Why do human beings persist? Suffering is our default state and nothing can deliver us from it...

Why do human beings persist? Suffering is our default state and nothing can deliver us from it. It would be better to have never been born than to live in this world. The very act of birth is immoral as it both forces human beings into a state of suffering and condemns them to death implicitly. Why do they keep reproducing? What causes them to abandon all reason and ensure that human suffering continues? Why do they invent obsessions for themselves to fill time before death instead of simply skipping to the end?
I cannot imagine anyone ever willingly participating in something like Nietzsche's eternal recurrence of the same. I can't imagine Sisyphus being happy with his position. What am I missing?

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Only life can make death sweet

Beauty, joy, not compounding your misery in a miserablist echo chamber. Read some Keats or something fucking, crybaby.

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Can you stop posting your retard rants with that based man's picture? We exist because we exist. We could never not have existed. And death solves nothing. Antinatalism also solves nothing. You could not not to exist. There is a reason Nietzsche was so obsessed with eternal recurrence, and that is it's the truth --in some sense.

Beauty is for children who are able to look with awe at anything and everything; it is one of the first things lost with maturity.
Joy is temporary and brief at best and is not a justifiable motivation to endure continual suffering.
Keats is fine at writing but linguistic aesthetics are still subject to the rules which generally govern beauty. As a man grows older and reads more, impressive prose is no longer impressive.

I would assume until the arrival of Homo Sapiens multiple strains of the thinking humanoid came to exist, and upon realising the sheer horror of existence, rebuked procreation and successfully went extinct. We are the the result of unthinking evolution's honing process, creatures born with pre-built fear of death and love of reproduction. While neither makes sense for death is imminent and reproduction is pointless, to us, the latest model in the chugging factory of life, it's not a choice, at least not a choice for large enough portion of the population for the species.

I am unconcerned with the reason why humans exist; such a thing is an irrelevant and irrational line of inquiry. The simple fact that we do exist does not justify continual existence. Humans very well could choose to go extinct regardless of the fact that they are not currently extinct; that would be preferable to the continued existence of the species.

That is not true. Maybe read Schopenhauer first before posting his picture with self-indulgent rants.

"A man is never happy, but spends his whole life in striving after something that he thinks will make him so; he seldom attains his goal, and when he does, it is only to be disappointed; he is mostly shipwrecked in the end, and comes into harbour with mast and rigging gone. And then, it is all one whether he is happy or miserable; for his life was never anything more than a present moment always vanishing; and now it is over."

That doesn't mean you should (or even could) just go extinct. That means you should temper your will.

I enjoy the way he lays out the problem, but I do not religiously accept his solution.
Extinction is not explicitly laid out in his studies in pessimism but it is a preferable solution to mere coping mechanisms.

Religion is why. "I'm gonna bring more kids to suffer this bullshit so that they hopefully can live in the floaty place with the demiurge, and also because they make me happy haha, it doesn't matter that they could become an atheist and miss out on the floaty place, at least they helped me cope with my life haha"

Because there is positive answer to will in the complexity's of the mind. The Being-of-the-world as one, specifically Plato.

An awareness of the suffering as Schopenhauer provides, and just how integral it relates to us, to use it as a force -and some of his novel individually identifiable non-systematic ideas- is in my current stage his use, but that really does depend on the individual need.

>he hasn't read Wagner's unification of Religion and Will

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begone g*rman

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Sorry Neetsch but your cranium JUST isn't as big as Wagner's. No need to get upset about it, you can always go to the polish measurements.

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Large cranium is usually a sign of an idiot. Einstein had an undersized head. The inner wiring defines the intellect.

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And just like that, you've managed to dismiss beauty and joy as something childish or naive, associating it with something shameful/stupid in your value system, therefore tainting with invalidation what would have been life affirming.

Your existence is suffering because you've become fixated upon suffering. You develop 'reasons' to confirm and justify your pathetic feelings because you value the feeling of being 'right' over anything else.

Back to your containment thread monkey boy

Seeing the world as suffering is cope because you simply invent yourself as a noble martyr
Seeing the world as beauty is cope because you merely imagine yourself an enlightened part of nature
Seeing the world as nihil is cope because all you do escape pressing existential issues
Seeing world as cope is cope because you think a detached ironic attitude might save you

You're alive. Get over it.


It's true novelty is a very frequent component of joy/awe when we are young, but the 'grumpy old man' mentality is a trap of confirmation bias.

We feel joy when we gain more of something we value. Knowledge, power, love, respect, stamps, aesthetic experiences, insights, money, health, even fucking stamp collecting....it all feels good when what we have increases.

