Open borders book #2

first thread some excerpts

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off with this book.
If you ignore it will go away. Like that faggot from the bike and xkcd

last thread was pretty heated with some good baits. i dont care about the book, i just like the replies

I don't understand why this was made in a comic format when it's adds nothing to the conntent. If you want to read something to reinforce your position surely some cuck comic in not the way.

Someone in the last thread supposed that it was to appeal to kids. Which is ridiculous on its face given that there isn't a single child on earth with a comprehension or interest in the topic .

It’s clearly targeted at children and possibly NPC millennials who never grew up. Do you think they included colorful illustrations and cartoons to capture the boomer audience?

bruh im not a multi millionaire, who was the audience, retarded millionaires?

I've been ignoring this stuff for more than a decade and it's only got worse.

liberals educate their children on liberalism because adults cannot be converted

That was me.
They don't want kids to comprehend it. It's meant to be read at a very shallow level and absorbed without analysis.
This book is kind of on the upper end of what they push, but what I think I said was that "these kinds of books are what are pushed on kids nowadays" and I'm right because I've seen it for myself.

I'm sorry being a racist xenophobic bigot isn't /lit. It shows me that you allow yourself to be tied into an ideology as a way to cope with your ineptitude to relate with the world and rather work on understanding the human condition you choose ways that are outdated and reserved for easily manipulated simpletons of the modern world

It's easy to get outraged by it, if you have some nationalistic sentiments. But it's harder to formulate effective "counter-arguments".
I mean "counter-arguments" in the broadest way possible. That is; not just some reddit post that will get many upvotes (in your circle-jerk group), but an actual compelling ideological structure and cultural output that attracts and persuades people.
Basically, you need art. And you need power, because people don't like to join losers.

>you choose ways that are outdated

>le present year argument

Indeed it is 2020, this number is higher than the number indicating previous years! This means we must open our borders!

It's not that hard. For example, his claim that world GDP would double is built on the presumption that around 6 billion people would migrate.

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Well, an obvious argument against it that doesn't rely on nazi butthurt or lies about the costs, is simply brain drain. If the people are coming from complete shitholes that don't have a resemblance of a working government, sure, it's w/e. But if they come from countries that aren't utterly fucked like India or Mexico, the countries are also losing potential.

Also the environmental one is interesting too although flawed. Even Western poorfag immigrants do pollute the world harder than Africans for example, so too much immigration would speed up the climate breakdown faster.

It's extremely stupid. He outright admits the pyramid scheme nature of things but then goes the typical neoliberal bullshit way of just demanding we import more darkies to keep the Ponzi scheme going. He outright says medium-trust societies are to be preferred to high-trust societies because they make more shekels.
What is there to refute? He has no ideological structure to begin with aside from the worship of the dollar.

The basketball metaphor should be pretty easy to debunk. The metaphor is dishonest because low IQ immigration isn't the same as babies being in the same room as NBA players, it's putting them on the same team, at which point the average height is a problem.

I imagine that this is intended as a "quick rundown" hence the comic book format.

God, this is so fucking retarded on so many levels. The people migrating are mostly poor shitshitters with no education or applicable skills. How that boosts GDP I have not a fucking clue

Basically any sort of consumption boosts the GDP. Giving migrants gibs and letting them spend it would be a pro for the GDP. If they actually work illegally and spend it, even more pro's.

GDP is mostly a meme.

GDP is kind of a meme. Its growth just means that more money was made. Immigration can do things like depress wages and increase consumption to drive up your nation's GDP.

Technically if I give you $10 to do 10 pushups and you then give it back to me if I can do the same we've boosted GDP, at least in principle.
It makes for a very scummy way of lying to the people, where you can point to a number that makes people think things are getting better, while you keep fucking them right up the ass until it's permanently the size of a 50c coin.

>Yea Forums literally arguing with a childrens book

what's next, analysing Little Red Riding Hood?

