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He's... he's blackpilling me

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embrace it breh

The stark and benighted universe that his philosophy reveals has a darkly glittering quality to it, a sublimity in the traditional sense of something overpowering and almost terrifying in its beauty.

Just numb yourself with the gray pill

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The blackpill is soothing and calm after the initial disappointment.


That's what you want OP. Pull back the Veil of Maya and see the world for the squalid procession of vanity that it truly is.

Schopenhauer was truly the most based man who ever lived. I wish I could bring him back and thank him for all that he has done for me. I cried the first time I read WWR (I'm not trolling). No work has moved me as much since. By extending his metaphysics, his insights into the "love" instinct, the need for compassion, and to his aesthetics, form some of the most erudite exegeses into the human experience I've come across.

the late sean f kay has an excellent refutation to his more black pillesque statements

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Nietzsche is the way out

There's no gray pill, it's just accepting the blackpill

Hypothetically, what would the youngest age be for someone to read Schopenhauer?


just like the hadiths

I'd say late teens to early twenties is an ideal time to read him. At this point, one probably has enough lived experience to scrutinise his view of things for better or worse. I obviously came to the former conclusion.

Don't fall for his views on women, those are for smoothbrains who think his personal biases are justified by his metaphysics. They're really not. That said, Will and Representation is an essential read.

i want to read this man but my English is really weak. what do?

A- are women... bad user?

Nice bait.

But to service a reply, women will generally operate in a particular way when it comes to heterosexual relationships as will men. Both can be scrutinised for these general natures. They can be equally ghastly. It really shows ultimately is how putrid the human creature can be.

I'm sure you're referring to his essay on women. Frankly, he does make some novel points that observable in women and are probably accurate. Though, again the male can probably be analysed as such as well.

What will make someone "bad" is a conscious malice and manipulation as their intent. Someone lacking the capacity for introspection into their biological nature is more stupid than bad.

Realised this reply is wrought with grammatical errors, oh well.

Thank you for the bait reply anyway user.

It wasn't really meant to be bait but guess it is now.

Fair enough, apologies for the misunderstanding then. Nevertheless, I would posit that his take on women, when stripping away some parts of his prose, are broadly accurate. I’ve found that the women I’ve come to know display the characteristics Schopenhauer identified in various permutations and gradations. For that I thank him in making me more wary of their nature. I think it’s a boring and useless response to dismiss his takes on the basis that it simply offends. I would further claim that his analysis of man are just as much as adverse as the indictment he places on women.

are roasties really this scared of losing their free meals and shallow compliments?

To continue what you have just stated, and what I think would go very with with Schopenhauer's thought here(ironically enough), do you know what Hegel said on women?

If men were as rational as he makes them out to be, then they wouldn't have such shitty impulse control when it came to women. Either they are genuinely inferior, and therefore unable to influence men into doing bad things, or they are far smarter and more powerful than you give them credit for. So which is it?

You blame them for facilitating your worse nature, but then you're overlooking the fact that its still YOUR nature that is fucked up in the first place.

is WWR a hard read?


No. Schopenhauer is a great writer.

read german fagoot

Men were never characterised as rational. This is contra everything that Schopenhauer said about humans in general. The essence of the human and by extension the world is fundamentally irrational. As for men and women, it’s a little more nuanced than the dichotomy you’ve drawn as to whether one sex superior to the other. A better estimation is that either sex have points of general weakness and are advantageous to the other sex. The impact of this influence is probably more overt in a man trying to woo a woman that he desires, however. I somewhat agree with you there.

Vaguely, but please enlighten me.

Just fucking finish the book(s) nigga. Part 4 is spiritually uplifting af imo desu.

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>I wish I could bring him back
Why are you so mean?

What do you think about this and it's following posts until "how should we then live?"

If you really want to get blackpilled read UG Krishnamurti. Schop is kid's gloves

I reckon it's the same guy...lmao

read ALL of his essays then


>If men were as rational as he makes them out to be, then they wouldn't have such shitty impulse control when it came to women.
Imagine fundamentally misunderstanding the statement of character of man and the insatiable will itself which goes beyond male or female. It is the way in which men and women perceive and interact with their environment, fundamentally.

Read The Foundation for Exploration

Pessoa is next. He's not a blackpill really, the end of his essays are usually uplifting and life-affirming. Pessoa is much more profound though.

>the book where he says that reality is an illusion made by a blind cosmic desire is a classic
>but don't listen to his life advice about the hecking femaninooo!