Invalidating thoughts and reasons help us cope with envy and loss by dismissing things we couldn't have by simplifying and framing them as something we won't envy, getting some bitchy feeling of 'revenge' on those sour grapes. As we age we collect and get attached to many of these invalidating thoughts over the years, and we can feel a bit of pride in having seen the edgy 'truth' that the happy naive idiots failed to see. But eventually everything becomes invalidated, nothing feels like it brings more of something valued, and we only feel stagnation/depression and a gradual feeling of loss and decline.

But at least you're not a naive grinning idiot, eh?

>Why do they keep reproducing?
some conception that todays prosperity comes at cost of tomorrows suffering, so being of service involves creating the next beings to suffer

Then maybe you should try looking at the world through children's eyes. Maybe they're on to something.

you have a negative outlook on life based on your personal experiences and personal development. Don’t make the mistake to project those negative emotions on reality.

Also, you’re seeking confirmation from other negative people to ‘prove’ that you have the right outlook but that’s just confirmation bias.

>Don’t make the mistake to project those negative emotions on reality.
>implying people who reproduce don't project their emotions on the reality

also what is reality and negativity?

The objective contrasted with your subjective emotional evaluation of it

what is the objective?

lol people reproduce because they are sad
happy people do not have sex

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reality is the world outside of you, other people, their desires and emotions. Negativity is self-doubt, anger, hate, anxiety.

You project these feelings on other people and on reality as an anthropomorphic system.

OP is struggling to dismiss the things said in this thread because it doesn't confirm the resentment filled outlook he uses to cope, and when he fails to pick the arguments apart he'll close the tab and try to forget so he can deal with the painful dissonance it all triggered.

>Negativity is self-doubt, anger, hate, anxiety.
why do you think these things aren't the part of human condition?

Also we don't only mean to bully you OP (even though it does feel joyous to do so), but we're also trying to help you escape these negative mental trappings that sacrifice any possible happiness just prop up your ego.

It's for your own good, OP, but only if you listen.

delusions of a biological puppet

They are, but they aren't the only part of the human condition unless you find 'reasons' to negate the positive aspects.

Anti-natalism like you suggest comes from the urge to avoid suffering at all costs. When we fixate on what dangers to avoid, our brains filter out all the other stuff that it feels is irrelevant to that goal of avoidance. That which we resist, paradoxically persists and consumes us. The logical conclusion of the goal of avoiding the negative is to not exist at all.

However if you focus on pursuing the positive, chasing those emotional highs, having the mindset of a predator hunting rather than prey escaping, then our brains fill our perception of reality with the things we want instead.

Fixating on a single word to try and 'dismiss' the rest and feel superior to the 'puppets'. Can't you see what you're doing?

What master do you want instead then, besides your own nature, your own biology? This bitter coping defense mechanism you've ruined your life with? You're just as much a slave, just an unhappy one.

if they are part of human condition then it's the reality, that means you are contradicting yourself.

it’s a question of intensity, frequency and adaptability. if these feelings are too frequent and are defining factors of your worldview and interactions, you will be miserable and poorly adapted but in small doses and at the right times, they can be useful tools for growth. Your negative outlook on life suggests that they are indeed overbearing in your case.

Who cares? Human nature is self-contradictory.

We consist of a multitude of competing and contrasting and complementary impulses, desires, values, wants.

Self-contradiction is entirely consistent with the human condition, to point out what you think is a logical flaw is just more or the same attempt to dismiss the dissonance I'm causing.

Don't be a slave to your ego and pride, clinging to resentment at the expensive of all your other impulses. It's a fucking trap the majority of men, including Schopenhauer, fall into.

because that word emphasize your delusions. like you're working on an agenda along with "like minded" people. this desire of getting connected, seeking validation and surrounded by people suggest you're afraid of something.

I said 'we' because only half of these posts have been mine, yet many seem to be making the same point.

Besides, objective reality as it 'really' is isn't something humans have access to. Reality is too complex to behold fully, our brains 'prune' what seems seems irrelevant, making a simplified mental image - a delusion - based upon it's goals.

If none of us can have 'The Truth', wouldn't you rather have delusions that make you feel good, rather than delusions that make you want to have never existed at all?

if human nature is self-contradictory then you can not cling on one world view. you can say it but in practice you will contradict yourself.

A few decades ago maybe you could say this and be right
But you're making an unreasonable assumption that personal experience and development doesn't frequently overlap with widespread even global issues due to the more interconnected nature of the world now
In fact those small personal experiences that can actually separate themselves from the melange and stand on their own are one of the few things that can generate a positive outlook
Things are actually fucked now and pretty much every day it's getting worse
Every day the good in the world gets spread more and more thin
The world I knew as a child is genuinely dead and has been replaced with a strictly inferior version I can say that with certainty

You forgot that this world is a drug trip for immortal beings who have peculiar taste. the hipsters of the immortal world have a new trend, hence the huge increase of humans in this world. Life is a tragedy nested in a comedy.

wholeheartedly agree with this post. I’d wager that a majority of philosophers and artists fall into the same trap.

