Any good books about the rise of totalitarian ideologies in 20th century europe...

Any good books about the rise of totalitarian ideologies in 20th century europe? I've always been fascinated by these images of blank stares, masses marching, carrying colorful flags, shouting ideological slogans, persecuting dissenters,the implementation of ideological indoctrination in schools.

Is there a chance the modern wave of lgbtsjw, cultural marxism or gender ideology is posed to become totalitarian?

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Critque of pure reason

(The origin of totalitarianism by Hannah Arendt=

Cultural Marxism will kill you.

The Open Society and its Enemies by Karl Popper
Plato's Republic (if he is to be believed)

this. do not forget these people want you broke dead your kids raped and brainwashed and they think it's funny

>Is there a chance the modern wave of lgbtsjw, cultural marxism or gender ideology is posed to become totalitarian?
Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut is an okay short story about that kinda. Describes a totalitarian state based on equality of outcome.

>Open Society Foundations
what did he mean by this?

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I think popper is great, and arendt, and Plato, but popper is a fairly narrow reading of Plato

The more i browse the website the more i think the lgbstxq agenda becoming totalitarian isn't an awful thing if it means curbstomping the right wing midwits

Try bringing up Nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter before your local LGBTQIA leftist cattle. You will see their little stupid cow like eyes light up with panic. In no time they will start with the usual bleating: ''wasn't he sexist'' ''arent you being dangerously eurocentric'' ''why are you reading books by dead white males when you could have been 'bingeing' the latest 'diverse' workplace comedies on netflix, hulu and disneygo'' ''have you remembered to take your medication? it is very important that you don't miss out on the HRT, basedbean supplements and SSRIs doctor goldberg ordered''

try bringing up any work of modern art to the right wing edgelords.


Yes, modern art exists, you midwit faggot.

>Is there a chance the modern wave of lgbtsjw, cultural marxism or gender ideology is posed to become totalitarian?
They are already totalitarian.

corporate propaganda masscult

it's funny how leftists gave up any pretense of being anti establishment and became craven penitents crawling up in their knees to buy indulgences from nike, netflix and the walt disney corporation in order to own the chuds'

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>nazifascist state propaganda good
>but lgbt stickers bad
Yes, it's here to stay, it's called art and there's nothing you can do besides sucking a big fat cock and dealing with it.


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never post

suck my cock

>Any good books about the rise of totalitarian ideologies in 20th century europe?
pic related

>Is there a chance the modern wave of lgbtsjw, cultural marxism or gender ideology is posed to become totalitarian?


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They like Bakunin and Marx

Anyone who still places any truck in Marxist analysis is fucking delusional, in a post industrial identity and culture will always carry the game. left vs right is an outdated distinction you have the globalist managerial state and its multicoloured and multigendered biopolitical clientele on one side and the advocates of faith, kin and culture on the other. I am for one against grinding humanity down into a single homogenous mass of pink haired consumer cattle

this happened in your imagination or in the company of a very select sect of american humanities students

>Is there a chance the modern wave of lgbtsjw, cultural marxism or gender ideology is posed to become totalitarian?
It can't because it is inherently divisive. Under this system of false tolerance and illusionary solidarity everyone is divided into parochial identity tribes. You are defined as a particular social species and assumptions about you are made on that basis, in a recapitulation of the racist, sexist, etc systems they claim to oppose.
Totalitarianism demands unity, either willingly or through coercion. It needs collectivism. Progressives are not collectivist because identity politics is inherently factional.

lefty art house bros scorn big budget modern films too

yes. rampant consumerism is largely concerned with turning consumers into, docile, pink-haired alphabet people.
lay off the tubes, nigger-faggot

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anything that that was considered normal just 10 years ago and anything that disagrees with the latest intersectional dictates of the HR/Media/academia nomenklatura is 'fascist'' and ''nazi'' to you people. Face it, we are the people you are the establishment.

As a working class white person it is objectively in your self interest to support nationalism. I mean, just listen to the official spokeswoman of the 'socialist' left for godssakes!

>AOC:It’s a really big step from where we were, but you’re right, it’s nowhere near enough," Ocasio-Cortez said. "And the solutions are so painful, frankly. I find it — I find the solutions for white communities to be very painful, because it’s very painful for a community to understand and have, go through this, like you can be, the idea that you can be poor and benefit from the color of your skin does not compute for a lot of people.

This is payback for centuries of persecutions and discrimination at the hands of the "people". Face, you piece of shit, you'd line us up and fire your bullets through our heads without a moment's thought, but we're only acting out of self-defense to avoid repeating the pointless discrimination perpetuated by people like YOU. To eliminate intolerance you need to root the intolerant the fuck out of a society, and if i have any qualms about the lgbt community is that they aren't a military police enforcing the laws and sending contrarians to death camps. I haven't got a sliver of empathy towards assholes like you and I'd be glad to be at the head of the gaystapo if it means beating you within an inch of your life.

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*face it

Masse unt Macht by Canetti or something by Arendt I guess. There was shitton of stuff written about communism and fascism.


You seem underaged.