You’re really missing the point though. Economics is a religion to westerners, especially Americans. Go talk about stonks with any boomer and they’ll position themselves to you as if they themselves have a PhD in the field and have had a career trading (which is another funny misconception that stock market trading = economics). All of it distilled down to the most basic tier dogmas that they’ve been fed but they don’t care to look deeper. They want to be the most pious of all the worshippers in the temple of the market. Behind all of this is the notion that economists do or have ever been concerned about the interests of people. They don’t. They never have. Economists are data whores. GDP is up or GDP is down. America is wealthier than ever or it’s not. It doesn’t matter if it’s Joe from Nebraska or Pajeet from Mumbai who is being productive. Productivity is good, right? It’s a disgusting sleight of hand trick that plays of ignorance. I say all of this as a graduate of the economic academic system. I’ve become so disillusioned with the willful ignorance and clear deception that it’s nearly unbearable. Economists are not friends of the people. They never have been.

this is a fucking based book. after all USA is a multicultural mixed immigrant country.
it's borders should be open for anyone.

i'm not against immigration or freedom of movement. i just think arguments presented in this book are retarded or straight up evil. here to discuss this particular book, not the wide concept

How much of an insecure beta do you have to be to see people speaking with confidence on a topic and produce this tantrum. Get off reddit

Little Red Riding Hood: The Science and Ethics of Eating Grandmothers.

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Isn't it more about not trusting old white people?

>brain drain
That's a decent argument indeed. But seeing how it pretty much only hurts populations with no power, it's hard to promote it. The average American doesn't care if Guatemala remains a shithole.
It would require a shift towards a multi-polar world vision and that would bring many drastic consequences, also potentially undesirable ones. It would almost certainly lower the purchasing power of USD, for example.

>It's extremely stupid. He outright admits the pyramid scheme nature of things but then goes the typical neoliberal bullshit way of just demanding we import more darkies to keep the Ponzi scheme going.
Yes, and? Is the US a shithole now that it has like 60% whites compared to 90% 50 years ago? NYC is safer now than it was 20 years ago, even with fewer whites.
Stats don't necessarily work in your favor. So you need to convince people that your race/ethnicity has inherent value and there's no obvious way to do that.

>He outright says medium-trust societies are to be preferred to high-trust societies because they make more shekels
as a jew this shit makes me antisemitic
i could draw furry porn or execute one of my ready-to-go schemes to harvest normie shekels, but i'd have to step on my pride and values and it's not happening. poorfag mode is morally supreme.

>So you need to convince people that your race/ethnicity has inherent value and there's no obvious way to do that.
I would say community has inherent value and I don't really see the need to appeal to statistics to justify that. I think people have a right to feel at home in their home country and not feel swamped with foreigners with no connection to the land aside from money.
You can claim stats show blah blah blah but at the end of the day I value that over any amount of cash. I'd rather have a nice state which takes care of its own people and has a nice tight-knit community. I don't give a fuck about stats and money.

I get what he's going for and I'm aware he's swindling people, but it just astounds me how callous these people are. Nothing matters to them aside from money.

>Stats don't necessarily work in your favor. So you need to convince people that your race/ethnicity has inherent value and there's no obvious way to do that.
Are we talking about a LOGICAL argument or about one that is effective? Stats are fucking irrelevant for the latter after all. Just show white boomers pictures of old new york with whites and new new york with scary brown people and you'll easy get at least 25% of them.

>has a nice tight-knit community
How is this even supposed to work on a scale of a large city? A tight-knit community works when you know people in the community, which is only realistic with a limited numbers and somewhat similar schedules aka. generally only in villages.

>How is this even supposed to work on a scale of a large city
In Japan I've seen countless people return lost wallets in the anonymity of the subway where the theft of all the cash inside would be the easiest thing. I've seen businessmen leave their laptops open and on to go get something to eat or go to the toilet absolutely secure in the knowledge that nobody would steal or fuck around with his stuff while he's gone, and it comes from basic community values which the modern West utterly lacks.
Try that shit in a modern Anglo country. You'd be lucky if your wallet lasted on the ground for more than 10 seconds in a crowded subway.
This is all made vastly worse by the fact that we worship the dollar before all else, especially other people, and we bring in hundreds of thousands of people each year, with no connection to the country or its people, and who in some cases can't even be bothered to communicate, or in many cases simply can't, and the result is that after a long enough time, people grow up and realise that this isn't the country they once knew. Now it's something new and something they don't recognise very much, and now, congratulations, you have one of these much-lauded "medium-trust" societies, which earn more money than your old "high-trust" society.

