Did any -genuinely reputable- philosophers speak against masturbation or is it just Christcucks and NoFap memers? It is the only thing in my hellish life I enjoy, so I find it hard to give up on.
Did any -genuinely reputable- philosophers speak against masturbation or is it just Christcucks and NoFap memers...
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Masturbation tricks your body into thinking it has mated successfully. It's not bad but it definitely isn't the best thing for you.
There's some Nietzsche quote
idk maybe evola or one of these other occultist fascism power of masculinity ride the tiger's penis types
but you should probably look at psychology and science and not philosop
>genuinely reputable
Confirmed NPC drone, though that's expected from subscription philoniggers
It depends on how often you’re doing it, like once or twice a week is ok but several times a day is Really bad for your brain and your genitals. if you’re in a relationship you shouldn’t be doing it at all and instead having sex.
Just don't watch porn for 10 hours a day and you will be fine.
What else will I do?
Edge to near coom and then jump on a typewriter
No I'm definitely getting that coom.
Plato did.
Pessoa said onanists are abject.
Auden was against porn at least, don't think it occurred to his kindly soul that masturbation would ever become so widely accepted:
Sex was of course —it always is—
The most enticing of mysteries,
But news-stands did not then supply
Manichean pornography.
>genuinely reputable
shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
Kant spoke against masturbation on a secular basis as a violation of second formulation of the categorical imperative.
Gandhi didn't do it and neither does Donald Trump. I'm pretty sure that most people who lead a successful life don't do it on the regular.
How on earth does it violate the second formulation of the categorical principle?
Giordano Bruno nigga
Kant of course, especially in Doctrine of Virtue (in his book The Metaphysics of Morals). Not jerking off is the second most important duty in Kant’s thought, the first one being not killing yourself or self-harming.
by that logic, having sex with a girl on birth control isn't 'mating successfully' either.
On the other hand were there any "genuine reputable" philosophers _for_ masturbation?
Sean Goonan, author of The Foundation for Exploration, covers this. Just don't watch porn and jack off once a week or every other week.
Apart from Diogenes that is.
here some nice quotes with commentary of Ioan Couliano:
Vinculum fit ex prolifico semine quod ad actum suum rapitur, nititur atque rapit; ideo hos emissum secundum partem, perit secundum partem vinculi vis. (Ibid., p. 663: There is a bond by means of prolific semen, which is attracted, strives, and approaches its act. That is why, if it has been partially emitted, the strength of the bond is also partially dissipated.)
Cupidinis vincula, quae ante coitum intensa erant, modico seminis iactu sunt remissa et ignes temperati, obiecto pulchro nihilominus eodem permanente. (Ibid.: Cupid's bonds, which were strong before the mating, were dissipated after the moderate ejaculation of semen, and the ardor was diminished even though the attractive object did not cease to be.)
Let us agree that Bruno's notes, concise to the point of unintelligibility, can give rise to several interpretations. We have already stated a first hypothesis: that he deals with the practice of retention of sperm, of coitus reservatus. We know that by means of such a practice, along with exercises of "embryonic breathing," the Taoists sought vitality and longevity, whereas the Tantrics, within the framework of a subtle and much more sophisticated physiology, were supposed, through the maithuna, to reawaken dormant cosmic energies and to channel them to the "Lotus of a thousand leaves" at the top of the head, entering a state of ecstasy. In both cases, coitus reservatus represents one of the indispensable methods to reach the goal.
Since, in a treatise on erotic magic, Bruno speaks of the retention of sperm, we may ask whether he does not have in mind a practice of the same kind.
We soon discover he is not thinking of that. What interests him, as we know, is the way we can seduce, create bonds and attachments. Now, he observes that once pleasure has been had, the bonds dissolve. That is why, to maintain the strength of a bond, it must not be enjoyed.
source: Eros and Magic
Albert Coomus
People in general were all against masturbation in the past, so any philosophers would've taken it for granted that everyone knows it's an unhealthy habit.
Aristippus of Cyrene. He didn’t talk about it directly, but jerking off gives you pleasure so it is ought to be pursued in Aristippus’s view.
>Masturbation tricks your body into thinking it has mated successfully.
Now give me that one weird trick to lose my beer gut and gain 10lbs of muscles.
Schopenhauer spoke of "onanism" as a habit to overcome. en.m.wikisource.org
Not using the other hand, no.
