Dooms the human race to hundreds of thousands of years of the agony of consciousness because he had to leave his...

>dooms the human race to hundreds of thousands of years of the agony of consciousness because he had to leave his fucking ocean

Why did he do it, lads?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Believeing this garbage


he did it for us

Any good pre-history literature?

Every animal is conscious.

It's a movie but Land Before Time.

Lascaux cave paintings.

he probably sighted a thot who got stranded on land after a flash flood and decided to take his chances
you know it's true

Once again f*moids ruin everything for everyone

nah life would be too insufferable if it was nothing but dudes

>The Ocean is something to be overcome. Life is a rope, tied between water and land—a rope over an abyss. What is great of Life is that it is a bridge and not an end.

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>He cute

How does a graceful sea creature eventually evolve into jews? Where did nature fuck up? Would he have stayed in the water if he knew?

LAND before time 5 was based.

here he is emerging from a vertical plane of water, ie. a dimensional portal

Recommend me some good anti-evolution lit, anons. It’s always seemed like bullshit to me

Evolution is based, biological determinism is redpilled and acting to the true will of God who acted beautifully on his complex and biologically ever changing creation through his laws of evolution. Strict creationism is as retarded and boring as atheism.
Now if you’ll kindly fuck off because I’M WALKIN’ ‘ERE

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You're right, it is bullshit. And I hardly believe in a god. I mean, they can't even explain why humans can grow long hair on their chin and scalp, nor why humans are generally hairless in most other areas, and yet the body hair we do have has a cut-off length. The only animal I can think of with hair as inconsistent as us are lions and their manes. Also, there is no species of ape (or any other animal) that will ever do anything like us.

>they can't even explain why humans can grow long hair on their chin and scalp, nor why humans are generally hairless in most other areas, and yet the body hair we do have has a cut-off length
do you mean they can't explain the technical process of how this happens or the evolutionary "cause"?

Fish was already conscious, just less than us. If you're a pessimist, understand that the cost was sunk as soon as the universe began. Of course, I think it worked out for the best.

You just don't know how many assholes he escaped from. That time must have been glorious. Just your kind and plants. maybe some bugs too.

The evolutionary cause. They cannot explain how humans are the only "ape" species (I'm going by their beliefs here) that can grow hair this inconsistently. Either we are a product of biological engineering, a creation of some god or weird spirit, or whatever other theory that isn't evolution, but one thing I can't get myself to believe as plausible is that we evolved from a species of ape that was the ONLY species of ape to have such inconsistencies that make them stand out like a fat thumb from the rest of the other primates.
Oh and don't even get me started on the fish thing.

>too stupid to truly believe in God, basically an atheist
>is also too stupid to understand the theory of evolution
This demonstrates that the retards now trying to be contrarian by purposefully misunderstanding the theory are the same people that were making epic atheist arguments 5 years ago but stopped because it wasn’t contrarian enough.
We have reduced hair coverage to accommodate sweat glands (notably Africans living in hot climates tend to have less hair than Europeans in cold climates). Our remaining hair on our skull is serves to protect our most important organ from heat and UV radiation and to signify reproductive eligibility and genetic strength (along with facial hair which is an indication of higher testosterone levels).

Lion mane helps protect neck. Maybe human beard was cause big chin amplification. But neckbeards make me doubt. Maybe beard was like lion mane.

Have you even tried googling this shit? We lost our hair because we moved to the savanna, which was hotter than the forest. Also to get rid of parasites.

Evolution isn't a theory, it's a necessary consequence of how genes work. Imagine being this much of a brainlet. Did you not pay attention in 8th grade biology?

There are many differences between the apes but the one that baffles you is cosmetic. I think that is a product of shallow thinking. Do naked mole rats surprise you as well, since they are furless while other mole rats are not? Humans live completely differently to apes. Our bipedalism is our most significant physical difference from other great apes, which probably accounts for the lack of hair. Plus a lot of our residual hairiness withered away with the introduction of clothing.