>wouldn't you rather have delusions that make you feel good
your brain doesn't work like that. just repeating that you feel good isn't really going to make you feel good.

I’m not making that assumption at all. I totally agree that today’s social/political environment makes it easier than ever to fall into neurotic patterns, but that doesn’t make it right or desirable. You have a personal responsibility towards yourself, just because self-realization is harder than it used to be doesn’t make it a less desirable goal.

See >When we fixate on what dangers to avoid, our brains filter out all the other stuff that it feels is irrelevant to that goal of avoidance. That which we resist, paradoxically persists and consumes us. The logical conclusion of the goal of avoiding the negative is to not exist at all.

>However if you focus on pursuing the positive, chasing those emotional highs, having the mindset of a predator hunting rather than prey escaping, then our brains fill our perception of reality with the things we want instead.

It isn't just repeating it until you believe it, it's being invested in goals that seek to attain the good, not just avoid the negative.

One of the traps of intelligent people is fixating on avoiding being 'wrong', and we do this by dismissing anything that has an invalidating inconsistency. But humans have yet to understand anything fully, every human perspective is 'wrong', and if 'not being wrong' is our only goal then all of human existence seems like it has no value.

To understand something is to simplify it, and ignore all the other aspects that are irrelevant. But doing so leaves us with an empty, lifeless shell of a concept if we aren't careful.

What are OPs goals?

If someone wants to see the world like a child again then meditation can help with that. The science is pretty clear on this. I love this feeling of interest and love of being I get from examining the beautiful aspects of nature. It always has a bit of newness to it. I don't grow tired of seeing the same plants every day. My inner child is well alive in me. I feel great while in this state.

of course you need distractions(or goals) to cope with suffering if you're not going to kys. but if you are pursuing those goals for the sake of happiness then you will be disappointed in the end.

>>If someone wants to see the world like a child again then meditation can help with that.
that's the female and bourgeois take on meditation, don't fall for it

Basiet post in the thread
Wrong, read about Taoism

Didn’t Schopenhauer disbelieve in free will (from the point of view of the phenomenal world)? If so we can’t do anything about it.

True, happiness is the joy felt in the pursuit and anticipation rather than some persistent end state after a goal. Contentedness can be sustained with the right mindset though, and if we have the continuous/adaptable/nebulous goals we can feel like we're always improving and getting better.

High expectations and idealism can easily suck every last bit of enjoyment out of even the best set of circumstances, if left unchecked. Some mild self delusion to keep ourselves 'pleasantly surprised' is emotionally optimal, but involves a bit of mental gymnastics. Or drugs.

You take your suffering too seriously. It is literally just a sensation in the body.

just move on to buddhism already and bypass the brainlets


>"A man is never happy, but spends his whole life in striving after something that he thinks will make him so;
Disagree, and project more, Mr 'Ill find the truth someday'.
I am 'happy' to be at work, with my colleagues building things together.
I have no need for excess money, women or even close friends.
>He seldom attains his goal, and when he does, it is only to be disappointed;
Because all you morons are chasing memes.
Your goals are wrong.
If you would have 'good' goals, this wouldnt stand up at all, because achieving goals would make you feel good.
>He is mostly shipwrecked in the end, and comes into harbour with mast and rigging gone.
Only if you are retarded, and keep doing stuff that you think will 'make you happy'.
Or if you are implying people lose their innocence when they age, it is only because they adopt a fucked mindset. (This is a choice YOU make, and noone else).
>And then, it is all one whether he is happy or miserable; for his life was never anything more than a present moment always vanishing; and now it is over."
Here lies the point though.
You should live in the moment and be yourself.
Not even memeing.
Stop looking for things outside of yourself, past, present or future, to fulfill you, or make you happy.

Now I will go and take a walk on the beach, just to watch the water for a bit.
See you later, enlightened folks.

how is true happiness temporary?

He just needs to realize his own suffering is irrelevant.

Because life has to exists. Every form of life has the will to exist and survive. We are no different, and we cant avoid the will to live until something really bad happens, which then leads to suicide.
Who knows? Maybe what makes some people commit suicide is actually the truth about life. All fo us might eventually realize that life is worthless and end our species. Wht we can say is that is more probable that there is a (yet unknown) will to live than a will to die that we have not met.

>Your goals are wrong.
>Not even memeing.

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we all cope down here