Cast a big booba milky babe as awkward nerdy girl

>cast a big booba milky babe as awkward nerdy girl

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>nerdy girl
was she? i thought she was a normie like p*nny

>gets a girlfriend

why do they do this

I'm not sure if it comes across on the cumstained laptop you're using to watch pirated DVD rips of popular sitcoms, but she happens to be really really short to the point that she looks like a child and children are not sexy at all

>children are not sexy at all

I would pay to eat her asshole

not all nerds have the tism

OP samefagging for replies from cunnybros and hagbros

because you (coomers) love it

But this one did. So it's retarded.

she wasn't into nerd culture very much but was a scientist and worked at a pharmaceutical company

she is midge mogging hard here, makes her colleagues look like ugly linebacker troons. if a woman is over 5' count me out boys, may as well be a man at that point.

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the midget is the one dating the Jew though

All of them are autistic. Literally all of them.

No way. Kaley is way hotter.

She's to plastic her fake nose looks fucking retarded

Easily the hottest on the show. I like petite chicks like here. Kaley is just a dime a dozen basic bitches. Melissa's fin size.

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She's gorgeous.

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Are the jewesses tits real?

>run of the mill roastie
>petite and stacked cutie
you have a terminal case of ngmi

>huge booba
the perfect female

didn't you see her leaks? she's a slitty not a roastie

No she's even admitted in interviews they are fake tits

>I'm a massive faggot

Her ass is amazing

>if a woman is over 5' count me out boys, may as well be a man at that point.

Fucking lol. I love this because I know it pisses women off. They all say shit like "all men should be tall" so when you suggest they should be short, they get upset because they can't become smaller. Women are too dumb to understand hypocrisy.

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why can't they make this an over 18 board?!

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Also fake

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short stacked women owe me sex


Stephanie was hotter than either one.

the one from Roseanne is perfectly normal though
the only one who is coded autistic is the tall one who could have any woman if he just asked

>a literal oppai loli
anime is becoming real, it must be time for world war 3

Please I didn't plan to beat my meat to Bernadette today.

Penny looked best a little plump and with long hair.

>them bolt ons

I am so disappointed right now

I prefer the Raj harem

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she was outgoing, not awkward
and she worked with science stuff, but wasnt nerdy

muh diqq

I misread. The shortstack has real tits.
Kaley Cuoco has the fake tits

>alessandra torresani
i will now masturbate to your sitcom

Middle chick is cute fugly


I love smol girls

Big tit girls are often autistic. A lot of them pretend to be naive about their big tits and even go to lengths to try to hide their size.

she reminds me of my brother's wife, and my brother is a cardboard collecting, bald dweeb. Have you never met a nerdy woman before?


Remember when she had a normal voice and was just a little ditzy. Then they turned her into an annoying shrew who only "pretended" not to get Howard's jokes or sumshit.

To give you something to look at while the actress spews a whole lot of woke shit. This is not a joke



when you see obvious kike shit, just don't reply. they are literally getting paid for every post they make and (you) gotten by the jidf

I wish i could Kaley asshole.

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My wife initially did this as hers ballooned. Now she mocks her friends for being so small.

>he likes man ass

How does one go about getting a gig like that? I shitpost constantly, so it’d be nice if it earned some money.

>children are not sexy at all
That's where you're wrong.

writers are the most dysgenic people on earth

This midget freak should be euthanized. Womanlets only give birth to midgets and spread the manlet curse further to their children.

>children are not sexy at all
what the fuck is wrong with you

I enjoyed The Bronze, but only like 5 minutes of it....

At 6'2" I found it nicer to be out and about with my tall (ex)girlfriend, but having a sexy little spinner in the bedroom and generally around in the apartment was better.
Maybe I just need a bigger apartment.

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I'm conflicted. I don't want more manlets, but I like little midge fuckdolls and think they should be around for future generations to enjoy.

At 6'5", I think there is nothing better than a smol titcow. You have to be able to benchpress them though, so I don't go any heavier than 600 pounds.

