What´s a good book on the psychology behind sadism and masochism, especially in a sexual context...

What´s a good book on the psychology behind sadism and masochism, especially in a sexual context? Bonus points if it covers asphyxia too.

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Well gee, how about the book (the author of which) sadism itself is named after? I won't even say which book because if you graduated middle school you should know what I'm talking about. A hurr hurr hurr hurr. DURRRRRRRRRRRR

De Sade didn't write a psychological analysis though. Wasn't his work more of a mix of pornography and philosophy?

Lauren Berlant and Michael Warner - Sex in Public. It's less about sadism and more about queer culture, but there's a passage at the end which I think will be of great interest to you.

Based retard

Krafft-Ebing Psychopathia Sexualis

lmao jesus christ the autism is palpable

Thanks, those seem definitely interesting

There’s this obscure psychologist you probably haven’t heard of. Sigmundis Slomo Frood, (I think he’s Dutch). Wrote a book, something like 3 theories of Sex or whatever. Minor thing, no one’s probably read it. But I like it. You should check it out.

Wonder what´s up with those half-baked attempts at sarcasm

You should probably read Bataille as well as de Sade. Masoch wasn't even a masochist to be honest, Venus in Furs was disappointing

you should get a proper reading into the introductory lectures of psychoanalysis before you even think of going into that realm.

>everything jooozz!!!!
this is your brain on /pol/

Male dominance fetishism is a mental disease caused by mediocre men having no outlets for their (to some degree, normal) male power fantasies, and having to act like harmless little good boy twinks all the time in social contexts. They end up investing all their latent desire for moments of exaggerated and overwhelming power into hours and hours of weirdo porn, which only gets weirder the more you watch it, causing truly demented symbolic complexes. By the time a man has been jerking off to porn for 4 years, he has gone from a normal level of appreciating masculine/feminine differences in sex (like size and physical power) to needing any future girlfriend to lick his ass and let him belt her in the face while he writes "DADDY'S LITTLE WHORE" on her forehead with magic marker.

He could have been a Napoleon or Pasteur. Instead, his atrophied brain, for lack of healthy pathways from unconscious desire to conscious expression, has learned that scribbling "WHORE" on someone is what power is.

Female dominance fetishism is a mental disease caused by mediocre men having no outlets for their (to some degree, normal) desire to worship women for being beautiful, and having to act like asexual genderless robots all the time in social contexts. The normal dialectic of male social and physical power over women clashing with powerlessness before their desirability, and the normal sense that male power is oafish or clumsy and therefore incomplete without feminine grace and poise, builds up until it forms a stable (and demented) symbolic complex. Then it can be constantly reinforced through porn, and eventually through psychotic behaviors like sending women money over the internet. The (somewhat normal) male tendency to think that women are ethereal angels made of sacred vaginal energy is effectively turned into a whole worldview, so that the only purpose of life comes to be working in the salt mines to earn just enough money to talk to one of these angels for five seconds or smell something they passively sweated into. It comes to seem normal that women should sun themselves on rocks while male orbiters prance around them and sing their praises.

Robert Graves was a prophet das Mutterrecht's return. He saw in the Pelasgians an endless Dionysian reverie of pre-historic Instagram thots, valued infinitely for existing by their salt-mining slave-coomers.

Both male and female dominance fetishes are the entelechy of Hegel's Pöbel, the totally alienated and disenfranchised rabble with nowhere to go and nothing to do, cut off from history and thus from themselves. Man must work on matter to become a work of art himself. Cömer-Pöbel have no great work to undertake, and so the great archetypes of the collective unconscious go unworked as well, and can only express themselves atavistically.

Between the Scylla of daddydom cringe and the Charybdis of cashapp cucks, women must chart a course that will save us from ourselves. But women are retarded, so we're doomed.

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Wow, your comprehension is terrible.

Venus in Furs is the ultimate anti-femdom book masquerading as the ultimate femdom book

Venus in furs is propably the most realistic novel discussing male-female relationships

I found Venus in Furs decent, just wasn`t what I´m looking or. This bataille guy looks cool though. Why have I never heard of him...

Read Portrait of the Artist and figure out how Joyce developed his fart and flogging fetishes.

Agreed and insightful post but I don’t know what Hegel’s Pobel is and now I REALLY want that blonde chick to lick my asshole

Why? I mean I do have some basic knowledge of psychology and psychoanalysis, read some stuff here and there. Will that suffice?

Have you read Bronze Age Mindset? Hes very concerned with what he calls the return of "longhouse politics" where he uses a mutterrechtian example of old women ruling over the entire family from the traditional large family longhouse.

If that is so, how come I know a guy who´s always acting aggresive, dominant and compulsively alpha in social situations, and who´s at the same time a passionate dom and sadist in bed?

>pop psychology bullshit

>read this pseudoscience before learning about real science

its because human psychology is more complicated than said user would lead you to believe. said user has a certain archetypal narrative figured out, but is mislead to believe that all persons fundamentally want/are-subconsciously driven that way, and in any case most people don't exhibit to those extremes anyhow

user i likely agree with you to a large extent that psychoanalysis is "pseudoscience" (i don't think there are many contemporaries who call it a "science" in the usual sense), but OP is literally asking for psychosexual readings, which is grounded in the language of at least Freud but also others.

there is a great chance of you being misled (or worse: believe its actually "factual" before you have "understanding") if you don't read the prerequisite texts, but desu there is still a good chance of you misunderstanding the pre-reqs anyhow, so just do whatever if you so choose to, just take it with a grain of salt and not 100% legit truth like this guy if you're itching to know more maybe a better source would be erotic / surrealist texts. freud learned a great deal from Oedipus Rex anyhow


The Misfits, by Colin Wilson.

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