Open borders book

What does Yea Forums think of this book?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>shitty cover art depicting everyone looking happy and roughly the same


Some excerpts

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I thought it couldn't get worse after reading the first two excerpts. I was wrong

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The BLACK woman is the epitome of female dominance and femininity.

Let's start by looking at her body. She is very curvy and feminine, with large breasts, buttocks and hips. She is then covered by her dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of her ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.

The BLACK woman's demeanor is one of alphaness. She is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. Her behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of woman (wh*Te bitches).

The summit of expression of her femininity on her body is her vagina. The BLACK vagina is tightest of all the races. As the vagina is the penultimate symbol of womanhood, this alone would suffice to make the BLACK woman the most feminine of women. This tight vagina is able fulfill the desire of all men, being able to provide more than enough friction even for small men. Her fertility ensures that when he ejaculates, her potent african eggs will immediately be fertilized.
In total, the BLACK woman expresses this femininity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When she fucks, she unleashes the entirety of her lusts and desires upon her partner without any restraint.

All this is the reason why the BLACK woman is the epitome of femininity. How can white women even compete?

>Muh bug eyes


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>dude just turn your entire coutry into a giant coast to coast suburb fuck nature and growing food n shit

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Implying that none of these millions of poor people would bring their problems with them and turn their new country into a shithole.

>Yes, goyim, leave your cultural homeland behind, money is far more important than heritage! Oh, there's not enough space? Don't worry, we'll just steamroll this untouched wilderness and build a city over it!

The finest example of how capitalism and industrialism KILLS culture and identity.

>why do immigrants number in the millions, rather than the billions

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I refuse to believe that these are not some 4D irony^3 shitposts. Nobody can honestly and wholeheartedly have takes like this without either shitposting or having an interest in realizing this dystopia for their own gain.

This is even worse than I expected. It's just blatant neoliberal free market propaganda. I seriously think that the damage done to the world by people like this will dwarf the memory of the Holocaust in atrocity.

>billions of people displaced from their countries and in an alien culture will not cause any trouble at all.

It'd just be nice if there was a book out there that'd admit that there's some down sides to immigration. People can't be so dense they think that anything could only mean positives.

Propaganda by definition can't show the downsides in a realistic way.

>open borders
>book has borders
Yeah that's gonna be a yikes

it's a real book
I saw it in a local bookshop

>don’t worry, we can fit everyone in the world in America if we just bulldoze every last tree to the ground

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>It'd just be nice if there was a book out there that'd admit that there's some down sides to immigration.

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You’re correct, but you forgot that ec*nomists aren’t people

As if we needed more proof this wasn't an enormous World Bank psyop.

Its so easy to trigger the alt-right that they do it to themselves. Talk about low effort

>west destroys the third world through colonialism and capitalism
>"noo! you can't just hecking move to our countries!"

reading this is strange

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bait, but just about every sort of infrastructure still in use today in third world shitholes were built by colonisers.

I'm speechless

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Unsurprisingly, the author of this book is an objectivist/libertarian type who works for a Koch brothers think tank

yes that undoes decades of destabilizing the economic and social order

>Immigration can benefit American workers even if it reduces their wages. How? By increasing the value of workers’ non-labor assets, like pensions and real estate.

...decreasing their wages while increasing the cost of their rent / mortgage is beneficial to workers...

>You could dismiss these patterns as mere correlation. But immigrants causally improve at least one form of culture prized by snobs and philistines alike: cuisine.

..literally the "yes crime and poverty and authoritarianism, but tacos" argument...

>Illegal immigrants who pay taxes on fake Social Security numbers are pure profit for the Treasury.

...and somehow tax evasion is pure profit for the Treasury...

These arguments are so patently stupid I cannot believe he sincerely holds them.

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Colonialism was based. Its this soft economic imperialism that sucks balls.

Ok now have that new basketball team compete against another team.

You're obviously trolling, but we can at least agree that trying to uplift savages were where it all went wrong, yes?


You'll never convince me to care. This world means nothing. If all of it would fall to the forces of Evil, good would still prevail.

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>>Immigration can benefit American workers even if it reduces their wages. How? By increasing the value of workers’ non-labor assets, like pensions and real estate.
>...decreasing their wages while increasing the cost of their rent / mortgage is beneficial to workers...
AKA The BOOMER Wet Dream.

I take that as a yes. We should have left the savages in the stone age instead of trying to uplift them into a civilization that they were neither suitable for due to their temperament, nor advanced enough to even take part in.

Dude look there's machinery for your food production so you don't have to use humans or animals anymore.

Imagine coming so close to describing an actual problem but then choosing to make it so much worse.

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Are neoliberals retarded or are they evil on purpose?

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How many high schools in this country have this as a mandatory textbook?

A very convenient mixture of both

The ones at the top are the latter, the cattle that they lead are the former.

>kicking the can down the road by bloating the system so when things fall apart it's orders of magnitude more devastating

Why did they need machinery? Their system worked just fine. A few machines isn't enough to make up for total destruction of their social order.

Are they fucking retarded? This isn't even funny, this is genuinely diabolical.