In my experience edging is worse than just simply wanking off.
It's a health issue retard, not a matter of philosophy.
You're a dopamine addict. If you want to accomplish nothing in life, that's on you. I'm not about to go charging into a gambling/drug den and call everyone there a degenerate. But if you have actual goals you want to accomplish, quitting porn is a good first step. Stop exhausting your dopamine circuits and reset your brain chemistry.
Diogenes, although I doubt he would endorse spending hours a day masturbating to pornography. Marquis de Sade and the Cyrenaics were dyed-in-the-wool coomers, however.
"substitutions for sexual satisfaction are by no means harmless; they dispose a person to the numerous forms of neurosis and psychosis that are conditional upon the reversion of the subject's sexual life to its infantile forms. Moreover, masturbation in no way meets the ideal requirements of civilized sexual morality and therefore drives young people into the very conflicts with the educational ideal that they sought to escape through abstinence. It also corrupts the character through indulgence in more ways than one; first, it teaches people to reach significant goals without expending any effort, by taking the easy route rather than committing all their energies to the task (that is in accordance with the principle that sexuality sets the pattern); secondly, by raising the sexual object in the fantasies accompanying the satisfaction to a degree of excellence that is not easily rediscovered in reality."
too lazy to type it out again.
All doctors until about 60 years ago. Most reputable yogis and tantra practitioners.
Based Balzac-poster.
Das rite
that is 100% an appropriation of Kant with conservative political ends in mind, just as it doesn't follow from the stated premises that only marital sex is ethical sex.
>uses Christcuck unironically
>is a depressed masturbation addict
like pottery
idk about plato but Diogenes did
>When scolded for masturbating in public, he said "I wish it were as easy to banish hunger by rubbing my belly."
-- Diogenes Laërtius, vi. 46, 69
Kant explicitly stated that masturbation was worse than suicide.
its okay to jerk off sometimes to porn. crazy I know.
Only in societies in the christian sphere of influence.
It's okay to do most things in moderation. Even some hard drugs with a few exception.
The problem is the lifestyle and how porn interferes with a developing brain. I was one of the unfortunate children who found internet porn at age 10. I am almost certain it fucked me up for life. I attribute my weird fetishes and borderline ED with discovering porn at a young age.
The "Your Brain on Porn" thesis is the only thing that made sense given my life experience.
NoFap and dopamine fast user. You'll thank yourself for it.
I know user, but the problem is I keep breaking my streak and falling off the wagon. The problem is Yea Forums and vidya. Porn, Yea Forums, and vidya form this weird trifecta where indulging in one will lead to the other two. The times I was most successful was when I banned all three, but that really sucks.
I'm eventually going to have to do it, but every time I leave this autistic friend simulator, I realize how empty my life actually is.
From my own experience:
Just pick one thing you want to get done. Even if you are a NEET, you will still feel better being a NEET who runs every morning than a NEET who is out of shape. Even if you are a vidya addict, you will feel better playing vidya in a tidy room than a messy one. Trying to be a perfectionist about everything at once just paralyses you. Think of it like programming - make your MVP and build one more step each iteration.
>the only thing in my hellish life I enjoy
I need a more lengthy account of that hellish life to be convinced it's as you've outlined it--particularly since furnishing such a proof would be a burden you'd take up with glee were that the case.
Masturbating is for fucking losers.
t. Me
If you really want someone "reputable" to verify the fact that you need to stop touching yourself and take some initiative over your life, you're never going to make it. Celibacy or semen retention are one of the few things in common between the yogi, mystic, philosopher, theologian, saint, and occultist. It's called petit morte in French for a reason. All losses of semen are losses of life force and excess ejaculations will lead to no motivation, mental fog, passivity, mental illness, low dopamine sensitivity, depression, femininity, and general consoomer faggotry. Yes retention is hard, especially if you're a porn addict, which is an altogether separate problem, but if you really need some Yea Forums motivation read Kant, what is left of Pythagoras, Newton, Tesla's journals, The Coiled Serpent, Metaphysics of Sex, Taoist Secrets of Love, the Agony of Eros, literally any occultist or theologian or mystic or yogi. Michaelangelo, Divinci, Kierkegaard, Dante, Cervantes, all celibate. Who do coomers have Bataille? Hume? Lmao
yet another dumb thing kant explicitly stated
>dude move out of my sun
Diogenes was a dumb faggot who is used by "academics" to verify degeneracy. Notice he has not true disciples, just people who admire his "freedom" from afar
the body seeks the delirium of pleasure, not "le successful mating', soulless pragmacuk
Except that knowing you are with a woman is way different than being with your hand. One might imply a relationship or at least the ability to mate. The other could imply you are pathetic cause only your hand will do you and you are alone which is why you use the hand rather than her mouth.
