Is "edge" a bad thing for characters? Does it even really exist...

Is "edge" a bad thing for characters? Does it even really exist? Is it just another reddit meme that puts a strain on creativity? Discuss.

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Edge is just being unironically attention seeking via cringe statements

Why do you think everything is always steeped in irony?
Edge is just a character trait.

It’s not edgy if it’s well-written and doesn’t come off like some chuunibyou garbage

Self aware edge is enjoyable

Pretty much.

The matrix was cool, but now people just call it edgy. which it is, but the word is quite toxic.

"Toxic" is also just as toxic lmfao.

Edgy has been way overused in my opinion and it's often used to tear another work down without any nuance.

Good edgelord characters: Solid Snake, Guts, Rust Cohle, Travis bickle.

Cringe: Your pic

"Edgy" implies a shallowness to the character. In some way the writer has been deficient in convincing you that the character's dissatisfaction is earned. In the case of Shadow, it's likely because his world is so bright it seems inconsistent for his problems to exist. For the kill la kill chick, it's that she is largely borrowing the visual aesthetic without engaging in any of the discourse. I do not know any of the other characters depicted.

In a postmodern era where irony thrives, I don't think we are able to go back and take these "Edgy" characters seriously anymore and that saddens me.

Joker has been taken seriously by many millions of people.

edge makes people insecure who secretly identify with the sentiment behind it but are in awkward middle ground of self awareness such that they are neither detached from it nor embracing of it, they are "too close for comfort" so to speak and find it threatening to their self esteem.

Jokers a lot different then anyone in OP's pic. They are all angsty for stupid reasons while Joker was a mentally ill and dealt a bunch of shitty hands leading him to become who he was.

Shadow was similar too. He lost his best friend and he barely knew anything about the world around him except for one little stint at the ARK, leading him to hate most humans since he thought they were all like the ARK's men.

Joker has also been mocked through the "society" meme, which runs parallel with the edgy criticism as a critique of unearned nihilism and disillusionment. Whether a character's reasons for giving into negative emotions are stupid is often a matter of personal taste.

That's kind of true I suppose. Perhaps it's just his shitty design, bad dialogue and bad writing in general that forever fucked his characters legacy. Also his game sucked dick.

The Shadow the Hedgehog game is what actually turned Shadow into an edgelord.

Before that he was actually somewhat nuanced of a character. He used to be somewhat of a goofy anti-hero who would say stuff like "I'm the coolest!"

First give us a working definition because people can never agree on what "edge" is supposed to mean.

>your big brother killing your entire family because the government elites are a bunch of retards is a stupid reason to go mad and seek vengeance

>noooo you can't be sincere about anything, you have to make fun of yourself
>everything has to be a coooooomedy and light hearted
>you have to put an ideological disclaimer at the end that you think your own work is bologna and postulation

Take Celine, journey to the end of the night. Call it edgy. suddenly loses all value it had. wouldn't want to seem uncool now would you, wouldn't want to make a faux pas? extroversion is a cancer.

"edgy" is a reasonable definition of a trait but it's not always bad. as long as the character has an arguably justifiable reason and mean to break away from society's mores there is nothing really artistically wrong with it.

the reason why it is defamed is two-pronged: some of it is that people instinctively are repelled from discarded aspects of themselves or others (ie, they had a phase when they were growing up in a sheltered middle class life where they skirted close to dylan and klebold) the second prong is that dissidents and outsiders scare them on a physical/emotional level, as rebels to society can be physically and emotionally dangerous.

tl;dr, edgy is fine, unless it's self-insertion or the character does not have a reasonable (or unreasonable) reason for being the way they are.

people have a weird tendency to believe that every character somehow reflects the author, but realistically it is very possible to write characters that do things that are not justified, and that is not necessarily some sort of justification for similar behavior in real life. You see this often with SJW types where the fact that a certain character exists in a certain way offends them, even if they are supposed to be a bad guy.

Edgy went from meaning "challenges social norms" to being a shutup-word used when somebody says something you disagree with, where you accuse them of not actually believing the thing they said but instead are just saying something they know is wrong for attention(which very few people actually do) like used it as.

Enforced irony, neologisms and redefinition of words based on feefees is part of a deliberate agenda to make english non-functional for serious discussion to makes its speakers easier to control and you should reject it at every turn.

>solid snake

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Edge is a pretension of not considering other people in your decisions, masquerading over an absolute concern for what they will think about your actions.