A Masculist Manifesto

I’m thinking of writing a masculist manifesto jk, I just want to ask
Anyone unironically interested in Masculism (men’s feminism) here?

Any books for it? :^)

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I see masculism as a rejection of modern feminism, in favor of a very pro male worldview.

E.g. very loosely holding these beliefs

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There's no need for masculism as men have the power to forcefully rectify any inequality and subjugate any who oppose them. Modernity has simply made this to be considered wrong, immoral and taboo

>Modernity has simply made this to be considered wrong, immoral and taboo
So.. there is a need for masculism. Look at the world we live in

idk souns pretty gay to me mate
the truly masucline dont need hugbox movements like this

Not a need for masculism but for masculinity. Men simply need to be men. Not have rights and privileges handed out to them

You're five years too late. It's been done to death but just not under that label. Just look up MRA, TRP, incels, etc. Pretty gay thread btw. You want to co-opt a female group? What are you a fag?

>Vilar, E. (1971). The Manipulated Man
>Farrell, W. (1974). The Liberated Man
>Vilar, E. (1976). The Polygamous Sex: A Man's Right to the Other Woman
>Shannon, L. (1986). The Predatory Female: A Field
Guide to Dating and the Marriage-Divorce Industry
>Farrell, W. (1988). Why Men Are The Way They Are: The Male-Female Dynamic
>Chinweizu (1990). Anatomy of Female Power: A Masculinist Dissection of Matriarchy
>Farrell, W. (1991). The Myth of Male Power: Why Men Are The Disposable Sex
>Sommers, C. H. (1994). Who Stole Feminism? How Women Have Betrayed Women
>Farrell, W. (2000). Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say: Destroying Myths, Creating Love
>Farrell, W. (2005). Why Men Earn More: The Startling Truth Behind The Pay Gap – and What Women Can Do About It
>Farrell, W. (2007). Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men? A Debate
>Benatar, D. (2012). The Second Sexism: Discrimination Against Men and Boys
>Vandell, M. (2012). Poor-Sucker Syndrome: The Story about Leeches and the Men that Feed Them
>Sommers, C. H. (2013). The War Against Boys: How Misguided Policies are Harming Our Young Men
>Smith, H. (2013). Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream – and Why It Matters
>Devlin, F. R. (2015). Sexual Utopia in Power: The Feminist Revolt Against Civilization
>Kaine, R. (2016). Smart and SeXy: The Evolutionary Origins and Biological Underpinnings of Cognitive Differences between the Sexes
>Giles, D. (2016). Pussification: The Effeminization of the American Male
>Lewis, B. (2017). The Feminist Lie: It Was Never About Equality
>Farrell, W. (2018). The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It

The Way of Men is a pretty comfy book imo

Take a seat, the MGTOW space is already crowded with gurus and whiner messiahs.

It's been done.

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that pic related is massive cringe holy fucking shit

I'm concerned that you can rattle out this list on command

>Donovan, J. (2012). The Way of Men
>Donovan, J. (2016). Becoming a Barbarian
>Donovan, J. (2018). A More Complete Beast
>Donovan, J. (2007). Androphilia, A Manifesto: Rejecting the Gay Identity, Reclaiming Masculinity
>Donovan, J. (2009). Blood-Brotherhood and Other Rites of Male Alliance
>Donovan, J. (2014). A Sky Without Eagles: Essays and Speeches 2010-2014
>Tomassi, R. (2013). The Rational Man
>Tomassi, R. (2015). The Rational Man. Preventive Medicine
>Tomassi, R. (2017). The Rational Man. Positive Masculinity

Are you being opressed, bro?

If you didn't notice it's just reversing the gender on feminist slogans

No no dude, it made me feel something. That's cringe. Anything that takes me out of my carefully crafted bubble is cringe. I'm miserable and hate my life, and the idea that there are others out there who don't feel that way is cringe. I'm a KHV, and the very thought that there are men out there who not only aren't but are worthy of actually being choosy with them, instead of feeling lucky to even be noticed by a female, is cringe. The idea that there are men, actual men instead of stunted consumer-producers, trapped like I am in a permanent boyhood, is cringe.

