

Attached: 11.jpg (813x745, 269K)

Based. I’m gonna follow the lil nigga and like his posts, the world is too full of illiterate ragtags saying shit to kids.

Whats the word that's being censored.


I don't know what word it's supposed to be but it should have been NIGGER! I wish every word could be NIGGER!

woah, based.

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I know he's 13 but his taste is already shit. Can people like this even be salvaged?

Remember when it was considered a bad idea for kids to be putting themselves online like that publicly?

I like the how the Bong newspapers have to tell us he's the kid on the left, and not the books on the right.

Yes, I remember when it was the number one piece of advice about using the internet was to never give out any sort of personal information.
What do people now tell their kids about using the internet?

I looked it up: “slagging” which means an insulting way to criticize someone in chav English.

>Western culture actually disincentives intellectual activity beginning from our formative years
Why can’t we be like based Japs and have social popularity be based on intelligence

Poor little dude. It goes to show how orcish and cretinous this culture has become. Those kids should be beaten senseless.

Anti-intellectualism is on the rise. News at 11.

It's actually upsetting isn't it? My roommate gleefully gloats he hasn't read a book since high school. It's just endless Netlfix watching

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He good
>harry potter
almost good

I would have bullied this fucking narc too.

You know what you need to do, user: plot his downfall. Ruin his life. Drive him into the mud and the muck like the swine he is.

>I know he's 13 but his taste is already shit.
How do you know what you like if you haven't read garbage? And, if you're 13 and have mostly read garbage, your spectrum of what's good is going to be different. You are a pseud that probably hasn't read many books.

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>reading in order to post about it rather than for yourself
Yeah, I'm thinking this loser needed it. You can't just signal how much you've read above your age-group and expect to be a hero. The headline says "he set up to talk about his favourite books" but I'd hardly consider "One of my favourite books of all time" to be actual discussion. I doubt Instagram is the medium most appropriate to discussing books at length.

Netflix is superior to books though.

Where's the right place? Yea Forums is the last great bastion of true intellectuals on the planet and I don't really see much of a difference to instagram.

i really really like this post


It all depends on the content. There’s obviously lots of trash in both mediums

It’s a stupid post and you should feel bad for liking it.

is his sister hot lads?

A Wordpress blog (or his own website) in which he discusses the book in the picture. Then, he would link it in his Instagram post. Agree with .
Can somebody with a Grammy account ask him to expand on why he likes the book?

Umm. This her?

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>It’s a stupid post and you should feel bad for liking it.
please be my gf

nice followers kid, i'm so much more intelligent and wise than this little man it's not even funny

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Based kid

Also for any Yea Forumsizen saying the world is full of shit, remember Yea Forums did the same thing to a poor girl.

They're not bullying him for reading books they're bullying him for being a little worthless social media FAGGOT!!

careful now

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Weak cope, maskfag

what the hell is a maskfag?


a fag that uses a mask, duh

he's read some good stuff, chill. soon he'll discover Yea Forums then redpill a couple hundred thousand people on geunon (pbuhuwu)

Thanks I workshopped it for a couple minutes before posting it. Not content, but wording.

>Shakespeare, Tolkien, Austen
>Shit taste
ok edgelord

that book looks untouched

Based trips of virtue.

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This is part of the anti-intellectualism which drives working class behavior in the north of England, where you're ostracized for openly enjoying anything other than footie and alcohol. Certain areas in the north revel in their ignorance and there's a strong pressure to conform, for kids especially.

The UK's rigid class system is so rigid that the lower classes have an unconscious urge to willingly allow public schooled toffs to get ahead of them.

Norf FC is a meme for a reason. Being from the north myself it really irritates me when people treat this stereotype like it's some sort of virtuous position. Staying thick as shit shouldn't be an aspirational goal.

This. My C&P cover had to be taped to keep from falling off.

>posts green user that doesn't wear a mask

>masked man is not wear mask


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Why is it that I find the virtue signaling adults that are following this kid and probably making him feel on top of the world more despicable than the kids who bullied him?

That's a cosplayer. Green user doesn't wear a mask, he's just green. You could have posted Guy Fawkes kids.

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Because you’re a bully or wannabe bully.

>harry potter

I don't view the bullies favorably, but the insincerity of the people who rushed to follow him sickens me.

It was Yea Forums doing the bullying, right?

