Books about why women are complete whores?

Books about why women are complete whores?

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Hesiod’s Theogony and Works and Days, the Bible, the Koran, Plato and Aristotle...

Her lil panties and her lil toes and her lil feet and her lil head and her lil pussy

99% of men live to compete for women' attention, irrespective of the moral behavior of those women.
1% of men try to find something else to value
99% of this 1% go crazy in the woods becoming hermits and failing hard

the 1% of the 1% get good at meditation

99% of those 1% of 1% confuse meditation with enlightenment

so 1% of 1% of 1% of men actually stop being coomers.

and I will happily devour all of them.


>women are complete whores
>god I wanna sniff the shit out of her asshole
>WOMEN are whores tho


Humans like sex


Thank you.

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How does one "un-like" sex?

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kant was celibate his entire life and did not even masterbate throughout his life.

Sex and Character, haven't read it but its often said Weininger** is brilliant

w*men are not human

incels aren't taken seriously

Not that cooming is inherently bad. Your father was a coomer and his father before him. Without coomers none of us would be here.

you're probably desensitized by now, so even if you think you like sex, you probably can't perform in a real life intercourse considering the amount of tranny porn you've fapped to

Who is she?

>none of us would be here
I wish

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Just because one has coomed does not make one a coomer.

Breeding =/= cooming

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Men are psychopaths.

SCUM Manifesto. I'm serious. Unless you're too fragile to face such a challenge to your masculinity, that is.

But you’re still retarded


>Not that cooming is inherently bad
>Without coomers none of us would be here.

We let them be since the modern man loves whores since sex is one of our foremost signs of a mans worth currently.

So he claims.

this and backlash by susan faludi

SCUM manifesto is the My Twisted World of feminism

It's irrational to pursue women romantically. Anyone who thinks it through logically should be able to come to the conclusion that romantic affection should be reserved only for other men, and that women should be relegated solely to the domain of procreation.

>Vilar, E. (1971). The Manipulated Man
>Farrell, W. (1974). The Liberated Man
>Vilar, E. (1976). The Polygamous Sex: A Man's Right to the Other Woman
>Shannon, L. (1986). The Predatory Female: A Field Guide to Dating and the Marriage-Divorce Industry
>Farrell, W. (1988). Why Men Are The Way They Are: The Male-Female Dynamic
>Chinweizu (1990). Anatomy of Female Power: A Masculinist Dissection of Matriarchy
>Farrell, W. (1991). The Myth of Male Power: Why Men Are The Disposable Sex
>Sommers, C. H. (1994). Who Stole Feminism? How Women Have Betrayed Women
>Farrell, W. (2000). Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say: Destroying Myths, Creating Love
>Farrell, W. (2005). Why Men Earn More: The Startling Truth Behind The Pay Gap – and What Women Can Do About It
>Farrell, W. (2007). Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men? A Debate
>Benatar, D. (2012). The Second Sexism: Discrimination Against Men and Boys
>Vandell, M. (2012). Poor-Sucker Syndrome: The Story about Leeches and the Men that Feed Them
>Sommers, C. H. (2013). The War Against Boys: How Misguided Policies are Harming Our Young Men
>Smith, H. (2013). Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream – and Why It Matters
>Devlin, F. R. (2015). Sexual Utopia in Power: The Feminist Revolt Against Civilization
>Kaine, R. (2016). Smart and SeXy: The Evolutionary Origins and Biological Underpinnings of Cognitive Differences between the Sexes
>Giles, D. (2016). Pussification: The Effeminization of the American Male
>Lewis, B. (2017). The Feminist Lie: It Was Never About Equality
>Farrell, W. (2018). The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It


Looks like a pretty cherry picked list

Based and redpilled

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The best solution to claims of gender issues is to make a completely male and a completely female society and see how each of them perform without the other obstructing.

very reasonable

>have gf
>still hate women


Lol what song is this? Jim was based

Wow user you totally just disproved it! Im sure people here aren't just salty because they are incels

You hate your girlfriend?

people are strange

that's literally impossible user, if that were true then some men would beat and kill their gfs/wives

lol this. the fact anyone in academia takes the delusional ramblings of a violent psychotic seriously is embarrassing.

people are strange

People are strange

they do you dumb cuck. women drive men crazy

>thats le joke

Valerie Solanas was a repulsive, mentally ill incel just like Elliot Rodgers. She was actually even more of a retarded failure than he was, she couldn't even kill her target, and she was significantly more physically disgusting than he was.


>ignoring that men are 100x as horny

breeding is the opposite of cooming you dumb shit

Having sex or thinking about sex is morally wrong PERIOD. God only intended it for procreation after marriage. Coomers are all going to hell

Go away, priest.

What are your thoughts on coomers?

