What is the purpose of prayer? I see all the time notable and otherwise intelligent people asking people to pray for their loved ones or for help or whatever. I'm not an atheist I just don't understand why people think sitting silently and asking God for something in your head is going to do anything at all.
What is the purpose of prayer...
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Love of the creator who gave you life
>I just don't understand why people think sitting silently and asking God for something in your head is going to do anything at all.
They don't. No one's ever thought this in the history of religion, either organized religion or pagan religions, or cults, or whatever. Religiosity is not a matter of belief.
it is a good thing that Trump is downplaying the virus because it means that all the Prog lemmings who just contradict everything he says will finally start taking it seriously instead of calling quarantine fascist. It might already be way too late though.
>they sat with their heads down for 30 seconds
>we're doomed
I pray for guidance, grace, forgiveness, and a growing faith in myself and others.
One does not pray for the material gifts. Prayer is not a birthday wish.
Do you know nothing about animal magnetism? Prayer redirects impalpable forces and coalesces them behind you, increasing your vital vibrations' frequencies, so that you're able to accomplish more.
Remember, these faggots know Pence and his team don’t just pray and call it a day. Faggots hate religion and don’t want to see it represented, even by individuals of their own free will, in any area of government or public policy. It is an affront to their right to faggotry. They want to see religious people wiped out.
Okay fine, but what are they actually *doing*? Take the example of someones loved one being in the hospital and they ask people to pray for them. What is the aim?
people crave feeling meritorious or pious when they get out of their orgies. However, people hate to put any effort into actually changing their demeritorious habits, so they created the spook that thinking for 5 minutes about something else than their desires will get them virtue points.
6 million D chess!
Communicating with Our Lord Jesus Christ. Ever thought about picking up a catechism?
Self indulgence
I think the aim is that whoever is going through tribulations is able to understand/accept that whatever happens is god's will and that it happened for the best. At least that how i see it, i know evangelicals have weird ideas of how god works.
To get closer to God, blessings, healing, material things, etc. God wants you to ask first.
What job gets you anal?
>ask God for help
what are you doing tho ?
You might have mistaken me for someone who likes Trump, I think he's a fucking retard and always have. It is just good that his dismissal of the virus, likely due to his handlers telling him to because of stock market reasons, will lead to Progs, who control much of the actual government in the US, taking things more seriously.
meanwhile the “spiritual but not religious” ones try to send positive vibes and manifest their desires into reality...but praying is stupid, right?
Yea Forums is fucking dead
It’s an incantation used to help bolster the unconscious and subconscious mind against the stresses which are present upon the conscious mind. Essentially, you are preparing yourself for a struggle, and are using mind tricks to help yourself through the struggle more easily than through sheer will power and force.
I too seen this on Nick Lands twitter
you fucking autist it's just to signal that they care
Prayer is a self-reflexive action. God knows what you want, and what will happen.
Prayer is done for the self. To frame and focus your mind on the issue at hand. It bolsters your strength and psychological prepares you for making more mindful decisions.
These decisions are more mindful because you have trust in God that the right solution will come about, however, you are will still be putting in the work to reach a solution.
No it's not, don't act like prayer is some meaningless thing and that they know that when it obviously is supposed to have some spiritual meaning.
Be more specific, every religion's views on prayer are complex and multifaceted.
Who, specifically, are you talking about? Pence and his pals there? The aim is to demonstrate their piety and submission to Yahweh in the hope for some benefit (in this case, that he help them make a good plan on how to deal with the virus).
>I see all the time notable and otherwise intelligent people
I've been praying for this for some time and haven't gotten any response. What gives? I'm fully open to being a Christian if he just responds, but he doesn't. Very rude.
I would at least like to see less of a show made of it. Matthew 6:5
Deuteronomy 4:29
>But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Proverbs 8:17
>I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.
Jeremiah 29:13
>You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.
Matthew 7:7-8
>Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.
Isaiah 55:6-7
>Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Lamentations 3:25
>The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.
James 4:8
>Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded
>What is the purpose of prayer?
