What does lit think about Angela Nagle and "Kill all Normies?"
Angela Nagle
She's a woman, and therefore the worst kind of normie. Ignore.
Most of it is literally just a summary of the Wikipedia timeline of Yea Forums. The conclusion she draws, poopooing chan culture as purely transgressive and devoid of any deeper reflection of trends in youth values, are retarded. She refuses to actually try to work out why chan culture took the turn that it did in the run up to 2016 and her book is overall valueless and lacking in actual insight.
Something I noticed from reading her book was the pure reactionary nature of it all. Most of her critiques and observations were extremely surface level.
Never does she stop operating from the premise that the left is inherently correct, when in fact, the left is established on a while host of false assumptions.
What false assumptions?
Human equality for starters.
Exactly, this book is basically just "Angela Nagle's personal opinion on Yea Forums.org". Its super surface level and makes no attempts at all come to with any novel conclusions whatsoever.
Egalitarianism. An emphasis on Hegel, rather than Schopenhauer. Utopianism. Biology denialism. Hierarchy denialism. Lots of false assumptions.
The denial of the importance of tradition.
Blind belief in the myth of progress
Agree with other anons. It's definitely intended for an audience that has heard tales of that hacker known as Yea Forums. I read it off the back of George Saunders' recommendation. The analysis is very basic and is often derailed by long passages of pearl clutching and quoting rape and death threats on twitter. Possibly the one interesting idea gleamed from it is that virtue functions as the primary currency in id-pol circles and the in-fighting of the left is explained by a need to create scarcity of virtue because of its inflation.
I think most leftists are just upset that the radical youth no longer buys into their dogma. The left truly cannot thrive in the information age without heavy censorship, as we're seeing with their adoption of internet censorship. They're driven too much by ideology, which I kind of blame on hegelianism, Ultimately. Everything that doesn't agree with their idea of progress has to be silenced.
I also think they have a difficult time approaching Yea Forums because they're so used to existing in their hegemonic echo-chamber of academia. They truly have become incapable of advocating on the betterment of social.
Think about it. So many events, from the election of Donald trump, brexit, male alienation has all slipped right under their noses and hit them like a brick to the face. Many of these events fundamentally contradict much of their ideological perspective. A large reason why people like fukuyama could argue for something like the end of history is because the right wing perspective has mostly been isolated from academia
>virtue functions as the primary currency in id-pol circles and the in-fighting of the left is explained by a need to create scarcity of virtue because of its inflation
The economy of social capital! Such a cutting edge ideaaaa!
she's kinda hot in a masculine sort of certainly thinks she is above you way
She's been very based since the bad start that was Kill All Normies
Nagle is kind of a brainlet, though, so the superiority complex isn't warranted.
I've never met a woman smarter than me
Based Nazbol
if anything that kinda makes it more hot, sheer bratty arrogance
I enjoyed it. Been on Yea Forums for 10+ years and it seemed like a fair and accurate account to me, better than I had anticipated anyway.
neither have I, desu.
Balderdash. The only false assumptions are your own.
What assumptions did the anons make?
Malice's, "The New Right" does everything Negel is trying to do but better. He's actually in the scene and understands it better.
thanks for the headsup
>"You guys are just a bunch of incels!"
>Hits wall while writing it.
No one could dream up punishments as poetic and uncompromisingly cruel as nature.
That any of those positions have anything to do with the left.
Can you be a leftist without belief in equality and progress? What would you even base your leftism on at that point?
She doesn't seem particularly insightful at all, but I do love the sound of her voice.
This. Imagine her calling your name while going balls deep? Would sound like heaven.
Are you joking? The idea of "progress" is just a delusion of neoliberal capitalism.
She's pretty clueless, but I respect her opposition to open borders.
I agree, but what would you base your leftism on without it?
She writes like a "HELLO FELLOW CHILDREN" type of person. Reading it as someone who's been on Yea Forums for a very long time is amusing because of how bad it is. Maybe she's right and this website has fried my brain.
The idea that working people should keep what they earn.
I don't see how that is inherently leftist. Without an assumption of equality or progress, what you propose would surely just be Nazbol or third positionist.
>duuuuuddddee the entire history of man is a series of modes of productions overturning each other one-after-another until we finally arrive at communism
>progress is not inherent to leftism
she is an idealist marxist (of the class reductionist type) who fell ass backwards into a fight with actual power. i think she was genuinely surprised she would get crushed after attacking idpol - after all she was a brave warrior against 'capitalism' for years and nothing happened.
turns out being a dissident opposing an actually powerful enemy like the cathedral really really sucks. berniebros who like to dabble into bolshy aesthetics are also gonna get the alt-right treatment. the neoliberal blucheqs are gonna crush them all.
>Left based on Egalitarianism
>Marx explicitly against it in the Gotha program
Shit for brains as always.
This. It's what they get for dogpiling the right
Most of it trivial, the analysis of transgression was interesting but none of it is deeper than 'intro to Yea Forums 101.'