Is this fact alone enough proof of a higher God unknowable to us?
Why is there something and not nothing?
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No why would it be?
Because the fact that there is anything means it came from somewhere, which would have to come from something else, ad infinity.
God doesn't mean omnipitent sky daddy, it means something higher than ourselves unknowable to us
Why is that God though?
No it doesnt.
>why is op a faggot but not a faggot?
Stop posting
God is the unknowable. You tell me why is there something and not nothing?
It depends on your definition of God
If you mean the kind of God that Spinoza or Einstein believed in then yes but other people have put it far more eloquently than your astronomer
>order out of chaos
Is wrong because it was always ordered according to the aspects/laws of reality that consitute a pantheistic God, there is no chaos.
It says nothing in favour of a conscious and humanesque God a la abrahamism
Well, this paradox doesn't seem to make sense according to this universes own physical laws which we observe. It doesn't necessarily imply a God, but it does imply that there is SOMETHING fishy going on with existence God is a catch all phrase for being that is more powerful, and can somehow manipulate physical laws or create realities, which would explain why reality is the way it is instead of something more logical, like nothing.
The material properties of our universe don't appear to allow for an infinite regress or creating itself. If there is no God like entity that acts as some creator, it puts a massive amount of doubt on the epistemology of nearly everything we think we know about how the universe operates.
Could you guys expand on the specific things we observe that points in this direction? Genuinely curious
Actually there is nothing but chaos. Order is our futile attempt to organize it.
God is that Logic which allows for its own existence. Life the law of non-contradiction, it arises by itself. God is the Truth that always exists, since it is impossible for there to be no truth.
Consciousness, experience, or being - whatever you want to call it - is the immutable, eternal, ontological ground of reality. This is the reason that something exists, with that "something" being existence itself. If your question is why the phenomenal universe itself exists, then what I believe is that consciousness created the universe and everything in it for the sake of experiencing itself as a multiplicity, and because it has nothing else to do.
Read the Law of One for a uniquely non-dual answer to your question, unlike the traditional dualistic perspectives which you'd get from both Abrahamic theology or materialist metaphysics:
The experimental results in quantum mechanics are leading some physicists to say that mind is the final reduction layer underpinning the entire universe.
>a higher God unknowable to us
Yes. Anything you can name or describe is not the real thing though.
The "consciousness causes collapse" interpretation is only held by a fringe minority, those views are largely dismissed as quantum mysticism (i.e. trash)
>mind is the final reduction layer underpinning the entire universe
So they will unironically complete the system of German Idealism?
Causality didn't exist before being. So the question is nonsense.
It's not like the alternatives are any better. When you start positing that information is a physical thing, you already went outside the bounds of materialism, to the point that they're trying to rebrand it to physicalism (because everything points to there being something else other than matter and energy). Hell, even Wigner, who in the end opposed the Von Neumann-Wigner interpretation, could only muster hopes (hopes!) that 'we will not embrace solipsism', and 'we'll be able to admit the world really exists'.
fake and gay
Starting your article with the already refuted notion of Galileo’s fake story is not a great way to do it, I’ll say that.
Proof of God comes from consciousness not things. The fact you are conscious and are connected to other conscious beings and that consciousness is the foundation of reality implies a higher consciousness.
Explain what you mean by "connected to other conscious beings". I'm I connected to Trump's consciousness right now?