Then fuck them but don't breed them. There'll be enough idiots procreating with womanlets.

No one needs to be a manlet in the modern era.

Just have your doctor prescribe your kid HGH for a 'growth hormone deficiency'.

What, 6'2" is utterly unbelievable to you? Sorry bro, now I understand your anger.

Quite the opposite. I think 6'2" is small.

>Womanlets only give birth to midgets and spread the manlet curse further to their children.
you're an idiot, my mother is 5ft and I came out at 6'2", her father was also tall

genetics isn't as simple as "you are just your mother + father combined"


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Then why are there so many peedo-files?

Sheldon x Penny should have been a thing and nobody can prove me otherwise.

a lot of great scientists are/were normalfags with wives and children. The reason for them giving girlfriends to all the characters is because they wanted to reach a wider audience (women) by adding female characters.

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Penny just can't stop bogging her. Funny thing is Kaley Cuoco is really short so Bernadette must be borderline midget.

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Google says Melissa Rauch is around 1,5 meters short. Pretty based.

I find her attractive.

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uwu yoga pant tummy

You can see she's Jewish by her profile.

So what? Jewesses are hot


I would ravish this slut so badly that no man would ever want her.

For me it's Alex.

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left was the cutest girl on the whole show (other than sheldons sister)

Did Malcolm make the right choice?

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One of my close friends is nerdy as all fuck and she's got some decent sized tits

I wanna fuck her face so badly

Is she girlfriend material?

so the chad who had a girlfriend among the friend group is the shortest guy in their circle?

Fuck off with your self diagnosis bullshit

It's kike shit to dissuade you from girls?

Penny is such a fucking cocktease character. I couldn't watch more than one season and some odd episodes of that crap, but I read more literotica on her and watched more Kaley deepfakes than any other character.

These girls exist, I work with one
>tfw no milky autistic gf

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He's not actually short. Basically, you'll find that women don't care as long as you're taller than them. They like the height difference more than the height of the man so short guys just need to find even shorter girls.

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>big tittied Hollyood actress is Jewish
colour me shocked

or short guys could date tall girls because nobody likes those.

Mental illness

Goddamn let me breed her

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To get guys who like big titted nerdy looking girls to watch.

many high educated good paying job nerds have wall hit girlfriends, they just left out part how they get cucked/divorce raped

Not sure why you sound so surprised. If someone could tell a lie to make their life better than yours they will


Your sons will be microscopic.

Licking her slitty would be litty.

>that image series of Penny progressively getting fatter in each episode of the show

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Post it. I haven't masturbated for 8 and a half hours.

No but i'll tell you its name "The Big Fat Gaining"


Is she fat though

>credited as a writer in only one movie
>gets naked in it
uh hello based department?

Archive gives nothing when searching that as a filename

Because (((she)))'s a great actress, why else?

Oh it's just shitty morphs nevermind

Is she a tranny?

dude, nerd girls and men go together very well

they're everywhere

The black dude was shorter than him iirc

>when you can't afford karen gillan and cast three chicks for half the money

So true.

smol titcows are best.

>The reason for them giving girlfriends to all the characters is because they wanted to reach a wider audience (women) by adding female characters.
Interesting. I always thought they couldn't keep up the 'will they or won't they' thing any longer.

>kike shit
Consent laws are specifically designed by kikes to stop white men from procreating with white girls until the white girls had the chance to go to college, fuck Tyrone and Jamal and start an onlyFans.

>looks like milk's back on the menu, boys!


too many short people who feel emasculated by actual woman-sized women

>He's never seen an awkward nerd girl with massive cans

>we aint had nothing but maggoty fortmula for 3 stinking days

roastie cope
if i wanted to date someone that looked exactly like a huge mtf tranny i'd just snag a jannie, not you

Modern sitcoms try to keep it short due to how cliched the plot line is.

There are tons of big booba nerdy girls out there, OP

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>milk truck
>problem glasses
>toxic hair

I'm getting conflicting vibes here

>mfw i looked it up

Kaley is 5' 6" and Melissa is 4' 9"


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She looks like that because she's a lesbian, not an SJW

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My 15 year old self still feels betrayed that lesbians aren't always hot supermodel tier bitches.

