Please leave this board if you're monolingual. You literally have no right to talk about literature...

Please leave this board if you're monolingual. You literally have no right to talk about literature, especially not poetry. Everything you say is myopically-scaled and your takes are unnecessary and superfluous noise. So please, fuck off. Thank you.

For the rest of Yea Forums, the ones who truly belong here, what was the last foreign language book you read and what did you think of it?

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I know 2 languages but only read in English because fuck you. (Except poetry)


i took 4 years of french in highschool

Please formulate this post in at least three other languages or go fuck yourself, poseur.

I know sign language. Does that count?

წაიღე შენი უკანალი აქედან

საყვარელი გოგო

Das ist nicht gut. Mein Englisch ist scheiße. Verdammt, Englischlehrer!

Poetry Is for fags and this is an American website and if you dont speak American then fuck off

based burger

why would you pretend to know Georgian of all languages?


It’s pretty, Vinur minn.

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Vai tomar no cu sua bosta. Eu fico aqui se eu quiser.

based retarded brazilfag

Knowing multiple European languages doesn't count either, you retard.

:) .من دارم یه کتاب هری پاتر را درس میخوانم

This. Just lmaoing at all these "bilinguals" and "multilinguals" that know Enlgish and a romance or two. Doesn't count fuckers.

গল্পগুচ্ছ- রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর।


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why tho

I don't understand this part.

read and write: Russian
read, write, and converse badly: Hebrew read, write, converse: French, Japanese English
what can other anons do?

stupid mobile formatting and i forgot a comma just kill me now

J'me branle la biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite putaiiiiin

who here has ever talked about poetry?

shut the fuck up you elitist fag, and stop jerking yourself off for knowing more then 1 language :-)

I only care about the Latin script. It's superior. Why else do you think Turkey switched and others like China consider it or have romanizations? Cyrillic is ok, Greek is dead

درس خواندن is "to study", my friend. Literally "read a lesson". درس, the "lesson" part, is an arabic word that also shows up in other words like مدرسه .

Greek alphabet is far more aesthetic than Cyrillic. This is a fact.

Heil dir! Die deutsche Sprache ist die Spitze des literarischen Ausdrucksweise. Keine Sprache so galant, so reich an Wendungen und Freiheiten.
Ich Liebe es deutschsprachig zu sein.

I still prefer ISO basic Latin alphabet. I hate characters with seperate parts. "i" sucks, but atleast it's a dot. The rule should be 1 continuous part for 1 character. What if every character was a bunch of parts floating in an area? It would suck.

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I can read 4 languages and I only read Marxism, Philosophy, and History. Poetry and literature are very boring for the most part. Anyway, thanks for letting me stay here!

Please leave this board if you are on this board

Monolingual is a sign of a high IQ.

I just read Putting the Devil into Hell, it was great and gave half a boner.

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Too alike. Not just language family but culturally/conceptually because they've been in intimate contact for so long. Especially considering we're talking about literature. Probably the hardest part of any language but especially in very alike languages is the casual register. Also why learning dead languages is so much easier. Although English is seeing to it that this becomes samey too.

But then you have a bunch of digraphs that take longer to write and look ugly anyway. Should just make new letters like Anglos originally did.

>muh boner
Time to go back to your precious reddit, carnally minded bugman.


lmaoing my ass off @ buttblasted amerimutts itt

whats it like having dogshit for brains? i am fluent in english, french, russian, hebrew, slovak and armenian. and i can say with confidence that english is the worst of them all. completely soulless and gay.

and before you ask, no i'm not going to prove i know any of these languages. i owe you nothing.

Never been on Reddit, actually I found out Reddit because you people are obsessed with them.

Kafka, die Verwandlung. Dry as fuck and eagerly switched to the Silmarillion; however, I like reading Tolkien in English and Stephen King in German. Idk why for the latter, but it just feels better for whatever reason idk, I think I should listen to more German audiobooks tho

Veuillez quitter ce board si vous êtes monolingue. Vous n'avez littéralement aucun droit de parler de littérature, particulièrement pas de poésie. Tout ce que vous dites est teinté de votre myopie et vos opinions ne sont qu'un bourdonnement inutile et superflu. Donc, s'il-vous-plaît, foutez le camp. Merci.

