Realistically speaking, what would you have done in this situation?
Realistically speaking, what would you have done in this situation?
Midges are gross
I would fuck Vera Farmiga
>go to smash
>why does my 8 y/o have pubes???
>demand refund from adoption agency
>get a smoothskin
>>get a smoothskin
clearly someone whose never brushed lg furry arms or legs before
this. id rather fuck vera
the most based poster on Yea Forums
It happened to me in a way and I did not react the way he did.
I don't understand the question?
You meet a little vegan girl who is hungry for meat. And you give her 4.5 inches the hard way. Who's to blame?
go on....
put a condom on and face fuck her until her breakfast makes a second appearance
given her the leprechaun treatment
Have her give me a blowjob. Not full on sex because I'm not a pedo.
I would have made love to an old midge.
I would have turned 360 degrees and walked away
Asked her about the threads on lit
genuinely don't understand pedos
why lust after literal kids when there are 10/10 qts walking around with perfect tits and ass and pussy?
like most sex things its more about power than sex
what was it
This but full on sex.
yeah i dont care what anyone says, anything that has tits like that is not a child
i think, and i could be wrong here, that "perfect" is subjective. therefore someones perfect vagina and posterior might be that of a young girl.
>i think, and i could be wrong here, that "perfect" is subjective
The fact that you even doubt attraction is subjective is indicative of your midwittery. Ever been in one of the million waifu threads on Yea Forums? You'll see a hundred different actresses. How is that possible unless
1. everyone is lying
2. everyone likes different things
A hole is a hole.
user... i...
do you try to understand necrophiles and zoophiles as well? it's a brain defect that they have almost zero control over
If it breathes
It'll get my jizz
pretty sure some grow into it in search of new highs
The makeup is weird as fuck, but I still would destroy.
This is either the best bait I've ever seen or you're genuinely a very autistic retard
It's like that with a lot of things
its probably not even warwick on that scene, but a chad midget stunt double.
I would have fucked her of course.
ok show me the research that says there's an identifiable brain anomaly that predicts necrophilia/zoophilia
source. need to hear her scream
Shid and cum and then start farting.
I doubt there is any because it's obvious it's a defect. The successful biological organism reproduces. You can't reproduce by fucking the same sex or a kid or a dead person or an animal. Therefore it's a defect. As autistic or uncool as that may sound it's true.
What about gays? Is that a mental defect?
kiss her work your way up from her thighs. if she wants you to stick it in, tell her no and say "you've been overcome by your lust I don't want you to regret this decision". tell her to ask you again if she's really interested.
having already kissed her and fingered her. its gonna drive her crazy that you didn't get through. and its a guarantee that she'll ask you again. that's only based on my experience. if you're not cool and ugly, you might as well forget it. girls are terrible secret keepers.
>You can't reproduce by fucking a kid
The earliest recorded childbirth was a Peruvian girl of five (5) years old
>You can't reproduce by fucking a kid
That's a really dumb argument considering you can't reproduce by fucking a girl's mouth either. I mean, what the fuck. Are you reproducing when you masturbate? No... So, it can be argued that all that kind of sex is done for pleasure instead of reproduction.
Genuinely the most retarded post I've seen
You didn't even try to explain why it was retarded. I hope a fifth shitskin replies to me after I've filtered the thread. I think it up was up to five because I hid one of them. Go ahead, reply when I can't even see the thread.
pedo peru bros, did he take it too far?
james. i love you, we all love you. please wake up. please... the doctors say you're not there, and our priest - you remember Father Jonas - says you're in tribulation in purgatory. meant as your final test. please remember your faith and overcome this evil. we miss you. we believe in you. i hope this message finds you.
That's a table full of white guys whose parents needed to trade their computers in for gym memberships. Magic girl anime rots the soul.
As the other user said, little girls can get pregnant and little boys can get adult women pregnant. That us still quite rare however. The system isn't perfect but if we consider social pressure and the sunk-cost fallacy and general passive stance most humans take in relationships I can see how pedos spread their genes. Most men consider women around 20 as peak attractive, that doesn't mean they stop having sex with their long term partners after 20. The same is probably true for pedos, they'll continue to fuck their "old hag" wives and fap privately to memories of the good old days like the rest.
consensual sex with little girls
>everything you do or think has to be directly in service of reproduction otherwise that behaviour would just be evolved away
Very low IQ understanding of evolution
Based thanks user
>genuinely don't understand pedos
They're defective freaks and predators, the only understanding is knowing how they operate and take them out.
