Le deadlift arab

le deadlift arab

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He's not Arab, user. He self-identifies as pseudo-hellenic-greek-phoenician-farsi-persian-romano-latin-visigoth.

oh nassim! ur my cute widdle arab :3



>opponent in a Twitter argument starts to get the upper hand
>"I block idiots/sophists"

This guy predicted Hitler

Great to spend a weekend with my two sons!

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I fucking love Paul Skallas

I wish Nassim was my dad instead of my stupid dad tbqh.

I filter idiots and sophists.

Who's the guy on the right?

>BTFO Yea Forums's pseud economists
>BTFO Yea Forums's pseud effete artists
>BTFO /sci/'s midwit stemmies
>BTFO /pol/'s IQ fetishism
>BTFO the entire field of psychology
>BTFO rationalists, naive empiricists and all things reddit
How did he do it?

this meme really annoys me, he is literally deadlifting 2 plate in that pic for fuck's sake

He's also like 70. Just because at our age we can get to 2 plate in a few months doesn't mean an old fatass like him can.

dude, (some) people can literally do 2 plate the first time they ever deadlift

Antifragile, The Bed Of Procrustes or Force Et Fragilite? Which one to read

Fat people and people engaged in athletics yes

you are misinformed, but yeah, if you're a skinny cunt you won't be able to

How many kg on a plate?

4 x 45 lbs plus a 45 lb bar

20kg, 25 on oly iirc

The Bed of Procrustes fucking sucks and it's nothing but a petty cash grab. Read Skin in the Game and if you can stand his retarded writing style, read Antifragile.

>An average person can lift 225 lbs on their first try with proper form for reps

depends on what an 'average' person is, but someone slightly above average will be able to, yes.
>for reps
no one said this

Taleb famously only does a single rep in the gym. That's it. He goes to the gym, picks up the barbell once for max weight and goes home. That's his routine. No wonder he's fat as hell.

You normally do reps when you lift. It's expected.

You do, but no one said that someone who's never lifted before would be able to lift 100kg for reps, only that they would be able to, if they had proper form.

What did he mean by this?

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He hates Steven "ass" Pinker so just a jab. Not sure if Pinker has ever acknowledged him or not.

>le pepe pose
pseuds are so transparent

yeah we all see right thru you

Pinker is a pseudoscientist cancer who has been caught massaging his data and cutting off data points before it starts deviating from his preferred conclusion dozens of times.

Absolutely based. Fuck Steven Pinko. He's such an obnoxious twat.

It's funny how at the pinnacle of dystopia in world history, "experts" are telling us how life has never been better. And they are all coming out of the woodwork in the last few years especially.

You missed /biz/.
He beats them at trading

What about /his/ being btfo
Lebanese are not nonwhite

how is skallas connected with taleb? so weird seeing him close to a world renowned intellectual

He isn't really. Look at the distance between them. He probably just went to an event he was at and took a pic with him.

He is not Lindy.

How tall do you think Skallas is?

5'6" give or take an inch

explains quite a bit.

His voice is also pretty high pitched if you haven't heard it

well Yea Forums?

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Fuck, Taleb is 70? I thought he was like 50.

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Well, he’s certainly not the greatest looking or most athletically adept, so he hasn’t said anything too far fetched, yet.

Not 70, like late 50s.

Honestly I’m reading skin in the game right now and I find it to be his most accessible work. Black swan is good, fooled by randomness is a bit tough in my opinion, feels somewhat technical to me. Haven’t read antifragile yet. I’d say start with skin.

I could do 3pl8 my first time

>Lebanese are not nonwhite


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All those people except for maybe two would pass for white in any Midwest town.

Muslim Lebs and Christian Lebs have completely different DNA.

Sure, if that midwest town was Dearborn, Michigan.

Sorry, but they're not even "white passing".

>Muslim Lebs and Christian Lebs have completely different DNA.

Hmm, still not passing for white.

Attached: lebchristians.jpg (470x300, 30K)

>b-b-but the majority of christian lebs have completely different DNA from some Christian Lebs who look white.
>So, ahem, Lebanese are white.

t. that one faggot who used to spam vocaroo quips, spends way too much time chasing butters, and is earnest in a way that screams “I am still in high school.” 2/10 for getting me to reply tho. Saged.



>I hesitate to give advice because every major single piece of advice I was given turned out to be wrong and I am glad I didn't follow them. I was told to focus and I never did. I was told to never procrastinate and I waited 20 years for The Black Swan and it sold 3 million copies. I was told to avoid putting fictional characters in my books and I did put in Nero Tulip and Fat Tony because I got bored otherwise. I was told to not insult the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, the more I insulted them the nicer they were to me and solicit op-eds. I was told to avoid lifting weights for a back pain and became a weightlifter: never had a back problem since. If I had to relive my life I would be even more stubborn and uncompromising than I have been. One should never do anything without skin in the game. If you give advice, you need to be exposed to losses from it.

wtf i love nassim now

Nassim is the actual self improvement than doesn't fall into the improover meme.
He recommends taking calculated but significant risks knowing you can lose everything at any moment and you might not get anything in the first place. It's the opposite of all the trash selling the illusion of safe success.