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He applied a simple concept like supply and demand here , but ignored it here .

Don't worry guys, we can trust immigrants with credit cards, and trust doesn't matter because it doesn't affect the GDP...

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>normans have no concept of sustainability

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So...he is admitting that migration is jut a patchwork scheme to mitigate declining birth rates in developed countries?

How do they not realize they are describing a pyramid scheme. It's a literal pyramid they drew as their own metaphor. How are libertarians this dumb?

>I'm retiring soon and I'll be fucking damned before I allow this shit to explode on MY lap.
Classic boomer logic.

>highest trust places are rural white areas
makes you think

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There is literally nothing wrong with open borders and you /pol/cels can't give a proper argument other than "brown people bad"

>So...he is admitting that migration is jut a patchwork scheme to mitigate declining birth rates in developed countries?

You're saying that as if immigration isn't working in conjunction with low native birth rates. The precipitous decline of birth rates in western countries was a carefully engineered process, intended to accelerate the replacement of the native population by immigrants.

This post is bait, if you respond to this it's because you're a fucking idiot.

>pyramid scheme work you just need more people paying in!

Remember, if the GDP goes up, then it's a good thing.
Nothing else matters.
Overall, the economic argument presented for open borders sort of reminds me of that one comic with the guy who got his bike stolen.

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Probably the most evil thing written in the last 10 years. Desu.

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Economists are truly the most subversive of all academics. The greatest trick they ever played was using sleight of hand to deceive the nation into believing that they serve the people and not the economy.

what the fuck

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this is legitimately fucking evil. they know what they're doing.

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Genuinely/seriously/not joking, who are these propaganda materials produced for? Who is reading this? This sounds like it was published just to make me mad.

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Zach is a boi of soi but his brother is based.

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So they're not even denying that a massive drop in IQ would ensue as a consequence to uncontrolled immigration? Are they truly this shameless?

not an argument sweatheart

You do realize that media in America is almost entirely consolidated under Disney, so probably not?

Still bait.

>posts an immigrant to France who lives on wealthfare checks and refuses to learn the nations language

It's very telling that I can't tell which ones of you are the commies who hate Caplan because of ''''neoliberalism'''' (being Latin-American, I can't help but cringe when I read this word), which ones are the Nazis who hate him because of open borders, and which ones are both.

This fact alone leads me to tend to agree with Caplan's viewpoint (although it's ony a temptation: I apply the precautionary principle when dealing with complex systems, so I wouldn't allow open borders, because it's not Lindy-tested yet).

Well, the full book gives the argument that environmental effects on IQ are extremely large and so should serve to raise the IQ of immigrant's children above that of their parent/home country.

More bait.

So lil' Ahmed would have been a 150 IQ theoretical physicist if whypipo didn't keep him down?

>being Latin-American
Stopped reading there. Don't give away that you're a 3rd world spic monkey until at least the end.

This, of course, assumes the conditions on the host country won't deteriorate, or that migrants won't form cultural islands within their host country.

they do realize it, they even compare it verbally to a pyramid scheme in the comic. Read it again. This is amazing.

I used it as an example in a philosophy class to feign tolerance of open borders. Got an A

They literally say 'yes it's a pyramid scheme, and that's a good thing. Here's why'

Would they have failed you if you didn't say the shibboleths right?

removing the cancer ITT with ACTUAL economics that isn't neoliberal newspeak

Being against open borders isnt a radical idea

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Man, the white savior complex manages to shine even through all the guilt conditioning.

>Its our moral imperative to save the others at any expenses of our own.

The margin of error is quite large, because the GDP gains could be a lot smaller...

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>t. neoliberal retard

Yeah no one's gonna take a shitskin's opinion seriously

>Economies are the only thing that matters, goy. Brain drain? What do you mean by that? You're just hallucinating. Just stay calm and open up your borders.

i'm not even white i'm only white presenting. why do they want to destroy me. what the fuck did i do

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Just what I thought. It's literally the "white man's burden" but in politically correct language.

I wonder if the people who champion open borders also lament corporatism, because the two go hand-in-hand.

you are evil and opress people
white people deserve what they're getting

This obsession with production is super tasteless considering all the talk about environmentalism.

That's silly! Brain drain only exists because morons can't leave their nations too!

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>white presenting
Worse than being white desu. You get all the downsides of being white but still get called a shitskin.

When a man loses the prestige that he once had, he becomes in his misfortune the plaything even of cowards.
A lion worn out with age and feebleness lay breathing his last. First came a boar and with a blow from its flashing tusks took revenge on him for an old injury. Then a bull lowered its horns and fired its enemy’s body. An ass, seeing these attacks delivered with impunity, started kicking the lion’s forehead with its heels. The lion was to the point of expiring. ‘It was hard enough to bear,’ he said, ‘when those brave animals triumphed over me. But as for you, you shameful blot on creation, to be at your mercy as I lay dying is like dying twice over.’

Such is the lot of once homogenous liberal democracies. I need not tell you who the actors are. Take the Aesop pill

>We won't have to worry about draining their nation of talent if we just bring their entire nation to us instead

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Talk about missing the point.

