Thoughts on the books of Chuck Wendig?
Thoughts on the books of Chuck Wendig?
I only know of him through his awful Star Wars books. Who is he talking about in OP pic? I hope to God it's not Hillary.
>fabulously gay Nyan Cat meteor
Would use a wojack bugman here but it seems he himself just actually is one
Yes liberals are cringe even though I as a radical democratic socialist, defer to them in everything outside of my rhetoric.
>The bad guys all look like white guys
But in the original Star Wars the human good guys also all looked like white guys (and girls). Except Lando (questionable hero status since he betrayed Han). And Mace Windu in the prequels. So a minor token black character per trilogy.
Isn't this the guy that hates his infant son?
Except fucking Darth Vader was all-black and very obviously voiced by a black.
>Using imagery of an event that wiped out 75% of species of the planet
Join the good side!!!1!!
wrong fucko i'm voting for trump if bernie doesnt get the nom for no reason other than pure spite. kids in cages? tough luck!
I think a lot more people would be open to socialism (or a robust social safety net, however you want to label that) if leftists didn't always combine it with open borders. The combination of free handouts and a high minimum wage with open borders seems disaster-prone.
Spoiler alert: He's Luke's father. Luke is white last time I checked. As is Anakin in the prequels. Darth Vader was never supposed to be black although a black guy played him.
>meant to cast vote for barney
>fill out ballet
>realize it was actually don turnip
AKSHUALLY Darth Vader was played by David Prowse, James Earl Jones merely voiced him.
reminder that this how you have to act on twitter to get published
careful user, you are sounding like a nazi
It's almost like leftists are detached from reality and have no idea how to run a budget.
Kids are safer in those cages than outside being raped by drag queens
>Thesis - Donald Trump - 2016 - First American president (at least in recent memory, if not ever) to call himself a Nationalist
>Antithesis - Bernie Sanders - 2020 - First American president to call himself a Socialist
>Synthesis - ? - 2024 - ?
lgbt leftists only want kids outside of cages so they are accesible for rape
2024 = Ted Cruz vs. Warren
*Kanye West vs. Casio Cortez
Synthesis: Mike Bloomberg, the former Republican who acts exactly like Trump and hates socialism yet calls Xi Jinping a "great man" and says the CCP is an honorable and democratic party
Marvel actually fired him because his tweets were too over the line even for them.
what was the context of this? no one is going to see that and say 'wow he's right wtf i'm a democrat now'
National Socialism is the future
The fucking Kavanaugh hearing which no one remembers now, so he got fired for nothing
I think he's one of those who has given up on trying to appeal to red state "rubes and yokels" and is instead fantasizing about sending them to gulags.
>Kavanaugh hearing
You mean the one where a woman lied about an incident no one else can remember, even though it was "indelible in her cerebellum" or some shit?
What a fucking embarrassment the left is.
Embedded in the hippopotamus
you just wait til RBG dies and Trump has enough supreme court picks tor successfully challenge Roe v Wade and make abortion a state issue rather than federal
>That pic
I've actually been thinking about this lately, i think this is what they mean when they speak about matriarchy and patriarchy.
First of all, i think libertarians are right and that the nature of the state it's always authoritarian, since it imposes itself over the individual on ethical and economical matters. Nevertheless, this it's not necessarily a bad thing, since it's necessary for the establishment of an organized society, and the opposite would derive on anarchy or atomic forms of tribalism.
Now, when these people talk about a "patriarchal" and "matriarchal" state, they are not referring to a state ruled by a man opposed to a state ruled by a woman, nor they are referring to an authoritarian ruling opposed to an non-authoritarian ruling; they are talking about two ways of authoritarianism.
When a child has to do a chore he doesn't want to do, the archetypal father would always impose himself over the interest of the child to make him do it, like it or not. The archetypal mother, on the other hand, would not only force herself over the child, but she would also make the child feel guilty about not wanting to do the chore. This is what i think they mean when they talk about patriarchy and matriarchy, it's a psychological regression to the womb, they don't want the state to openly rule over them, but at the same time, they desire for the state to subtly rule over people they dislike, and to make them feel guilty for not agreeing with them.
>make abortion a state issue rather than federal
What's wrong with this though? It should be a state issue as far as I'm concerned and it wouldn't stop people from actually getting abortions if they really wanted it.
i agree, but most people aren't going to know that and will think getting rid of Roe v Wade is an attack on 'women's rights' when its really about state's rights. we could see how many people called Kavannaugh a rapist despite no evidence, same with Russiagate and all the rest. the same people will freak out at the abolition of RVW thinking it may be abortion itself that is completely made illegal
over/under 2 years before he canceled for raping
I don't really get americans. He is a white man, so why he laughs at other white man? ...he is white, right?