooks or the book adaptation that was written by another guy.

>not sure how this helps your argument
Because it isn't canon. You can't argue about plot-holes by pointing an artbook or whatever - it isn't part of the story. Some people are just desperately trying to find flaws in a movie they hate, because they don't have good arguments.

Because fans cried about the prequels and demanded 'real Star Wars' back.

He does NOT care.
Get it?

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>mfw I killed Star Wars forever and make Star Wars faggots seethe to this day, while creating my own franchise and personally pocketing over $100M
Nothing personal Star Wars faggots! Don't worry, Doomcock says TLJ will be decanonized any day now LOL!

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>he liked the baby space movie

this is where the fun begins :3

>The Emperor was the Emperor. His name alone says it all and we see through his actions how he is.
But why did he want to become the Emperor? Where did he came from?
>Snoke is just deformed Goldmember who's just sort of there and then dies with no real payoff.
The payoff is the henchman becoming the boss
>Especially because we don't know shit about the FO
Yes you know, it's explained at the first 30 seconds of TFA

Lorefags are the cancer of Star Wars. You don't need to develop a tertiary character

I wouldn't have adopted the EU either. There was WAY too much garbage there to sift through and adapt. You don't have to necessarily forbid any ABY content from being made, but definitely support it as "if you want to pitch something in this time period, you need to NOT fuck with the rest of the EU cannon."

Accurate post.

Rian has to be one of the dumbest people alive. How did a Twitter brained person get a huge movie like star wars? Jj makes sense even if he is fairly soulless.

With just one post you’re honestly putting more thought into the sequel trilogy than anybody at Lucasfilm did. It’s better to just remind yourself it was a soulless IP branded cash grab and that if Lucas didn’t write it or explicitly endorse it then it’s not canon and should be treated as such.

I hate Disney so much.

100% accurate

>10% of the galaxy is missing, a billion stars and tens of millions of light years

Number of tummies in the sequels: 0
Number of tummies in the OT: 2
Number of tummies in the prequels: 2

Hmmmm makes you think.

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>number of cummies I've shot to Daisy Ridley's autopsy corpse: dozens and dozens

based retard

They always just point to the OT to justify everything. I wonder how much was paid to the person who came up with "we will remake the OT movies almost scene for scene but FAR worse, amping up mary sue levels, enhancing all flaws, and with as little thought as possible towards character or story arcs".

>mfw I killed Star wars and then pocket over $100M for my own franchise
Yeah, he's really dumb star wars faggots. Don't worry Doomcock says TLJ will be decanonized any day now LOL!

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Well you see they had to reintroduce their target audience to the universe. C
Zoomer children have never seen the original trilogy or prequels, they would just rush in to become fans of Star Wars on the merits of the sequels. And it worked! That's why when you see pictures of Star Wars theme parks, conventions, gatherings, fan events, it's not wall to wall packed almost exclusively with millennial manchildren, it's more full of kids than a Minecraft convention!

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This picture was true in 2017 but now you have fags making full on video essays debunking the Plinkett reviews

But wait tell me shill, what aboout that Rian Johnson Star wars trilogy? a-any day now right?

>Firstly, prequel fans seethe almost as hard as old EU fans do. One of the most seething fanbases I've ever seen due to how long those retards have been rightfully abused. Secondly, there are no sequel fans.

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>Judging a massive community of people by eceleb film (((critics)))

I'm ironically grateful to him that thanks to TLJ I stopped caring about canon nonsense and started to appreciate old EU stuffs

I love that this happened so, so much

>How did a Twitter brained person get a huge movie like star wars?
The vast majority of the people who hold some kind of power in the US are completely retarded and incompetent. People here move up through office politics, and nothing else.

>while creating my own franchise and personally pocketing over $100M
What are you talking about?

He unironically buck broke the entire star wars fandom and got away with it. He then created his own franchise and personally pocketed over $100M, while star wars faggots are stuck with reddit tier Disney plus shows forever.
Do something about it star wars faggots!

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When did it become normal for celebrities to talk and act like teenage girls? I watched some mainstream media show recently and all they talked about was Twitter gossip, a chain of tweets between two grown men on the internet that used internet slang 10+ years outdated

How many times are you going to post this?

