Books to escape midwit Elo hell?
Books to escape midwit Elo hell?
the bible
first of all, stop using gamer terms like "elo hell'.
Done. Any other things I should stop doing?
Apart from Chomsky, I agree.
asking Yea Forums for advice
Taleb and Hofstadter really don't deserve to be there.
What's your ELO score user?
All of them do. All "public intellectuals" deserve to be on this list.
Now that moldbug is posting again I'm losing 12-17 LP every couple months. Pretty sure I will get demoted unless he gets buffed next patch
The charts more about what appeals to midwits rather than people who are themselves midwits, though there are clearly many midwits there.
I agree with most of this (certainly Jordan Peterson, Dawkins etc) but there are some good works there such as Meditations. Just because it's accessible doesn't mean it's solely for midwits. Ironically the most midwit thing imaginable is to pretend you only read the most impenetrable texts and only they hold value. Unsurprisingly, such behaviour is extremely common on Yea Forums
Now if you'll excuse me, I must get back to my criticism of criticism and 'adequate little' red wine.
What era does this pertain to? Is there such a chart for moderns?
Sargon of Akkad is dimwit tier
Like it or not a larger or smaller gallery of such is necessarily user's potential audience. A more pleasant posture should be adopted, or re-adopted, with respect to 'them' and I suggest 'common reader' stand substitute for 'midwit' from this point forward. This condescension's too uncomfortably arrogant for a sensitive soul such as mine is too btw..
Looks like the 60s to me
A midwit isn't just a common or average reader. It's actually peak Dunning-Kruger. The midwit has read enough to formulate a coherent opinion, but it's totally biased and wrong. At this point the midwit is the new useful idiot - he is intelligent enough to do basic research, but is very easily manipulated. They read Peterson or Shapiro or Marx (it doesn't matter what their views are) and think they've got it all figured out. These people are dangerous.
Okay. So it's more a player on the world stage than it is a reader. If a midwit has it 'all figured out' then this immediately disqualifies him from being a member of one's future audience; in fact this is the type that regularly makes definite pronouncements on books he hasn't even read..
Frightening. This type is legion, user. Even here.
I think the answer is text books.
Get my (not at all Arab) nigga Taleb off of there.
the infographic could be shortened to "any book by a modern pop intellectual"
stupid assumption anyway
>"all modern literature is SHIT, go read some FUCKING nietzsche you FUCKING normie"
Asking how to avoid being a midwit is peak midwit behavior.
Maybe stick with the basics of critical thinking and an open mind, and read what you want.
Elo hell is real but not outside of games.
There's no forced 50/50 matchmaking in reality.
Kaczynski's "Anti-Tech Revolution" or "Technological Slavery"
I just lost the game
>evola in the midwit chart
fucking based
How is Evola a midwit?
> The Prince
> Meditations
> Revolt Against The Modern World
> The Bell Curve
I have these on my shelf. 0 regrets.
Midwit tier:
Being midwit is about being slow and not getting it.
OP's pic ist brainlet tier.
>lists the most important philosophers in history
This. There is much to be gotten out of reading someone like Mill, say, but it is many times more rewarding if you do so while bearing the thinkers he is responding to in mind.
what's smart tier, then
"Midwit" seems to be a code-word for books or authors that are well-known.
also, 0 girlfriends
This thread is a waste of time. If I want to determine if you are a midwit or not, I first begin by looking at which race you belong to. The second step is to determine your political stance. With these two pieces of information I am already able to identify midwits from non-midwits. Which books you read is completely meaningless to me.
Being midwit is about seeing the light at the end of the tunnel but never getting there. Big brained zoomers fly by on angel wings, cackling and hooting (although, of course, big brains never reach the end either). Look at this board: the majority are midwits. Look at what they read: the authors I mentioned. Midwit tier and smart tier consist of the same books. It's just that the one group sucks at thinking more than the other.
Idk half of these books or people but I agree on 48 laws of power and podcast joe dude
Did This Guy just compare clean your room to a succesful and most influential philosooher of 19th century ?
...should be added to the chart
influential =/= smart
They're books espoused by people that naively hold extreme views, because they've read nothing else. Peterson readers think cleaning your room and capitalism will solve the world's problems. Marx readers are still spouting ideas 200 years out of date and think maybe, just maybe, communism will work THIS time. Same with Harris, Shapiro, and the rest. They sell simple ideas to simple people, who take the first thing that makes sense to them and run with it, never challenging any assumptions.
>everyone else than me is stupid
>a book by an average midwit
> They're books espoused by people that naively hold extreme views
> Marx readers are still spouting ideas 200 years out of date
Midwit here.
Is The Bell Curve an out of date book too? Or have Negroes magically achieved human level IQ overnight?
Meaningless post.
Have you actually read Marx? Do you still think we live in Feudalism where his arguments make sense? I didn't say anything about The Bell Curve you illiterate ape.
> Have you actually read Marx? Do you still think we live in Feudalism where his arguments make sense?
I haven't read Marx. One day I will certainly read him to get a better understanding of Leftism; but what I gather from your post is 'I don't agree with this' = midwit book. That's probably why Bell Curve was mentioned too, and Revolt by Evola (both of which I have). These are midwit books not because they are midwit books, but because you feel threatened by their ideas.
Wasting time on Yea Forums.
>They read Peterson or Shapiro or Marx
Peterson and Shapiro themselves are examples of this. Peterson doesn't even know what post modernism means and Ben is a shrill fact distorting Zionist manlet.
are you literally retarded or have you never read marx, he was writing at a time where most of the world was post-feudalism, his most important writings are analyses of the capitalist mode of production
It doesn't matter which or how many books you nerds read, you will never be as intelligent as a guy who can actually write a book.
I feel so sorry for you.
Fucking hell, I'm a Midwit.
I guess I can sort of relate... I'm 27 and didn't really start to read until like 3 years ago.
Have worked my way up to about 1.5 books a week, approaching my 100th book.
I'm definitely into midwit-core, but It doesn't feel like I'm digging myself into deeper hole, but rather feels like a phase.
Just keep reading what you enjoy reading and let your tastes diverge naturally.
The more you read the better you'll become at telling a good book from a bad book, a good author from a bad author, etc.
I don't think it's a coincidence that these are popular amongst casual readers.