Which is better: reading late into the night after, or waking up early to read before work?
Which is better: reading late into the night after, or waking up early to read before work?
not working and getting up early to read, reading all day and reading late into the night
If you have a job or regular obligations where you have to wake up early, morning. Otherwise staying up late because it's cozy.
I do both.
being a night owl is more Yea Forums
Depends. Some people like Woolf worked exclusively in the morning, when she knew her mind was at its peak. Others like Balzac worked overnight pounding away coffee.
I sleep at about 4 or 5 AM
redheads are the most Yea Forums of tastes
imagine that bitch accepting your cum in her pussy
>masculine jawline
>feminine everything else
What do you mean?
I really want to breed that female. Imagine being a Viking/ Roman back in the day and getting to go to Ireland whenever you want and just impregnate every single red head/bushed qt while all the potato nigger manlets Seeth in a corner
I picture romans generally being manlets compared to most of the 'barbarian' tribes north of them, including irish.
And actually, the red hair is believed to be rooted from, you guessed it, the germanic invaders of british islands.
we need selective breeding of tall, athletic, red and blond haired women stat. Save those phenotypes before they go extinct.
This is essentially my experience in Europe already, and I absolutely love it. Seeing the horror on the porn-addicted, stinky Eurotrash when their women surround you at a nightclub, and then hearing their outbursts the next day about "fat americans" and how they're so stupid because they don't dip cheetohs in cups of ketchup is one of the best feelings in the world.
No. Brunette is best.
>read late at night
Fall asleep after five minutes
>read early in the morning
Fall asleep after five minutes
hopefully you become rich, so you can read all day with no worry
Reading when you feel like it
From my understanding the red hair phenomenon was also in Ireland and most Nordic men have Celtic genes due to alphaViking mad lads imposing their will upon red head qts in Ireland
Whoever does this is a hero of western civilization
Based make sure to breed one while you can before more of the foreign horde come in
I prefer the former. My understanding is that if you read before bed, you retain the information better.
Ballsac :DDD
You dont have too. There most excellent deepfakes on xnxx.
Read at night because it prepares your mind for cool dreams. Write in the morning because you're still digesting those dreams.
He also pounded his dick right up to the edge of orgasm, drank 50 cups a day, and sometimes wrote hundreds of pages a day which required almost no revision
Do something prodictive in the morning. Write or study. Reading doesn't require your mind to be at it's maximum, just needs to be attentive which you can train
Doubly so because Romans were urbanniggers and would have poor nutrition.
But I'm too tired in the morning