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Snoke backstory never mattered and he exists purely to develop Kylo as a character. Pointing the OT is funny because Palpy appeared for 5 minutes and then got killed to develop Vader. Nobody cared until lorefags dominanted the fandom

The Knives Out franchise. He personally pocketed over $100M for 2 sequels and and option for another $100M for more.
He unironically came out on top while star wars cucks are stuck with reddit tier Disney Plus shows.
You can clown him for his Star Wars trilogy that will never happen, but he created his own franchise that he personally got $100M for and will milk forever.
Why would he give a shit about Star Wars anymore?

As long as buck broken Star Wars faggots seethe about TLJ. Which is forever.

They are making more knives out? With Daniel Craig?

I don't even know what that is so it must not be that popular. Anyways, he is universally despised now to the point he literally debates nobodies on Twitter out of insecurity. He has the reputation of being the man who killed the most popular/beloved franchise in film history

>As long as buck broken Star Wars faggots seethe about TLJ. Which is forever.

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>has a brief sense that his nephew is evil and goes straight for his lightsaber CAN happen; but something has to cause it to happen, and you have to show us what that cause is
Nigger this is literally explained with verbal exposition. If you want to criticize the movie at least watch it first.

I knew TFA was trash before it was cool to say so. I liked the last jedi simply because it destroyed the star wars brand forever.

Yes he sold the right for 2 sequels for $469M and personally pocketed over $100M, with an option for more.
That was years ago. He doesn't debate them anymore. He has moved on now and says there will be endless Knives Out movies. He doesn't give a shit about star wars and will never cast Kelly Marie Tran.

>universally despised
How will Rian Johnson ever survive being despised by people who don't watch his movies?

>universally despised
Most hardcore star wars fans don't watch or care about anything other than Star Wars. They will literally have no effect on his career unless he is involved with Star Wars. Knives Out was released during the height of TLJ hate and it was a box office success.

He pretty much messed up his name beyond a few mega jews and Twitter circles. His own trilogy was pretty much a sure thing before his movie, so was the timeline of 1 to 2 star wars movies a year. TLJ single handedly killed it.

>messed up his name
Most people don't give a crap about behind the scenes people. He never had a name to mess up. He created his own franchise and pocketed over $100M for 2 sequels with an option for more. Why would he give a shit about Star Wars anymore?

>makes most successful movie of 2017
>makes most successful who-don-it movie ever
>gets Oscar indications
>is a millionarie

Rian Johnson needs to stop being dumb and start listening to the intellectual takes of Yea Forums.

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>My favourite thing is how TLJ haters desperately try to find plot-holes in the movie by pointing artbooks or the book adaptation that was written by another guy.
kek so Disney's storygroup is incompetent and can't keep canon straight? Good job

>with a move this based Rian completely redeems himself
what a king, who knew all you had to do was make fun of ur critics and tell them to fuck off

Blame Red Letter Media. They convinced Disney to only rehash the OT.

Because he could have easily made several hundred million more? What are you a fucking retard?

Delusional RLM fans honestly think their shitty youtube reviews actually had an impact on a multi-billion dollar company's financial decisions regarding their major brand lol

Lol, you actually think filmmakers in Hollywood make that much? He was probably paid like $3M for TLJ, maybe less. Russo brothers we're paid $10M for endgame.
With Knives Out, he got paid more than he could have ever dreamed of with any Star Wars movie.

>But why did he want to become the Emperor? Where did he came from?

Dialogue in A New Hope shows he completely dissolved the Senate and made himself the head of government

They made the illustrated guide as a "movie companion" (as in "BUY MORE MERCH, YOU DUMB GOY")

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The only thing about Rian Johnson worth being mad about is that he was one of the directors who got to watch Orson Welles' The Other Side of the Wind first, in a screening room with Peter Bogdanovich, Paul Thomas Anderson and Quentin Tarantino. It's like if Jordan Knight got to "sit in" with Ornette Coleman.

The problem was Disney DID have faith in the brand. They thought it was big and had potential, and that the leadership George had appointed could manage shit own their own. They thought they could do what they did with Marvel and just give them a budget and let them rake in the money for them. They liked what Lucasfilm did with TFA and gave let them continue to do what they wanted until TLJ pissed everyone off and tanked interests. Iger only stepped in to start giving opinions with TRoS, but everything was fucked by then.