Pour le reste de vous sur Yea Forums, ceux qui vraiment ont leur place ici, quel était le dernier livre que vous avez lu en langue étrangère et qu'en avez-vous pensé?

Bitte verlassen sie dieses Brett wenn sie ein-sprachig sind. Sie haben wortwörtlich kein Recht über Literatur, vor allem Poesie, zu sprechen. Alles was sie von sich geben ist unglaublich kurzsichtig und ihre Meinungen sind unnötiger und überflüssiger Lärm. Darum bitte, verpissen sie sich. Danke.

I can also do french.

>learning a dead language is so much easier
??? who the fuck has more difficulty with even a 'basic' dead language like latin than they do with french or spanish

>Heil dir
Du traust dich was bruder

Vá tomar no seu cu, OP.

I know English, Russian and Portuguese. They are very different languages, with very different sounds and a lot of differences in phrase composition. So fuck off, weeb.

Veux-tu ben dégager d'icitte si t'es rien que capable de parler anglais. T'as comme vraiment pas d'affaire à venir jaser de livres pis surtout pas de poèmes et de cossins qui rhyment. Tout ce que tu radottes a vraiment pas rapport pis c'est juste des niaiseries qui servent à rien pantoute. Ça fait que, s'te plaît, décrisse. Ok.

>t. Jean de la Fontaine

Gatekeeping: The Post. Fuck you OP you cock gobbling gremlin

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asti l'gros c koi tu pal juste anglai fuck off man. tas aucune criss daffaire a allé parlé de genre d livre pi surtou po d parole de grimskunk wtf. criss tu dit fuckin nimporte koi retourne a école pis jmen caliss jtécoute meme po. ok fak au pire décriss asti danglo du tabarnak. ctu clair??

Brain damaged ESL animals like you don't get to comment on English literature. I bet you're German. The French can't speak English, and the Scandinavians speak English too well to make a retarded post like this. Neck yourself Kraut.

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Poutine detected

I speak two languages fluently and have never read an entire book in another one, not even like a children's book, you're really making me realize how stupid I am here. I habitually read the Wikipedia front page in every language I have the attention span to do, and have picked up some of several languages doing that on a routine, sometimes even daily. Now I'm starting to understand entire articles even if I couldn't phoneticize them myself firsthand. I've also intuited that reading a book in its original language with a translated page in English next to each page will more easily outline the sentence structure and give you a feel for the grammar of the language, and I ordered Wittgenstein's Observations On Color a couple weeks ago in this format, I hope it makes the mailbox today. Since I still haven't answered the question directly besides saying I'm bilingual, maybe if by foreign you mean any language other than English then it was Detectives Salvajes and that was almost a year ago

For the record I think if you're a monolingual you can hang here as long as you lurk moar and don't try to flummox yourself with arguments in favor of not knowing other languages. Not everyone comes from a background that occasions polyglot upbringing but I invite you to take the initiative of learning another language with this advice. Don't listen to solipsism about this because it is a very commonly held esteem for anyone to idealized their own set of circumstances, just observe this eloquent high-IQ prose: And if you do leave anyway, stay off Yea Forums. They really need to take that board off the site, as of at least 10 years ago; I haven't clicked Random in about 7 years and I just know it's gotten even worse

va chié sti

>Yeah you gotta misunderstand Proust in French and struggle your way through pages of Bernhard in German to be able to relate to my Bloomian dreams of reading the Canon and being one with the printed page instead of just spending 2 days at most reading books in English

Ta gueule, abomination culturelle. Chui allemand en effet


Reminder that if you only know English in addition your monther tongue, you're pretty much a monolingual.

English doesn't count as a second language. It's pretty much taken for granted.