These people always bring up the muh food argument when it comes to culture, but none of them gives a shit about foreign music, art, architecture, and language, unless it's anime. Food is the most materialistic expression of culture.

Now we can brain drain and muscle drain at the same time!
Jesus Christ this guy is disingenuous.

>social security & medicare
Open borders is a libertarian tenet, but the bottom two are absolutely not. All the handouts from the government encourage unchecked immigration.

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If policy changed and restrictions were lifted rich countries would stop the brain drain because...?

>Kiberals bitch and moan about past Eurpean civilizations for not communicating with sub-Saharan African societies for obvious reasons
>Liberals bitch and moan when these same but more modern civilizations communicate with third world countries and help them become more advanced
Liberals a schizophrenic and insane. There is no way to win these people over.

Later in the book he makes a big deal of "keyhole solutions" and basically says we should use these third worlders as slaves by denying them any sort of social welfare, making them pay extra taxes, etc. because even with these things it's still better than being left in their shithole nations.

>NBA players are better off because they have to babysit preschoolers and can't practice for their profession

Hmmm, I hadn't thought about it like that.

>She is very curvy and feminine, with large breasts, buttocks and hips
she is fat. and since you apparently do not know, blacks have the narrowest hips of any race, so much so they they can almost never birth children with whiten or asian fathers.

>You could dismiss these patterns as mere correlation. But immigrants causally improve at least one form of culture prized by snobs and philistines alike: cuisine.
Sorry but the local restaurant scene is not really my main concern right now.

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they love the results of colonialism as evidenced by them not going back to tribal life after we left, destroying the industrial technology given to them.

cope white roasty horsegirl

>Why did they need machinery? Their system worked just fine
Weird that none of them agree, maybe you should go tell them that

No, you’re not getting it; if we just put everyone in the world on the same basketball team then that team wins automatically!

Nigger women are easily the least attractive of all races. Even black guys agree.

>ruling class member advocates mass importation of cheap labour force
>smuggles it in by preaching a philosphical imperative to freedom and equality
Woah... who could have seen that coming. Lets see now, does his political beliefs also advocate forfeiting his right to all his property so that it might be shared equally? These rights which exclude othere and create inequality? Oh, it doesn't? That's crazy, dude.. no one has ever written about this kind of person before.

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Mad white bitch. I know no man would actually pass up on beautiful African pussy given the chance.

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the jewish ones are evil by birth and that is why god abandoned them desu

these are neoliberals, like lolberts but less consistent and more evil.

that's because it's a great argument. brown people are bad.

it was published to trick the uneducated masses into believing this garbage, which the writers know is bullshit, so they can line their pockets while the rest of the population suffers.

but after closing the gaps caused by malnutrition the racial gaps in america have not budged. all the races my go up or down, but the gap remains the same as the significant environmental factors limiting development of intelligence are not an issue.

I've seen a lot of these new picture books come out over the past few years, and they're aimed at early school age children. They don't have to understand them, and often the language is inappropriate, but they're sold and used as children's books for the classroom.

>west destroys the third world through colonialism and capitalism
You forgot the part where you explain why that's my problem

you are complaisant in spreading evil.


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My Eastern-Euro ancestors had nothing to do with colonialism.

What more do you know? Parents are buying these for their children? Are they being distributed in public schools? Book fairs? What do you know?

Take a look at the FBI's white on black and black on white rape statistics and tell me which women are irresistible.

embarrassing cope

Don't explain or apologise, ever. They won't accept any explanations as to why you're not guilty of original sin.
Never apologise for colonialism. There's nothing to apologise for.

>letting women be anything other than a useful grunt in your movement

buy a dictionary

>It can't even spell

I know, but I just wanted to point out that "whites" (nobody besides the biggest /pol/tards are going to doubt the whiteness of slavs, hungarians, and other eastern-euro ethnicities) or "the west" as a category are retarded for the purposes they want to use these categories for.

Not him but I know that Marley Dias's diatribe "Marley Dias Gets It Done" was distributed in an Arizona elementary school.


>inferring objective beauty via rape statistics
My god read just the wikipedia entry for "epistemology" let alone any fucking book on it all. What a fucking embarassingly dumb statement.

>>embarrassing cope

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I suspect very strongly it's government supported at least.
Governments don't officially support these policies but in government buildings, where they have sections of the buildings as designated kids play areas you find these sorts of books stacking the shelves.
I've done odd jobs in education and also just recently went to a government building where I was shocked at how much I struggled to find a non-neolib or pro-dark skin/immigration book to read to the kids.
They were almost exactly like this sort of book. By sheer numbers it becomes almost impossible for the kids not to have this type of book read to them early so they absorb it before their brains are really capable of fully comprehending what it actually means.
I could take a picture and post it on Yea Forums one day. You'd think it's /pol/ bait it's that ridiculous.

>>why do immigrants number in the millions, rather than the billions

Is this unironic? Is this sincere?

Am I losing my mind?

Is this real life?

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>Governments don't officially support these policies but in government buildings, where they have sections of the buildings as designated kids play areas you find these sorts of books stacking the shelves.
>They were almost exactly like this sort of book. By sheer numbers it becomes almost impossible for the kids not to have this type of book read to them early so they absorb it before their brains are really capable of fully comprehending what it actually means.
Well. Thanks for the info.