Stop making me cringe, oh god please stop.

I'm the same way without the irony. If a woman extends the slightest bit of kindness above the norm, I remember it for years. I'm also terrified of talking to women and sex in general, so it's especially rare.

Masculist is shorthand for homosexual, right?

Vapid girlboss shit is not feminism


The problem is that the average man has become a faggot, you don't need "men’s feminism", that's also for faggots.

The term ‘Feminism’ is essentially a Rorschach test in that it means almost nothing and can be referred to diametrically opposes ideas

Based picture. The world would unironically be a better place if young men were taught to think and act like that

>men’s feminism
That's just feminism.

You can see his pengis

I'm afraid it is only you that is cringe.

It's been done to death, and most of the followers are actually cancerous little dweebs who are fixated on retarded shit. I used to be into PUA, redpill community, neo-masculinity and other shit like this. Sure, some books offered some good insights (e.g. Jack Donovan's the Way of Men, Robert Bly's Iron John, The Superior Man), and led me down an ultimately good path. But what I've found in my travels is that true masculinity is not found in a book or a manifesto, but in action. A boxing gym is a better manifesto than anything you could possibly write given all the knowledge and time in the world. Men who are obsessed with masculinity on an intellectual level aren't men, but manlets LARPing. The most masculine men I've met are confused by this whole neo-masculinity movement.
On a related point, do you really think that being a reversed feminist will be less cancerous than an actual feminist?

If I were to write a "Masculist" Manifesto would boil down to this:
>Do a form of weight training (either calisthenics or iron)
>Take a cold shower at least twice a week
>Spar at least a few times in your life
>don't masturbate
>stay as far away from your comfort zone as much as possible
>don't put the pussy on a pedestal
>live as your father is dead (I got this from Deida)

that's it.

None of these things capture the essence of masculinity. They are just self-improvement tropes. Weightlifting for example can be considered vanity, it isn't masculine.

> None of these things capture the essence of masculinity, masculinity is something metaphysical that it's been revealed to me because mommy and daddy told me I'm special

LMAO, bet this faggot can't do 10 consecutive push-ups.

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>Take a cold shower at least twice a week
Why not every day?

it would be ideal, but it's better to have a starting point that it's achievable for every manlet out there. Also, before the testosterone gains, cold showers are about getting out of your comfort zone.

I'm actually very fit. Sub-10% BF my entire live and I've been doing athletics since I was a young boy. I speak from experience. Going to the gym never felt particularly masculine to me; trying to build muscle to impress others and make yourself look desirable feels feminine and vain.

Who said anything about impressing others? I said do a form of weight training - it's about the process, the discipline, the confidence it builds. I didn't say get jacked. Also, if you read the other things I wrote, you could have inferred that I am not about impressing others.

Everyone says that about the gym but they aren't being truthful in my opinion. Most men are there to look better for females. If it's about process, discipline, confidence, etc. then there are better activities.

15-20 years ago people didnt go to the gym. You young guys don't realize. It was considered something for fags.

A bit of a strawman you build there, buddy.

I didn't say going to the gym. I say do a form of weight-training, which has been consistently proven to be the healthiest option for men. In addition to this, you can do push-ups, squats, dips, and handstands anywhere you go without any money. I agree with you that most guys go to the gym to look good in order to look good. The best option would be a combat sport. But ask a fat-ass who's spent 80% of his life in front of a screen playing vidya and watching porn to go boxing and you will see the reaction.

Ok, boomer. Go and chug your beers with the guys and play your softball. 15-20 years ago was 2000-2005, in case you forgot. The gyms were full even then.

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a spartan with his helot,literally his captured literally his nigger

>suicidal megalomaniacal gay boy

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Just wait for the collapse and this will happen

Read dis

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