
>our ancestors :)

Normal people:
>okay but how do you know this? Can you provide any sort of proof? Evidence? Anything?

>Uh, uh.. Read a science book, bible thumping idiots

Normal people:
>Yea the science book provides absolutely no evidence or proof just baseless overly complex theories with nothing to back it up. So again, you got proof? Or evidence to support this claim?

>Uh, uh. S-stop asking questions! Y-you’re not suppose to ask questions, stupid bible thumping idiots! You believe a man in the sky made us? Haha you’re dumb!

Normal people:
>we never said we were Christian we just want hard proof to support the claim that our ancestors were fish


Attached: memevolution.jpg (468x264, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah Im thinking based

I know this is bait, but this low IQ definition of "proof" that requires one to see something happen in real time with their own eyes is such a spook.

Attached: burden-of-proof2.jpg (1400x888, 116K)

>pretending to be retarded

There is evidence. Homologous organs.

Based on your diagram, the theory of evolution is at the scintilla stage at best. Reasonable suspicition specifically states that it should not be based on a hunch or guess.

Unironically go take a lower division class in physical anthropology.

because they have similar functions

I would say the evidence is at preponderance level. We have a preponderance of evidence documenting how gene selection works in real time as a response to environmental change. We've even documented speciation as a direct effect of gene selection divergence in the short time we've been observing. I don't understand how evolution deniers can look at what horrors we have created breeding dogs from a handful of starting points in a very short time and not entertain the idea of drastic changes in form over millions of years. Your average denier cannot even conceive a length of time as small as 10,000 years.

well pack it up guys, literature is FINISHED
we had a good run

>the science book provides absolutely no evidence or proof
And this bullshit, boys and girls, is why in the year 2020 we still have stupid worthless brainwashed fucking drooling teenagers claiming evolution is "just a theory." Because they have never looked at anything resembling an actual science text, couldn't make sense of the physical evidence if you smashed it over their thick heads, and are terrified of having their comforting fairy tales taken away. It's beyond pathetic. "No evidence or proof." Go back to church and fuck off, please.

how come monky?

There is a ludicrous amount of evidence, denying so doesn't make it vanish.

a common trait of the low IQ is an inability to understand cause and effect when it is either obscured form view or indirect.


>breeding dogs
That's not a species becoming another species. Try again.

you are extremely retarded

user, you can write anything in a book. A science book from a hundred years ago will have many, many factual errors and provable falsehoods. You have no way of knowing the books we have today will not be proven false in another hundred years, in fact, the evidence overwhelmingly suggests they will be.

No one denies that a species can adapt and have small variations (Within the genetic code it already has). You can't provide me a single instance of a mutation creating new information, or a species becoming another species. Checkmate atheists.

Attached: (You).jpg (557x711, 52K)

Proper bait

Well... post it

Ok so assuming you have read these great science books(and aren't just accepting by faith that the book is right without reading it) where is the evidence? Surely if you understand it well you would be able to say it...

Attached: 944b22a4a989a28538069e1357cd0e86.jpg (584x316, 23K)

You believe that bigfoot is real and that a fish can turn into a dog but you don't believe in fairy tales?

Attached: bigfoot.jpg (780x438, 73K)

Atheists believe that Planet of the Apes actually happened. Are they just fucking retarded?

Attached: planet-of-the-apes.jpg (750x450, 97K)

Bigfoot is real tho

I think we've managed to create basic protein structures just from boiling stuff a long time or something. Not sure how far these experiments went.

You can search for fly experiments we can see mutations in real time because of their fast life cycle.
Also viruses mutating (ahem Corona)

Scientists have not created self replicating molecules in a lab, with all the advanced knowledge and technology we have. But we're supposed to believe it happened randomly by the right atoms bumping into each other at the same time. This is peak mental illness.

>a fruit fly "evolves" into a fruit fly
>corona virus "evolves" into corona virus
That's not evolution you dumbfuck. No creationist denies genetic adaptation.

Many adaptations over time can lead to a new species

Now show me the virus evolving into a fly

Alright,don't believe it. Propose a better theory. Science has 1 criterion: there must be an experiment that can prove or disprove it.

Ok, where's the evidence for that then? Oh right, you have none. Nice fairy tales, bigfoot.

Attached: honkhonk.jpg (800x450, 47K)

No one can "show" you this, retard. It would take billions of years.

If it's not reproducible, then you can't test the hypothesis and it's not science.

Gargle cum, loser

Evolution doesn't explain why I can grow very long hair from my chin and scalp but my shoulders are bald and my chest hair has a cut-off at how long it can grow.
Monkeys that are hairy all over, have this cut-off all over.
The proof is in the pudding.
Checkmate evolutionists.

Do I have to wait billions of years for you to produce a shred of evidence that evolution exists?

You and others like you won't listen to anything anyone says, so I'm not gonna bother anymore. Eat shit and die, see you in hell

I'm listening. Where is the evidence?

Jesus Christ y’all are fucking retards. Evolution can’t explain anything because just like every other scientific theory, once you get down to the nitty gritty it depends on physical laws that we can interact with but can never understand fully how they work and why they work.

I would like to see this evidence too

Dont worry I'm sure he has gone to look for it and hasn't just left without providing it making a valid argument....right?

Yeah, he'll be back, in a few billion years. As a pink elephant of course.

evolution is creatio continua

>I know OP is hard baiting but

Robert Sapolsky on the Stanford youtube channel has an unironically fantastic course on Human Behavioral Biology that touches upon many different disciplines and covers some disparate fields' evolutionary takes. Also every time some turbochristian who is obsessed with disproving evolution by going to the Galapagos ends up furthering its proof. There was a specific case with a bird from a neighboring island that ended up on one and out-competed with other males for food and mating to end up essentially starting a new species. Hell, even Gregor Mendel's developments in selective selection should be more than enough for someone with a scientific backing to work from there.

That being said, in paleoanthropology in particular, there is a lot of discourse surrounding the 'species' map of humans and our hominid ancestors. We have very little evidence to support a lot of what we claim, but for the most part it is very scientifically informed through the archaeological evidence that we do have. The only thing we can do is find more evidence to support or disapprove certain lineage chains and specie markers. Lots of very big developments only really occurred in the 70's with guys like Tim White, Don Johnson, and the Leakey family. Even in the last decade some astounding new discoveries occurred, but there is a lot of debate surrounding the taxonomy.

Hope this helps some of y'all who are legitimately curious about evolution, paleoanthro, or any related subjects to it.