Six but she conceived at five
Sorry bro I was wrong, she was 5 but conceived at 4
Whoever fathered her kid should be shot
judging by the phone this pic is old af
When you're not desperate for sex due years of not getting it, you immediately do the right thing of not being a mentally fucked up pedo.
I enjoy sailor moon, go to the gym and am not a transgender. What separated me from them?
she's a mentally fucked up 33 year old midget that's desperate for sex with adult men
they're autistic
Im here so I probably have a couple ticks in that category too
Balls deep from behind. The character is just an adult in disguise, so no Elliot for me.
Would libtards still think you're a pedo? Would they advocate for a woman with that condition to just never fuck anyone?
There really is someone for everyone
Balls deep and cumming inside
This. Roles should be reversed. I would rather be the orphan boy with mommy Vera taking care of me in lonely nights.
>You can't reproduce by fucking the same sex
Already addressed that. Learn to fucking read.
Okay but generally it doesn't work.
The pleasure is ultimately to motivate you to reproduce. If you get pleasure from sticking your dick in a camels ass that's great user but it's still a mental defect. And vagina is better than mouth. And mouth followed by vagina is the true patricians choice.
Depends on the definition of little boy/little girl. When I say fucking kids doesn't result in reproduction I mean like girls with no tits/ass/thighs haven't been through puberty or only just started. I know this is ambiguous and frankly I remember a 12 year old in high school with enormous tits, she's legally a child but biologically I'd say she's not. And on the flip side an 18 year old with basically no tits at all. There's always outliers like "5y/o got pregnant" user from earlier. A fucking 70 year old Indian woman got pregnant too. Fuck outliers they're irrelevant.
I said reproduction. Never even mentioned the word evolution.
>cant reproduce
Just wait lol
I was baiting btw wanted to hear you say being gay is wrong
if you ever liked "magical girl" anime there's about a 95% chance you were always a faggot.
Why'd she grab is lower pelvis like that doe?
>replying to 4 hour old shitposts in a pedo bait thread
Hmmm... you may be right. From the ages of 14 onwards I browse imageboards and get really into anime and become obsessed with transcending into the anime realm and becoming a qt loli. And here I am today as a 29 year old tranny, still browsing imageboards.
A trips response to dubs, and I am the only user to acknowledge. A sad morning.
Fair enough. I don't think being gay is right or wrong. It's just a thing.
It's a slow morning at work user.
>tfw no crazy loli to drug and kiss me
So what you're saying is the age of consent should be 12 because that's when girls become fertile?
but you said it's a mental defect
Eh no. If you want to fuck some 12 year old with no tits/ass/thighs or anything else resembling sexual maturity I got bad news for you user.
It is a defect. A biological one. Biology/nature has no concept of right or wrong. These are societal concepts.
Her wearing clothes and makeup like a post-wall roastie completely ruins the appeal tho. Give her a cute dress
Not defending pedophiles but There’s more to attraction than looks. Both from a psychological and biological view
>There’s more to attraction than looks
ask any girl age 16-24 if she believes that
it's a czech tv show, that scene is the only thing worth watching
Have sex with an insane Russian woman
Thank the lord for answering my prayers
The chance of getting caught was about zero. I would have pounded that little transylvanian girl like a railroad spike.
post girldick
livestream suicide
yeah which is bad
>From the ages of 14 onwards I browse imageboards and get really into anime and become obsessed with transcending into the anime realm and becoming a qt loli.
Why not lust after every hot chick like a straight man?
That's great, but this thread is about whether or not you would a crazy adopted daughter with stunted growth.
I would
>wait a minute this isn't a child
>whew was worried I might be a pedo
>no, I can't!
>I need to wait for us both to get older, and for her to have sex with other men first
mmmmmm so sexy
She looks nice for an old hag imo
If women didn't evolve to have sex at such young ages, they wouldn't have their first period at age 12 or younger. It's that simple, deny your biology in favour of radical feminist notions all you want. The only people who brow beat men for finding teenage girls attractive are used up hags who shame them in a bid to monopolise access to pussy.
