God does not play dice

>God does not play dice

Then tell me why God is making this planet a place for degenerates if the world is deterministic? Was Einstein a complete retard? Why was it so hard for him to accept the basics of quantum mechanics?

Attached: einstein.jpg (1200x675, 83K)

He believed in God and that God made the world as it is instead of everything happening randomly.

But why would God let internet porn happen? Is degeneracy actually a good thing?

God created this as a place for certain souls to grow and develop. Part of that means allowing them to make mistakes. Sometimes it means allowing bad things to happen to them. It happens so that we may be better able to handle the afterlife, where we will have to accept the odd views and doings of the other souls, which will be much weirder then on earth. For instance, perhaps in heaven, God allows people to create pocket dimentions where the beings have no soul. You'll have to allow the other spirits to preform their sexual and horrific fantasies on these NPCs in Pocket Dimensions.

learn about gnosticism

because quantum mechanics is D&D magic hocus pocus for neil degrasse tyson watching bugman redditors

reminder that einstein refused the (((copenhagen interpretation))) and only eventually acquiesced because he was an unassertive pussy. he died knowing it was all bullshit.

>because quantum mechanics is D&D magic hocus pocus

pic related, it's you butterfly-user

Nope. Quantum mechanics show us how complex and beautiful the world created by God really is. If everything was deterministic God would be a coombrain.

Attached: Where+are+your+brainlet+images+fj_d237bc_6691842.jpg (692x800, 73K)

STEMtards fall apart when they're not calculating orbits or building nukes or some shit. They're essentially human robots, efficient and productive tools of the government, but devoid of creative thought.

Because it's not his responsibility to deal with your issues.

just because you call others degenerates does not mean you aren't, you're using this site after all and you're not a monk who's been holding in his seed for longer than you've been alive you retard


STEM requires more creative thinking at every level of performance than any other discipline

Slippery slope. The world is perfect in its complexity and diversity from a God’s perspective. He’s writing a story and you’re the uptight editor that’s trying to take all the problematic stuff out

yeah? Then how come engineers have the lousiest and the most basic philosophies?

The classic gaytheist reaction is anger when someone undeniably smarter than them is not also an atheist

God gave us free will. Imagine there was only peace and prosperity on this world it wouldve been heaven. Yet there isnt.

>implying free will necessarily leads to bad choices
If we were truly free then we would be perfect


And where does this notion of what's degenerate and what's not come from?

Einstein did not believe in an interventionist God that takes great interest in human affairs. He was effectively a spinozist/pantheist so of course he believed the universe was deterministic. He did not believe in the abrahamic personal anthropomorphic God

They don’t, but their creative efforts are also usually focused on things that matter

God can meddle but he doesn't want to, that shit is pointless.
>inb4 modern day miracles
They are all fake.

God does not allow it. Man does.

This is why eternal hell is the only thing that can set things right again. Most people deserve to burn for all eternity.

only proving him right with this weak ass buglet post

God does allow it you sped, just like God allows girls to get gang raped by niggers and rapefugees

Very creative, philosophical retort

like butters?

That's from man turning away from god.

Imagine being some random guy calling Einstein a retard without being aware of a trace of irony.

>Then tell me why God is making this planet a place for degenerates if the world is deterministic?
Because He fucking hates you, Christcuck. He wants to see you suffer. It makes Him laugh.