Yea Forums doesn't build taste on what they've read, generaly; instead, it builds taste on what meme books are popular at the moment. Do they meme these read books? No, of course not. Reading would take too much time away from shitposting about meme books.

You are an inveterate moralist with the soul of a regulator. You are drawn to Stirner only out of a desire to correct your inquisitorial tendencies and dissipate your personality, which you know to be repulsive. So far you have been unsuccessful.

>Where's the right place?
Not here.
>Yea Forums is the last great bastion of true intellectuals on the planet
You're fucking adorable.

stfu you pleb cunt the kid’s a patrician born and bread

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>a blog
Kids don't blog, fucking boomer.

>not reading the entire Harry Potter as they came out from the age of 8-13

>not infinite jest
>not Ulysses
he deserves to be bullied just for having that awful taste

Not everyone is a fucking degenerate.

You're a faggot for saying "virtue signaling," but otherwise you are correct.

Okay, I was wrong. Sorry. You just suffer from Morrisseism is all. Teenagers go through that a lot. Hang in there.

He probably just learned it from his parents specifically his mom

Yes, that's what makes you a wannabee bully, dipshit.

It describes the phenomenon perfectly, I'm not going to not use the phrase just because /pol/ likes it.

How? I think part of the reason I feel this way the fact that I know those people wouldn't lift a finger to help the kid under ordinary circumstances. And also that they would never subscribe to his account under ordinary circumstances.

>little nigga managed to read C&P by 13
good for him, my dad hated me for not doing it, he kept beating me when he caught me reading YA

You have a good dad user

C&P is literally a YA book though.

Reminds me of how I used to catch shit for "acting white" when I would read at lunch as a kid.

Shit taste, he deserved it.

>13 year old reading books for 13 year olds
Yeah not everyone was reading the Recognitions in 6th grade like you lmao

>Where's the right place?


>reading translations
>penguin translations at that
The kid deserves to have his head kicked in.

he's completely right though. it used to be that no self-respecting kid would touch things aimed at him because you could instantly tell it was lame. little kids always wanted to read/watch stuff for teenagers and teenagers wanted to read/watch stuff for adults. i was like 12 when harry potter came out but i didn't touch it and nobody i hung out with did, we were all reading dune and
lotr and wouldn't be caught dead with something written "for" 12 year olds. even the dumber kids i knew never went below, like, terry pratchett. i guess it's different now that books for 12 year olds are the limit of what the average adult ever reads.

I hope he and his family get murdered.
Fuck bookstagram and everyone who participates in it.

this kid is just posting pictures of his parents books that they have lying around. Crime and Punishment, honestly?


>What do people now tell their kids about using the internet?
That if you can get on there and play yourself up to be a big enough victim of something or another that they can set up a victimization fund and then they can buy some Supreme™ merchandise and be the muthafuckin' man everywhere they go

Shut up pseud

You have a good dad. YA is intellectual stagnation, and I hope he was able to get you off of it.

When I finally stop being a fat manlet NEET piece of shit who should just kill myself to save the bother of continued living, I'll instill a love of the classics in my child. He'll hate me, but he'll be thankful for it in the end.

she got some tingle going in my dinkle

I can tell from your post that you'd go about it like a complete autist and make him resent the classics and you for life

What kind of fucking pussy actually cares about what some retards think about their hobby? Tell those illiterate niggers to fuck off and then ignore them and move on with your life; simple as.

My dad tried to get me off of YA lit but the books he pushed me towards didn't interest me in the slightest - as pretty as the prose might be I still don't care in the least about the fate of some dirt-grubbing Okies on a road trip or some dirt-grubbing Mexican peasants and I still think that James "you're only unhappy because you think you are" Allen is full of shit.

>implying the sister didn't just make a fake post to invoke pity and get FREE followers for her brother (and herself)
in all seriousness, good for the kid (if this is real)

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It's not just the north, the working class in this country is cucked beyond belief. Anyway, I bet you voted for Boris, the king of toffs, so you're hardly one to talk.

Attention whores deserve to be exposed

Agreed user. Also from the north, and I spent a lot of my teenage years feeling out-of-place for being interested in reading and current affairs. It's shameful to see the people around you wilfully subjugate themselves for conformities' sake. You're completely right to say that there's an almost implicit desire to see the middle and upper-classes succeed, in a way that's typified by Boris' ascension. People feel like being ruled over by an Etonian is just part and parcel of being British. They've forgotten the Thatcher years.