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Why aren't you in your ancestral homeland? Get out of here and go back.

keep crying becky

This is your brain on economics.
You lose control of your faculties and think only making numbers bigger and bigger.

Open Borders for Israel. Let's see what happens, it can be our first experiment.

Real libertarians support open borders. The government should not be artificially controlling the supply of labor and movement of capital. Why shouldn't mexicans or any other migrant take american jobs if they work harder and cheaper? Free market at work and if the mexicans suck at labor the market will correct itself and others will take their place.

For all you tradfags, immigrants from central america are both very religious, believe in socially conservative values (family, tradition, against LGBT rights, against SJW shit, and love offensive humor). Just get over the skin color and you have a potential for thousands of new right wing voters.

Libertarians don't read books, fucking idiot.

>For all you tradfags, immigrants from central america are both very religious
that's why they overwhelmingly vote for pro-abortion, anti-religion, pro-faggot Democrats? Mexicans in america are 64%+ democratic voters. That's why dems love open borders, immigrants tend to flock to their party because muh-welfare.

>Real libertarians support open borders.
Hence we call them Lolbertarians, aka retards.

Real libertarians also don't support roads or firefighters, "real libertarianism" is a retarded ideology.

>Why shouldn't mexicans or any other migrant take american jobs
Hmmm good point, why shouldn't foreigners come and depress our wages even more?

I guess that would be better than actual communism/socialism turning the country to a gulag and genociding all the wrong-thinkers and religious folks.

>a literal fucking pyramid scheme
who is the audience for this shit

Had a coworker fall for a pyramid scheme. It's apparently not common knowledge that pyramid schemes are bad.

>For all you tradfags, immigrants from central america are both very religious, believe in socially conservative values (family, tradition, against LGBT rights, against SJW shit, and love offensive humor). Just get over the skin color and you have a potential for thousands of new right wing voters.
Yet liberals tell them whitey is racist and evil, give them gibs, and they vote Democrat. Their convictions are proven to be weak when they easily give into lies and free money and health care.

I probably know more Latin than you ese

Something that rarely gets pointed out is that birthrates are falling on a global level, so even if you think using immigration to prop up the aging population/falling birth rates in your own country, it's not actually a permanent solution.

If your wages can be depressed by a uneducated immigrant, youre the problem. The Market doesn't lie. Get an education or learn a trade where you can demand a better wage that someone uneducated can't actually do.

Quads of keen observation

this may be an opportune time for you to research Caplans and Weinersmiths.

tl;dr libertarians are retarded

If the American right wasn't so full of fucking racists and blaming immigrants and the inhuman treatment of migrants at the border and all the ICE bullshit, maybe they could appeal to their christianity and work ethic

Of course they aren't white, but they're preying on whites because of that quality.

Also forgot to add that teachers often pay for classroom books with their own money. It's a fucking shitty situation but that's how it works.
No teacher I know is wasting their own cash on this shit which totally lacks educational value.

>The government should not be artificially controlling the supply of labor and movement of capital.
they should. checkmate.

The wealthier and more educated you are, the less children you have. You don't need to wonder why white birth rates are lower than latino or black population.

People with money and education know how to plan for families or using contraceptives when they don't want kids.

>Real libertarians support open borders
True, but libertarians don't support a welfare state which attracts scores of immigrants for free gibs.

>They do the jobs you don't wanna do

I have 2 degrees and I'm in finance, but I care about people in trades, services and low-skilled work. They're a huge part of the economy. I used to do manual labour too. Young people need work experience on their resumes now.

>People with money and education know how to plan for families or using contraceptives when they don't want kids.
More like middle-class consumers become selfish hedonists and prioritize cruises and iPhones over their family. Plenty of super rich people are having big families, how many kids does Trump have again? 5?

and those young people deserve the low wages for their uneducated and inexperienced work. I never said these jobs are useful, just that they are not deserving of better pay for being white. They can work hard and get better jobs. Just being a US citizen gives you a huge advantage over any immigrant or undocumented worker.

You missed the point. If traditionalist immigrants are voting for a party that advocates everything they stand against like abortion and gay marriage, they are not traditional at all. The only intellectual and spiritual honest thing to do would be to not vote for any side.

>Real libertarians support open borders.

Libertarians aren't perfect.

> The government should not be artificially controlling the supply of labor and movement of capital.

A nation with no borders is no nation; a nation with no immigration policies does not value itself; it's purely a corporate state concerned only with profit -- no values beyond GDP as a deity.

>Why shouldn't mexicans or any other migrant take american jobs if they work harder and cheaper?

I like this race-to-the-bottom mentality. Whatever could go wrong.

>For all you tradfags, immigrants from central america are both very religious, believe in socially conservative values (family, tradition, against LGBT rights, against SJW shit, and love offensive humor)

I like that you left out their outlook on economic policies. I wonder why...

The other stuff is irrelevant and don't inherently make someone a worthwhile immigrant.

The cost of healthcare, childcare, and lack of PTO for parents is another huge factor.