based dubs

>and it comes from basic community values which the modern West utterly lacks.
The stuff is pretty standard here in Germany, or at least in my city which has about 40% migrants. Coming from Ukraine which clearly isn't ZE WEST, I was actually shocked first. Back there I left my toy car on the playground for 10 minutes, in a "good neighbourhood" where most people knew each other, their parents, kids and so on, and shit was gone. Here, motherfuckers sometimes leave their bikes unlocked and laptops in the library (without cameras) unattended. Got my wallet returned to my mailbox once I dropped it too, they didn't even bother to take the 20 bucks inside.

It just seems more of an economics than a community thing. If you're poor and desperate, you take whatever you can. If you're doing fine, why would you bother stealing someone else's shit? Though I suppose the horniness for dollars and specially the "me first, fuck you" in the Anglo countries doesn't help. And representation probably plays a part too. If I were a poorfag in Burgerland, I bet I'd try to get ahead at any costs too when the system is so obviously rigged and pretty much none in power gives any fucks about changing it. Just good ol' alienation.

It was true in Scandinavia as well, but the societal trust level is plummeting. I imagine former USSR states where there were shortages and people spying on you, followed by the chaotic transition from the USSR to independent statehood has led to a low trust situation as well. It's something that takes generations to build up and can be destroyed pretty quickly.

>one of my ready-to-go schemes to harvest normie shekels
I'll give you 10 bucks for them and I'm losing money.

>It just seems more of an economics than a community thing.
It's an IQ thing.

>It just seems more of an economics than a community thing
It's both. I grew up poor as well, although not as poor as the bad parts of a Soviet place, but trust in communities is very easily destroyed.
For me, I've watched my home area get more and more migrant heavy, and they just don't give a flying fuck about anyone but their own. They're better off than we were when I was growing up, so it isn't poverty, it's that they prefer their own kind and don't give two shits about any others. In some cases they'll even express open contempt.
I would prefer to have less money in my community but go back to people having basic respect for each other in a heartbeat, and one of the things that I see as having destroyed that trust is the enormous amount of migrants we have now.

The previous thread was filled with "counter-arguments" and I don't think any other than a select few low hanging fruits were even relying on nationalism as a backdrop, this dude is plain tard.

>chaotic transition from the USSR to independent statehood has led to a low trust situation as well
Yeah, fair points. Definitely doesn't help trust, and the environment was generally hostile. Although at least snitching was absolutely a no go, so even in disjoined communities people can establish internal rules.

I don't know, man. Jews are pretty distrustful towards other Jews.

>They're better off than we were when I was growing up, so it isn't poverty, it's that they prefer their own kind and don't give two shits about any others.
They might be better off materially but there is also the whole "we just came here, the place is foreign, new, and people don't seem to like us very much" which obviously leads to people flogging together. Especially if they share the same language. It's a pretty nice feeling when you struggle to communicate and feel like a total ape and then find folks who get you right away.

And any official efforts at integration are rare too, a process that would take generations even in best case scenario is further slowed down. Back when I came most of the kids were send into a sort of retard school right away, with teachers who didn't give a damn and no real opportunities to hang with anyone else, while the parents went to language courses, where again, there wasn't much exposure to the culture of the country or any Germans. GG going from that point to any sort of community.

i'd love to live in a high-trust place. i look at some brands of westerners, like village people in general, and cant help but think they're edenic creatures. unaware of how good they have it. pic related, rural german countries are literal heaven

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> speaking with confidence on the topic

Such as yourself, right? I responded to this person’s question and you’ve contributed nothing to support nor deny what I said, but you can continue to attack me because you don’t like it if that’s your idea of “speaking with confidence”.

