What will happen to fundamentalist readings of religion, (Abrahamic, Hindu, Buddhist etc.) when First Contact is made?
What will happen to fundamentalist readings of religion, (Abrahamic, Hindu, Buddhist etc.) when First Contact is made?
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hindus will claim it's explainable through their mythology, christians will say God created them too
Some of the aliens in Mass Effect took a liking to Buddhism and adopted it.
>look at that Earthabu, meditating and reading the dharma, instead of worshipping the Quadruple Floating Head
First contact will never be made. There may be other races out there which figure into God's plan somehow but I doubt it. If there was advanced intelligent life in the universe we would have been contacted already. And don't claim we have been- UFO's and the like are Nephilim who dwell in caves underground. Physical demons are chained in the bowels of the Earth.
Reinterpretation most likely
Reinterpretation of what?
I heard that the pope addressed this some years ago.
probably the current one, but maybe Benedict.
he was positive on aliens being compatible with the dogma
In Christianity we actually see aliens as demons.
Fuck off to /x/ schizo
okay, but what about original sin? did Jesus die for the aliens, too?
Why you trying to write a sci fi novel ?
Catholics also pretend evolution is perfectly compatible with their dogma, they're experts at doublethink.
Once you believe one person can be three people, you'll believe anything.
No, that would be space jesus.
What will happen to fundamentalist readings of science, when divine contact is made?
How did this thread attract weirdos?
would attempt to find a explanation, the study of divinity will begin
science can't die, it isn't a religion
Thanks for making my point; this is exactly what theists would say.
well yes
if "divinity" is real, it will be accepted by science eventually as a field of study
Thankfully, divinity does exist! I fucking love this shit, they sell it at Disneyland for ridiculous prices, but make it at home and it will taste just as good.
I can't imagine the Buddhists would give a shit.
The laws of physics and the limits of computation and technology simple aren't conducive to long term space travel.
"First contact" will never be made and it isn't just because aliens dont exist or something. It's just straight up not going to happen given the laws of physics regardless of timeframe.
"Aliens" (devas and asuras) are a cornerstone of Hinduism retard and Buddhism doesn't much care about anything outside of an autistic way of avoiding suffering. The other shit is jewish bullshit plagarizations who gives a shit most people who aren't double digit IQ niggers already know the abrahamic religions are for drooling imbeciles
Calm down
Well yes,
if "science" is real, it will be accepted by religion eventually as a field of study.
It always was a science you plebs how do you think they figured it out to begin with?
>devas and asuras are space aliens, because that's exactly what hinduism means
>already know the abrahamic religions are for drooling imbeciles
The "First Contact" is the atheist's Day of Judgement. They look down on religious people, yet they have the gall to talk literal science fiction and act like it's serious discussion. I'm ready to stomp the head in of the next basedboy that blabs on about AI, interstellar travel, or aliens.
>First Contact
Is like saying when will be Lady Gaga’s first time. We have made contact countless times.
Life sounds hard for you. I'm sorry, buddy. :(
>n-no u
at least try, i'm not even arguing against religion
Expect a lot of people to start worshipping aliens instead of Jesus/Yahweh. Expect others, especially jews and protestants, to change their rhetoric and interpretations of readings. Also, expect other more stubborn jews and christians to be the ones seething the most.
Aside from that, I don't personally believe we will ever make first contact with anything.
>If there was advanced intelligent life in the universe we would have been contacted already.
Or they have already sized us up and formed some kind of protocol that involves not revealing themselves to us because of some reason like "Humans are too fucking dangerous/stupid/destructive/immature etc."
We're getting very close to interstellar travel, just give it ~20 years, when Elon Musk has given up on the idea of wasting money on sending people to Mars without first building a logistics lunar base and/or another corporation has taken a more practical approach to throttling civilization into space.
>We're getting very close to interstellar travel, just give it ~20 years, when Elon Musk has given up on the idea of wasting money on sending people to Mars without first building a logistics lunar base and/or another corporation has taken a more practical approach to throttling civilization into space.
