Why are you on this board?
Why are you on this board?
Other urls found in this thread:
recs. no one in my circle reads.
Dissemination of Bernard sanderburgenstein propaganda as was agreed upon in the discord
So I can use my superior knowledge base to wreck a bunch of NEETs
I mistyped /fit/
because of all the blackpilled individuals on this board i feel like they are my type of frens that i will never have
i don't read books though
Onegai muscle !
To share ideas with a avant-garde group of intellectuals and creatives, like the 18th century French salons of a Madame Graffigny for example. Yea Forums is a veritable chateau of harmonious wit and provocation!
Shitpost while working
I came here to find out how to get pirate books on my kindle but no one will tell me ;_;
Drop the discord
Metcha Motetai!
I dont know any books about pirates either, sorry user
Pirated books user, pls be nice and not sarcastic ;_;
Dont you have a sweet side?
This user gets it. Yea Forums is the modern day club for those who truly want to discuss literature.
I have gotten some great book recs.
A Hero of Our Time
Dead Souls
The Red and the Black
The Temple of the Golden Pavillion
Snow Country
Storm of Steel
because sometimes i can read about an author ive never heard of and then i research him and i will read one of his novels one day
show me somewhere better
they annihilated the internet and reduced it to a handful of platforms this place is the only sembalnce of old internet i can find
Can talk about obscure philosophy here, sometimes its decently funny, and I love 5 o clocks schizo posts. That's about it.
You see, I have absolutely nowhere else to go.
Much of the content on the whole site is just funny to me. It's in the way that people talk to each other, how some people are deadly serious about whatever and others are just there to troll but both groups are sharing the same thread. It's entertaining. And you get to say the n-word.
God knows. It's actually pretty bad content-wise. I suppose I live in hope of the occasional good thread.
I come here to see if there's a lovecraft or critique board. After I finish critiquing someone's writing and await critique of my own work, and if there's no lovecraft thread, I either uncontrollably shitpost under the butterfly name or terrorize those catholic threads for the idol worshippers they are.
I suppose... maybe... a long time ago... too long actually... I got lost... yes... and I still am... I'm lost...
Yea Forumssci/ native - I wanted to sound smarterer to a colleague and am now stuck here too
The adoration and worship of our Great Teacher ﷺ.
This is the only place I can get back a little of that high I felt when I got my philosophy degree
I'm taking a shit
I just love everyone here
Gravity's Rainbow
Because unironically this board gives me the inspiration to read more. Also this is the most chill and sophisticated board in Yea Forums
recovering philofag trying to transition to poetfag, this seemed like a good place to give it a shot
To have a good time.
Nice answer.
I'm an unstable wreck who can't function
To sprinkle in this giant
I got a mission and you are great companions. The mission: read for self-actualization. Here I can discuss and get recs and participate in discussions related to my main interests. It is very enjoyable.
Research. Clicking on it is like popping a hood to Hell's mind, for a look at its dread workings from a distance, without undue loss to intimacy of perspective, since while the opportunities to meet deeply loathsome people and their hidden instruments in real life aren't lacking, it's bad policy to make anything of them. (Except in journalism) Next level up from inquiry into the nature of evil is the mystery of its attraction to some. Clearly there's more to it than mere ennui, which a little underfinanced rough travel brings instant relief to. The furious masochism of the painter Francis Bacon or the poet Swinburne, and the like, only tell so much, so I put my eye to these keyholes of a madhouse thronged with less reticent beggars for the lash of harsh and arbitrary authority, who are almost all too sick to know how sick they are. Satire and sublime silliness are obviously preventive to some degree, on scales of time longer than generations, but as they die I wonder what else could do it.
It’s a substitution for the real-life socialization I don’t have. If it wasn’t for Yea Forums and other various social media sites, I’d probably go weeks without talking more than a few idle words to grocery store clerks. I’d prefer not to be here; my time usually isn’t spent on this site when I do have actual social functions to attend, but it’s the curse of myself and being intolerant of normie behavior.
To become a better writer.
delet this
To get book recc's and discuss them. Nobody I know really reads or appreciates books, except for one who jumps from Sartre to YA. I'm kinda intimidated by her.
to get poon
i want to save all you faggots from yourselves.
Book reccs, links to interesting things, and some decent or visually interesting attached images. Critique threads and threads centered around Yea Forums-authored works will hide some worthwhile things.
You can only read the greeks.
This is the modern day Plato's Academy. A center of learning and enlightenment unparalleled