As opposed to all the totally uncynical merch Lucasfilms churned out over forty years, yeah?

So unless you are someone else, you just disproved your own point then

this image hasn't been true since 2017, prequelfags are some of the most easily triggered cunts on the entire internet

>All this Rian shill cope
Where do you bug creatures come from?

TLJ was so bad I didn’t even watch the last one

Maybe we won't win this argument by fighting what we hate, but pointing out star wars is something we used to love

Why do brainlets utter this word like they're pokemon?

Trust me, you made the right decision.

Same, I'm grateful to Johnson actually for killing my interest in Star Wars for good. I haven't seen any movie, played any game, or read any book related to Star Wars since.

Why are Star Fags such insufferable retards, bros?

I think it's because they are so elitist about their dumb nerd shit being le intelligent and refined, whereas Star Wars is unapologetically dumb fun

Exact same for me, only starshit I've watched since then was 2 episodes of mandalorian and I came to the conclusion that it's media intended for lower life forms.

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Well, yeah, JJ is a producer, so he knows that shitting the bed is not a smart thing to do. I don't think he has an ego that says "what I do is amazing", he's just happy enough to direct scenes that look good in trailers as those sell the movie.

Because ever since they've guessed (correctly) that nothing is sacred anymore (just look at Amazon's Lord of the Rings) they've learned to just not give a shit.

This is the future. The future of entertainment is the rape of the past. It's going to be a clusterfuck of media. Eventually everyone is going to be able to make their own horrible spin-off of something beloved. Humans just blow.

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The movies suck but for people who want at least some semblance of an explanation, it's basically a map to the first jedi temple which is where everybody thinks Luke probably is. I still don't know how the exorcist got it but this at least explains how Luke still didn't wanna be found.

More than that everything we need to know about the Emperor is explicitly told to us in the OT. He got rid of the Senate and the last remnants of the Old Republic. Tarkin says so. He is a Force user and wants Skywalker so he and Vader can turn him to the Dark Side per their conversation in TESB. He has laid a trap to destroy the Rebellion and intends to turn Skywalker so he can replace Vader or will kill Skywalker as he tells Luke on the DS2.

We have his power, his motivations, his end game and all of that long before TPM. What did we have of Snoke before his death? That he wanted to continue training Kylo Ren?

>t-t-the official visual guide isn't canon!
amazing that TLJ retards have to throw the storygroup under the bus to make their shitty movie work

Make another Rose Tico thread faggot. It might make Disney decanonize TLJ this century!

>>t-t-the official visual guide isn't canon!
It's a superfluous product for obsessed manchildren.

Your shitty 70s fantasy schlock was never sacred lmao

good morning sir

based retard

>But why did he want to become the Emperor? Where did he came from?

Not important.

>The payoff is the henchman becoming the boss

I'd grant you this, but Kylo being a whiny bitch doesn't really sell himself as being the boss.

>Yes you know, it's explained at the first 30 seconds of TFA

Is it? Because I still don't understand where they fit in relative to the Empire and the events after RotJ. Especially considering that they seem well equipped and somehow built a planet sized Death Star. Also what is the Resistance resisting given their alignment with the New Republic?

The FO and Resistance/New Republic were poorly thoughtout and executed and that rot extends through the whole movie. I don't need tertiary characters to be developed, but I do need things at least decently fleshed out.

I mean shit, there's barely any First Order characters. We have Hux, Phasma, and two admirals? The OT had Tarkin, Motti, Needa, Veers, Piett, Ozzel, and Jerjerrod who at least gave a sense of presence and character to the Empire


I used to be so excited about Star Wars. I even went to watch that turd of TFA twice. I've lost all interest after I wen to the TLJ screening. I don't care anymore. What happened bros? What the fuck is wrong with these people?

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>haha look at that virgin manchild he likes star wars
>haha look at that virgin manchild he doesn't like THE SKYWALKER SAGA TM

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You woke up from a dream

If you wish to re-experience dumb space adventure SW used to offer pick up some Legends books/comics

this, the only people who like it are middle aged male feminists

incredibly based
fuck (((canon)))

>map is split into two parts
>missing chunk represents hundreds of thousands of cubic lightyears itself, should be easily recognizable on its own
R2D2's chunk was the only piece that mattered, JJ is retarded

delete twitter

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You will never experience joy because a subset of faggots on the internet told you it was cringe.