Language barriers
They can't afford it or they like life where they are

If the american right stops scapegoating immigrants for all of americas problems, focuses in on christian and family values. They could easily get the latino vote, but its not going to be easy to shed decades of racism.

>and those young people deserve the low wages
uhh no? how about those migrants deserve to stay in their shithole countries and work to make them better, instead of making other countries worse.

It is intentional. Caplan produces this propaganda as a means of trying to please his masters. Never mistake, these people aren't stupid, they are malicious.

Not him, but you would fuck over your own kind for economical gain? Would you push the downtrodden even further down by importing shitskins who undercut them?

You can't both have a strong bordered nation and no regulations or impingement on human liberty.

You can't complain about government meddling in personal liberty and also beg for it to prop up your finances through artificial barriers of capital.

Does he address the utility of international trade and how we benefit? What happens the use of resources in other countries when all the poor people come here? Are we supposed to have Bangladesh style sweatshops ready for when they all come across the border? Do we abandon our laws?

I can't figure out who this book is for. Children of retarded neoliberals? Women?

you need to read about US history in latin america bro,

All children

if you seriously focused on your family you would care about exclusion for their protection and benefit.


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>They could easily get the latino vote
(((dems))) control the media, other than fox news which is another zionist neo-con station 90% of the media people are getting is sanitized by libshits and atheists pushing racebaiting and victimhood politics.

we can cherry pick history all we want, but the reality of the current situation is that migrants depress wages, cause social disharmony, tend to increase violent/serious crime, and vote against the interests of conservatives/traditional people in any country they go to. It's in their interest to push against the native population and suck resources and change laws to favor their migrant people.
Problem is modern "white conservatives" are all atomized and think in terms of individuality like libterarians, while the hordes of invaders, just like blacks, muslims, LGBT and feminists think very much in "group politics" to favour their collective.
Blacks are pretty religious, anti-gay yet 90% or w/e end up voting democrats who want more migrants to come in the country and depress black wages (which are usually low skilled work)

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undercutting? its just the market. There are limited jobs and who ever is willing to work for less money will get the job. Econ 101.

stop believing in fairy tales of race. You ain't a mythical aryan warrior. I bet you do not feel the same race as a white liberal in LA or NYC even you though you are the same "race." Do you think polish people and french people feel like theyre the same race? not a chance

>do these cities really scare you

Polish and French aren't the same race though

>race is a fairy tale

None of the 26 million people on bone marrow registers around the world are a match for Lara, who is of Thai and Italian heritage.

Those with caucasian heritage have a 60% chance of finding a suitable donor but those of mixed-ethnicity only have a 20% chance.

That is partly because of a lack of mixed-race people on international registers but also because it is less likely that a willing donor shares the specific combination of a mixed-race patient's ethnicities.

Lara said: "It was my family that looked into it really and found out that only 3% on the worldwide registers are of mixed-race origin which makes it much harder to find a match.

>trust is worth less than money
The authors cannot be human.

fox news aint much better. just another pro-elite news channel. just different messaging.

youre just fash right? you like group politics as long as your group is in charge?

I am arguing for personal liberty for all humans, I dont care about their race. Even if you supposedly "helps" me, the artificial regulation of the market must always be fought against.

A planned or heavily regulated economy will always collapse. look at cuba, USSR, n. korea. Look how china is completely fucked because of the corona virus.

slavs ain't white now? how do you define race?

cool, it's a picasso. probably from 1905-1907, after the rose period and before Demoiselles D'avignon.

The only person on tv I can think of who isn't totally in line with one party or another is Tucker Carlson
Who seems to be a crypto 8/pol/ kind of guy a lot of the time.

Fuck this gay earth

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genetics aren't that simple. you can't just cherry pick all the odds and ends that prove your world view and ignore everything else.

if races are so different how is medicine, psychology, nutritional needs, sex and procreation work the same for everyone?

get better bait

"White" is not one race. Of course western Europeans don't feel like eastern Europeans, any more than the Mediterraneans would feel like the Nordic or Anglo-Saxons.

Why would you call white a race? Do you think black is a race?

cope harder

>I am arguing for personal liberty for all humans
There's no liberty or meaningful freedom outside an objective moral order. Humans being free to enslave each other and sell their kids into prostitution might have economic benefits, but economics should always be subservient to what is good, not given free liberty to do whatever the market wants. And when you start imposing moral rules like "do no harm" or "non-aggression principle" you're already regulating the market and stepping into metaphysics. It's just retarded and groundless...

Are you a pure anarchist?

>Even if you supposedly "helps" me, the artificial regulation of the market must always be fought against.

A free market doesn't know or care about what is good for man or his liberty, it just facilitates a certain level of "efficient trade" aka smoother profit margins with less friction. Is that always good? Is that the God we should worship? Is the invisible hand actually real is it moral and good for us? Give me a break.
Should we always seek the most "efficient means of trade"? What if that trade enslaves man and harms his other interests, what if it profits certain companies at the expense of the country as a whole?
For me economics is always secondary to what is good for man and the country, economics is a tool we use, not a God we worship, thinking that his invisible hand will right all wrongs if we only "get out of his way".

