Wtf is this shit, I'm on page 35 and I want to stop already...

wtf is this shit, I'm on page 35 and I want to stop already. Please tell me it doesn't go on like this till the end of the book. The way he talks about you know what is utterly disgusting.

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It goes on like that. Oh boy, does it sure go on like that.

Yes be a cuck for the roast Jew

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hate to break it to you, user.. but it does go on that way for the whole book if I remember correctly.
And you're supposed to feel disturbed... I think...

are the jews making you fuckers read this book for AP literature or something? It
s fucking terrible. So, so many russian books from the past century are better. Shit, you can start with

"And Quiet Flows the Don" and safely read a book 100x better.......

Oh, how life could have been...

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"You know what"? I don't think you're ready for Nabokov. Go read some YA.

you gotta be a special kind of retard to read near a sprinkle
stupid kid

She was clearly trying to seduce Humby from the start.

Fuck your biology denial moralfag and besides it’s a fantastic novel of a man unwittingly driving down to his own self destruction and no for the last time it doesn’t say “pedo good” that’s not the point of the novel

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Just fuck off, normalfag, maybe Reddit is more to your liking. Pedophilia was (is) a completely normal male behavior. When I read Lolita I was erect half of the time

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>The way he talks about you know what is utterly disgusting.
I can understand being disgusted by all the French, but it's not that bad once you get used to it.

I’m guessing you’re incapable of understanding the greater point user

Pedophilia =/= Hebephilia.

Based truth teller anons

Yeah, it's a shit book for plebeian signallers.

Yeah, it's a great book for patrician Ubermenschen.

p*dos should be neutered
they are nothing but aberrations

My only problem with this book is the fucking parts in french that isn't translated fuck french I'm not learning that shit language.

I think the French part was supposed to be absurd... Wasn't it intentionally trying to be pretentious and over the top?

>you know what

lolita was written in english. nabokov didn't even translate it until around a decade or something later. and he would probably have considered it and several later books as quite american.

like a year later canada raised to 16

Exactly, user. HH is a pretentious, delusional man.

Roastie lobby?

yes. they latched their brand of moralfagging onto the newly minted conservative party.

Ten bucks says cunny makes your cock hard

go away and read harry potter

>Italy went down 2