>the alt-right triggering themselves from a childrens novel that isn't even popular

>nooo I seen a brown person! truly this is a clown world. my life is over!

My day is ruined when I see a brown person desu

>there is also the whole "we just came here, the place is foreign, new, and people don't seem to like us very much" which obviously leads to people flogging together
I honestly came from one of the most multiculturally tolerant places in the world and this system has been so abused it's unreal. It's not that people were hostile to the new migrants, it's that once they were here in large enough numbers they started wanting us to change the place for them rather than adjust to our country.
There is a certain nationality which used to be praised as an excellent addition to our country, which once they came over in enough numbers then turned into the most belligerent, controlling, exclusive and in some cases outright hostile minority group I've had the displeasure of living with.
Their behaviour changed completely once they had a certain critical mass, even when they were once welcomed with open arms.

I want to go back...

He’s not swindling people. That’s what I’m saying. He’s speaking truthfully. Immigrants prop up the economy. My point was that people, for some reason, believe whatever is good for the economy is good for them and that’s simply not true. Economists are not priests nor social workers. The information they provide benefits the economy, but not necessarily the people. You’re absolutely right in that they are only concerned about with money and they are paid handsomely for it, but for some reason people aren’t acutely aware of this and expect this guy to not push open borders. Why would he?

Any day now and I'm gonna become a weird mountainman.

They're swindling people with the conclusion that something causing GDP growth means that it is also something which is good for the people. They know exactly what they're doing.

>There is a certain nationality which used to be praised as an excellent addition to our country, which once they came over in enough numbers then turned into the most belligerent, controlling, exclusive and in some cases outright hostile minority group I've had the displeasure of living with.
Gee I wonder which ethnicity this could be

does this shit really need another thread? fuck off to

Has immigration actually negatively effected any of your lifes? I live in one of the most multicultural places in the world and enjoy seeing people from all over the world. There might be more crime due to poverty which is something we should work toward fixing but that has never actually effected me personally

Shut and post more thinly veiled cunny threads.

All boards belong to /pol/

I lost someone to a random killing by an illegal immigrant who tried to rob him. I know many other people who have been victims of violent crime. The answer is yes.

>they started wanting us to change the place for them rather than adjust to our country.
Yikes. Though can't say I have any experience with that beyond something harmless like "can there be a halal option?". Then again, it seems to most migrants coming to my city, come from pretty urban regions, hence are far better adjusted to a sort of functional side by side existence. The more extreme ones tend to come from backward villages and aren't too popular even in their own countries.

Is it his fault when people been droned on and on how important the economy is? For all we know, he fell for it too.

As long it's actually civil, why the fuck not, let people discuss a children's book.

Some black guy speaking in pretty good English asked me for a cig. When I handed him the pack, the fucker asked for two. Americans should be sent back.

I know someone who died from a drunk driver. Freak accidents don't really change much

Wage stagnation.

I was unironically in the "they took our jobs lmao" position a few years ago. I was in a poor enough place as it was, but immigration totally destroyed the job market and made housing absolutely crushing for me. They flooded the place with so much cash I got priced out of my own neighbourhood and that was a fucking shit feeling, because my own government was profiting off my formerly beautiful neighbourhood being absolutely destroyed.
that sucks man

I do too, liking the idea of seeing other races is weird to me could honestly care less about this. I dont interact much with anyone around here seems the most obvious ethnic groups kinda just stick to their own while the more liberalized of all the races hang with each other (they all act the same though "white")

It wasn’t a “freak accident”. It was murder. It wasn’t a robbery gone wrong he tried to rob him only after he killed him. You people will defend anything to fit your narrative and before you argue it was poverty related, it wasn’t.

Murder happens in all white countries too. Most bar fights I hear about that end in someone dying is just white on white

Races are blanket categories much bigger than actual communities. And the idea of a state with hundreds of millions people as a tight-knit community is laughable, it has never happened, never will. The only moment the US was relatively tight knit was during WWII and even then you had the government releasing mafia kingpins from prisons to help them break workers' strikes. You need to rethink your approach, else it's not gonna work.

