Requesting book recommendations for one looking to live the Hobbit lifestyle

Requesting book recommendations for one looking to live the Hobbit lifestyle.

Hard mode: No Tolkien

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Hobbits try not to kill others, FYI.

My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead

My First Summer in The Sierra by John Muir. Little more on the Took side of things though.

Heinrich von Ofterdingen

Bump. I too find the Hobbit lifestyle most appealing.
Practical guides to gardening, cooking/baking, small scale/personal farming, Bushcraft and herblore etc etc would all be useful from a practical standpoint.
I guess what your looking for is a simple, but not ascetic, lifestyle based on comfort and simple pleasures.

Wind in the Willows.

Alexander Supertramp and the School Bus Hovel

Unironically this. Read Ted to understand why you can't life the Hobbit lifestyle today (Unless you're extremely, extremely rich I guess). Mordor is Industrial Society and Mordor won.

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Reading is for gays. Just watch Varg on youtube

otto weininger on women

Yes, it's even worse in the UK, which is what the shire was based on. What once was comfy and hobbit-like now looks like pic related all thanks to the 'progress' of the industrial revolution. At least in America or whatever you have loads of unpopulated wilderness and beauty.

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Modernity is absolute hell, lads. I just want to go back...

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Hobbits killed Wormtounge.

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Some parts of America, sure. As for me living in the belly of the beast known as SoCal, we have droves and droves of homeless that locals refer to as zombies. They'll just spill in to the rest of the states, endless supply.

Unironically this

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Tbh if you are trying to live the Hobbit lifestyle in a city you are already doing it wrong.

Just be rich, overweight and smoke tobacco all day.

The entire Firefox series.