>t. pedo
he's not wrong though
He's not wrong, but there's a reason why it's not acceptable anymore.
Women orgasm when raped because it's natural defense mechanism for them, to accept the cum instead of being killed. People use to die in droves pretty much from the dawn of man till literally just till 100 years ago. People would have to start breeding early so their village wouldn't get wiped out by the plague or illness or invaders. it's why besides women have children at an early age, you would see men at 25 being considered middle age or full grown men (when today you would think of 35-40 as full grown male)
Feminist movement did scew it a bit and if you go to third world countries today, you still see 30-40 year old guys with 16 year old girlfriends.
It's sick but it's biology.
Evolution only works as a result of selective pressure. Women are capable of having children well into middle age. Periods starting so young just means that men in the ancient past preferred very young girls so much that those who could get pregnant at such an age spread those genes much more than those who couldn't
>perfect angles
>perfect lighting
>perfect makeup
look at those arms and fingers though, she's still a goblin
That's just a fact of evolution. In your ideal feminist utopia, women would first bleed at 18 years. They don't, they bleed at 10-12. Sorry to burst your bubble, but when the average lifespan pre-industrialisation was 30-40, you're going to be having children as soon as possible, hence why women evolved to conceive so early, and you best believe they did conceive early. You are the product of millions of paedophiles, own it.
Now of course with human's lifespans almost doubling and we now live in the age of female emancipation, the question of when they get to have children as a societal norm is less essentialist in terms of survival and propagating the species, and more of personal choice, but that doesn't change the fact that most women are functionally infertile by age 30, despite living to 80-odd now. Evidently, the fertile window has little to do with how long you end up living, it's genetically coded to ensure as youthful and therefore healthy propagation of genes as possible. Whether you're comfortable admitting it or not, a 20 year old man and woman will produce children significantly healthier than a 40 year old woman and man. It's just a fact, but of course facts don't matter. You can be conditioned by society into believing any kind of nonsense to get along, like mentally ill homosexuals are actually women, for example.
Made her dress like an office lady
caught for what, you can bend her over and tongue her asshole it's perfectly legal.
shut up faggot
>the average lifespan pre-industrialisation was 30-40
great how you embarass yourself as an abolute retard. average lifespan includes all the kids that died in their cribs, it was as much as 50% at times. If a person survived into their late teens, they were very likely to push past 60, even during the bronze age.
also, assuming periods for most women start at 10-12 is wrong, its more like 13-14 in most developed nations and has a lot to do with nutrition, mental and physical health
realistically speaking that wouldnt happen. That bitch would pass by a kid, shes showing clear adult behavior.
>Women are capable of having children well into middle age.
Not without IVF (a modern invention) they can't. Women are most fertile from the day of their first period, and become progressively barren as the years go by. It's just a fact of biology, human females didn't evolve to be shitting out kids at 50 years of age, long after they're supposed to be dead and living on borrowed time of modern medicine and nutrition.
also theres hundreds of tiny women out there, legal women
nigga u gay
>only does anal becaus vaginal sex would kill her
Realistically speaking, what would you have done in this situation?
I'd say no. Not because of morals but because I hate women, especially the immature.
fuck the midget?
finger her, and that thing where you put your cock through her thighs against her pussy
>If you want to fuck some 12 year old with no tits/ass/thighs or anything else resembling sexual maturity
so you're saying it would be fine if she LOOKS sexually mature.
I work with pigs and we do not inseminate them at the start of sexual maturity, we wait a couple of estrus cycles until they're bigger and older because they produce stronger and more numerous offspring, have less complications during birth, and give better results with their future litters as well.
This. Pedos are wrong in the head. Hebephiles however? That's objectively the best taste.
i'd make sweet love to a shortstack goblin
>assuming periods for most women start at 10-12 is wrong, its more like 13-14 in most developed nations
Average age for first period is 12. Girls on average finish puberty entirely by 14-16. You can cope all you want about it but at the end of the day don't try and pretend to be the logical, scientifically literate one here.