>if races are so different how is medicine, psychology, nutritional needs, sex and procreation work the same for everyone?
clearly it doesn't, since he gave you an example of bone marrow transplants. Apparently bone marrow understands the differences between races, but you don't.

Nutritional needs don't work the same for everyone retard

they are no races. just different cultures. people are more or less the same. Race is perpetuated by globalist elites to atomize and turn people against each other and not the real enemy.

Have you ever been some where outside a 20 mile radius of your home town and talked to people?

As others may have pointed out what's stupid about open borders is that it generates net traffic only in one direction, from poor countries to rich countries. It would not create a thriving nexus of international interchange and cultural dialogue. It would create a mad dash to get into the few places where people live on earth that aren't utter shitholes.
The fantasy that every poor person from the third world will come to the first and become a doctor or lawyer is beyond absurd. The aggregate result is that the rich countries will become more like the poor countries, because they will simply be overburdened and filled by more poor people that can't be supported. The "arithmetic fallacy" that is pointed out in one of these disingenuous comic pages obscures the fact that a we are not comparing a simple metric like height averages. A vast and unending immigrant intake needs to be draw on societal resources, needs housing, education, healthcare. The more you divide up finite resources the more strained the system.

This comic commits an actual fallacy, the fallacy of reification, treating the abstract and dead conceptual constructs, statistics, and measures of economics as the true realities that must be respected rather than as descriptors of the actual realities, which are a whole different beast.

>they are no races. just different cultures. people are more or less the same. Race is perpetuated by globalist elites to atomize and turn people against each other and not the real enemy.
nice gas lighting

I've lived in 90% white communities and 5% white communities. It was the latter that stopped me thinking the way you do.

unimpeded markets and economics will not harm people. If people are being hurt by companies or products they will not patronize those things. A business cannot make profit by harming its consumers or market.

Globalists hate racial solidarity. Look how quickly occupy wall street crumbled once they introduced racial tensions into the mix.

sorry spooky black people called you names :(

I made a little something for you.

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literal one example doesnt disprove everything else. Would you think all apples are rotten because you found one single rotten apple?

that assumes people can always tell they are being harmed.

Don't be naive dude, I'm not coming at you with hostility.
My point is that even if you wish very hard for what you're saying to be true, race would still be a construct that everyone else except white Anglo Saxons believes in. Whites can like for race to be fictional and have no bearing on reality as much as they like, but look at how Chinese people base their social lives and business dealings so heavily on race, and you'll see that continuing to ignore that puts only white people at a heavy disadvantage.
Even if you believe it's morally correct, nobody else in the world agrees with white people, and we end up fucking ourselves over hard.

If people want it, let the market provide. Plenty of things are "harmful" and it is every consumers right and responsibility to educate themselves about what they are buying.

I dont want to ban fast food, guns, alcohol or tobacco because they "harm" people. I do draw the line at selling meth/heroine to children and child prostitution.

>unimpeded markets and economics will not harm people. If people are being hurt by companies or products they will not patronize those things. A business cannot make profit by harming its consumers or market.
Markets work off supply and demand. If there is enough demand for something then suppliers will try to sell it.

Forced sex trafficking exists, bad dudes sell kids and gullible women into forced prostitution, the sellers make a profit, the buyers get sexual pleasure. The victims get hurt. From the market's perspective the pain and suffering are irrelevant, the victims aren't the consumers, they are just property.

Without external regulation this process would flourish and grow and harm more people, because the market only sees Supply vs Demand.

If the US would stop interfering in peoples lives via militarized police, red lining, 'war on drugs,' and welfare these communities could actually thrive.

Dismantle the system of power the enables the oppression of its citizens.

you made a universal claim that race doesn't exist.
a universal claim can be disproven by only one example.
If someone said "apples can't be rotten, rottenness is a fairy tale" then we only need 1 example to disprove that claim.

The market will provide solutions to those problems. We already have plenty of NGOs who fight these things. You have the freedom to start organization which provide better for those demands. You don't have the freedom to tell other people how to live their lives.

>I do draw the line at selling meth/heroine to children and child prostitution.
Then you don't believe in the free-market and it's self-regulating properties.

Well that's fine then, kids won't bother to read this, it's over their head and beyond dull for anyone but a concerned adult.

you're trying prove a negative which is a logical fallacy. Read some plato or a book that isn't ayn rand or mein kampf

Did you not read what he said?

sellings those drugs are violating the NAP

I dont need to read, I have personal liberty to post what I want. go to N. Korea if want to order people around.

what a half assed faggot you are

cope goy, I got my sorobux for night for this epic trolling. you fags get triggered ez

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no more than other ways companies hurt people. if you're going to hold retarded principles at least follow them properly.

>We already have plenty of NGOs who fight these things.
Fight them how? By regulating the market?

> You have the freedom to start organization which provide better for those demands.
Arab men demand to fuck young girls, preferably against their will. Older willing girls just won't do.

>You don't have the freedom to tell other people how to live their lives.
Free market allows it.

