>went to my uni classes >shitposted a little >drank a blue monster >took the bus home >went home >ate lunch >slid into the bed covers >couldn't fall asleep >started to break down >finished my assignments >tried to read >went back to Yea Forums and wasted my day
I can't imagine an happy life together with someone, I'm so detached from reality my mind avoids considering even the slightest favorable outcome. Inside the bus I saw two high schoolers kissing and hugging, a shocking sight, and the first gay couple i saw in my entire life. They were in the flower of their youth, enjoying the beauty of their age and delighting in their lovely relationship. I tried to read again Aristotle's ethics but failed miserably because i realized I'll never put into practice what he tried so hard to write down. I think of the cute twinks who are enjoying their sex life to the fullest and the morons who tell me being a gay man is a cakewalk, when in fact they turn out to be genetic lottery winners. Once a group of high schoolers on the bus referred to me as mister, that broke me inside, and as i looked at the mirror and i saw indeed an old man i felt the urge to stick my head through a noose. Looking back at my past, I wouldn't have stood a chance either, my acne was so fucking intense i garnered the threats and pity of everyone, my genes fucked me through whole teenagehood, and love has always been an apple i was unable to grasp. I am 21 but i don't feel any better than a crippled 80 year old man. God has stacked the deck against me from the start, and it was over before it even began.
Could be the new Londonfrog, OP. We need a replacement. He obv feels too good about himself lately. Keep it up, this has a horror-esque feel to it, I like it.
Add a touch of lusting after women you cannot get or being made fun of by Chads and Stacies, I would read more of that. Not that I relate to it or anything, I have a girlfriend and an amazing job, but you know I do enjoy the occasional horror novel. This was a good role-play, OP. I sure do hope this isn't your life! HAhahahaahhaahah!
Hudson Wright
Shut up you fucking virgin.
You only say you can't be magnanimous because you have too low a self esteem. Become a man, be brave. Find what thoughts or feelings one must to connect to the Being-of-the-world (as Plato would put it in the Timaeus), and find a deeper truer sense of being in that. Remember, you exist, your very being is only so by way of its complete unbridled love of itself.
There's more substantive things I could tell to help you but I'm not sure I want to release it from the mulling of my psyche.
OP are you a faggot? Your post sounds like you like to suck dick you worthless queer. Stop crying on the Internet and work on self improvement you fucking loser
>I am 21 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking pathetic fuck you boomer it's over for you, your peak years are gone. you worthless ancient scum. lmao'ing@ ur boomerness
Joshua Baker
Wait but are you gay or not?
Xavier Gonzalez
>tried to read again Aristotle's ethics but failed miserably because i realized I'll never put into practice
The answer doesn't lie in reading the correct manual for life and trying to implement it, but from seeing that Jesus already lived a perfect life in your stead and then died for you. Everyone here will tell you to man up and get over yourself, but I understand what you're saying when you feel so unlovable. The good news is that God loves you even in an unlovable state, so much that he was willing to die for you. I recommend picking up The Gospel of John and reading about what Jesus said and did for you.
Brayden Kelly
No cares bout your shit
Matthew Taylor
Don't listen to this cultist's recruitment speech
Nathaniel Roberts
How do you know this is hell?
Camden Smith
2/10. You forget to put: >Anyways, any books for this feel?
Getting sick of this sadboi posting. My diary desu has enough of it already, where the happy boys at?
Grayson Peterson
I'm a happy boy. Maybe I will write a poem soon about how liberalism is a dead end due to its innately hedonist presupositions.
Jordan Gray
You know you could just work some job after uni-hours, take a trip to SEA in summer break and fuck some ptostitutes/thots. You do realise you could do that, right? Or do you enjoy feeling like this?
Obviously it's a garbage thing to do, but you'd be changed after, might as well wallow in Modernity's filth to realise you're just an animal locked in its intestines and so is everyone else and every pipe-dream you lust after.
What's with the half-reductionism? Those filth and intestines are actually atoms and energy, utterly pristine. And even beyond, your consciousness is so immaterial, some scientists say it doesn't exist!
Colton Wood
No he’s unironically on the up becoming a normie
Camden Clark
Stop apeing londonfrog, find your own voice
Wyatt Butler
Just be happy, simple as. You romanticize your own suffering.