>made several billion dollars for three dog shit movies.

Oh you showed those greedy kikes user!

you missed nothing
it's not even fun bad it's just boring

meant BB8's chunk*

go outside retard

There shouldn't be a problem that TLJ is bad, just like how Attack of The Clones was bad. Attack of the Clones gave us shit like Battlefront and a ton of comics exploring Jedi and fun adventures people had. TLJ gave us a couple of books. Making a piece of Star Wars that someone didn't like wasn't the end of the world 20 years ago. Now it feels like a complete mess where you have nothing to build on or opposing insight. I didn't like some of the prequel stuff as movies but as a franchise, it led to a lot of entertainment.

Jesus Christ, this is embarrassing

this midget types like he browses Yea Forums every day

hey come on man TLJ gave us one whole map for Battlefront 2

Attached: battlefront-2-ski-speeder-screen.png (1920x1080, 2.7M)

Probably the best actual thing was playing as BB-8. That was pretty fun and at least new even if it was probably a balance nightmare.

That was actually a good map to be honest

It wasn't even that. It was "forget it! It's here! Deal with it and move on!"

it looked cool and the speeders were good for farming points

The guides are 100% canon ACCORDING TO DISNEY ITSELF.

Reminder that Snoke canonically wears fuzzy slippers everywhere because it hurts for him to walk. Yes, this is written in actual Disney canon.

I think the problem is that the new movies revealed too much about what goes on behind the scenes. We found how the SW sausage gets made and it sucks. There's politics and pointless drama and none of the pros working on it give a fuck about the actual story. They never planned an overarching plot behind the trilogy. The magic is gone. It's like when Lucas used teddy bears as aliens except every single choice in the new movies feels out of place.

>The guides are 100% canon ACCORDING TO DISNEY ITSELF.
I'm not buying your fucking guide, Disney shill.


It will always be funny to me how nobody at this mega corporation planed the sequel trilogy. They just winged it as they went. Fuck it, its star wars people will eat it up.

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You forgot the biggest one.

E) Reylo

They were probably the single largest group of "fans" and only even got into the series specifically because of that. It's truly disturbing watching how they'd lose their shit over the tiniest things. I've never seen such a demented group of (mostly) women who would go full retard when people would talk about how ridiculous the relationships in the films were.


It's amazing how they managed to wreck a money train that was going strong for 40 YEARS. People passed down their love for the franchise for multiple generations until TLJ. Now the franchise is on life support and it's being held together by a tv show no one will care in ten years.


Cope and seethe

Bottom image should be empty as there are no sequel "fans"

>Reminder that Snoke canonically wears fuzzy slippers everywhere because it hurts for him to walk.


Meds. Now.

Prequel fans are a bunch of easily upset 15 year old redditors who only like the prequels because of memes and they have an emotional attachment to the films by virtue of growing up with them. The sequels have no fan base outside of perma-offended lefty types on twitter so of course they’re upset

What Disney has done with Star Wars will be studied in MBA programs as what not to do with IPs for decades to come.

Seethe Trekkie, it’s happening to you now. Go back and complaint about it in reddit

Sorry zoomer, the Prequels are kino

>Sorry zoomer, the Prequels are kino
The only people who like the prequels are zoomers and late millennials you buffoon

So you should have no problem liking it then, zoomer

I'm a solid Gen Xer and I like the prequels. Sure there are problems with them but it isn't like there isn't clunky dialog in the OT.

aw you made him cry guys

how can reddit ever recover

The difference is that the problems with the prequels all came down to execution. The overarching story they tell is solid and they don't break any of the rules set in the previous films. Their faults mainly lie in faults like unnecessarily convoluted plot points like the assassination attempt on Padme and things like actually showing Anakin's gradual fall into darkness. Those flaws can be overlooked because the larger story concerns itself with showing how a power-hungry man rose to power and an idealistic youth was corrupted into his right-hand man.

In contrast, practically everything happening in the sequels is breaking something about the characters, the story, or the setting.