Bro what the fuck are you doing? Comparing drunk people accidentally hitting someone in the car or drunken fights going wrong to outright murder is pretty cold of you

Japan is a tricky example with its sky-high suicide rates, disfunctional work culture (falling asleep in public out of exhaustion is considered a sign of good work ethic), low fertility rates and super late marriages. There are in some respects even more isolated and neurotic than westerners.
People there are well-behaved but I wouldn't call that a tight knit community.

Seems pretty clear that tight-knit on a nation scale is intended to mean that people retain basic communal respect. I agree with that basic point, and I don't really get how the choice of words makes the rest of it a bad thing, or wrong.
I don't like feeling in a stranger in my own country. I don't think anyone does. I'd never say Africa is too black. They should be allowed to keep their own communities for their own people.

Freak murders are rare. Maybe you are American or something but its not an issue where I am from

This was premeditated murder you subhuman piece of shit. This is what I’m talking about. You will defend anything to fit your political narrative. This wasn’t a fucking bar fight. This was a man who was in the country illegally that had committed multiple violent felonies who killed another man in cold blood and tried to take his things and get away with it only after the fact. The saddest part is this has become not totally outside of the norm in my once peaceful town since the immigration boom happened.

A murder isn't the same as an accident and it's pretty callous of you to make a point by comparing a guy's friend being murdered to someone getting accidentally run over in a drunken accident.
I'm not him or anything but for fuck's sake dude, you're making a terrible case for your argument when you stoop to such a low blow to make your points.

>gives humanity

Fuck off with these lies, Shlomo. Everyone knows you and the rest of your chosenite tribe will pocket the vast majority of any financial gain from global open borders.

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Why not? The crucial bit is that a life is lost due someone being an idiot.

Let me guess, Anglos in India?

cope. You are just racist

Reductionism is the death of a sincere conversation.


>dude your ancestors stopping the Indians burning their wives means that you deserve this lmao!

Anglos everywhere innit?

shit man that's pretty harsh

Is it reductionism though?

The guy pointed out a shitty situation, someone got killed, that sucks. But why would it matter that the fuck who killed him is a migrant, when far more killings are done by non migrants and are accidental too. If someone gave a shit about saving lives, stuff like making the traffic safer and lowering polution would be the first thing on their list, not some stupid spic.

It's like the people freaking out over muh corona virus, hiding and home and buying masks, while ignoring countless of others, far more common and far more deadly diseases going on.

I doubt basic communal respect ever existed either, not on a large scale, but fair enough. I doubt this is strictly an immigration issue, if anythig consumerist lifestyle, family disintegration, lack of trust in institutions, lasting economic uncertainty and excessive media exposure come first as causes of atomization, and atomization leads to lack of communal respect. Immigration is almost more a symptom than a cause here (and anecdotally I've the most immigrant-heavy pmaces I've lived were also thebmost communal).

I also doubt it's a very recent phenomenon. As long as you have big non-isolated population settlements you have a land ripe for alienation.

The guy said "has anyone's life been negatively impacted by immigration"
Another user says "my friend got murdered by a known felon and then robbed after the fact" which is a pretty major impact I'd say
then the first dickhead responds with "ah well people die all the time that doesn't even count"

>far more common and far more deadly diseases going on
Name 5 present or soon-to-be-present in 1st world countries.

>Trump campaign thread

Honestly the Anglos deserve whatever is coming to them, not because of their ancestors, but because of their Anglo-nature. They're truly the jews of white people.

Being able to live where you want is a human right

Religiosity builds society. Deeply felt sentiments regarding behaviors and intentions will result in trust, longevity, continuity and resilience.
People motivated by money are worms. Not completely useless since they can create wealth, jobs and improve infrastructure but it's much more flimsy since they're reproducing faulty people and faulty behaviors. They're especially detrimental when they're given an air of spiritual authority. Speaking about the good of mankind is not the same as reproducing it, at best you're reproducing the signaling of it but it's simply not good enough.