If we're basing coomers off of the meme, they're not nearly as insufferable as their miserable counterparts, the incels. As long as they're not shitting up my board with /r9k/ whining, I'm indifferent.

people are strange

just screwed a broad that probably gave me herpes. weininger was right



Can confirm
t. Couldn't get hard with a girl and a tranny

I quit all social media and stopped watching porn but the Jezebels chased me down to Yea Forums. There is no escape.

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On the Origin of Species

>le icnels xD
I thought this board was clean from n*Rmoid cattle.

Honestly, the amount Yea Forums bangs on about how awful women are, I have to say that my personal experience has never matched up to the insane victimhood complex you guys constantly indulge on here. Most women I've encountered in my life are shitty, but so are most men. And both sides are just as complicit in the degeneracy of hookup culture (it takes two to tango, after all). Why don't you hold men to the same standard?

Read theory

It's worse for women to be slutty than men but otherwise I agree. I'd take a woman over psychotic incel any day. It's sad that this crap has taken over imageboards.

Think it might be because society teaches you that women are pure and not like men and all that shit.
I fully agree with you, the average retard prole is nothing but cattle no matter the gender, i just wish that beating up women wasn't a colossal taboo just like beating up another man.

I hate women
Pretty much all of literature is to this effect, ultimately.

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>I'd take a woman over psychotic incel any day
There are whole websites full of them that you can fuck off to at any time

speculation through personal experience. aka projecting.

read models by mark manson for a pretty solid blue pill
read rational male for a redpill

this, it should be illegal to post threads on Yea Forums with roastie op images


I don't watch porn and never got into it(partially because I don't browse here as regularly as you guys might and the other part because that's just gay) so I'm asking this question from an ascetic perspective but really it was just meant to be a comical pepe remark.

Reading I guess.

>Without coomers none of us would be here.
This made me reconsider my views on antinatalism

My diary desu

Oh for fucks sake it was just that massive script about the guy talking about occult doctors and evil spirits latching onto your sins.

Not that it doesn't have some value but garbage post.

I hate that they produce an involuntary sexual and emotional reaction in me. If I were not attracted to them I wouldn't give a fuck about them at all and would never even think about them. It's like there's this worthless, disgusting creature, but it has a hole between its legs so that makes my mind care about it. They have no other value but they have a pussy. I hate that that makes me feel the way it does and I've been trying to mute it.

>"wowzass such intellect amazingballs so revealing favs movie seeN!!!!!!!!!"

>It's worse for women to be slutty than men
In what sense? Not challenging your point, just curious to know why you think this.

Not all women. Historically, society has enforced a view of women that is dichotomous and static, IE. the madonna/whore complex. From a traditional view there is nothing outside (or between) that binary, when women are certainly far more complicated than that.

>i just wish that beating up women wasn't a colossal taboo
Yeah, I can understand that. (not that I have a particular urge to beat on women, but still). There's a lot of cultural baggage which makes "full" equality practically untenable

people are strange

>what is self-awareness

>le incel
Guys in every social strata say the same thing about women

You're right, there's no madonna/whore binary. They're all just whores.

sex and character gets memed a lot but it's actually truly and profoundly based, probably the best analysis of pussybrains i've ever read, beats schoppy's on women

Can you tell me why women are whores for engaging in hookup culture, but men aren't?

show pusy

Men are whores.

a key many locks good
a lock many keys bad

>the world seems unfair when you're exposed to how unfair it is
no shit, someone like him wouldn't have any clue

self-awareness is for chumps. I was asked what my thoughts were, and I shared them.

Phallogocentric allegories have no bearing on the actual relations between men and women, other than privileging a narrative of male power. Try again

Cool. We're in agreement then.

What is it about this girl that makes me want to cum so much? Yes, she has nice breasts. Yes, she has nice thighs. But there is some other quality. Her face. It's her face. She has this borderline goofy look that drives me mad. Why would a goofy, cute face make me want to fuck?

it is an obvious fact that women are more picky than men because they are the ones who get pregnant, and typically they have to care more for the child. hence the key/lock metaphor

>Phallogocentric allegories have no bearing
Yes they do.

>Phallogocentric allegories have no bearing on the actual relations between men and women,
Yes they do

Who said I thought that it's okay for men?

chemically castrate yourself

>Phallogocentric allegories have no bearing on the actual relations between men and women, other than privileging a narrative of male power. Try again
Women's sexuality is based upon being penetrated by a phallus, so yes it does have bearing.

where do i go to befriend whorish women. I dont want to fuck them I just want to hang out. they seem like fun to be around

just pay a whore to hang out

Why is sexuality objectively a bad thing?

>How does one "un-like" sex?
Middle Discourses 13
The Longer Discourse on the Mass of Suffering

And what is the gratification of sights? Suppose there was a girl of the brahmins, aristocrats, or householders in her fifteenth or sixteenth year, neither too tall nor too short, neither too thin nor too fat, neither too dark nor too fair. Is she not at the height of her beauty and prettiness?”

“Yes, sir.”

“The pleasure and happiness that arise from this beauty and prettiness is the gratification of sights.

