What is the most interesting thing you know about Hermes Yea Forums?
What is the most interesting thing you know about Hermes Yea Forums?
Apparently he likes to kill cows and leave razor blades on the corpses.
he's fast
He was what moderns call UFOs, Chupa Cabras, etc.
Here's something interesting
Along with Plutus he lords it over all the world right now
he said that 'as above, so below'
He determines the style of processing information and how we communicate.
Could you elaborate on that please? I may have similar thoughts but I want to make sure.
Well, if Hermes is the god of language and communication and life is precisely this relationship, then Pluto is what extends this exchange of signs well beyond life?
He's the only god who can visit both Olympus and the underworld, and
i like how that relates to the use of language to explore the unconscious.
>how that relates to the use of language to explore the unconscious.
t-tell me more
Plutus (not Pluto or Hades) is the god of wealth, Hermes (or Mercury) with his winged feet is the god of communication and therefore telecom.
Plutus isn't Pluto but ultimately- or more traditionally- Death ist über alles, so?
Sorry I was drunk when I read Plutus as Pluto. What Hermes reminds me is of a giver of kingship, a treacherous Urizen-like which gave his (fake) throne to Plutus, but ultimately this false king is only an amusement of the times. Hermes easily can turn the tide against him if he becomes bored, he controls messages, news, perceptions, he rules over and under, through spoken word and unseen world.
Mercury (Hermes) was the most popular pagan god in Judaism, as is mentioned in the Torah/Talmud more than any other pagan god. As he was worshipped in (semi-)secret, he was mainly depicted by "a pile of three stones" - presumably stacked in the shape of a triangle.
Mercury is also the god of "financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication, travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, merchants, thieves". He and Hermes are also psychopomps. Hermes himself is a "god of shepherds".
He is also syncretically related to Odin. "For example, both are depicted carrying a staff and wearing a wide-brimmed hat, and both are travelers or wanderers. However, the reasons for this interpretation appear to go beyond superficial similarities: Both gods are connected to the dead (Mercury as psychopomp and Odin as lord of the dead in Valhalla), both were connected to eloquent speech, and both were associated with secret knowledge." Remember, Odin gave away ONE of his EYES in return for wisdom.
Alchemists also referred to the concept of the 'aether' as 'universal mercury'. The alchemical symbol for Mercury is similar to that of the symbol for Venus/Ishtar/women etc, pic related. Except it also has horns.
The god Mithras was worshipped in 'Mithraeum', which almost always had a depiction of Mithras (in a Phrygian/'liberty' cap) killing a bull. As Mithras is most likely a good associated with the passing of astrological ages, this depiction is seen as a representation of the death of the Taruean age, and the rise of the Aryan age, see: en.wikipedia.org
In these Mithraeum could also sometimes be found depictions of what some believe is Mithras himself, but is mostly referred to as Arimanius. Arimanius is a figure with a lion's head, attached to a snake which coils around the figure's body. This figure also holds a caduceus like Mercury.
Just some things to think about.
Forgot to mention, what's another figure we know of depicted by a lion's head and a snake body?
>the Egyptian Ankh symbol (which is assumed to be inspired by the thoracic vertabra of a bull) looks a lot like the symbol for Venus/Ishtar/women etc.
There's a reason for that. It's a vagina. I thought everybody knew that.
I know the fucking bags cost about $1,200 and that I dread every christmas since I know my GF is going to take me for a new Hermes scarf, purse, or something...
My girl's a miserable social worker and I do some artisan shit.. this past xmas we agreed to exchange ornaments and what we each spent was probably around 10 bucks. And yet I feel kind of sorry for you, lad. A worry such as that's one I wouldn't want to have. Most libidos qualified by money are treacherous, or so's my meagre experience.
Otherwise I like the pairing of Plutus and Mercury; does seem rather appropriate to these relentlessly vulgar times.
That sly cyberneticist Michel Serres liked him
hermes is polutropon like odysseus
he is my cousin
he created the philosophical basis for european alchemy in his many bestselling books