The brain has the consistency of butter. Hair reduces a blow to the head a bit too.


Do you realise that all this is bullshit ad-hoc rationalisation? You can literally come up with an evolutionary explanation for absolutely ANYTHING. Why didn’t the same thing happen to other “apes” then? Why do they still have hair everywhere? And how come humans, by some random fucking twist of fate, have achieved higher levels of intelligence, civilisation, and sophistication than ANY other known species despite having only existed for a very short time on this planet??

All ancient civilisations talked about gods who came down and taught them everything. Turned them from animals into humans. These beings we can reasonably infer were some sort of alien-gods who genetically engineered our species for whatever reason.

And who/what made the aliens?

> just-so stories
> in fucking 2020
Please God, let it burn, nothing can save us anymore.

Apes do not live on open plains as long distance pursuit predators, they don’t need to worry about heat as much as we would in a hot climate. Humans achieved higher intelligence through the highly social societies of apes combined with an increase in dietary protein content from living on plains with much more plentiful edible fauna than flora.
>durr how come we special
Because it turned out that way, with the myriad forces at play in the universe it couldn’t have turned out any other way and if we weren’t special we wouldn’t be here to ask why, that’s a retarded question. Perhaps God arranged the adaptive forces driving evolutionary change to create us from the very beginning of the universe.
>muh ancient aylmaos
Kek, you really are retarded

Yes, our bodies are going to throw darts at ideas that seem good, by simultaneously give up hair everywhere and develop sweat glands, and also develop very long hair on our scalp and chins over a few thousand years. How about some baldness on those african balls, too? Yea' I'm sure they get pretty sweaty down there too.
>hollow 'reproductive eligibility and reproductive eligibility' (aesthetic) reasoning
And yet, the female apes didn't seem to find the strange growth patterns humans have as 'attractive'?
Hey, quick question, why haven't any "other" apes' DNA thrown similar darts to help them cool down?

>shallow thinking
It's the most obvious one, and easily smashes evolutionists out bowling pins.
>Plus a lot of our residual hairiness withered away with the introduction of clothing.
I guess hats and helmets don't do the same trick on our bodies that a shirt or pants does?
I think I'd like a hat if my kind skinned fur in the middle of an ice age, or even after, during the smaller periods of abnormally cold winters.
>We lost our hair because we moved to the savanna, which was hotter than the forest.
A sub-division of humans could've easily stayed in the forests and kept all their body hair WHILE evolving their brains to be as intelligent as savannah humans. It seems more likely than "all apes that left the forests to live in savannah ALSO developed all this craftiness, while apes that stayed in the forests stayed stupid"
>Also to get rid of parasites.
We could've just kept doing what other apes do, picking eachothers' head for bugs ROFL. Sounds like a cop-out.

>Did you not blindly eat up everything your 8th grade biology teacher fed you as she herself was just as blindly re-iterating what speculating scientists were saying, because all she cared about was getting her monthly school teacher pay check?
I remember.
I was learning. And then I learned to question. Like. A. Fucking. Scientist.

>Yes, our bodies are going to throw darts at ideas that seem good, by simultaneously give up hair everywhere and develop sweat glands, and also develop very long hair on our scalp and chins over a few thousand years.
Yes this is how genetic adaptation happens, regardless of whether you believe in speciation, this process is present and observable in microevolution, these traits would already have been present already in some minor form from skin secretions of oils. Most ‘novel forms’ people talk about are simply changes to existing forms, the point where true novel forms arise and we don’t understand is before the Cambrian explosion.
These changes occur not just because “random darts were thrown” but because pre-existing traits were greatly advantageous with some environmental change (such as increased aridity leading to replacement of forests with savannah).
>female apes don’t find animals they diverged with millions of years ago attractive
>this is in some way surprising
Change is complex and female apes aren’t going to be attracted to the traits related to human success in our niche (including reduced hair), they’re going to prefer hair that protects from the sharp branches of a jungle.
>why haven’t apes revolved the same way as us
Because we occupied the niche first and will outcompete the fuck out of anything else. It is disadvantageous for those apes to try to compete with us because the niche is already filled, there is no place left for them to radiate in that area of biology.
>hey, quick question
You write like a redditor.