They would tell her to do whatever she wants but still think of anyone willing to fuck her as pedophilic
How could anyone get off to the idea of removing a little girl’s clothes and licking her tiny body all over, nibbling her neck and kissing her adorable little nipples? Only a heartless monster would think about her cute girlish mouth and tongue wrapped around a thick cock slick with her saliva, pumping in and out of her mouth until it erupts, the cum more than her little throat can swallow. The idea of thick viscous semen overflowing, dribbling down her chin over her flat chest, her tiny hands scooping it all up and watching her suck it off her fingertips is just horrible. You’re all a bunch of sick perverts, thinking of spreading her smooth slender thighs, cock poised at the entrance to her pure, tight, virginal pussy, and thrusting in deep as a whimper escapes her lips which are slippery with cum, while her small body shudders from having her cherry taken in one quick stroke. I am disgusted at how you’d get even more excited as you lean over her, listening to her quickening breath, her girlish moans and gasps while you hasten your strokes, her sweet pants warm and moist on your face and her flat chest, shiny with a sheen of fresh sweat, rising and falling rapidly to meet yours.It is truly nasty how you’d run your hands all over her tiny body while you violate her, feeling her nipples hardening against your tongue as you lick her chest, her neck and her armpits, savoring the scent of her skin and sweat while she trembles from the stimulation and as she reaches her climax,hearing her cry out softly as she has her first orgasm while that cock is buried impossibly deep inside her,pulsing violently as an intense amount of hot cum spurts forth and floods through her freshly-deflowered pussy for the first time, filling her womb only to spill out of her with a sickening squelch. And as you lie atop her flushed body, she murmurs breathlessly,“You came so much inside of me”, then her fingers dig into your back as she feels your cock hardening inside again.
>haha I used a social shaming word on Yea Forums because I can't form an argument,that user is DESTROYED
[your wojak here]
hence why aoc of 15-16 is fairly common for them.
I love history and culture lessons on Yea Forums
if you wanna wank biology so much then maybe you should consider other biological factors for sexual maturity. how is a 12yo girl supposed to birth a child with those narrow ass hips? they still have growth spurs themselves and arent even close to fully matured yet.
the most natural age for sex would likely be the time when they become interested into doing it themselves, which is definitely not 12 for a well adjusted kid.
I can give you some leeway and settle for 15-16 as the "nature intended" age of sexual maturity and women to start making kids
this but minus the pedo thristiness
Families that started having kids when the wife was youngest would have much larger families over successive generations and take over the gene pool. Colonial New England families were routinely 10+ kids with women marrying in their teens. The Indians had far fewer children and got BTFO in about 100 years.
Yes and americans will still seethe at this because in america anything under 18 is pedo.
>I can give you some leeway and settle for 15-16 as the "nature intended" age of sexual maturity and women to start making kids
I can deal with that. Thing is user like I say, you would be lumped in with the pedos by the hysterics just for saying that.
I go by the old Roman standard of 16. Anybody worth a damn should be able to think for themselves at that age, and it's only modern infantilism in education that has made people so infantile.
At least there's a somewhat biological reason for pedos. If you attach yourself to a young child she will eventually become pregnant when she reaches age and you decide to tap it anyways.
Frigging based
I personally agree with the adult age by law being 18. I respect that the public wants to err on the side of caution even though from a biological standpoint it might be lower, people and society arent biology.
Age of consent laws are like speed limits, the limit itself is mostly arbitrary, but it's important that there is one.
People are fucking before 18. It's too high. 16 is fine. Bro, 17 year olds can drive cars but you shouldn't be allowed to fuck them? Is that logical?
Yes I am aware of this map. Euros don't seethe about obvious truths like americans do.
Knowing what he knew at the time? reject her of course. Temping as it might be, it´s not worth going to jail.
Knowing about her true age? I am destroying that pussy.
>nooo you can't allow the heckin teenagers to do the sexerino
>that's why we have speedlimits
>the most natural age for sex would likely be the time when they become interested into doing it themselves, which is definitely not 12 for a well adjusted kid.
Lmao get a load of this guy, could you project "I'm a sexless loser" any harder? We get it, no woman wanted you in high-school, you sat in the corner by yourself with your awkward frustrated boner and now you lash out and punish sexually healthy teenagers for your woeful inadequacies you carry as a massive chip on your shoulder because you were forced to settle for some blown out has been later in life. Cope, not everyone is as unfuckable as yourself, nor did they come from such an infertile prudish background as you did.