I can see that not fapping has forced you to ride the tide of horny by reading a billion books. Is this not reads enough for lit? How will you read if your penis is not horny for learning? But be warned, your penis might need glasses eventually.
But seriously... does the dick drool ever go away?
>But be warned, your penis might need glasses eventually.
I-is this a metaphor?
That would sound really persuasive... if there were any actual scientific evidence for it, lol. Afaik masturbation has never been empirically show to cause low energy levels.
Nah, muslims and jews certainly don't view it as anything other than a sin, so you have to extend that from "christian" to at least "abrahamic" which is already at least half of the world. Eastern philosophies don't have the same "sin" perception, but they still try to harness sexual energy and sublimate that energy into a higher purpose through tantric practices. They certainly don't consider modern cooming habits as productive and heathy.
Everyone who wants you to stop fapping is someone who is miserable and in turn wants you to be miserable.
Misery desires to reproduce. The only way it can is through its cerebral footprint.
It isn't because it robs you of your life and makes you a slave to your lower passions. NPC drones cant tell this.
Not him. Serious abstinence lowers the sex drive. You're a product of what you repeatedly do. My mind is much cleaner, clearer and faster and is less prone to sexual directions after abstaining for a few weeks than whenever I'm having sex or masturbating several times a day.
masturbation is not the enemy; porn and overly sexualized mass culture are.
If being a coomer is so fulfilling then why have so many of them gone on nofap?
If that's true he is a retard desu
Funny that Freud of all people would advise against jerking off.
The fact that you think no respectable philosophers have been Christian exposes you as a hopeless pseud. What about Plato? He has intense spiritual views. I’m assuming your midwit mind recoils at that too?
How come?
Semen is Shemen, thee Oil to light the Lamp of Lychnion. If you don't have Oil, your Chakras/Ecclesias of Your Lychnion won't give Light.
Parable of Prometheus written by ancient greek sages is about NOFAP. You shall become Hercules who transform Fire (Loki, Light, Logos, Prometheus, Licho, Lugus) into Soul and not be a fapping Vulture who parasites on Prometheus. By freeing Prometheus you free Pandora/Shakti. Thus Prometheus can create Human from Clay (inner alchemy takes place). People who fap aren't real human yet. Only when Prometheus creates them, they become human. We are uncreated.
Pythagoras, Plato, Plotinus, most Stoics, almost all church fathers, and Kant were all against sexual release for recreation.
>several times a day is Really bad for your brain and your genitals
how do you know this? The dip in your brain chemistry levels is only a short term effect and its significance is vastly exaggerated by the nofap community. And most scientific studies claim that masturbation keeps your prostate healthy anyway.
This is your sexually frustrated brain on nofap.
>Pythagoras, Plato, Plotinus, most Stoics, almost all church fathers, and Kant were all against sexual release for recreation.
The big question is... did they themselves adhere to this principle?
Yes, and most of those had religious motivation. Stoics are questionable in that regard, but Kant was a crypto lutheran as evidenced by the critique of practical reason. Regardless, wether for spiritual or practical reasons, jerking off obviously has physiological effects on your body and mind, and it’s not unreasonably to assume negative effects
>sexually frustrated
yes, this is my aim, not to "release" my sexual power but accumulate it to highest realms. Shemen flows throw my meridians making me think like Tesla. Shemen is like Money and I am not consoomer/coomer wasting his money but a miliarder.
Well, Freud did claim that the origin of almost all psychic pathologies had their origin on sexual repression.
Yeah man there's nothing more enlightening than an inflamed prostate
This is my view and experience. I don't believe in God but I always felt consequences to sex and masturbation. Lethargy, impaired focus, tendency to do it again...
>every genius across every field in history was either nofap or completely celibate
I had prostatitis before and it came about from 2-5 times sex/masturbation daily for weeks on end. Release provided momentary relief but the excess is what caused it in the first place.