I command all of my descendants to suffer as I have

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You don’t seem to have actually learned the theory of evolution though, you have no understanding of how adaptive pressures act on existing (even extremely minor) traits to amplify them, which is a very basic part of studying evolutionary biology.
>Like. A. Fucking. Scientist.
Each post more leddit than the last

Beards and head hair are sexual ornamentation like the lion’s mane you mentioned

Then why did humans live in open planes you donkey? Not to mention that apes live in just as hot and even hotter climates than we do now. Go to the jungle right now and see if you’re not sweating like a nigger.
But even if we grant this ad-hoc point (all evolutionary rationalisations are ad-hoc, necessarily. If humans had more hair than apes it would be explained by the fact that humans live in colder climates than do apes), but even if we grant it, what CAUSED humans to live in that climate in the first place? Surely, if we were apes with hair all over us we wouldn’t want to go live in open planes, and humans never would have evolved. But you maintain this position: apes have hair on their bodies because they don’t live in open planes, they don’t live in open planes because it is too hot for them, but our pre human ancestors did live in open planes despite the fact that it’s too hot for them, and that’s why we lost our hair. Good one.
>muh mechanistic universe
Just kill yourself You soulless stembug.
>if we weren’t special we wouldn’t be here to ask why
already been refuted (look up Boltzmann brains)


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>I can't get laid because of fish
At least incels are getting creative.

>this process is observable in microevolution
Has it been documented that supposed "ancestors of humans" had gone from having 'oil glands' to 'sweat' glands'?
>These changes occur not just because...
Documented? I mean, these are some really on-point darts we're talking here. Some apes might like to drop down from the trees just as we have, if their DNA will agree to adapt to it...
>Change is complex
But not gradual? I think a female ape would find her slightly mutated male neighbor kind of attractive, even if he looked a little different. And if he wasn't, what are the chances a less-hairy she-ape would be born and find him attractive? I would speculate this as highly unlikely. On the other hand, drastic mutation also seems even more unlikely, unless we're talking about some of Noah's grandkids suddenly turning into niggers, and some of them turning into asians, a few dozen generations before Jesus' time, here...
>Because we occupied the niche first etc...
It is "disadvantageous" as you say, and I wholeheartedly agree, but so was our descent. But I'm not sure if africans are too worried about what tries to crawl from the jungle into the savannah, unless we're talking about poaching and profits.
>You write like a redditor.
My hands would be moving if we were having this conversation in person, and you would also say I talk like an italian for doing so. There is no shame in my game.

"Not an argument".

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>We lost our hair because we moved to the savanna, which was hotter than the forest. Also to get rid of parasites.
So why didn’t my ancestors grow hair back when they moved to cold places? Checkmate evolutionists

>aesthetic reason
Does not explain why it would occur.
Does not increase the probability of a modern species of ape mutating into a long-haired modern species of ape.

God of course

One defining trait of humans is that we travel. Our muscles are not like other great apes. We can throw things well and our muscles are good at endurance things like walking many miles. Maybe some humans moved to the Savannah due to it having less threats there. Maybe because it was easier to hunt or track animals. Traveling in general helped develop our intelligence. The more we can master different environments the more chance some will make it when something terrible occurs such a diseases which killed far more of us than lions tigers, bears, ect. Evolution just makes sense and it's fun to think about it.

>ad hoc

Yeah it's called thinking about stuff. You suck at trolling lol

learn your Darwin, retard
Why do you think male lions have long manes but females don’t?
Your last statement doesn’t even make sense

Daily reminder that evolutionists cannot explain the eye and it is laughable to watch them try

what do you mean

>Evolution just makes sense and it's fun to think about it.

