What books will make me a better, stronger, smarter, more attractive, more confident, more enlightened, more fulfilled...

What books will make me a better, stronger, smarter, more attractive, more confident, more enlightened, more fulfilled, more perceptive, more content, more motivated person, and why?

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Maps of Meaning - Jordan Peterson
If you want to get serious about life you have to understand what story you're in and manifest it properly


Don quixote

Wow this is literally me.

The book of do it yourself instead of looking for it in external things

he should be the "chad virgin" and the "virgin chad" would be a weedy tryhard or something

The Bible. I'd suggest the King James; they really knocked it out of the ballpark.

The Memorable Sayings of Socrates by Xenophon.

On Civil Disobedience and Walden by Henry James Thoreau.

Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath, even though it's fiction.

That'll get you started.

>Had sex a few times
Wrong. A true virgin Chad must remain pure

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Prometheus Rising


Ahhhh this is me

The Hunger Games Trilogy

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its about time with this horoscope shit

But the op picture is clearly saying significantly more specific things than your picture faggot


Critque of pure reason

Specific for the general population but extremely general for this audience.


>virgin chad
>Had sex

The lotus sutra and the zen experience
Why? Seven pounds of your robes

"You are a walking contradiction!"

It's sarcasm you baboon. I'm obviously an incel who's too much of a coward to end himself. I'm such an uggo that people cover me in their spit so they don't have to see my face, and straight up tell me I should kms.
Hope you have a nice day though

Hello there

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Are there any good and traditional commentary on the Lotus Sutra that have been translated?
