Describe her in the style of your favorite author

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And but so, she looked like she fucked black guys.

That lady is really shagadelic, yeahh

>She was in the garden with her back turned to the four of us when I first saw her. The foliage scattered the direct and harsh sunlight into patterns that lay across her back like puddles of gold. Her slender fingers moved carefully over the blooms. At the sound of our approach, she turned her head, leaning back toward us slightly to look, and smiled an absurd, boundlessly lovely and ageless smile. In half embarrassment, or perhaps amusement at the number of us. she laughed, delicate but unrelenting, her chin rising high as she closed her eyes.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

I realised that I could kill her with a single strike.
"It's amazing how much better men are than women", I proclaimed to myself in satisfaction.

monstrous vermin

"Mmm hmm hmm", said the analyst; an expert, a God.
"Her pussy sure must smell like expired car oil"
He then disappeared.

“Thanks for the flowers user.”

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That user is my favorite too lol

Her eyes, like the stars in the sky.
Her hair, like the sunlight on the lake.
Her smile, like the crease of a monkey's pussy

she looks exactly like this tinder girl who ghosted me two years ago, i'm still upset about it even though i have an amazing gf now

"As I turned around, the sunlight on her face briefly blinded me. When I walked down to the yard I was able to finally see her. The sunlight subsided, her eyes shone through, and a smile appeared. She was holding a bouquet of flowers - from whom, I don't know - but I only wish I could've stolen them to give them right back to her."

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn some cunny
some nice cunny

A cunny came across the garden.

She was as plain as the brown paper bag holding the discounted flowers for which I had purchased her. I held no illusion that such a gift would entice her to become a lover of sorts, or enter in to courtship with yours truly, or even soften her heart toward me; but custom did demanded an show of gratitude that I wagered stood a modest chance of manifesting itself as a touch on the shoulder, a hug, or god willing a kiss on the cheek. That was enough as I lived on hope in those days.

She should cosplay Marisa from Touhou, that would be very cute.

As a hapa man I would have to say she is built for BWC and preserving her race

best ITT

Ugly eyes, dirty hair. I hate you vile woman; I hate the gust with which, in the day with the greener wind and the moist atmosphere you decided to tell me no, and painted false hope. Yes, petite bitch. If tomorrow were my funeral you wouldn't come. You are obsessed with your meaningless life of photos, and sex, and money and dogs. Well, today, is the day of retribution.

jew that should be eradicated from this earth


Your favorite writer is Elliott Rodger?

Austin Powers
kill with one strike poster
no idea, Pynchon?
tfw no gf poster
not sure, the last line sounds like Chandler
idk Pessoa
Schopenhauer or maybe Dostoevsky
uncle adolf
no idea but I like it

Something about goodnight moon looks like she runs really hot and has massive sweat stains in the armpits of every shirt she wears and probably some degree of BO at all times. Would still 100% smash though

She has quite a motherly voice and demeanor in her videos. I feel like she would be a great mother and wife... I want to sleep on her lap while she pats my head bros

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There was an auburn blondness to her hair and she held flowers. She was framed by the dark green leaves behind her and the sun light came through the branches and foliage and dappled her pale skin and she felt no pleasure in life but smiled a smile that none would notice in one way or another still she could smell the dampness of the rained on campfire which stuck in her nostrils like spittle to bone and no matter was it that there was no end in sight because she knew it would stop eventually and it would.

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>The serving girl was draped in soiled jerkin, and her hair was mangy and stained with pus. Her eyes retained none of the fire Jaime remembered they had while Robert's peace still held the country together. Now all that was left was a sinking feeling that too many cooks have spoiled the broth. The girl, however, was not to blame. All over Westeros, women like her were scurrying around murky taverns, taking cock and coin from brigands passing in the night. If she was lucky, they'd leave her with swollen stomach, and that would give her a respite of few months. Though, as Lewd Lew Piper put it, 'Once the portcullis is down, the fair never leaves the town.'



>no idea but I like it
Arise, arise, Riders of Théoden!
Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter!
Spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered,
a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!
Ride now, ride now! Ride to Gondor!

Ride now, ride now! Ride to Gondor!

I saw a girl approaching me. Her forehead was slightly too high and her eyes had a weird slant: She wasn't Asian though so she couldn't use that as an excuse. More, it looked like she had some kind of birth defect, the name of which doesn't come into my mind as I type these words. I couldn't go on. I put down my sandwich and made my way into the museum to look at the big whale skeleton in the backroom.

who is she?

You could've made this more challenging.

nervermind, she's just another in a thousand low-key slutty ASMR youtuber.

i really like this


poo poo pee pee shhhhhhhh uhhhhh psssssst grrrrrr poopy doopy scoopy in my wee wee i goes to the flushie uhnnnnnn yeahhh