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Apparently you haven’t evolved enough to understand me, ape

Is it true primates can't turn their necks?

Women finding a trait which men do not yet possess (such as a long beard, or long hair) will not cause men to develop long hair and beards.
Therefore, your
>aesthetic reason
does not explain why it would occur.
It does not increase the probability of a modern species of ape mutating into a long-haired modern species of ape.
Aesthetic reasons do not justify mutations.

It’s just so sad that seemingly intelligent people get sucked into this nonsense. You would reject an ad-hoc rationalisation of anything else, but you don’t see how this is exactly what you’re doing with the evolution stuff.
Just imagine for a moment that the world was exactly the same except humans had hair all over their bodies and apes did not. You would be here on this Peloponnesian shirt-mending forum telling me the reason for this is that humans lived in colder climates than other apes. And the thing is: you would be correctly interpreting the situation for an evolutionary standpoint. From an evolutionary standpoint, it would be very plausible. But that’s only because evolutionary explanations are ad-hoc and can be used to explain ANYTHING. It’s just not a solid interpretive framework.

I think if I was an autistic scientist I'd resort to drawing long speculative bridges between two points to make it seem logical too. Some people just aren't cut out to be scientists, they can't get that scientific method of theirs to where they want it to and so their personal sense of peace is permanently blocked until they lie.

jannies, you can delete this thread. ty.

You are probably b8ing me but I will explain
The theory behind sexual ornamentation is that when general “survival” needs (food, safety) are met, sexual selection will take root. Because of the relative worth of gametes (plentiful and cheap in males, few and expensive in females), there is a general trend that males compete for females and the female will be selective in her mates. Most common example is the plumage of male birds, antlers of male ungulates. If a male can invest enough energy in diverting resources to a large feather tale rather than sustaining himself then he will generally be more fit to fuck than his peers. It is passed on only to males because the traits become sex linked through chromosomes.
No one purports humans to descend from modern apes, but a series of hominids which you might trace back to some common ancestor of modern apes.
As for the body hair, perhaps it was selected against because of parasites, because of a warmer climate, because of highly developed sweat glands, probably all of these reasons. That men are hairier than women is a sign that it was also sexually selected for as a sign of fitness.

> agony of consciousness

Bro, just stop hitting yourself. There is no reason you can't be happy this very instant.

So weird to think we come from that. Sometimes I like to daydream about the first little mammals that looked like rats and that only survived because they could hide underground after that meteorite struck and killed off the dinosaurs. I like to imagine what it must be like to be a little rat kinda thing, not knowing one day millions of years later your descendants would be shitposting about you on some machine.

Pretty based.

Imagine the hyper complex memes those marble niggas from Prometheus will be making about us

this is very possible the sumerians lore which the three abrahamic religions are based on spoke of the annunaki, deitys which they describe as being literal physical beings that communicated with them this along with the fact that the modern archaeological timeline is unable to explain why societies and human peoples in different parts of the world were creating stone structures, and reporting of deitys, and developing cultures with both subtle and overt similarities concurrently with no evidence of them communicating or trading. Also how is it that we admit they were correct in their writing systems, building systems, medicine, pottery etc but they are wrong about their contact with what they perceived as gods?

I believe that possibly this is because the way the human brain is wired on a fundamental level is shaped by what is has perceived and since the natural environment has commonalities, patterns and repetitive trifles a synchronicity appears and forms our relationship with nature. The collective consciousness of mankind is an identical system, a web weaved by the probability of experience and memory. Patters are perceived and again there is synchronicity and this forms, the collective consciousness of mankind. This process again self-replicates and the collective consciousness produces the same patterns and so there are similar traces of them throughout history for example, Stonehenge, Göbekli Tepe, The Pyramids etc.