The prequel trilogy might be a mess but it felt like Lucas' passion project. It had ownership and a story arch. Talking shit about the prequels it's like having a dialogue with Lucas. The sequels are compeltely directionless. There was never an overarching story. None of them offer any interesting insight and everyone involved played hot potato for the mess. After you tear down the biggest flaws, the new movies are just not interesting to talk about.


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>she felt like a character who didn't belong in a Star Wars movie
boy did she ever

Attached: holdo.png (612x501, 44.54K)

>cast ugly fat asian bitch for star wars
>casts attractive women in his own movies
>refuses to cast kelly Marie Tran in Knives out sequels
You don't deserve attractive women star wars faggots. Do something about it!

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>all those numale icons on the bottom

>I'm leading everyone toward certain death
>No, I don't care about rumors of mutiny
>No, I won't explain to my last soldiers and their families what I have in mind
>I might have a plan but I'm not going to tell anyone tee-hee

Disney somehow made people tired of SW movies which is why they're investing more effort in streaming SW shows. Its easier for someone to just pay money to watch Mandalorian/Boba Fett/Obi Wan etc from their homes then endure the hassle of heading to a theatre.

God, I'm sick of nu-Wars threads, take it to Twitter, fucking faggots.

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Mindlessly following orders because le chain of command is really more a fascist empire thing than a plucky band of rebel mistifts thing

woketards don't understand irony

I don't get it

E) kylux smut fanfiction is hot as fuck

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Not only that but that tweet fails address the actual situation. We're talking about the very last survivors of the rebelllion. This is the Alamo of the SW universe. If you're the boss you better tell your men whatever is going in your mind. Instead Holdo chooses to leave everyone guessing while they might be a few minutes away from complete defeat. Her actions caused multiple attempts of mutiny and, even worse, the entire Canto Bight subplot.

this is also me, tempted to check it out now though

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I miss him bros

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you have nothing to gain

Damn, Rian could've made FinnPoe canon, but didn't. What a homophobe.

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Don't bother. I only went to the cinema because old friends invited me and it's dogshit. TLJ was the kiss of death. ROS is JJ whispering sorry to the audience while doing the bare minimum to end the story. It's self-aware. Poe sighs "Somehow Palpatine has returned". Palpatine does every villain clichè they could fit in. They throw in a line about the Holdo maneuver having a one in a million chance of success. I won't spoil the rest in case you want to watch it but it's not worth it imho.

Well it is true the sequels did ruin the whole franchise.
The prequels are defitly not as bad as everyone says.
1 wooden actor, some shit CGI and a cringe line about sand.
RLM made a big mistake and has some crimes they need to pay for. Same with the faggots who had "George Lucas ruined my childhood" tshirts on.
His videos opened the door for Woke wars.

is Red Tails a good movie?

Would the sequels have been redeemed if there was some Rey fanservice?

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hell no. the story would have still been shit

Remember when they spent MONTHS trying to explain how bombers wouldn’t work in space? Lmfao… MONTHS before they finally gave up

My theory is that Disney threw Mike a couple thousand dollars to make sure he didn't go too hard on the new sequels. He barely reacted to the new movies.


He can't react badly to the new movies because then he'd alienate the woke audience

I wonder who's more dead inside: James or Mike?



Sith cultists on another planet sounds cool as fuck and could have actually built into the Knights or ren of some other part of the lore

I totally forgot about the Knights or Ren. Friends and I used to be so hyped about them. We liked to imagine their lore and future role inthe saga. We would have never guessed that Disney had no fucking clue either. The way they handled the knights in 9 –there's no coming back from that. Totally botched, they'll never be able to use those jobbers again in a spinoff.

even matpat had a more interesting idea on knights of ren (the protags in rogue one were going to turn to the dark side and become the knights of ren)

Well that's just a bunch of some guys saying it's a map to Skywalker.

Well yeah. if you ignore the prequels, the Emperor's origin is never explained.

totally uncynical merch for three at least decent movies

This always gets a chuckle from me

i mean, they never said it was Luke himself the one that left the map

mad based

The prequels killed SW. NuWars pissed on its grave

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>The prequels killed SW

It's it not in the film series so it may as well be fan fiction. Remember when they made up "sub-hyperspace" in the TFA novelization to explain why you could see the Starkiller Lasers from whatever planet they were on at the time?

>created his own franchise
