Just finished my diplomatic training, they assigned Buenos Aires as my first diplomatic post, flying off in may...

Just finished my diplomatic training, they assigned Buenos Aires as my first diplomatic post, flying off in may, any good argentine Yea Forums to get a feeling of the culture?

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Hopefully they can provide less-disgistingly filthy while still mismatched from the phone, phone cords in an overseas mission.

jorge luis borges

>Being sent to Argentina as a diplomat
Your career over and it didn't even start.

i need to get some experience before i can apply to a job in the UN

What is "diplomatic training" like? What are diplomat jobs like in the first place? I don't have a clue what anyone aside from ambassadors do.
What's your background? Aren't those careers supposed to be very prestigious?
I don't have book recommendations but I'm interested in you

In a meaningless country?
>No war
>No mass hunger (admitted and properly measured by a legit organisation)
>No future prospects
>No chances of industrialism
>No devaluation = expensive to invest = no foreigner investment interest
>Most if not all diplomats sent there do Argentina as retirement plan and/or because it was the only thing available that wasn't them looking for a real job
Countries stagnating into doom like Argentina are for many diplomats and ambassadors like a punishment for being shit.

Oh, man. People are going to recommend you Borges, Cortázar, and Sabato. I hate Cortázar and Sabato isn’t for me, but whatever.
If you are looking for one book alone, read Los Siete Locos by Roberto Arlt. For some reason, I believe you’ll get the gist of Argentine culture from it.
When you are here, you can simply go to a bookstore and work your way through local book sections. There are a shitload of bookstores in Buenos Aires and books are dirt cheap if you know where to look.
Oh, and, by the way, you were assigned to a ticking time bomb that’ll most likely go off sometime around June. Don’t sweat it, though. It happens once every decade or so. Enjoy the show and help where ever you can.

Anyways, Borges and Arlt, my dude. That’s what I recommend.

Our diplomatic training basically focuses on how we can provide service for our citizens in our respective posts, we also work on servicing foreigners interested in migrating to our country.

Yes in the pass the diplomatic career was among the most prestigious careers a citizen could partake in, of course it's still a reality in most countries. Now most diplomatic work is seen as a challenge and not a vacation of any sorts, like providing aid to third world countries or countries in civil war. I'm more interest in working with proximity to the UN on providing aid in war-zones. To answer your question on my background, i'm not among the most elite families, both my parents are unviersity teachers, i'm just interested in serving my country and learning about different cultures

Ernesto Sabato - On Heroes and Tombs

>working with proximity to the UN
Do you aim to work for the UN directly in the future? How hard is that?
Also, how much truth is there to the statement that all embassies are infiltrated by foreign agents?
>i'm just interested in serving my country and learning about different cultures
Fair enough. I had the idea that diplomacy was a very closed-off, elite kind of career. Did you study international relations at least?

This faggot is somewhat right. Cortazar is shit, and Arlt is good but you wont get the gist of Arg culture from him, he's way too old now, and the porteño culture just doesnt exist anymore as such. Plus Arlt is a political doomer and although he's right, people here are not like that. Having said that go and read Siete Locos and Lanzallamas (sequel), they're good stories.
If you want more contemporary stuff you can read Fabian Casas, the perfect mid-wit chronicler. Borges is good and also Bioy Casares.

>Do you aim to work for the UN directly in the future? How hard is that?
Yes i do, i aim to represent my country in more sensitive matters. It's not very hard, but you do need to apply yourself, these positions are usually given through merit and career-time.
>Also, how much truth is there to the statement that all embassies are infiltrated by foreign agents?
I wouldn't know anything about that, i guess that would've been the case during the cold war. But in hindsight all ambassadors and consuls work for the well being and advantage to their countries wherever they might be, in all technicality all diplomats are foreign agents, doesn't matter what country they're from.
>Fair enough. I had the idea that diplomacy was a very closed-off, elite kind of career. Did you study international relations at least?
No, one of the requirements for the diplomatic career is to have a degree, doesn't matter which one, at least here that's how it goes. I have a history major, i pretend to teach history after i get bored from the diplomatic career.

What's paths did you take to get where you are? Any advice?