At least this one has big milkers. I need to see her asshole to properly judge her

Why where make videos wearing clothes with with your tits hanging out if you don't want comments on your tits that are hanging out?

she's a woman

she should get fuckin naked

terminal vaginitis

>words words words
gib milks

she wants asspats


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>i want attention
>i dont want titty comments
>i know attention comes from my tits
>so i'll keep posting them and just tell you not to comment on them
Any whore that isn't completely braindead has looked at other whores that came before them and noticed that breast reduction/not showing your tits massively reduces how much attention you get, so they keep doing it and just pretend to be outraged at the fact that its why people give them attention.

I don't get it

>you aren't entitled to an opinion
>my body is made much for than "s3x"

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Penny got a bicycle helmet on wtf

You haven't seen the show.
She hates everything nerdy.

>make video saying don't look at my tits
>puts self in video for no reason
>wears a tiny string tank top showing off maximum booba

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>tfw no big booba milky babe awkward nerdy gf

based khazar milkers

imagine licking her sweaty belly button

I've only watched two or three episodes of this show. They should call show like this, Too Many Jews, so I know not to watch.

I did a Biology degree ad my class was 75% women. I regret wasting that opportunity. I used to spend all my free time playing video games instead of going out. I'd even have girls in the class dragging me to parties and I remember one of them with big tits kept buying me drinks in the student pub and asking me to give her a massage as her back was sore.


why are we all so retarded, bros? could have a girl sit in my lap and start necking and i'd just think she was being polite

lol that same girl from the pub sat on my lap at my apartment and I just said "why are you sitting on my lap, there's an empty chair over there"

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What causes this sort of inability to see extremely obvious flirting signs?

It's just chronic deep seated insecurity. You find the concept of someone being interested in you so unlikely that you doubt all the evidence to the contrary because you could not imagine finding interest in someone like yourself

well yeah but to be fair i'm trash with no redeeming qualities so it would be literally impossible for anyone to find something attractive about me

ok then why are you responding to me. Frankly I think you guys are just being hopeful in hindsight that a girl was "flirting" with you. She probably was just being nice or friendly and if you did what you now think you should've done it's likely you would've been met with what you feared then: Rejection

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I dont understand how people could like penny, she fucked around like a whore and when she hit rock bottem she started dating a beta orbitor who had been paying for all her shit for years now.
And the show made it look like the beta nerd should be happy that he gets to date the used up roastie.

completely relatable to female viewes and reality for male viewers

>turbo roastie Penny
>Coal Burner Bernadette
Pass. I'll take virgin autist Amy

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>coal burner
when did that happen? i havent seen the show for years.

>that episode they say she's the best he could do as if he's settling
wtf happened bros
also she burned coal

Some big black dude shows up and it's revealed that he's Bernadette's ex-boyfriend/ex-professor. Then Howard makes a big deal about how small he feels and jokes that he won't make a dent (implying she's got a big stretched out pussy). Ruined her IMO

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>I regret wasting that opportunity. I used to spend all my free time playing video games instead of going out
>dropped out of college a few years ago
>didn't talk to anyone or go out
>look back in regret
>back at college now
>realize I'm doing the exact same thing
it's ugly

they really can't help themselves, can they?

All the "nerdy" girls I know had big boobs. They are always into some cringy animeshit and into final fantasy.

>start uni
>don't go to any lectures
>don't join any clubs
>turn down invitations since they're just inviting my out of politeness
>just sit in my dirty room starving to death doing nothing
>go home half way through the year
>try again next year
>same thing happens
>go home half way through the year
My parents want me to see a doctor to help me get out of this rump but for three years I couldn't fix myself. Unironically gonna kill myself this month. People like me just aren't made for this world. I'm tired of being me

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I tried 3 years of therapy and it hasnt helped me at all and I'm probably going to kms too

well at least you figured it out early enough to do something about it


She's gorgeous.
Look at those eyes, that perfect figure.