To be seen to be pious. Religion is all about posturing and virtue-signalling.
Yahweh only gives you things if you submit to him. There is zero point in partaking in Judaism, Christianity, or Islam if you aren't already Jew, a Christian, or a Muslim. Yes, conversion is required to get the benefits.
Yeah, except that Jesus chastises people for doing that in the New Testament and suggests they should pray in private.
>do dinner and kitchen
>do anything
>change rewards list
It's nice to know people are thinking of you. You're either a spoiled normie who's never thought of this, or a total hermit who has nobody think of him.
>But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. “When you pray, don’t babble on and on as the Gentiles do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their words again and again. Matthew 6:6-7
I remember when i was in 2nd grade sitting in school church and hearing the priest read this gospel verse. It was what started my journey into atheism, which ultimately was just a rejection of organized religion and the corruption of the church. The irony was the night before i had prayed in complete secrecy in my room.
Fortunately Plato led me back to the light.
God doesn't give a fuck about your desires or material things. He doesn't even care about your life
That's not why brainlets and midwits pray. They pray because they want something and liken God to something like santa claus. Their prayers are thus anti prayers and they will have their reward, id est, hell, as promised by Christ when he said the children of the kingdom will be cast into exterior darkness. The Apostle said it best: God is not mocked.
Its just a ritual, whats the big deal?
god sounds pretty based
Ritualistic prayer has no effect. Christ said it himself.
More like hate the Demiurge and Sophia's folly
youd be better off examining your conscience and contemplating the glory of god, and saying the lords prayer in thanks, asking for anything or attributing anything to god is Eliphaz tier.
oversocialized apes turning what is supposed to be the deep and intimate introspection of faith into another social club for ladder-climbing opportunists and feckless simpletons who've replaced god with man
iirc there are studies that show "rituals" (such as prayer, but also pre-game rituals) increases task-performance
but you can also think that some higher power is giving you strength
It's for your own sake. Humbles your monstrous, satanic pride, reminds you to forgive.
Pence literally caused an AIDS outbreak in Indiana you fucking idiot
It does none of this. Your genes and neuroticism are what do that
Its like a team putting their hands together before a game. It doesnt actually "do" anything really but no one bitches about that.
If you're Christian you literally believe the exact opposite is true.
I'm just happy the entire edifice of physicalism will topple over in our lifetimes, and no one will think they have the final word on reality.
No God doesn't give a fuck about "muh family! muh home! muh job! tfw no gf!" He never has and never will. He gives and takes away these things as if they were nothing. He will never delay the hour of your death by a second if you prayed for 100 years. All that matters is your obedience and submission to his will
>Mike Pence personally injected heroin into my bloodstream with a dirty needle, giving me HIV
>Mike Pence personally forced me to get fucked in the ass by an HIV positive stranger without using protection
Cook dinner + clean Kitchen retard
The god of my religion thinks prostitution, drug use, and homosexuality are all good and necessary. Why do you hate religious freedom?
But God is all-knowing. He knows if they care or not.
Maybe the answer has come and you just don’t like it.
Prayer is worthless if it is not followed by action. OP's pic related is just PR if the administration doesn't take the necessary precautions to quarantine Corona-chan. The purpose of prayer is to humble yourself and show to God how you need help. He'll help you, one way or another, but he cannot do everything for you. We're still responsible for containing the virus using the resources that He gave us.
That doesn't make any sense. It says "sex" is the reward for 2 or more jobs. If anything you want can also include sex, then you would just cook dinner + clean kitchen and get sex.
prayer is a cope
Most likely asking for strength which is a way to overpower and motivate themselves
It is similar to mediation. Synchronization of brain waves
Cooking and cleaning the kitchen is two jobs. Though I doubt these people are having anal sex, this whole sexual rewards for doing chores thing is totally infantile and unhealthy
It's a low effort way to feel good about pretending to do something.
Yeah but all you're doing is secularizing it as if it's just about being thought of.
Humans behave in predictable ways. Expecting people to exercise responsibility doesn't actually solve problems, we have plenty of evidence of that.