And what is the drawback of sights? Suppose that some time later you were to see that same sister—eighty, ninety, or a hundred years old—bent double, crooked, leaning on a staff, trembling as they walk, ailing, past their prime, with teeth broken, hair grey and scanty or bald, skin wrinkled, and limbs blotchy.

What do you think, mendicants? Has not that former beauty vanished and the drawback become clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

“This is the drawback of sights.

Furthermore, suppose that you were to see that same sister sick, suffering, gravely ill, collapsed in her own urine and feces, being picked up by some and put down by others.

What do you think, mendicants? Has not that former beauty vanished and the drawback become clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

“This too is the drawback of sights.

Furthermore, suppose that you were to see that same sister as a corpse discarded in a charnel ground. And she had been dead for one, two, or three days, bloated, livid, and festering.

What do you think, mendicants? Has not that former beauty vanished and the drawback become clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

“This too is the drawback of sights.

Furthermore, suppose that you were to see that same sister as a corpse discarded in a charnel ground. And she was being devoured by crows, hawks, vultures, herons, dogs, tigers, leopards, jackals, and many kinds of little creatures …

Furthermore, suppose that you were to see that same sister as a corpse discarded in a charnel ground. And she had been reduced to a skeleton with flesh and blood, held together by sinews … a skeleton rid of flesh but smeared with blood, and held together by sinews … a skeleton rid of flesh and blood, held together by sinews … bones without sinews scattered in every direction. Here a hand-bone, there a foot-bone, here a shin-bone, there a thigh-bone, here a hip-bone, there a rib-bone, here a back-bone, there an arm-bone, here a neck-bone, there a jaw-bone, here a tooth, there the skull. …

Furthermore, suppose that you were to see that same sister as a corpse discarded in a charnel ground. And she had been reduced to white bones, the color of shells … decrepit bones, heaped in a pile … bones rotted and crumbled to powder.

What do you think, mendicants? Has not that former beauty vanished and the drawback become clear?”

“Yes, sir.”

“This too is the drawback of sights.

And what is the escape from sights? Removing and giving up desire and greed for sights: this is the escape from sights.

Yes its unfair. Should that mean the government should give everyone a girlfriend just for existing? Are they wrong for not wanting to be with a guy with the sexual value of a wet carrot?

Yes and that's all good and well. But in modern society that's gone way too far due to dating apps etc and women are unreasonably picky cunts, the lot of them. Moreover, feminism has lead them to believe they should be free of all the responsibilities and gender roles of the past whilst still expecting men to bear the responsibilities and gender roles that benefit women. They want to have all of this privilege and STILL retain their never-in-history-justified position as an oppressed minority which in turn grants even more privileges. I'm going to join a comfy Christian commune where women know their place.

The metaphor overlooks the fact that male virility is entirely contingent on a female receptacle for his seed. Without the "lock", the key is useless. The same goes for any other plug/socket analogy.

Also, if women are more picky than men, then how can they also all be whores?

Yeah, its not like there have been shitloads of studies into female sexuality in the last few decades which have shown that clitoral stimulation and imaginative fantasy is far more important than penetration.



>Are they wrong for not wanting to be with a guy with the sexual value of a wet carrot?
Yes, people should be less shallow. But even if I agreed with you, people act like 'incel' is a biting attack that instantly wins you the argument, when in fact the bitterness and anger of incels makes perfect sense. It's like mocking someone for being born blind and finding them reprehensible for being 'salty' about not being able to see.

>is far more important than penetration.
For what? Cumming? What makes you think that is the highest end? The phallus and the penetration of the phallus is still one half of what's required for life.

Then go date an overweight 32 year old single mother. Youd be shallow not to

>Yeah, its not like there have been shitloads of studies into female sexuality in the last few decades which have shown that clitoral stimulation and imaginative fantasy is far more important than penetration.
What you're referring to is what would help them achieve orgasm, which is not what I'm talking about. If their sexuality did not necessitate getting a cock or cock simulacrum shoved in their fuckhole over and over then that wouldn't be the goal of their sexual promiscuity.

You specifically said "female sexuality", not "the biological imperative to procreate". These are not the same things, because otherwise women would be pregnant literally all the time.

This is a fundamental misunderstanding roasties like you have. You assume that men can get laid at any time if they lower their standards, because women are easily able to do so. The same is not the case for men, especially genuine incels. The 32 year old in question lives in a world seemingly designed by a feminist God where everything is super easy for her. She can and does reject any advances from incels; she can do much better.

they'll have to do it for me first to even out all the shallowness ive experienced up to this point :)

besides, i'd get with a fat girl, no problem

You are fucking clueless.

Sexuality often has very little to do with the act of procreation. I'm not saying that penetration for women isn't desirable, simply that its not the ultimate end of sexual pleasure (which is literally what "sexuality" is concerned with).

I'm not playing word games with you, you insipid faggot. Women want to get fucked. If you can't understand that then there's no helping you.