So if I know 3 languages including english I'm actually bilingual?

makes sense

That would be bilingualism

English is still a language even if standardized. You really don't need to stroke your indick about math, if you're trilingual then great

The more I look at your image, the less I like it. Greek, Latin, and Cyrillic are not limited to Modern Greek, English, and Russian. You might have consider letters with diacritics as “second class”, but some of them are actually independent in some languages. Just those that are present have problems: for example, Russian C corresponds to Latin S, not C, Ё is probably closer to a diacritic that alters pronunciation than to a real letter, Ъ and Ь are not actual letters, but hard and soft signs, Slavonic and some modern Slavic languages have had both И and I, etc., etc.

It's simply a useless systematization of characters found on some specific keyboards.

Please leave this board if you don’t have any non-native tongues, posturing europeon.

Sorry, I fucked up a bit, Ё has little to do with E, it's the usage of Ё that is optional, so that E is typed in its stead, but without changing how the word is pronounced.

I can read uncomplicated manga in Japanese... d-does that count?


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Daily reminder if you don't know a language of a completely different family group you may as well be monolingual.

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If you're an ESL and English is the only foreign language you speak you are literally no better than mutts.

Make me faggot

No I know what the word means, but I don't understand why you're having a lesson in Harry Potter.

Wrong. Many languages don't have pronouns, copulas, or even proper words for basic concepts present in all those closely related languages.

lmao and yet in order to use this board you still have to use the gold standard lingua franca. There's very good reasons for why non-english speaking countries learn English, but foreign languages for English students are optional.

German translation of a french book.

Robindronath. Lol. Speaking Bangla is like speaking Hindi with your mouth full.

I can speak 3 languages but fuck off

Maybe he just meant khundan, but it's not wrong, per se.

I don't think ESLs want me speaking their language as poorly as they speak English.

Hmm, Trump could annex Germany.

Because english is easy and the americans dominated after ww2.

Can you tell what my first language is you monolingual cumrag? Even punctuation n shit



Shiiiieeeet dat wyte boi be gots it aight bout ma linguitisticality.

But it's actually Deutsch


I'm monolingual so I will leave. But I'll learn another language and then return when I'm worthy. Which language do you recommend learning?


Don't learn a language for the sake of learning a language. Learn one if the need arises.


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>Please leave this board if you're monolingual. You literally have no right to talk about literature, especially not poetry. Everything you say is myopically-scaled and your takes are unnecessary and superfluous noise. So please, fuck off. Thank you.

Lūdzu, pametiet šo forumu ja esiet monolingvālis. Jums burtiski nav tiesību spriest par literatūru, it īpaši par dzeju,viss ko jūs sakāt ir tuvredzīgi spriedelējumi un bezvērtīga skaņa. Tāpēc lūdzu, atpišaties. Pateicos.

OP is a midwit

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I doubt the need will ever arise. I've always wanted to know what it's like to be able to think in a different language. And it'd be neat in general.
Maybe. Top contenders for now are German, French and Japanese. I'm not a full blown weeb but still would probably get more out of Japanese overall. However, it'll take wayyyy longer to learn than the other two and I wouldn't mind living/working in Germany, Austria or Switzerland (though the German-speaking areas seem best and annoyingly to integrate there I'd need to learn both German and Swiss German).

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>doubt the need will ever arise. I've always wanted to know what it's like to be able to think in a different language

Not that special desu, you just start seeing where language is more talented at. For example Russian is great for poetry while English is good for rap and shit like that,from literature perspective being able to read original works is just better due to majority of translations being made by literall tards. For example reading Brothers Karamazovs in Russian makes more sense when you get cultural context that comes with the language.

Cringe. Jesus only spoke english and he wrote the greatest book of all time - The King-James Bible.

How should I know? And what does it have to do with your fluency in English speech? I'm just saying you don't speak English correctly, it's almost guaranteed English speakers let you off the hook for your grammar and pronunciation because they're more polite than you are about this subject. If you by chance you're one of the tiny minority of people who can speak a second language as good as their first language, at the end of the day you're the one who's upset for having to learn English. But that has nothing to do with me, I didn't make the decision to be born in the Anglosphere or for English to be the lingua franca of the modern world.