Just kys, you dumb brainlet cunt. We are not close to either interstellar travel or autonomous general artificial intelligence. You're a dumb cunt who believes in charlatans like Elon Musk. You probably don't even have a scientific background. Listen to actual real researchers like Francois Chollet instead.
Genuinely kys.
>Francois Chodelet
literally who
François Chollet, creator of Keras API for deep learning, which I use a lot. He believes the exaggerations of retards like Kurzweil and Elon Musk will lead to another AI Winter. Look up "AI Winter".
Anyways, frauds like Elon Musk exaggerate scientific "progress" for more investments/funding. We won't have interstellar or autonomous general artificial intelligence anytime soon.
AI is actually being created as we speak though
>pushing resources to interstellar travel when climate change is getting worse by the day
We have been contacted. People just discount all the proof of it as being from “schizos” or “insane conspiracy theorists.” This is when they even bother to pay attention to it, since most of these sources obviously don’t get broadcasted through the mainstream media.
Aliens are demons, have been in contact for all of recorded history, and space isn't real.
Your mother isn't real.
That sounded interesting until I actually looked it up and found out he just invented a term for people giving him less money
This guy got mad on a chinese forum. Get a life.
They'll all join mobile infantry.
Is the Earth flat or round?
It's a square and if you have got the one side of it, you just factor it with itself.
Let me tell you this, let me tell you this: if still in doubt, you find the third side. Is there one? Magellan found it.
Aliens will be converted to Christanity. New space crusadea will occur, expect the consteuction of mega-gothic churches covering the surface of various planets.
Most Christians believe in evolution in US, Canada, Europe, etc. Although in regards to the 7 days of creation, as much as people do not want to acknowledge other views regarding it-- many Christians and non-Christians alike have debated the literaly 24 hour days in Genesis in the past (early 1900s saw similar criticism).
Criticism of the 24 hour period relates to ancient Hebrew's limitations regarding using the same word for various meanings. Yom means day in modern hebrew, although in the bible it was used to descrive various measurements of time. The numbers provided context, although this falls apart in other scriptures when yom is paired with numbers but it used to describe weeks, months, and so on.
Now I know most Catholics/Christians are probably not thinking of evolution and the 7 days of creation in this context. Most are at best, cultural christians that know little to nothing about the religion. Although as I mentioned this idea in regards to making genesis and evolution semi-compatible exist, some arguements were brought up even before evolution became a major topic. Notably Augustine, which fluctuated between bibical literalism and non-literal translations/ he also questioned the length of a day in the bible
Regarding Aliens, this is up for grabs regarding Christian theology. It is a non-issue in the bible in the sense that they aren't mentioned nor implied anywhere. The ideas that I can come up with would be if Aliens were not fallen into sin like humans, then there would be no need for salvation. Another far-fetched idea would be if Jesus Christ had similar appearances in various species throughout the universe that still lead to a similar/identical theology. In this case the son of God would still arguably be one entity that appeared in various locations relative to every individual species. If Aliens are similar to other animals in the sense that they have no personal morals, and just exist and do what is needed for survival (lacking morality, homogenous, lacking different views), they would be considered technologically advanced entities that are not capable of having a similar morality view as humans. Again this would be a free for all, and would lead to major discussions although it wouldn't be enough to end or cause the religion to die. As another simple fix is that humanity's purpose is to spread the gospel into the universe and convert other species.
Religions in general haven't declined globally because of new discoveries. It didn't happen with the big-bang theory (introduced by a Catholic), evolution, and I highly doubt it will happen with the discovery of alien life.
Hell, the bible was read in the Apollo 8, Russians also constantly bring crucifixes and depictions of Jesus into the space station.
It will definitely lead to discussions/debates, although I would not expect any drastic changes.
A lot of Christians are into conspiracy that aliens are actually demons and that the First Contact will probably be Satan's deceit.
depends if they have a rational soul