I once thought you people were just men who wanted to have sex with other men or dress up as women, but I have realised the truth is far more complex and sinister. Sure I went through the american public education system and was taught all about the virtues of tolerance and MLK, modern family and ellen de generes. But In retrospect, and taking into account the events of the last few years, I can't help but think maybe all that ''discrimination'' existed for a very valid reason. give them an inch and they will take a mile.

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>discrimination existed for a reason
Discrimination existed because people were hardwired to follow judeo-christian values which made it alright for them to bash and torture people with different sexual preferences. I don't agree with modern lgbt policies and their insufferable trannies, but you've got to fucking admit that this is all a byproduct of the narrow-mindedness of religious tards and their countless persecutions of homosexuals throughout history. I'm fucking sick of being labeled as a perverted sex maniac, but evidently some neanderthals are too mentally challenged to tell the difference between real people and the degenerated fictional LGBT community the media is constantly trying to shove down your throat. All in all we've got no choice but to stand with the batshit crazy extremists pushing drag queen tranny pedophilia because it's the one and only movement that doesn't outright ignore or slander us.

>cultural marxism

I love the term 'cultural marxism' precisely because it pisses all the right people off.

hannah arendt's volumes on totalitarianism

>Try ... before your local LGBTQIA leftist cattle
Why would anyone do that? Would you also go to a kindergarten or to a mental hospital and try to "win debates" with people there?

Stop pretending like you're being persecuted. All you're doing is running away from actual hard problems.
Stop following cringelords on Youtube and Twitter. Get in shape. Read books. Talk to normal people.

You're a fag, lefties are fags

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>resorting to childish buzzwords
and right wingers are virgins, at least bisexuals still reproduce unlike your fat unsightly incel ass.

I'm 6'2, bi, and my bf is hotter than any doughy leftist chick you've found yourself with. Let's see what you look like you pinko fuck

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>right wing homo
yeah keep digging your own grave, faggot, don't come crawling back to us when your band of rednecks holds you at gun point, and quit LARPing as a christian. Christcucks don't want you and they'd rather see you dead than letting an abnormality like you on the loose.

>you must be a right winger if you despise leftists
Like you people can protect anything LMAO

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you're either a left wing homo or you're sucidal.


your fashion sense is disgusting

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ask yourself if there are any other movements willing to support your sexual preferences. Centrists are powerless and right wingers want to take away your rights, if you don't stand with the lefties you must be a special kind of retard.

Abs aren't an argument. You're a prisoner of your self-flattery.

leftists are even more powerless than centrists

the left furnishes the propaganda needed to bring normies to their side and shut down right wingers, they're the most powerful parties next to the centrists.

Lmao this picture is really getting a lot of use

>ask yourself if there are any other movements willing to support your sexual perversions

yes, there are, but only for rich fucks like them.

The left just wants to turn everyone into trannies idgaf what some bible thumping retard things about gays they're at least not literally trying to cut kids dicks off

they literally cut genitals off kids to turn them into opera singers for CENTURIES you illiterate nigger, christcucks loved castrati.

I dont care what a bunch of papist spaghettiniggers did 300 years ago, I care about the 6'6 guy down my street who thinks hes going to become a girl by getting fake tits, pushing his dick inside out, and destroying his endocrine system with hormone supplements, I care that he thinks that he can do this same shit to prepubescent kids

tranny surgery is just a temporary thing until they find a way replicate a real vagina

That even fucking worse, these people are crazy. I'd rather live as an oppressed gay in a christian society than a cog wheel in the tranny factory these people want to create

faggots and politically correct leftists are the true heirs to christian slave morality. I am for nietszchean pagan ethnonationalism

Christianity is dying out, they arent much of a force any more

then you're a fucking idiot and deserve to be treated as such

ethnonationalists are gonna purge you the moment they get in power

not in eastern europe

if trannies just kept to themselves I'd have no problem with tolerating them as harmless excentrics, but going after children is the biggest mistake they ever made

Wow why dont more people want to side with you?

i told you it's either lgbt or death, keep believing there's anyone out there who wants to defend your rights, but don't expect the likes of you to accept you if you're siding with non-leftst parties.

Some fates are worse than death, I'd sacrifice my life to stop tranny leftists from destroying humanity

>reducing universities to the mental level of kindergartens is good because it owns the cons
damn you sure got him

leftists are the true reactionaries, all young people who want chage are with the right, vitality and hope are with the radical right. leftists only react against all perceived threats to their status quo. by this point child genital mutilation and censorship are the two main planks in the leftist platform.

I’m going to put you in an oven.

For better reasons. The average right wing twit wants the same product just with more white people

>It can't because it is inherently divisive
Pretty much all regimes and state ideologies use dialectics to manage and channel dissent, to divide a part of society against another part etc.

Stop fucking calling it cultural fucking Marxism. It's an oxymoron.

leftists gave up the prospect of a proletarian revolution, since there is no more USSR and no more unions, and opted instead for the 'deconstruction' of western culture forcible elimination of all sexual differences through a program of totalitarian social engineering

good rec

nice tits

they're not even hiding it anymore