Ghør det på norsk, hvis ikke er du en liten horresønn.

>I'm just saying you don't speak English correctly, it's almost guaranteed English speakers let you off the hook
You forgot an if hehehehehe

I learned english in kindergarten already and I almost exclusively got As so yeah. Obviously I'm not upset for having to have learned english.

Tut mir leid, Ich spreche kein snownigger du abgeleckter Wichsfetzen :)

What a faggot.

based, eurofags btfo

>I doubt the need will ever arise. I've always wanted to know what it's like to be able to think in a different language. And it'd be neat in general.
Then don't learn one. It really won't improve your life in any meaningful way

OK, what do you recommend I do instead then? Are you one of those people who thinks only things that will gain you capital are worth doing?

De Profundis
I love Oscar Wilde to Death, so this book was both impressive and depressing for me
English is my second language

No you're just a pretentious faggot who wants to be able to say "I know x language" for the sake of staying it not for any deeper reason and I was trying to be nice about it.

Whats a easy language to learn?

If English is your native language, then try a romance language; they all share a core vocabulary with English. French is ideal. Spanish and Italian are both great options. Portuguese is probably the least valuable of them but is still a great language.

If I were you I'd start with english.

Should I start with latin or greek? I read a lot of history and it would be interesting to be able to read the source material.
I've tried to teach myself french before, but it wasn't very efficient and I made no progress. Whats an effective way to start?

ole vait neeger

If you want learn Latin, I recommend learning Italian first. It's much easier and it'd help you so much. If you don't want to do that, the method is always the same:
1. Learn the rules of the language (the grammar).
2. Learn the tools of the language (the vocabulary).
You can do both of these at once, but learning vocabulary is the bulk of language learning. Don't stress about grammar too much, especially if your goal is to read. Most grammar will be assimilated as you spend more time with the language.


based and burgerpilled

Knowing another language will expand my mind, allow me to experience new things (such as thinking in another language), gain a better appreciation for works of art in that language. And it will also look OK on my resume and, sure, impress some people. On top of all that, it could be fun. I'm not seeing any downsides. Maybe you should stop coping and join me.


falsch. Deutsch, die offensichtlich schönste, genaueste und ausdrucksstärkste Sprache der Welt, reicht vollkommen aus

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Unequivocally based. Take back your culture muttman.

>last foreign language book
The Crying of Lot 49, very fun

this, some of those funky letters were useful.

I already know 3 and they arose out of necessity. None of them were from "lol I wanna learn a language so I can say I did"

Sie here would be written with a capital letter like “Sie”, “sie” is female singular. You can use sie if you are trying to be formal, but from your post seems to suggest otherwise.

*ignore the from

I was trying to be formal because I didn't want to use Du, as OP has given no indication that I am allowed to dutz him. Or dutzen, aber du weißt eh was ich meine, nicht?

Kill yourself you NPC drone

This doesn't seem right


I've lived in Italy and can speak the language. Just seems retarded to think you can't appreciate and love English poetry if you only read English. Sure, you won't get Pound without studying languages for 5 to 10 to 20 to never years, but you can certainly appreciate Auden and many other poets.

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>I've lived
no you haven't faggot

Spent two years in Testaccio, come at me bro

>come at me
yup i knew you were a homosexual

I excel in conversational pig latin

>guy who knows engrish good

h-hi butterfly.... will u be my fren?

based burger

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I refuse.

>unnecessary and superfluous

>Acquire proficiency in languages you will not ever compose in to a standard exceeding your facility in your mother tongue's, all to consooom
"I can clap cheeks, as well as hands." the OP

Vinur minn, I try.

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>They are very different languages
>Lists 3 IE languages
Just lol

Classic goal post-moving.
I bet you use the "I'm an ESL" card when a spelling/grammar nazi steps on your shit.