Imagine being a member of the mediocre sex who has to believe and force herself to accept that Virginia Woolf is at...

Imagine being a member of the mediocre sex who has to believe and force herself to accept that Virginia Woolf is at pair with Dante or Shakespeare AH HAHHAHAHHAHA

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>at pair
Shut up, retard

Damn actually looks fine af from this angle

But no, seriously, how does any modernist author answer ulysses? Joyce just kind of embarrassed his whole generation with that one and we've yet to surpass it

Wait until you hear her voice.

Wtf is she talking about? Is she actually schizophrenic?

Dante was a massive cuck. He lost every political battle he engaged in and just turned his defeats into faggy power fantasies in the Comedy.

men's brains are incredibly cum-addled—so susceptible to the charm of the feminine that a pair of used panties can cause you to short-circuit. you trip and fall over yourselves to purchase bathwater from e-thots. half of the threads on this board are cryposts lamenting lack of a girlfriend, requests for books that dissect female psychology, theorizations on the draw of vapid instagram girls etc. are you a dante? are you a shakespeare? who are you? you are a cumbrained faggot on an imageboard trying to ride the coattails of successful men by engaging in a bizarre woolf or dante/shakespeare proxy discussion and by and large your sex is pathetic because most of you would abandon all of your principles for a whiff of vulvar sweat AH HAHAHAHAHHAHAH

And now dante dabbing on all his rivals is immortalised

post feet

Especially when Dickinson is


Typical emotional female flying off the handle.


>go to reply to this post in defense of men
>about to start typing
>girl bends over slightly to drink from nearby drinking fountain
>mind instinctively goes "ASS? ASS? THERE IS ASS??" and glances over instantly
>tfw it's all true

Somebody send this hysterical whore to a mental institution

Such immortalisation through myth is the biggest cucking of them all. Instead of actually living life to its peak while alive, fulfilling your potential as a human being, the peak of your life instead comes after you die, when all you can do is look on as a pathetic ghost within the aether, at best. How much more lowly and pathetic can you get than that?

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Look on as a ghost while literally the entirety of humanity sucks your dick and your work spawns thousands of poets who laugh and applaud at you dabbing on your rivals? Doesn't sound that bad

Get thee to a nunnery

Yes but with that in mind do you now understand why men/society puts women on such a pedestal and pretends to care about them. Because it certainly isn't your intellectual merits.

based femoid


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Actually pretty hot

Are you retarded? She's saying very clearly that writing today (1937) is more difficult than in the past as words have become loaded with meaning over time, and have been combined to form so many various sentences, that it's difficult to write with originality. It's the very idea that Harold Bloom apparently stole in order to make a name for himself (he called it the 'anxiety of influence,' so as to make it as neurotic and Jewy as possible.)

Virginia Woolf rises from the grave to dunk on pimple-squeezing incels.

Toasty roastie hates her dad
Toastie roastie, why so sad?
Toasty roastie mad at all
Toasty roastie hit the wall
Toasty roastie cheats and lies
Toasty roastie screams and cries
Toasty roastie throws a fit
Toasty roastie hits submit
Toasty roastie gets her (you)s
Toasty roastie still feels blue
Toasty roastie knows deep down
Toasty roasties are all clowns

Yet more projection, cope and seethe
From a bitter little toasty roastie!

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>Yet more projection, cope and seethe
>From a bitter little toasty roastie!
That couplet awkward af, read pope

She has the face of a horse.

I'm afraid of Virginia Woolf

unequivocally based

I love Woolf, and think to the lighthouse is one of the greatest novels ever written - at least in the English language. Dalloway could reasonably make it in the top 100 as well, and possibly the waves too, but I think her male characters who are generally stereotypical edwardian english gentry ratched up to 10 as a sort of strawman punching bag handicapped her creativity.

Relatedly, whenever women take credence with how male authors portray women as ridiculous, chauvinist, etc etc. i can't help but laugh - if an author of superlative talent as woolf couldn't portray men honestly (and often, well) then perhaps the sexes aren't exactly cut out at portraying one another (though there are precedents in joyce's molly bloom, lowry's yvonne, amongst many others).

>In 1912, she married Leonard Woolf, and in 1917 the couple founded the Hogarth Press, which published much of her work.
>Woolf was born in London, the third of ten children of Solomon Rees Sidney Woolf (known as Sidney Woolf), a barrister and Queen's Counsel, and Marie (née de Jongh). His family was Jewish.