The problem with mainlining rationality is that these economists are seen as purveyors of truth when in reality they're termites. They're correct about the situation in the sense that an oil tycoon will be able to effectively pump oil and that'll be good for the economy, but sooner or later the well will run dry. They're not tapping into the potential of the human spirit, they're merely harvesting the fruits of past stability.

A vulgar example: why not kill everyone above the age of 60? They're a drain on the economy, it'd be completely rational to do so. You'd react with disgust and rightly so. There's no difference with multiculturalism; you're bypassing the slow process of curation (of behaviors) and just sticking people in there because you've found a natural resource to exploit; trust. It's rational and probably a short-term boon to the economy but you're not building something that will last

>tfw you live in a shithole so you don't have to worry about immigrants

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The classics yo.

Flu in Burgerland killed 10k this year. That's like 3 9/11s! Good ol' tuberculosis got 500ish. Salmonella is at 420, with almost 20k hospitalisations, yet people still don't pay too much attention to their food. Hepatitis A is close at 320 and same amount of hospitalisations. Campylobacter gets 200. Ecoli gets to 100 deaths annually. Pertussis gets like 20 a year which sucks but still seems to be better at killing shit than Corona virus in first world countries.

Oh and I have no clue what it is but apparently "50,000 deaths each year in the USA are linked with S. aureus "

Not counting shitholes like China and Iran, poor covid 19 struggles to get into triple digits, and that's mostly due 52 in Italy which is very similar to a third world country too.

Is it as great as the /pol/cels claim?

lol why would it be a right to just move into anyone else's country

absolutely based
russia has the same retarded govt tendencies (forbid this, restrict that, oi lad did you just post oppositionary cringe online?) as britboongistan, but the catch is no one follows that and retarded laws are only used to shut up specific targeted people, and as a saying goes "if there's a man, we'll find a felony" - these tard laws just make it easier. they're not actually enforced.
> inb4 anglo seething
isn't your 4channel license expiring?

russia and other non-eu slav countries would be divine tier if it wasnt for the govt. imagine living in a shitpost, a comfy and homely one. not deadly impoverished like actual third world, not moderm faggotry ridden like first world, not bland like suburban america but with a same wind of insanity and criminal fun.
it's actually diverse in the first sense of this word, you can hang out with steppe asians, finno-ugric pagan chads, extreme north deer herders, buddhist QTs, chill muzzies (tatarstan&bashkortostan) and of course hearty russians all while not leaving the country. or not leaving Moscow, kek
i wish things were better than they are. so much wasted potential.

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This thread is cope. Your life isn't shit because of immigrants, your life is shit because you refuse to believe you are responsible for your own actions and don't do anything to improve your situation.

I don't think this can be topped.
Jesus fucking christ this is horrifying to read. The fact that people can actually meme themselves into believing this shit.

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this is, again, not an anti-migration thread. itt we laugh at retarded arguments presented in this specific boom
it's so bad it's hilarious

Do you seriously believe that unlimited immigration doesn't cause problems?

Every western country would be divine tier if it wasnt for the govt

> both angel and devil are horrified by his statement
holy lul, how can one author shit so hard in his own mouth

fuck, you're right. for me it's just the special sharm of being civilized, but only somewhat, not to an extent of being like a law-abiding taxpaying German or Swede. a pinch of disorder gives your life a spark.

Some people do, in fact, think this.

So do they ever go over the positives it has for immigrants home country?

Millennial here, they definitely make cartoon comic books for my generation.

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This image is so fucked that no parody can do it justice.

I think this is pretty revealing.

>... the prudently trusting. They even get cheated more!

Trust is a weakness, making you ripe for exploitation. This basically sums up his whole argument. And it's completely rational, if you view people as slot machines with different tolerances for getting cheated.

Ancap here.

I bet none of you all even read the book or take it in context.
Bryan Caplan is an ancap and he thinks welfare is the reason why low iq third worlders hoard USA.
To him, welfare must be abolished and borders opened. This would isolate the low productive individuals and unite productive people together.
A third worlders with no qualification can move in here but he would soon starve due to lack of welfare.
This discourages third worlders from hoarding while importing the best brains of third world.