Why don't we leave the discussion to the people who actually fuck.
nobody said anything about 16yo fucking 16yo, that has and always will be fine
it's funny because wojaks today are just used for the purpose that you described but just in image form
lmao triggered
keep pretending that lusting after 12yo girls is somehow normal
This should be illegal though
I lost my virginity at 12 to my girlfriend who was also 12, it is normal because I'm not an asocial freak loser who can't approach women to save their life.
teens exploring sexuality in their own age group has always been the best way for them to deal with it. there is no other way to make them learn this stuff. this will never be banned
Is your best argument really just larping as the lib we all know you're clearly not and calling him an incel
I dont care about your anecdotes, the vast majority of teens lose it at age 15-17 which seems to be the optimal age.
If it worked for you and your girl at 12 I'm happy for you
I agree wholeheartedly
>t. seething roastie
Bunch of beautiful women right there
>I personally agree with the adult age by law being 18.
>incel thinking this is how the law works
I'm 23 and if I want to fuck a 16 year old I will. Actually, that's how it should be, considering the average 16 year old female has about as much sexual experience as me, probably more. Girls my own age have already taken ten miles of cock. Why is sexual experience discrepancy not seen as relevant?
nobody says this though
Did you know this is a modern phenomenon? As recently as 150 years ago girls were having their first menses closer to age 6-17.
Post the real version, coward.
Have you ever fucked a short stack? It's fun as hell you can lift them up and put in all sorts of silly positions as you fuck them and they can suck your dick standing up
That's a pretty huge range fampai
Nobody who spends their time on Yea Forums arguing about age of consent is getting laid anyway, so what are we upset about
>source: my ass
Women are not real. Take the reality pill
>16 year old female has about as much sexual experience as me, probably more
lmao you should leave the basement more often if you have a lower bodycount in your mid 20s than a 16yo girl. This screams to me that you hunt for naive girls, hoping they still buy your bullshit and not that you care about them being your sexual equal
look at this fucking normie
>believing twitter shitposts are real life
>Fund cunny now
What the hell
>fund cunny now
Yes, that actually is how retarded puritanical America AOC laws work, 18 year old boys will and have been put in prison on statutory rape charges and placed on sex offender registries for life, for consensually fucking their 17 year old girlfriend. It happens all the time in America, usually because parents aren't happy their "sweet" and "innocent" daughter was sucking and fucking "so young", so they dob her boyfriend into the police as a coping mechanism.
Joke country, millions of boy's lives have been ruined this way. Just see the stats for yourself, half of Americans engaged in illegal consensual sex by the time they're 16. Half of all teenagers belong in prison under your puritanical laws. You see, they're the ones out of touch with reality, not you, evidently.
Says it all: AOC laws aren't about protecting girls from being abused, it's all about has-been women stopping men their own age chasing younger tails.
new fetish unlocked
I read about this girl a long time ago and it seems she had really early puberty.
listen nigger, every law has context and special circumstances built into it. name a single case where a 18yo guy has been buried under the prison for fucking his 17yo girl. it does not exist.
Pedos brains get fucked when they’re children due to molestation by a grown adult. That’s why they grow up to be molestors themselves, they’re basically repeating a vicious cycle and most of them are repressing the trauma of the sexual assault so they’re completely unaware.
Actual puritans married young and had like 15 kids
This would work in a world where it can't take up to 20 years for a male to prove himself worthy enough for marriage
How fun is it when you have waited ten years to climb the social status only then to hook up with a roastie who didn't give you her best years?
one of puberty's main triggers is body weight, you see it all the time in these obese mexican and south american girls
this user summed it up
I would have say: "STOP RIGHT THERE LITTLE LADY! I'm a married man and I love my wife. You must learn to respect other people's relationships in the first place. Second, you're too young to be thinking in that kind of stuff."
You that's not natural right? That's purely because of the industrial revolution. Before the industrial revolution, girls also started puberty 10-12
weebs were a mistake. hairs is a sign of fertility. fucking kill yourself with your baby fetish
Reminder that THIS is who pedo hystericists are actually on side with.
Cope if you think those are shitposts and not the actual opinion of most women and onions men.
it’s a control thing as well as generally a fetish for infantile behaviour and clothing
>i’m an ebephile!
>it used to be legal to marry 12 year olds
>here’s why i should be able to fuck toddlers
coomers are never happy until they’re shitting on babies and stuff
>Okay but generally it doesn't work.
