Books about being a gravedigger?

Books about being a gravedigger?

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Saw an advert on my local jobsearch page. £20k a year, 35h work week. You do nothing but dig graves.
This could be the /littest/ profession.

Is £20,000 meant to be good? I'm pretty sure starting salary for graduates nowadays is about £23,000 and the average salary is closer to £27,000.

gravedigger core

any other recommendations

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For something that is 35 hours and doesnt require a degree, it's not bad

>the average salary in bongland is 30k

For digging graves? Yes.
Graduate job here, £21k.

You don't need to spend a lot when you're a gravedigger. Think about it.
Hungry? Just dig up your freshest/most recent customer.
Tired? Just lie in a six feet deep hole and take a nap.
Sad? Just remember that you're surrounded by people who had worse luck or find solace in the fact that eternal sleep/the afterlife is waiting for you.

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I'll never forget the first time I saw gravediggers at work. It was during my grandpa's funeral. I was around 7 or 8, troublesome child, never seen what human death looked like. I don't think I was ever this humble and restful when I saw a barely sober gravedigger impressing a cross with the shovel shaft upon newly accumulated mound of dirt under which my grandpa was placed.

35h? That's a fucking lot of hours for physical hard labour. I'll do 12h a week and we'll call it £18k, what do you say?

You mainly dig graves with a small excavator nowadays. It's only the last layers you dig by hand. If you dig out any bones while working you just bury them later or throw them in the trash.
t. Used to work tending a graveyard as a 16 y.o

I used to live next to Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn and thought about applying for a job. I heard you had to dig a grave by hand to get hired. They use equipment when they can but it’s crowded with a lot of historical graves. I already had an outdoor job and could have done it but had good pay and benefits and didn’t want to change.

The grave you're in, hand-measured
Is the least bargain you got from life
It's good-sized, in width as in height
It's the part you got from this homestead
It's no large grave, it's a mid-sized grave
It's the land you wanted (to see) shared
It's a large grave for you the lesser deceased
But you'll be happier than you were in the world
It's a large grave for you meager remains
However more than in world you'll feel at ease
It's a large grave for your meager flesh
But when land is given, you don't open your mouth
It's the least bargain you got from life
It's the part you got from this homestead
It's the land you wanted (to see) shared
You'll be happier than you were in the world

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Based João Cabral de Mello poster. Keep fighting the good fight and don't let paulistanos think they have good poets.

The Goblins and the Gravedigger by Dickens

I’ve always wanted to write a story about gravediggers having to compete against others to exhume bodies and sell them to unis and medical practitioners. Maybe some supernatural stuff idk.

There's an Italian movie about a gravedigger called Cemetery Man. It's based on the comic book Dylan Dog of which renowned author Umberto Eco said: "I can read the Bible, Homer, or Dylan Dog for several days without being bored.

It's full of violence and titties and all around a great film.

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Another scene from the movie

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Was this a rural graveyard in 1920s Virginia or something? Mounds of dirt? a Gravedigger filling the grave and hammering a cross into it in the middle of a funeral service?

come on bro
it's not 35h a week in the hole digging a grave, you fuck about for two thirds at a minimum