Good morning, Yea Forums. What are you reading this week?

Good morning, Yea Forums. What are you reading this week?

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The Golden Pavillion and A New History of Western Philosophy

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I saw a post here about Basho the other day, so I downloaded some books of haiku. Started off with this, it's quite relaxing.

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The Plague by Camus
Diary of a County Priest by Bernanos

your waifu looks like a man

The Symposium

one flew over the cuckoo's nest

LOTR The Two Towers. The books are much better than the movies but I am glad the movies were made because it is easier to imagine in your mind what is playing out since you know what all the places and characters look and sound like

Kant. Making me feel like a complete brainlet

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Moby Dick

I'm slackening on reading the Iliad, Anna Karenina, and Faust. I started Moby Dick. Holy shit, now that's a hell of a book.

at least you are reading Kant and not playing video games or other wastes of time

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He’s a moron anyway. He views his work more as an art form than philosophy. See his work on morals. A bunch of fluff to keep you from realizing he isn’t providing any clear reason. Waste of time.

Who do i read instead then?

Both are meaningless in the face of death you narcissist sperg

the Greeks

Mr President by Miguel Angel Asturias

but i'm not dead

But i just read a passage where big brained kant makes fun of plato...

>A dog is a dog because it has four legs
>Big brained

what was it about?

>socrates (actually literally me) said it so it must be true by zeus

he wasn’t even defending Plato

he was my mind

>Already from the earliest days of philosophy, apart from the sensible beings or appearances (phaenomena) that constitute the sensible world, investigators of pure reason have thought of special intelligible beings (noumena), which were supposed to form an intelligible world; and they have granted reality to the intelligible beings alone, because they took appearance and illusion to be one and the same thing (which may well be excused in an as yet uncultivated age).

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You hang around very effeminate men LOL

Based Mozposter

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About to read The Name of The Rose, what am I in for

Dostoyevsky's The Idiot. He's literally me

not even an argument

But once you are not it won't matter whether you were going through this hell with books or computers

Valis and Arthur Yusopov chess books

your statement is only true if i was going to die, which i won't

What do you do not to get bored when you are immortal?

just got to the rockeman antics
starting this after

And On Pain by the same author

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i shitpost on a discussion board for literature instead of reading literature