does Yea Forums know what's next?
Does Yea Forums know what's next?
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leftists are illiterate narcissistic PMC trannies who think the working class are bigots who should OD on heroin. Remember these people want you broke dead your children raped and brainwashed and they think it's all funny
None of these people would ever give up their blue checks and op-eds and orgiastic media correspondence for a job in the factory, which is exactly what they would be doing under any other economic system.
Also, what a fucking braindead thesis. Capital is dead? Really?
Jesus Christ just shoot me in the face if that’s what I’m gonna look like in 40 years
why would you look like that?
Capital is undead
It's not too late to turn back user.. Please..
lol he really became a tranny
That's a man, baby.
Didn't this guy publish a book that was basically just sexts between him and a colleague?
is that robert carlyle?
how do you expect anyone to
This guy went tranny just to sell his shit. Pure capital.
Been doing this for years, take underground far-left ideas and then liberalize them for academia.
>After Kathy Acker met McKenzie Wark on a trip to Australia in 1995, they had a brief fling and immediately began a heated two-week email correspondence. Their emails shimmer with insight, gossip, sex, and cultural commentary. They write in a frenzy, several times a day; their emails cross somewhere over the International Date Line, and themselves become a site of analysis. What results is an index of how two brilliant and idiosyncratic writers might go about a courtship across 7,500 miles of airspace—by pulling in Alfred Hitchcock, stuffed animals, Georges Bataille, Elvis Presley, phenomenology, Marxism, The X-files, psychoanalysis, and the I Ching.
>Their corresepondence is a Plato's Symposium for the twenty-first century, but written for queers, transsexuals, nerds, and book geeks. I'm Very Into You is a text of incipience, a text of beginnings, and a set of notes on the short, shared passage of two iconic individuals of our time.
Jesus christ.
Shit i thought it was Houellebecq
>Their corresepondence is a Plato's Symposium for the twenty-first century, but written for queers, transsexuals, nerds, and book geeks.
Why do they all look like this? I honestly cannot tell if that is a man or a woman. Very unsettling.
For me it's patricia mccormack
>Their correspondence is a Plato's Symposium for the twenty-first century, but written for queers, transsexuals, nerds, and book geeks.
>Their corresepondence is a Plato's Symposium for the twenty-first century, but written for queers, transsexuals, nerds, and book geeks. I'm Very Into You is a text of incipience, a text of beginnings, and a set of notes on the short, shared passage of two iconic individuals of our time
>their emails cross somewhere over the International Date Line, and themselves become a site of analysis.
What could they possibly mean by "site of analysis" here, and how is that in any way the result of an email "crossing somewhere over the international dateline"?
His next book, an autobiographo-dilato-theory-fiction, also seems like an obvious Paul Preciado ripoff