Just finished this. Addiction sucks. Don’t do drug or drink alcohol bros

Just finished this. Addiction sucks. Don’t do drug or drink alcohol bros.

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It's pretty easy to drink and do drugs and not get addicted.


how was it bro? i drink a lot of Alcohol and i'm on day two of trying to stop. how bad does it get in the story?

I liked the book (a lot more than the movie too), but I couldn’t read it for more than two hours straight, it’s just too depressing.

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so theres no stopping myself? im only on day 2 but i have cravings man. class is canceled tomorrow so now i wanna drink even more!!!

Yes you’re basically fucked, gg user you had a good run

Fuck you, Im gonna enjoy this evening by drinking a bottle of vodka while reading Oblomow

Hey guys, I'm the first known case of LSD addiction after trying it just once. I'm addicted to gaining insight into myself as a person and seeing the universe as a whole.
Please help, what do I do? I've become addicted to a childlike sense of wonder.

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been drinking and smoking pot since i was 15. am 23 now but its making me gain weight slowly. i can stop dude i stopped smoking pot .5 months sober rn but it made my drinking go up....

Go to rehab

bruh listen to this
get high on something else to avoid thinking about alcohol
trust me i used to be a drunk now i'm cokegang

meant to respond to u

>I can stop
Can you though?

Man coke is fucking shit. The high is like what not even half an hour. Why the fuck do people get so hyped about that shit.

i took up smoking cigars and cigs but i think thats a replacement for smoking weed. i really wanna drink but i dont want to become fat from it man and i think its making me shed hair dudes

My uncle was an alcoholic as well as my grandparents. I’m afraid to start drinking because there’s a pretty big chance I’ll become addicted. Those few times I tried ended up with me wanting to drink more and more. Luckily I was always able to stop before it got bad.

How does drinking make you feel

this is druggie cope lol

good desu and i like watching movies while on it. it also makes me sensitive and i cry during the movies. i like to rewatch the same movies too in the dark. drinking my woes away. failed chad/ failed normie. born adhd retard classes, sexually confused cant look a girl in the eye, neeting, the usual stuff


none of you niggers are going to make it if you can not do something a simple as not get wasted.

addiction is a jew lie

the best is not eating before and just slamming beers man. being sober all your left with is the memories of how fucked up you got. day 2 is rough man

They've had good coke

This only applies to meth. For other substances it just 'feels' like it's an unstoppable urge, where meth actually is unrecoverable after the first incident.
t. psych major

I think there's a pretty fucking strong case for heroin desu
That shit is the closest to heaven on earth most people will ever experience

being a rigorous meditation routine, that's what helped me quit all drugs and alcohol and research shows it's one of the best things addicts can do to help themselves. it has to be rigorous though, i'm talking 20-30 minutes every single day, twice a day if you can. trust me bro, it'll help you so fucking much.

Just go to the gym bro, start with /fit/ sticky, you’ll make it

Why can’t they make a drug that makes us all feel good but doesn’t have any side effects that turn people into serial killers willing to do anything to get high? You know what, I’ll go find a book about this and make such a drug myself, see you soon bros

Just finished this. Addiction sucks. Don’t do drug or drink alcohol bros.

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It's literally the opposite of cope. The people who say this are the people who remain sober. The ones who think they can control themselves are the ones who relapse.

iirc that was actually the goal of heroin, to create a non-addictive form of morphine.

6 dudes i grew up with died of a heroin overdose

my hometown sucks so badly

The movie is trash, don't bother. That being said, it is much better than Ben is Back, that train-wreck starring Caring Mummy. I expect a deluge of youth addiction/recovery movies and amateur lit in the coming years as all those hicks are told their stories are remarkable, unique and inspiring. Yeah nah.

Between 80 and 95% of people can do drugs consistently (depending on the drug) and not be addicted.

>"Consistent with previous estimates from the National Comorbidity Survey (Wagner and Anthony, 2002a), the cumulative probability of transition from use to dependence a decade after use onset was 14.8% among cocaine users, 11.0% among alcohol users, and 5.9% among cannabis users. This probability was 15.6% among nicotine users. Furthermore, lifetime cumulative probability estimates indicated that 67.5% of nicotine users, 22.7% of alcohol users, 20.9% of cocaine users, and 8.9% of cannabis users would become dependent at some time in their life."

Addicts are almost always people with childhood traumas that use drugs as a way to "drown their problems". Basically it's a powerful coping mechanism but without it usually just use something else.

What went wrong
There’s a lot of junkies in my home town as well.
The movie is okay, I found it a bit hard to follow, and the message isn’t very clear compared to the book.

some people just have a switch that flips on and they literally can't stop until they black out or end up in handcuffs or in a hospital bed. sucks to be them lmao

>I found it hard to follow

Just stop doing anything. Literally jsut stop. Like just don't buy weed or alcohol lmao.

does weed fry your brain?

Yeah i have a friend that once he starts, its like he has to get blacked out. Bad shit always happens to him.