As a note: there are also unexplainable gaps in our biology how we suddenly developed a larynx to enable language and how our brain size increased so quickly could it be that the Annunaki engineered us?

Cuvier, the founder of modern Archaeology, ironically.

So the development of all the different genus and species came from a believer in God? Cool.

You guys are just memeing, right? Nobody here actually believes the """evolution""" hoax?

The concept of opportunism is universal across species. It’s taking “free” order from other superior beings to create entropy and own short term gain. Anti logos.

The pope endorses evolution as an expression of the divine will and intellect. Are you a heretic?

>being catholic in 2020
I bet you believe in dinosaurs too bud

IQ under 85 confirmed. You struggle with maths and arguments, nothing you can do about it either.

Organized religion is a scam. True belief is believing in God without the silly ceremonies and choirboy groping.

I may be retarded but at least I am smarter than a catholic
I could destroy you in sumo, twink

>senile old man, supposed "leader" of the world's largest, most legalized band of pederasts
>no less a puppet than the queen of england
>said band of pederasts actually run by middle-aged cowards hiding behind religion and inside of an autonomous zone safeguarded by a country made up of almost nothing but believers of said religion.
>who fucking knows what horrors go in inside the Vatican.
A sad story that just won't end.
I'm not a heretic, because catholicism is a grim sham.

Sure thing fatty. Call me when your balls drop. We can retest your IQ when the part of your brain responsible for abstraction forms. Does that sound good?

Do you mean AI?

I see. Heretic then. Enjoy your non canonical sham faith.

Happy larping.

This. I went to a convent school, and I was taught evolution by nuns who had MScs in science and biology and ery’thing. There was no conflict for them whatsoever. Being religious does not mean you can’t be scientifically rigorous or intelligent.

> total bollocks
Cool story, tripfag.

The walking out, the bite on the apple: it doesn't matter. We are all paying for the sins of our fathers. A truly cringe reality

I humbly return the compliment, amerimutt evangelist.


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We weren’t the only ones, it’s just that all our evolutionary brothers died out for one reason or another


The Supermen would walk in file, guardians of the loveless isle,
and gloomy browed with super-fear...

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If you don’t believe in evolution, which moronic creationist belief do you hold then tripfag? You’re cornered. Let’s see you come up with a way out. Encaustics you already said it’s not Christianity. What else would compel an ill begotten individual to believe creationism without US evangelical dogma? Buddhism or some shit?

Aha! The Engineeers! I’m so dumb. What poem is that?

base-paired and reptilian pilled
>that habrosaurus over there

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David Bowie - the Supermen
The Man Who Sold the World is simply the best

"It is a good fish," thought the strange bird up above. Others of its ilk were already going in circles around the aquatic creature, their altitudes dropping. A feather was spinning down from their flock, as vain warning. "Should I?"

Fuck! Why did I not know that??! ‘Young Americans’ is my favourite album of all time! What a shitty Bowie fan I am. Good grief! Anyway, thank you, Anonymous.

*Clears throat*
Heavy Metal.

will to land overfish

in a way, we are the überfisch

So that’s a yes. You’re the one who is larping.

I thought you were stirnerist

Holy fucking based.

>he didn't start with the Pre-Cambrians
never gonna make it

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so we're supposed to replace just-so stories with just-so stories involving a agical skydaddy? you do realize that the weight of evidence in favor of evolution is so enormous that a fact not yet explained does nothing to harm this paradigm? and conveniently of you to forget that even though this just-so story may not be true, the rest of evolutionary theory stands scientific scrutiny unlike the doctrine of Church which proved to be way off the mark.
except scientists rarely question the rulling paradigm, this is reddit-tier philosophy of science. it's only during scientific revolution that any change happens and previously held truths are reevaluated, once the new paradigm solidifies it is no longer questioned and all subsequent research is primarily supposed to confirm the paradigm's explanatory power rather than disconfirm it. read Thomas Kuhn