Pretty sure 12 generally works though
>. hairs is a sign of fertility.
if i wanted Fertility i'd not be fucking a child god danmit
>baby fetish
uh he said 8 y/o
>. Women are capable of having children well into middle age.
the older the parents are the bigger the probability the spawn will have serious health problems
that works bothways but its more serious in females.
slippery slope isn't real user
>sex workers can consent in their 20's
>not a pedo.
You still are. I don't know what meds there are to treat pedos, but go find them
If slippery slope was real we would be cavemen now
i know you're joking but the last 30 years has basically been a giant real life demonstration of the slippery slope "fallacy"
The actual slippery slope was going from getting married at 15 to having 30 year old incel virgins.
If God didn't want us listing after lgs, why he make them so sexy?
once I realized she was a grown ass adult I would have beat the shit out of her to within an inch of her life for trying to fuck with me
I dont understand nonpedos, little girls are so much cuter softer and tighter than old women
fucking blows that she didn't go into porn.
>okay being a stripper
>okay doing 'sucide girls' photos (2 sets)
>okay with posting a pic of her riding a dick
>not okay with making money being in porn
There are 12 year old girls with a better hip waist ratio than the average woman
They'll hate you for speaking the truth.
Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed, that's the only age of consent we need!
Cute girls are my meds
And I would happily send society BACK to those days if it means I get access to PTP. PTP OR DEATH!
no you know who the real retard is? shauna rae. she could have been a pornstar TRILLIONAIRE but instead had a chip on her shoulder about the incredible situation she was in and ruined her body and looks with hard drinking, smoking, and tattoos
truth. a very hard truth. she would've put lupe fuentes to shame. i'm curious if she got offers from production companies, but kept it as a 'closed' proposal. meaning she'd got paid just to consider it, but couldn't reveal it .
I kind of feel bad for her. Imagine how sus every guy would be trying to date her. She couldn't trust any man and any man who genuinely liked her for her personality would get hate from SOCIETY anyway
I wouldn’t have adopted
Just do what she wants, it's a win win situation. After nut clarity hits I might call the police... maybe.
It was aight when you were a kid in the 90s
>jannies left this thread up all night
wow, more based than I thought
He took the bait
>>okay with posting a pic of her riding a dick
i think it's still on her twitter/instagram.
Guys I think it's time to start posting "those" webms
I'm not an expert in little girl anatomy, can you please explain why that would kill her? Is it because her little vagina is too small for an adult size dick? But what if you strecht her little by little everyday? Wouldn't that be enough?
could've had a stellar career in porn.
This literally happened in real life not too long ago. A midget passed as a kid and was adopted
And my axe
More and fast please
Wow, she looks so soft and squishy
daily pumpings even if she was the age she was pretending tobe
Yeah, I'm a pediatric gynaecologist, you might give her a perineal tear
society today is proof that it is real
Appears to be a Czech show called Soukromé pasti, episode titled tatinkova holčička
The term is baldies.
Everyone here should commit suicide
It’s hard ;_;
you first big boy
>embrace her lovingly in my arms
>tell her its okay. She doesnt need to behave this way for my acceptance
>wrap her up in my arms and take her to bed
>gently tuck her in
>reassure how special she is and how things will get better
>get her a glass of water
>kiss on the cheek "goodnight, we'll talk in the morning"
>quietly close door. Beat off to the to what could have been
i'd tell her we were taking a trip, just the two of us, and ask her to pack a bag, then hand her a suitcase.
when she started packing it, i'd push her into it and close it up, then padlock it.
i'd then hoist it up to the highest yard arm in the king's navy and then sail off with Goodnight.
>make her a plate of eggs
>give them to her and say “Here, you don’t have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat these.”
You have to go back.
did you even see the movie? she'd murder you in your sleep for not fucking her
she's a daddy fixated black widow
can confirm this.
happened to me not long ago, psycho midget goth almost killed me in my sleep, so i just boned her for hours every day until she was worn out and then snapped her neck like a twig and buried the body in a flower pot.
you lead, we'll follow.
Things could have been different. He could have tried to save her!
fucking post the link you double nigger
ty brother
She looks like ajjv77 in motherless.
They do share sorta similar resembelance
>hairs is a sign of fertility
Nice try roastie
kek every time