Ask and you shall receive pleb
Of course you can ask the Lord for things, he is our Father and he will provide, he is the Son and he will listen to our worries, he is the Holy Spirit and he will enter into us though prayer.
Why don’t anons read Augustine?
He has answered all of these issues anons make threads for
The placebo effect can be very effective, even when the subject of it knows that it's a placebo.
Prayer in particular though can be a soothing method of meditation, which can be very beneficial mentally.
A more practical prayer is to become a continuous prayer based on your being and actions in the world. Or another kind of prayer is just to try to associate yourself with God and be near the divine.
I've only read confessions, I really enjoyed it. What should I read next, user?
We have Catholic and Orthodox traditions. They both built incredible traditions throughout centuries that gave us multiple teachings, books, lessons, and more. And yet, anglos insist on listening to protestants. Why? Why do you keep doing this to yourselves, anglos?
If you want a great introduction to prayer, read The Way of a Pilgrim
Catholics are pedos
Prayer has to do with human freedom and weakness. In prayer God might find an opening in us to introduce his kingdom which can't come about in this world without both God and man. So the politicians, if their intentions are good and hearts somewhat pure, in prayer might have such and such angel help us with a solution. The world of spirits might guide a person to the right people or give some kind of discovery or thought to us that can help us.
While I do not deny the Catholic Church has responded poorly against predatory tendencies inside its organization, it's dumb to dismiss the entire Church because of it.
Now, if it was up to me, I'd throw the hammer against anyone who dares to harm a child. The Church has decided otherwise for PR reasons. And that's terrible.
You do have to consider two things: number one, less than 1% of priests are pedophiles. The chances of being molested by a priest are close to zero, and you have a much bigger chance of a sexual attack with public school teachers and family relatives. Number two, this whole disgusting scenario wouldnt be an issue if homosexuals werent accepted into priesthood. If the Church had kept a hardline against sexual sins, this would've never happened. And yet, nobody talks about the homosexual issue (as a whole, outside the Church) but people love to shit on priests, most of them great guys.
shut the fuck up and go back to finishing your problem set or drinking a warm PBR or whatever.
some people believe in God and some people don't. those that tend to believe in the Christian God view him as all-knowing, all-loving, all-powerful, and at the same time, mysterious in His ways.
you cannot make a single fucking claim one way or another as to what His thoughts and feelings and attributes are
Or their tradition which some can't handle makes them more prone to evil due to lack of control and extremely horny sexual nature. But evil/sin is the root problem.
>Or their tradition which some can't handle makes them more prone to evil due to lack of control and extremely horny sexual nature.
But that's wrong. As I said, less than one percent of priests are sexual predators. Chastity does not lead to pedophilia, no matter what anyone says. Homosexuality on the other hand does, though.
You are biased in your hatred of homosexuals. Try to not fap or have sex for 3 months and then tell me it has absolutely nothing to do with our sexual nature. Sin takes hold of whatever it can and it uses what it is master over for it's own blind purposes
I’m not really biased. Chastity is hard for a man, no doubt. But it’s not a highway into disgusting degeneracy. If a man, any man, decides to opt into chastity he will be tempted into fucking other women. He might even fall for it. But it won’t turn him into a degenerate pedophile. On the other hand, most pedophiles are homosexuals. It should come as no surprise they try to infiltrate the church to abuse positions of powers, where chastity doesn’t even cross their mind.
I do not hate gay people, but you’d have to be dumb and blind to deny there’s a correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia. One that does not exist with chastity.
Think about it this way, out of half a million priests, 1-3% might be pedophiles. How many of them are gay?
I don't know of any studies that link homosexuality with pedophilia. But I don't think it ethical to call all homosexuals pedophiles. I know neoteny is a feature that males are attracted to which is why anime girls are often drawn how they are.
I highly doubt all homosexuals are pedophiles. What I do not doubt is that most pedophiles are homosexuals. This isn’t hard to find out, look for news about pedophile rings and see who they targeted, boys or girls?
You really think you are going to find a study on this? user, come on. It would never be allowed.
>O Great Coronachan...