Do you want to have a lower sex drive tho ? Isn't sex drive an essential life force ?
Loss of semen may be loss of life force but it's not like your balls can contain an infinite amount of coom. Wouldn't it seem reasonable to release the semen every once in a while to prevent your male insticts from becoming dull ?
He also thought that you should tell the axeman where his victim is. Dude has no worth as a casuist
Its false anyways. The prostate has muscles and they grow the more it is used. Also , greater frequency would lead to more prostatic fluid and activity in the prostate leading to more pro inflammatory cytokines and prostaglandins. Sexual excess causes prostate swelling. My rheumatoid arthritis is 10x worse if I have a high frequency of release.
The testicles and scrotum are not bladders you moron.
Masturbation isn't the issue, its porn.
t. ethics 101 pop-phil pseud understanding of kant taught by a midwit female professor that never read him herself
That's the reddit view. Masturbation and even sex cause negative effects.
Porn is what caused your masturbation habit in the first place, coping brainlet.
It's not false, there's just not enough research to say either way. The last few studies on the relationship between excessive masturbation and prostate cancer have given us conflicting results. A 2003 and 2016 study have found that men who ejaculate more frequently are less likely to develop it, while a 2008 study had results that proved the contrary.
Also, I have RA too and have never experienced any relationship between my masturbation habits and my inflammation.
It isnt mating successfully and it isnt healthy
Bro just don't do anything bro, like just sit still and wait for your body to ossify into a monument of sexual frigidity
>not opening your chakras as explained in Avatar and in Gospel of Infancy of Jesus text B
>O ungodly and disobedient one, what hurt have the pools done thee that thou hast emptied them? Thou shalt not finish thy course, and thou shalt be withered up even as the branch which thou hast in hand.
Is it this
Yes. The sexual is diametrically opposed to the intellectual.
It's in his correspondence with Constant. Both professors from whom I've taken a course featuring Kant were male, but that's neither here nor there.
Only if you live your life by stagnant, arbitrary dichotomies that don't reflect reality, sure. But for most sensible people that kind of violent compartmentalisation isn't healthy, and divides the self against itself. Your sexual urges are as much a part of you as the intellect that wishes to escape them. deny or suppress them at your peril
>but if you don't wank 5 times a day you'll get cancer
yeah, that's why I have sex with women
>coombrain needs a children's cartoon to incentivise him to stop wanking
Jesus fucking christ Yea Forums I knew you were pathetic but this really takes the cake
I proposed a pathogensis, even if hypothetical. I've yet to see any satisfactory mechanisms explaining the reverse, especially in regard to prostate inflammation rather than cancer.
Sexual urges are fed and strengthened with every indulgence.
All forms of release are harmful.
stop projecting
>children's cartoon
occult knowledge is always hidden like Jesus among children in gospel of Thomas, example Sleeping Snow White (Shakti) and 7 dwarfs (spirits of 7 chakras/ecclesias)
>I knew you were pathetic
I didn't know you were pathetic (I didn't notice you), but now I am certain you are
repressive sexual urges fester and mutate into different forms which may be more socially permissible, but are still an unhealthy cope for not confronting your issues. And for those who can't develop coping mechanisms, the alternative manifestations of the fetish will often deteriorate into seriously degenerative behaviours and pathologies. The abuses within the catholic church is a clear demonstration of this.
Learning about your own sexuality is not the same thing as indulging in it, it is simply taking into account all aspects of the self, including the ones you would prefer to shy away from. Your attitude to sex is victorian– deny it in your public life at all costs, but ruthlessly scrutinise it with a microscope under the pretence of "science". You seem like you love to stare straight up your mother's birth canal, but refuse to accept the fact that you want to put your dick in it.
Why would I be projecting? I'm not the one who needs insane religious rationalisations to stop me from touching my dick. People with self-control don't need to rely on all this bullshit because their relationship to their sexuality isn't crippled and impotent in the way that yours is.
Or are they ?
pee is stored in the balls, yes
So you just don't have any sexual power. With my level of sexual power religious esoteric knowledge is necessary.
> their sexuality isn't crippled and impotent in the way that yours is
projecting again
I am an atheist and avoid porn and touching myself because it distracts and doesn't bring lasting happiness.