Congratz you made it to heaven! But God asks if you understand John 1:1, if you don't you're going to hell. What do you reply?
>In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Congratz you made it to heaven! But God asks if you understand John 1:1, if you don't you're going to hell...
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I'm not a Christfag
Communication is key
Okay off you go
God is Logos, the highest level of logic, which is self-creating and omnipotent. God is that Truth that seeks to understand the truth of itself, fulfilling its omniscience. That is why He is called “I AM THAT I AM.” I dunno
>if you don't you're going to hell.
I enter heaven by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ my savior, who died upon the cross for my sins of the past, present, and future, so that I may live.
Wait so if I just say like
>thank you
I get in?
Just send me to hell, desu. The clientele in hell would make much more interesting companions for eternity.
You assume you will have companions in hell.
>In the beginning was the N-Word, and the N-Word was with God, and the N-Word was God.
Read Hebrews 11. You're off to hell
Only if you understand it. Mere thanks isn't enough
Its passages like this that make me hesitate being an agnostic. Im trying to imagine some old hebrew writing this with no divine prompt and it seems impossible. Still, there's no reason to believe God wrote this theough a human through sone sort of divine possesion. If anyone has any reason to go full Catholic I'd love to hear it and be convinced.
all the good philosophers are in heaven, brainlet
Heidegger is definitely in hell
Replace ‘Word’ with ‘Truth’?
The words of Jesus, of love, are so fundamental to reality that they proceed the creation of the universe. Existence is founded on love, and actualised in the inevitable emergence of intelligent consciousness, and this metaphysical foundation of pure love was codified in the teaching of Christ. And the message is God, because God is synonymous with love
The word "word" is the important part. Jesus is specifically the word made flesh. The passage is demonstrating the relationship between the father and the son. Truth would also work, but it changes the meaning of the sentence.
Meant precede!
This seems pretty interesting, but I don't know enough hebrew for this to be falsifiable for me. As far as I know it could just be making up shit.
God also uses angels to do his bidding. If you think about it it's not like he needs them, he created us out of love
Word was originally Logos, which is the creative utterance that brought everything into being
Also rewards and punishments really aren't a thing in death
Well, Word also means auditory description of an Idea right? So, God was the first idea?
>hell meme
I would ask "wait, am I supposed to interpret it in its original version or in its later mistranslations? Because the original text clearly states that the Word is not the absolute beginning, for the world itself (Earth and Sky) is already present when this happens. In fact it is clear from that passage that God has not created this world, rather he plasmated it. So, there are principles that are different from God. Tell me God: how can there be anything existing independently from your activity?"
The world as discourse in metaphorical 'language' of creation. God is our worlds programming language. Everything can be codified and thought of as language - at the core of it all conscious thought (a kind of prime language) which precludes awareness of it all.
What is religion but the knowledge of it passed down through generations? How do you pass down knowledge and why would you? Why consider it sacred? Because it is THE WORD - the building block(s) of everything.
I remain silent.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.
stemlards need to be banned from Yea Forums
How can angels "do" anything? They eixst outside of time. Angels honestly make zero sense. What do they even add to the religion?
This makes sense but its a non sequiter. It isn't the point of the passage.
Iconography that can be translated into merchandising opportunities
From what I understand from Augustinian theology:
>In the beginning
Refers to the beginning of the created universe with time, since ‘beginning’ naturally refers to time, and there could be no beginning without time.
>was the Word
The Word is a term for the Second Person of the Trinity, corresponding with Jesus’ divine nature.
>and the Word was with God, and the Word was God
Refers to how Jesus is both ‘with’ the Father in being differentiated from Him, while simultaneously being God Himself. It’s an explanation of the Trinity.
But it’s an obscure passage laden with interpretative meaning, so I think a lot of the answers already in this thread, especially in reference to the nature of Logos etc. are all valid and good.
even if you send me to Hell I will ALWAYS love you God *dabs the fuck in*
Nobody who has ever dabbed is going anywhere but hell. The only sort of dancing those squares in heaven will allow is some sort of bullshit waltzing.
Why would you want to reveal yourself as a midwit infront of God?
"Yes of course I understand", then walk on by not so fast as to run, but fast enough to discourage anyone from following me.
Explain yourself. As far as I know this is a huge controversy in the interpretation of Genesis, one for which I have no answer. Furthermore it is very important to solve it, so that we can be less confused about God's omnipotence
Great, I don't want to share space with those niggers
>God grants you entrance to Retard Heaven as a consolation prize.
>still no answer
If it is so easy then give me an answer, you pretentious faggot
I'm not in STEM. 'Programming' was just used as metaphor. What's your take?