You can come back down to earth from one heroin use. You crave it, you want it, it feels like being wrapped in a magic golden blanket from heaven, but those with a strong will can return to normalcy. It's possible to return from a heroin high.
The first time you do meth, on the other hand, is possibly the most blissful thing mankind has ever been able to experience on a neurological level. It physically alters your brain structure more drastically in one sitting than any other psychoactive recreational drug on the planet.
Subsequent meth highs are also nothing compared to the first. Heroin highs are more typical in that your body adjusts to accept the substance, but the meth high is a one off thing, you will never really experience it again no matter how much you use and you will never be able to return to the mental state you had before regardless of how grounded you are.
It's important to understand that I'm not saying its impossible for meth addicts to recover, it is and that should be encouraged, but meth should be held at a different category for how it affects its victims. Its like the elder god of addictive substances. Humanity should never have discovered meth. It has no place in any society in any age or any time. Heroin could be safely integrated into a society, theoretically (big emphasis on theoretically), but meth should be eradicated from the planet.

drugs and alcohol fixed my life, unironically

Could we give meth to super old people on their death beds?

only retards get addicted

Good point, I hadn't considered it as used alongside euthanasia. I believe it could theoretically fit there.
I don't believe it is appropriate for those on a general "death bed" though, only those minutes/hours from death. The second high from meth is not one worth waiting for.

of, please do tell me me more user (as I head for my bottle of 10 mg methadone and 2 mg xanax). The fuckers put me on benzos and opiates at fucking 15. I really don't see how I'm ever getting off now, my fucking brain chemistry is changed....

>only retards get addicted
man, I'd love to start you on xanax and oxy at 15--xanax for anxiety and 40mg oxy after a friend wrecks his car wit you in in it. now, I won't deny that some of the best moments in my life were in the library on fri night with my xanax, oxy 40s, and ritalin, but you motherfuckers always think that somehow you're stronger and better than everyone else. Until the fucking sweats and puking hits.

Hypotheticaly, if there is an afterlife, imagine how fucked you would be to still have your addiction? be it reincarnation or some assention. You described to so vividely that it almost gives off a form of existential dread if addiction continued ad infinitum. As someone with mild, mostly habitual instead of physical or neurological addiction I can only imagine...

I mean I'd always heard the other way around from people who did both, that meth was great, you feel incredible, but heroin was just pure heaven
So it's interesting that meth alters you more than heroin when almost everyone says heroin is the greatest feeling you can have

Meth user here, fairly fresh to this wicked drug and even with my extensive history with other drugs in the same category i had an older more experienced user watching over me to alert me when i was exhibiting classical behaviours early in meth use. Essentially to use this drug in moderation you must keep a very very aware and watchful eye on it. Its pure dopamine craze and your brain and body will be subject to its will unless you are lucky or somehow aware enough to see yourself through. I prefer it to mdma now for socials, using it everyday isnt very practical unless you have extreme self control.

It is possible to enjoy it for what it is, dont chase no dragons, have a smoke or two and put that fucking pipe down. I fundimentally understand this drugs capability and dont allow myself to be influenced. Its been about a year and a half since i was first introduced to it and it wasnt in a typical scenario either. If i didnt have the helpful experienced user with my best interests at mind, i would have struggled to see my own manifestations. So im lucky. Very lucky.

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>I won't deny that some of the best moments in my life were in the library on fri night with my xanax, oxy 40s, and ritalin

lmao stfu junkie

>xanax for anxiety
Woah man, ANXIETY? Congratulations on surviving this shit

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Lmao have sex

Oh fuck off, just because everyone now says they have anxiety when they only get nervous just like every single person doesn’t mean anxiety isn’t a serious issue.
New life = new beginning.

trips of enlightment
dont trip more than once in 3-4 weeks and you're good, read more, do more, go outside more. make sure there's enough fuel to burn through every trip, LSD is merely a catalyst. it there's no novelty and tasks you'll just fry your brain

based huxley
i wish soma was real

not like extasy (mdma), it's not neurotoxic. if you use it wisely the main problem is smoke (digesting any products of burning is harmful, although 1-2 smokes a week is nothing compared to 10+ cigs a day), if unwisely - it will wreck your productivity and cognitive ability (slower thinking, worse memory, no desire to use your brain, etc) but it's reversible if you take a good break.
the most dangerous aspect of weed is how harmless you think it is, letting it consume your days. oh, and law enforsement

Alright, Junkodol.

murican healthcare is fucked.
in russia, on the other hand, opiates for med use are ridiculously controlled, and i mean it. doctors will be fired and prosecuted for a lost empty vial of some drug - many stories of them frantically digging them up from trash after throwing out accidentally.

cancer patients kill themselves to escape pain because good painkillers are just not available. even an army general in moscow shot himself in 2015. imagine pushing people to commit a grave sin because everything must be a fucking extreme

You do realise that post was sarcastic right? LSD addiction is literally impossible.

you speak like a person who's never met an acidhead
t. had unironical nazbol buddies that were tripping once a week at the very least for a couple of months, high on speed or some similar shit in between, developed a strong inner "culture" for acid. more like addicted to being fucked up though