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Someone post the big titty redhead doctor Leonard was dating st the beginning of the series

Is BBT just pulling a Married with children where it gives screen time to all the big titty bimbos it can find?

>diamond dozen

Bait this good deserves trips, but not singles. The world is unjust

it's a jew made by jews, about jew scientists who end up fucking hot white blond woman, what do you expect?

user, my girl is in the second percentile, she's going to be taller than me when she grows up. Please don't tell me that she'll have a hard time in matters of the heart

Mckenna grace?

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Breast reduction should be mandatory for all w*men

Been in love with her since Even Stevens. Doesn't feel good because it'll never happen.

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user, this is an exquisite edit

I'm actually a ddlg enthusiast.

doki doki literature club?

>Other than Sheldon's sister.
Absolutely based.

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bernie sisters....not like this

I had a manager who was her double, but tall.

Imagine liking short women.
Short women give short sons, who become incels and trannies rather than conquering warriors and statesmen. Incredibly low test.

Liking short women is normalfag tier. There are plenty of short women for everyone. Us tall enjoying chads are pretty much resigned to dreaming (no, do not reply to me larping like you've "made it", I will track you down and check and then acid attack you)

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oy vey

Checked. My first kiss was with a tall lass who looked like Paris Hilton. I had to sit on her lap

It's unrealistic that any of the group hang out with Sheldon. The guy is an insufferable and he would've been told to fuck off years ago

He's funny, he says bazinga retard.

You're an ISFJ, aren't you?

He treats everyone like shit and Leonard is his bitch

what are you talking about? what's an ISFJ?

How does he treat anyone like shit?

>be builder
>see stone
>refuse it

He's constantly mocking everyone in the group

Yeah, and he knocks on the door three times and says Penny. HE'S FUNNY, LAUGH.

I've never noticed it

Sheldon’s antics bring the groups closer together both in terms of bonding over his irritating traits and his autistic openness.
Also he saved Leonard’s life so he feels indebted to him.

>Also he saved Leonard’s life

what's isfj?

ISFJma balls

haha got em

flash back when they first moved in together: Leonard, Raj and Howard were doing some experiment and Sheldon they were doing it wrong. They get mad and tell him to piss off. The experiment starts to fizz and spark like it's gonna explode and Leonard tries to bring it down the elevator. Sheldon says there isn't enough time and drags leonard out of the elevator only for it to blow up as the door shuts. It's also why the elevator is perpetually broken

Small women with big tits are the best

Small women with small tits are the best


I'm an ISFJ. Whats wrong?

Well, if you're the chap who finds him insufferable that would be why. He's an INTP.

haha she is so weird and excentric while being extremely endearing haha who would ever want someone like that lol

>if a woman is over 5' count me out boys, may as well be a man at that point.
This guy's onto something.

What's the personality type that thinks people deserve to suffer regardless of how badly for being mean to someone else? i forget the name of it

Maybe it's just a bad picture, but it looks like she's had a breast reduction.

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>i saved your life so you are going to be my serf little bitch for the rest of your life.

the context is sheldon is sexually educating her with pictures of stds because she flirted with someone on the job



XSXJs, although they have a weird metric for meanness which is derived from their past experiences and how it made them feel

Thats literally me and I got ISFJ in the tests. I think being mean should carry death penalty. Either be polite or die. I'm always extremely nice and polite to everyone.

It's the angle.
Here, sideview.

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I wasn't the original user. The whole episode was about Leonard seeing that he truly values Sheldon as a friend despite his irritants. I think the saving of his life was more about showing that Sheldon isn't a completely psycho

Checked. I think I'm polite and nice. I often get complimented on it. I'm INTP and ISFJs tend to think I'm a jerk because of our disconnect.

Now we're talkin'

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Only watched a couple episodes of The Big Bang, but I remember one of them was that the nerdy girl got BBC'd by a Lakers player or something, and her new bf was upset his dick couldn't compete....

Fucking kikes in hollywood, amirite?