Sounds like you need to read A Room of One's Own.

That look in her eyes. I'm so attracted to this photo

Imagine having an imagination with this little life to it. I can't, or rather I refuse to go there, since while this blank inglorious concavity, which as devoid of soul, of pride, of poetry, of picturesqueness, of character, of contour, of nose in short as that which is at the bottom of my left foot, couldn't make so much as a sign for some perfumer, tucked into my razor case or portfolio.

I don't read

i'm going to have to agree with and suggest that the next time you post this you change the couplet to something like "projection, cope, and seethe pervade the toasty roastie's sad tirade" because both meter and rhyme make you sound about as retarded as you are, and that isn't a hand i'd be so keen to reveal

Sure you did, woman

What are you, a fucking nerd. Nobody talks like that. Go die somewhere.

>force herself to accept that Virginia Woolf is at pair with Dante or Shakespeare
Why? Nothing wrong with accepting men are better at everything except controlling their impulses.

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Because women impulses are lame they're pasive and overall stupid

What's wrong with that? Aren't females supposed to have passive impulses? What man wants his woman to be active?

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Stupid female reasoning. Joyce was making up whatever the fuck words he wanted, while this bitch complained that it was too difficult in an old language.

>Because women impulses are lame they're pasive and overall stupid
Women are meant to be passive and stupid. They exist to breed, give milk and babysit.

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I fully accept that we are passive and stupid user.

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you. you are the problem. men infantilize women, drool over women, sanctify women, objectify women—you have so much power over men’s libidos and clearly no fucking idea how to harness it. what do men do for you? they subscribe to your premium snapchat, buy you stupid gifts, fight with one another for a shred of your attention, and respond positively to every half-formed thought that falls out of your mouth. you could start making up words, quoting finnegan’s wake, whatever, and your poor idiot/vaginal thrall would respond, “that’s great, honey.” so what do you do? you enthusiastically throw yourself into this cage, tailor-made for your soft and yielding form. you continue making content for your premium snapchat. you meticulously track his interests, so that you can fill the shape of the void in his life. you take photoshoots in wheat fields. you start to investigate this whole ‘literature’ thing—he said he wanted a Yea Forums gf after all, how hard can it be to fill that role? your brain has been preserved in amber, forever a time capsule commemorating your twelfth birthday. you are just as sad a sight as the men who approach you with semen sloshing out of their ears because you realized that you can weaponize their groveling against them by living your life to be their gay little fantasy. by parroting their talking points that you are weak, stupid, manipulative, passive, and worthless you have become weak, stupid, manipulative, passive, and worthless. you have been treated like an infant, so you have become an infant. you discourage both orbiters and misogynists from thinking critically about their behavior because you’ve decorated your prison and made a cozy home there. acknowledging that you are a passive and simpering cunt doesn’t make you based or redpilled, it makes you pathetic. men are retarded, but you are too. wake up soon.

Unlike women us men can use our neurosis for positive achievements. Dante would have never wrote the divine comedy if he wasn’t obsessed over Beatrice or Goethe with Faustina

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Judging by your lack of punctuation, please refrain from posting eye cancer like this again.
10/10 incel rant

women who espouse dumbfuck tradwife sentiments in order to indulge 1950s larper fantasies ought to be taken to task along with the idiots they devote their lives to impressing. female autonomy is good and should be encouraged—i would think that's antithetical to the incel position.


based femposter
shortcel reddit faggot

>female autonomy is good
Based on female depression rates male virginity rates and birth rates I'm gonna say your wrong there bud. The biggest red pill you can take is that female “empowerment” was just one huge con for capitalists to make more money

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based virago annihilating thots

how are you defining empowerment? my understanding of empowerment and autonomy is one in which women are liberated, that is to say no longer conditioned to constrain their existences along the bounds of male desires. i absolutely agree that the corporate-feminist definition of empowerment as being some kind of sexy, boss-babe icon or whatever who crushes the working class under her stilettos is a stupid capitalist construct but if women genuinely stopped pandering to men's fucked conception of what women ought to be like then predatory industries such as beauty/fashion would be brought to their knees and this whole wild dynamic between men and women would also shrivel up and die. if women were permitted to exist, no pedestal, i imagine that society would be much better off for it.