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B-but muh brain drain I am entitled to ur brains please don't leave, stay here and suffer to maybe make life 0,00001% better for us brainlets.

>Bryan Caplan is an ancap and he thinks welfare is the reason why low iq third worlders hoard USA.
Caplan WANTS third world hordes to come to the first world. If anything, you haven't read his comic.

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He doesn't want them to come in. In a YouTube interview he made it clear. It's impossible for third world iqlets and lazy people to survive in stateless capitalist society.

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It's amazing how ancaps always manage to find the most idiotic position, even in a debate full of dumb takes.

If none one will move with open borders because of the welfare state is gone, then his entire justification for open borders is fiction; his justification rests upon the assumption that billions (around 5 billion, to be precise) will move, which, according to him, will increase the worldwide GDP.

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It will boost GDP. That's the problem: conceptualizing countries/cultures/societies as GDP maximization problems.

His justification for open border is indeed fictional. The immigration described in the book would never happen. Bryan Caplan isn't a neolib or an utopian idealist.
In an interview on YouTube he clearly says unproductive people wouldn't move in and mass immigration is impossible.
The point of the comic is to show the positive side of mass immigration in a welfare-less stateless society. Which is impossible.

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So you agree with the arguments Caplan puts forth then?

Discord trannies are seething

In America the states with the most white people also are the ones with the least violent crime.

They also happen to have almost no people at all who each live miles away from each other.

There are countries in Subsaharan Africa and Latin America with lower murder rates than the US.


Because immigrants are systematically repressed by socio-economic factors

I disagree. If you were to look at U.S. States, their population density, murder rate, and demographics, your theory that the most white states are the lowest in violent crime only because they have extremely low population density does not prove to be true.

New Hampshire is ranked 21st for population density. It had a murder rate of 1.5 per 100,000 inhabitants in 2018. It’s demographic, 93.9% white.

Alabama is ranked 27th for population density, meaning it is less population dense than New Hampshire. It is 68.5% white. It’s murder rate per 100,000 inhabitants in 2018 was 7.8.

Louisiana is ranked 25th for population density, meaning it is also less population dense than New Hampshire. It is 63.4% white. It’s murder rate per 100,000 inhabitants in 2018 was 11.4.

Mississippi is ranked 32nd for population density. It is 63.5% white. It’s murder rate per 100,000 inhabitants in 2018 was 5.7.

All of these states are less population dense than New Hampshire, yet have a murder rate ~4-9 times higher than NH.

The high rate of murder is due to high income inequality not high poverty.

Chile is more unequal than the US and has lower murder rates. Hong Kong is very unequal and very safe (or was before commies started to ruin it last year).

which ones
Click on "rate", find the US and take your pick.

>everyone else in this thread:
trying to makes cogent arguments about why immigration is harmful to nations

Attached: cozypepe.png (830x768, 467K)

Social cohesion between classes is far more pervasive in Hong Kong. Someone who makes 50k a year rubs elbows with a person who makes 5 million a year often. Higher classes do not publicly have the opportunity to flaunt their wealth like other territories, which keeps trust high.

So it's not inequality, it's just a difference in culture.

based and redpilled


So it’s not at all possible there is another factor which correlates positively to income inequality and murder rates huh? You’re absolutely certain that it’s income inequality which CAUSES murder?

Holy shit, do they just forget that welfare states are a thing? People "working" where they want would mean lazy fucks moving to Scandinavian countries and collecting gibs there. Great way to help an economy!

>His justification for open border is indeed fictional
Obviously. I would not trust his lies that open borders would actually make everyone more well off.
>Bryan Caplan isn't a neolib
Yes he is. He endorses neoliberal policies in the meantime, while "waiting" for ancap — because he knows it's impossible.

This is libertarian propaganda intended to crash welfare states.

Fuck off boomers, huns are at the gate, AIDS spreading is decriminalized and there’s pedos rolling around with kids in the library. Ignoring it made it worse, now’s the time for reaction. Hell 20 years ago was the time but better late than never.

We don’t need your approval to act in our interests. Non whites out of white lands.