The author is fat

>the author is fat
why would you read the works of a person who clearly has no self control or aesthetic sensibility. to produce a work of beauty, one needs to have a deep understanding of it, and anyone who is fat clearly has no grasp of how much they are making the world an ugly place.

Attached: nochange.jpg (839x754, 65K)

Opinion discarded.


also: ugliness is beautiful. read the tunnel

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This is bait.
opinion discarded.

sage next time, butterfly

Based. It also is possible to change what has been decided.

>dismissing a book because of dumb extraneous shit that has no bearing on the quality of the work
How are you any different than SJWs who refuse to read "problematic" authors?

Thomas Aquinas, Samuel Johnson, David Hume, William H. Gass

you rn

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I'm going with this pic for my publication

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>a bunch of literal whos
Wow you sure showed him

It's actually better to be fat or grossly thin than fit. To be sexually attractive reduces you to mere pleasure, a low valued form of art, but to be holy is the highest value bestowed upon art, thus fatasses like Aquinas or skeletons like the Buddha are closer to the ideal artist.

you rn

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but muh functional strength

ITT: OP doesn't know that being chubby or fat was a beauty standard for much of human history

we aren't talking about mildly overweight people. We are talking lard-asses.

Overweight *is* fat you fat fuck

what do you publish, fatty?

>being this proud of your ignorance

user, this is a blue board!

The Buddha (pbuh) was a vwry muscular man, he only became a skeleton during the phase of his life in which he was following a wrong path

This is an actual lie btw. You should be ashamed of needing to resort to lies to justify your lack of self control

My metabolism makes it so that I'm skinny but nice try.

And you know, if you ever looked at classical depictions of female beauty standards, all of them are overweight

What about Aquinas or Hume?

I have to begrudgingly admit that Hume is extremely based and might be the one and only exception.

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Say it again. Say it over and over until it sinks into their fat fucking heads.

mean & rude

Not the real butterfly. The real butterfly is an anime fag too.

Myth, one of the biggest lies of the 20th century along with the myth of homosexuality
"People" like you always try to change history to support your weakness

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>the author is white
why would you read the works of a person who clearly has no self control or aesthetic sensibility. to produce a work of beauty, one needs to have a deep understanding of it, and anyone who is white clearly has no grasp of how much they are making the world an ugly place.