I'm disproving a negative. The claim "race doesn't exist" is negative. If someone said "black swans don't exist" that's negative, I could simply point to 1 (one) black swan to disprove it. The bone marrow example is 1 example that disproves the claim "race doesn't exist". There are dozens more I can give, but I only need 1.
You really are this confused?

Unfortunately I'm not talking specifically about blacks. By far the most exclusive communities I've found are actually the well off Asian communities who just simply prefer to be with their own kind even in foreign countries.
They have very little drug issues, they have low crime, and generally decent wealth. They are well educated. They simply prefer their own kind.
Denying race doesnt work when every other community forms around it.

sorry for thinking for myself. ill make sure to watch more (((news))) to correct that.

>sellings those drugs are violating the NAP
I already said NAP is retarded and baseless. It's regulation. It's moralism. What is it based on? If the market can regulate itself why even have the NAP? Maybe your whole foundation is flawed??

I'm all for morality, I just think NAP is insufficient morally, and eats the whole "free market good, invisible hand take care of us!" logic.

>since you fear low IQ voters
Now I see it, this book was a real life bait to get a certain demographic riled up for a few hours.

its not morality its logic. people naturally cooperate to achieve their personal goals.

Is this pleb tier understanding of race spread by malicious actors?

One word


Reminder: the authors are rightwing capitalist lolbertarians.

I thought this thread showed me the worst of this book

Then I read the goodreads reviews

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Go on.

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>being Latin-American, I can't help but cringe when I read this word
Ya te vi Milei

immigrants lower wages and cause social unrest. gee wiz who would want to pay people less and scapegoat other people?????

Wages aside hiring immigrants is still more attractive because they're choosing a potential permanent (or at least long term) full time employee over some kid who's gonna quit or at best go part time after the summer's over.

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Can you say you control a country if you have a state without borders, where everyone is welcome to live in?

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>capitalism and industrialism
You mean communism. Capitalism didn't convince people to be fags and shit. Read a book.

Not many of the reviews have very juicy retardation, just casual midwittery
Depressing to see it has a 4.2 average rating though

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> open borders accept nignogs peepee poopoo
and with all of this, i still will have to go through burreacratic inferno just to get a temporary permission to live in germany as a russian kike
what the FUCK
why dont you let white-looking niggers from shitholes in too REEEEEEE

I think this is satire.

I lived in a 4% white city with mostly Mexicans and very few blacks and it was better than a place I lived with that had majority white but 10% black. I'd take nonwhites but no blacks over mostly white with a portion of black any day.

Why do women WRITE LIKE THIS? Writing, in, like, a staccato, rhythm, CAPITALIZING LIKE AN AUTIST?


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>Depressing to see it has a 4.2 average rating though
This is ideologically driven. Don't let the masses of ideologues get to you.

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I feel you. I don't even want to shut down immigration altogether, I just want to make the regulations for third-world shitskins much, much stricter. Something like the policy the USA had before the 60s.

They're Reddit people. I can't describe the personality any better than that, but I hope you get what I mean.

kek, underrated

Yeah, I do, it was just a rhetorical question. I'm just astounded by how distinct and widespread that tumblr/reddit style of speech is, and despite its popularity, how rigid it is. Literally every single one of them sounds like the same person, something that I don't think I've ever experienced with other "dialects" online or offline.

Redpill me on the skittles argument.

>open immigration
>welfare state

Choose one and only one

> do these cities really scare you?
yes. they feel soulless and dangerous. i'd much rather live in bumfuck nowhere with friendly hillbillies and no one around for miles than in those aids-infested anthills.

Apparently Trump made a tweet sometime in 2016 where he said that if there was a poisoned skittle in a bowl full of skittles, eating any of the skittles should be avoided.

Based, watertight, bulletproof argument.

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who put it in there? did he do it and he was just bragging?

my brain refuses to process this. how can one man be so far from Christ and common sense

>Capitalism didn't convince people to be fags and shit.
Capitalism and neoliberalism go hand in hand.

There is no refuting this argument

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i dont care where they come from if they're good people and will profit the nation - not just financially, but socially and morally as well. it just so happens that shitholes have a very small % of people that fit this criteria

i feel you. even in russian this shit is distinct, some people's speech online reeks of their social media/community of choice. it's the most retarded with tumblr though. that anglicism abuse and blind calquing is giving me brain cancer

>i dont care where they come from
Well I do! And I want them to be WHITE! If I could have it there would be NO NIGGERS!




>how can one man be so far from Christ and common sense?
Perhaps by being Jewish?

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evil jewish image. semite. anti-life.

It's also a thing in Hungarian, too. I hate how we're the shitty copy of an already shitty template that is US politics. Except that instead of niggers, we have gypsies.

Thankfully, pronouns haven't been weaponized because Hungarian is too based to have linguistic gender in any form. There's not a single way to infer anyone's gender from the pronouns one uses for them.

I wonder what the ethnicity of the author is?

It most definitely did lmao

Looks like this guys the one who had his brain drained lol

but user... i'm a jew too

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>if the continental US were as packed as a a low density city like Los Angeles, everyone on Earth would fit
Also nice digits, this truly is Satanic.

