What are the most Yea Forums drugs?
What are the most Yea Forums drugs?
None you fucking dip
Psychedelics are the drugs of true patricians.
Caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol.
i'd say opium
Where do you even get opium nowadays?
dunno bro, maybe harvest some poppy seed or something
my favorite drugs for getting things done are methadone, xanax, and ritalin. Of course, these days it's hard as fuck to find a doctor to write them but my doctor is 78 and i've been seeing him since I was 14.
Read the Collected Essays from 1959 and Brave New World. Ignore the propaganda from the tavistock institute
Bug powder
it actually really sucks now. you used to be able to just talk to a dr. over the phone and get 90 40mg oxyd and 120 2mg xanax with 2 refills on each. I knew it couldn't last, and of course dumb motherfuckers can't handle their own gear. They've also ruined tiajuana, where you used to be able to cross over a san yisidro, walk 2 blocks, stock up on xanax, heroin, coke, and ketmaine, and then cross right fucking back over. I should have been in jail 1000x over for smuggling butt hey fuckers never check so long as you come back with a big cheap sombrero and looking like a tourist. Meanwhile I had $600 worth of drugs taped right above my cock.
Healthy living, music & hard work.
basically no one who was ever successful had a healthy lifestyle
This. And beer.
Dissociatives. They essentially turn your life into an absurd conspiracy novel.
I thought it was just me.
define healthy
Why isn't this more well documented.
pcp is genuinely a good way to do something like cut your own prick off and wake up not remembering why. And that isn't grandma's scare story, I know of motherfuckers on pcp who have actually done shit like that.
Amanita muscaria
LSD turned my life into a conspiracy novel.
LSD or other psychedelics are easily the most Yea Forums drugs
that's because most of them fuck your brain so hard Sasha Grey would blush
all help me
Salvia Divinorum
Fuck Salvia. Fucking terrible trip. Not even an insightful bad trip like LSD or psilocybin, just fucking terrible all around.
All of 'em. It's just in the way you do then.
These things are definitely relative and subject to flux, but I wouldn't say living healthily inhibits success. Goethe lived quite salubriously and was very productive in literary endeavours, as well as in more ordinary matters. I'm sure I could also think of more than a few historical men of action that lived quite vigorously.... Theodore Roosevelt comes to mind (also a writer). It's true that many a talented personage is given to unusual habits, but these need not be wholly self-destructive. Or they may exist and the individual succeeds despite them. Perhaps, in some cases, the failings are a reflection of an unhealthy society. Still, there is always the will to reject negative impulses and let the imagination reign more freely.
This is exactly the type of splendiferous purple prose I'd expect from somebody arguing that being healthy is the key to intellectual success. Bravo, whiche'er thou art, or bait or real man.
Nothing especially purple about that, kid. Nice strawman, though. Maybe brush up on your reading comprehension some time.
>What are the most Yea Forums drugs?
Sniffing your own farts?