Hopefully you can learn English. I'm guessing you're one of those Eastern European monkeys

>I'm more interest in working with proximity to the UN
Учит вac пepвaя кaфeдpa, yчит, a тoлкy-тo?

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Study about the career as much as you can, diplomatic work can be very rewarding, of course, the path requires alot of motivation and patience, the admissions's exam to the diplomatic career alone is very tough, maybe the hardest you'll ever take.

Talk with former diplomats, maybe get an internship at an embassy or a consulate where you are from and get some experience.

Arlt is timeless, fight me, faggot.
I guess you are right, Arlt is a little-too-old, but you should keep in mind his themes are still present in porteño culture.
If OP wanted more of a reflection of modern argie culture, futbol mates y asado, I guess Casciari is a good choice.

no idea what it's like in russia but in the US you get to work at a consulate or an embassy and your whole job is denying visas to brown people

Starship Troopers


so you can be a useless leech?

Sounds like a based job.

I see. Well, good luck in your future endeavors user.

Whats the best non-fiction Yea Forums for someone who is curious about diplomacy?

I've asked this question multiple times and gotten no answers.. Currently reading about George F. Kennan

this. and the tunnel.

Petty clerks like OP have nothing to do with diplomacy.

>implying you fuckers aren't jealous of OP

He's going to get to hang out, read great Argentinian literature, see a beautiful country, drink delicious wine. All on Putin's dime. You fuckers are seething behind your insults.

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Imagine studying at mg*mo

I recommend you go into a psychoanalysis once you get there

>we also work on servicing foreigners interested in migrating to our country.

argentines are mushmouths they cannot produce proper art

I’d also like to be a diplomat, currently just about to graduate secondary school - what should I do to become a diplomat? I am from an old blood family from a Latin American nation, we’ve some contacts and I plan to study International Relations abroad. I speak French, Spanish and English fluently. A former diplomat, an uncle, told me I’d qualify simply by my german phenotype (ancestry) and social position, regardless I want to qualify by actual merit as well.

> A Russian
> With a diplomatic passport
Enjoy your GCHQ file, KGB fuck.

If you don't read Borges I will go to the russian embasy and shot you :)))

oh no not the british!

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Good luck user.
What cultural mistakes do the rest of us make in dealing with Russians? Is there anything that we all do that is really annoying?

Fuck you bourgeois

You're an absolute moron who knows nothing of foreign ministries
Everybody clamors for Europe, Argentina is pretty much Europe but cheaper

>Argentina is pretty much Europe
Boy, you can always find the guy who has never actually visited us here.

>Countries stagnating into doom like Argentina
I live in the US and would gladly live there. They have awesome trout streams and I hear they are fairly traditional.

I just mean it's not Ghana or Guatemala or even China. How polluted is Buenos Aires? Are your kids likely to be kidnapped?

Martín Fierro - José Hernández
Ficciones - Jorge Luis Borges
El túnel - Ernesto Sábato
El juguete rabioso - Roberto Arlt
Adán Buenosayres – Leopoldo Marechal

Actually, if you stay in the right places, Buenos Aires can be better than Europe (AND cheaper)

Yo entiendo que el conurbano sea una verga, pero capital tiene zonas hermosas que están a la par de ciudades europeas. También hay zonas africanas, eh, no digo que no.

based los siete locos poster

borges, arlt, and "respiración artificial", to connect them. that is the proper combination.

Cocи книжный хyй пидopacинa.

Just drop it and come to the more relevant neighbour brazil so you can fuck some trannies and shoot some cocaine.

Cortázar, Bioy Casares, Borges, Arlt, Elvira Orphée, Liliana Bodoc, Alejandro Dolina, Horacio Quiroga, Eduardo Wilde, Leopoldo Lugones

Oh, and the blog "lainternetapesta"

Beware of the porteños. They are mostly sodomites.

бaзoвaнo и aлoтaблeтнo
can you speak the language? how did you learn it?
i can only double , havent read that much LA lit.

Casciari is a shameless rip off of Fontanarrosa, mixed with mild fantastic/magical-realism-ish stuff. He's a hack and should be avoided.