To prove a negative is to prove that for all X the positive doesn't apply. You are a retard who doesn't have any clue of logic, aren't you? Go read.... Just kidding, I don't know any philosophy books, I am not an NPC drone who reads them.


This one and the “billions” one strain credulity, but I think it’s sincere??

>its not morality its logic
logic doesn't say you "ought" to follow NAP and not hurt people, that's a moral imperative you're preaching.

logic doesn't even say you "ought" to be logical and honest....those are meta-logical values

thats the thing. white neolibs who use such arguments (this one, or earth can accomodate over 15 gorrilion!!1) think that packed hell would be like their favorite busy coffee place, not like a poverty ridden slum.

Thank God the Earth has an infinite amount of land area for habitation, fossil fuel, arable land and freshwater or I would have been worried for a second there.

For the love of God Americans, do something for once
These people will destroy your country and turn the national parks into rapefugee shelters

This is literally something radical feminists have said about men (although I think in the analogy it was M&Ms)

haha benis

What can one man do against such reckless hate?

This reads like statements from the oil industry that we don't need to worry about depletion of resources because they have perfect faith in mankind's ability to discover new oil wells.

>the highest-trust parts of America are places like the Dakotas
North - 88.7% non-Hispanic white
South - 83.8%
>New Hampshire and Montana
92.3% & 87.8%
>and the lowest-trust places are like San Francisco
>and Denver

Yeah but trust can't be measured in dollars so it literally doesn't matter.

>trust can't be measured in dollars so it literally doesn't matter
Where in the Talmud is this stated?

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This post contains many truths and some exaggerations
The only objection I have is the fertilization part - that's just silly

>if the continental US were as packed as a a low density city like Los Angeles, everyone on Earth would fit



Genuinely LOLed

Maybe not in the ways that matter

its just a meme image dude, I post molymeme all the time because I think hes funny, I also think hes a faggot.

If an absolute humanitarianism were also economically practical, I would be delighted. On the other hand, the authors of this book seem evil, so I don't really know what to think.

Does the fucktard that made this drivel think we are all worth 100 million dollars?

I hate neoliberals so fucking much lads.

bobs burgers art cover lol

>The BLACK vagina is tightest of all the races.
How the fuck does she fit Tyrone's pecker, then? I thought asians were tightest.

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thanks, brother. i dislike judaism and israel but won't abandon my identity and goy jokes. also i dress like a neonazi and 'nah im a jew, cant be fash' is the best retatd repellent

As you can see this is another attempt by Europe and America to block Africa's inevitable rise to worldwide hegemony and safeguard Europe's dying relevance - pathetic.

what does white presenting mean?

>turn the whole country into LA

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i'm racially white, ethnically i'm hispanic. i'm the only caucasian in my entire family but everyone assumes i'm white.

>so you're worried your country's IQ will plummet?
That's... literally not an argument.

you're a white person who speaks spanish?

this is like every /pol/ strawman except it's actually real

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there are billions of conscious people living absolutely terrible lives through no fault of their own. this causes pretty big cognitive dissonance in a lot of americans.

some people solve this dissonance by trying to write a book about it. others solve theirs by making fun of the first group of people. life goes on, and no one's happy...

That's what market liberals have been saying for a while which is why at the height of the migrant crisis in Europe pundits were talking about how we NEED the immigration to SAVE the economy.

The average falls but everyone is better off. Jew logic 101 right there.

libertarians are gay only Hoppe and rothbard should be taken seriously

> A business cannot make profit by harming its consumers or market.

How much money does tobacco make globally again?

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> height, a merely descriptive measurement that can't be good or bad, is the same as Standard of living which is good when high and bad when low
the absolute STATE of pop-science

let's keep it going

How does this idiot not understand that there isn't room for the world's billions in first world countries? The infrastructure that makes those countries great in the first place would collapse under the weight of their influx and this, in turn, would lead to a drastic reduction of quality of life for all concerned.

>housing prices are in the millions
>they should be in the billions!
>you should want to pay a seven figure deposit on a shoe box above a laundromat
>anything less is racist!

Get rid of taxation first.

Reduction in quality of life as a result of a sharp rise in supply and a decrease in demand is not an arithmetic fallacy. That's a false equivalency.

Separation is the only aesthetically pleasing image if you aren't severely brain damaged.

The biggest flaw with the current immigration system is the desire to treat everyone the same, regardless of their origin. In most countries, once your ancestors a few generations removed, you have the same status as someone from the other side of the world, tens of thousands of years unrelated.

There's nothing stopping you from being absolutely based like Brother Nathanael

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>We need just enough trust in the world to keep the money flowing. So says I the Jew.

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Question though: What if I don't care about making global averages better at the expense of my own country?


Look how this kike Christ killer uses Jesus when its convenient for his narrative.

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This falsehood is very appealing to right wing consumerist ideologues, while also being reasonably palatable for left wing consumerist ideologues. It does not need to be right, or even reasonable - just convincing. They are working overtime to delay a genocide at this point.

>National Review
i remember in 2014 and 2015 raiding their comments sections to the point that they disabled comments on all their articles. all we did was call them cucks for supporting immigration and Israel.