Kids should not read, it poisons their mind and sets them into a path of loneliness and sorrow.

This kid doesn't care about reading any more than his peers do and manufactured this ""bullying""" with his sister for attention.

It's a shame that only pussy bullshit "someone left a mean comment on post :(" bullying exists now because this little attention whore deserves to have the shit beaten out of him by a proper bully.

Everything is manufactured, everything is spectacle

I read it when I was 14 and didn't really understand it. Read it again about 10 years later and got a lot more out of it. I'm not sure if I'm just a midwit or it's actually accessible to teenagers.

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Jesus Christ, please fuck off and leave this place you fucking tripfag. Everyone hates you.

that's fine because she was a girl

I see no problem with this as long as he is using the instagram to facilitate discussion on the books with other lads. If he is just bragging about the books then that means his ego is too large for his own good, and bullying is a natural way to his ego to be lowered to an acceptable level. Still, 100,000 followers is way too many people to be invested in a 13 year old. I don't think kids should be in contact with people on social media they don't know in real life. If he were my little lad I would tell him to get off the internet and find him a book club in town, and of course tell him that the bullies are just insecure because they are too addicted to video-based entertainment to read.

This is unrelated but I am a tall skinny aryan white dude. Why did I first look at that image and recognize the black guy with calculators as an image of myself? This has never happened before, me recognizing someone who is not me as myself. Am I just retarded, or is their some personal psychological revelation I can obtain from this, or both?

its because you recognize the absurdity and futility of pure-logic, but at the same time you cannot let it take the back seat because it is a self fulfilling prophecy of sorts

How can you tell if you're ego is too large?

Can you handle criticism?

>t-these are books Yea Forums likes right??
Honestly the most pathetic post in this thread.

What is it about British women that makes them so recognizable? I can't exactly put my finger on it, but I bet it has to do with their eyebrows

very based. I'm gonna sound like a "wrong generation" autist, but all that zoomers do is follow youtuber beefs, diss tracks and reality shows and listen to cringy local "trap" "music". some of my frens even told me they fucking stare at a wall in silence because they have nothing to do besides spending hours on instagram. read a book, discover some new music, at least watch a movie ffs.

staring at a wall in silence is based tho

Girls that would be wife-tier in other parts of Europe slutting around on the internet and in the Canary Islands. That is a british gal.


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It'll be fun to see him lose his shit after interest dwindles are people gradually unsubscribe despite his best effort to deliver content.

How funny would it be if the bullies weren't bullying him for reading books, but because they found dostoyevsky too simplistic and archetypal of a pseudo-intellectual dork who desperately wants to signal that he's a deep thinker

bäswd asf

>penguin classics aplauds

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GOD FORBID this paper’s readers behold the word SLAGGING

I work in education in Britain, to be frank it's rather nice to see a teenager show an apparently sincere interest in reading books of any kind. Encouraging any of the children I've taught to read books for pleasure is a struggle at best, a completely useless venture at worst. Some research was published for this thing called "World Book Day" in the UK - it showed that the percentage of 13-18 year olds who professed to reading a book in the previous day was 26%, or something like that. 15 years ago, it was above 60%.

If we accept that zoomers will inevitably catalogue the shit they do on social media, that they're too far up the river by this point, then there's no point in being pissed off at a kid posting about the books he reads on instagram. It's hardly unusual that a 13 year old would be reading both YA and some of the most well-known classics. With the right attitude and the right support from others he'll grow out of the YA stuff over the next few years. Most YA stuff isn't aimed at teenage boys anyway. I always told the brighter kids I taught to stop reading YA as soon as possible, it's easy to graduate to canonical literature of a similar difficulty to more textually complex YA: a 10 year old can read Orwell, someone in their early teens is well-suited to reading The Sorrows of Young Werther. If you encourage them to engage effectively with canonical poetry, much easier to do because it's short enough even for a zoomer's attention span, then you're halfway to getting them to read short stories, after that, novels. Most kids won't give a shit but it's worth the effort for the small number that do. One kid did a fortnite dance after I praised him for reading three Katherine Mansfield short stories.

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slagging shouldn't be censored lmao, everyone uses that