Never trust a bedouin, user.

>He recommends taking calculated but significant risks knowing you can lose everything at any moment and you might not get anything in the first place

That's not what he talks about at all. He's always talking about avoiding states in which you lose everything, that's the definition of Taleb's fragility. Fuck, it seems like you didn't even understand the concept of ergodicity.

What happened?


Looks like you missed the entire point. You avoid risks that could end in ruin. You want favorable asymmetry.

>Just look at Pinker's face. Fucking look at it. Doesn't have the dignity to decline an associate professor gig teaching open admission courses. Best seller my dick. Go ahead, sign up for it. You eat ass. You eat the Pinker's psued ass.

>a course on rationality
Having read the outline, it seems like what he's teaching is just "the scientific method." What on earth? Why would you devote an entire course to that? Study a science based subject and actually gain something useful beyond simply learning about the methodology employed.

These guys get it. Taleb is extremely repetitive, pretty surprising that that user would be so off the mark.

>Rationality is, or ought to be

Take your oughts and shoulds out of my face, Pinko.

But that quote above shows he doesn't really follow that advice. What if criticising the jew york times and the wall street journal got him blacklisted? What if lifting weights fucked up his back and crippled him? What if waiting so long made it too late to do what he really wanted? All of that advice was presumably given by sensible experts, doctors, etc. But he ignored it despite the risks. What is his advice, really? To hedge your bets?

That quote is meant to illustrate that advice without consequences is no advice at all.

Name a single time this has happened

>expecting philosocucks to do something useful

>guest lecturers
>almost all of them are Jews

Taleb talks about optionality, ergodicity and barbells.

It's not a take significant risk but lose everything strategy, quite the opposite, you take risks where you being wrong costs you very little, but you being right pays off immensely. Which means you can be wrong a bunch of times and it's not going to hurt you very much, then you are right once and it's massive payoff.


It was on an autumn day positively dripping promises of sweet profit in its woody eaves when renowned professor, economist, mathematician, scientist, antiquarian, publisher of books and papers, deadlifting champion, and student of dead languages Nassim Taleb began to shrink. First he observed, with his usual tasteful, wry, yet rakish wit that his hand appeared smaller in the wasting light of the late afternoon. 'Curious' he thought to himself, 'the light has tricked me, I will write this in my mental note book as an anecdote in a future lecture or conference talk.' Nassim Taleb attempted then, to go about the business of the day. He was engaged for lunch at a well lit eatery on the corner which he had selected because he was the type of man who was to know these things, and was running a strategic five minutes late so as to give the Object time to settle. All in accordance with his wealth strategies which one could find printed in any fine newspaper or in his many academic books or perhaps even in micro-form on his twitter. It was with shock and woe that he found that he could not take one step foreward. In fact, eminent lecturer and writer of the definitive five volumes interrogating probability (collected as the Incerto) Nassim Taleb, in all his liberal conservatism and despite his cautious economically spaced yet powerfully self assured stride was finding it quite hard to resist the pull of an invisible force behind him. Nassim Taleb began then what he and many others who are commonly seen at gatherings of wits would term a 'classic taleb calculation', object: the nature of what is happening. He began by classifying the cause: a disease! Unfortunately, his proceedure was interrupted when he noticed how alarmingly short he had become.

He was now as short and small as other less fortunate people, as Nassim Taleb was (normally) beautifully tall standing six foot four and was blessed with a broad and powerful chest, deep and round as a barrel. At least he had been, before being suddenly striken with this mysterious and rapid degenerative disease. Doctor Taleb, Professor Taleb, was now just under five feet tall and shrinking fast as if striken with rapid atrophy. He was now quite panicked. Things like this did not happen to men like him in New York City streets, things like this were impossible for big men like him with big bank accounts. He looked around in panic but nobody seemed to notice that he was shrinking. The force pulling on him was rapidly becoming irresistible. Even the still considerable muscle mass of respected deadlifting champion and probability expert Nassim Taleb could not prevent him from being pulled backwards, tripping elegantly over himself as he went. Nassim Taleb was infuriated, cursing in a comically high pitched voice as he, now less than a foot tall, hurtled backwards. He was now alarmingly small, and moving at a speed quite unsafe for his size towards a glass orb normally no bigger than an orange that now towered over the deeply respected and intelligent scholar Nassim Taleb. He closed his eyes and with stoicism prepared for impact, knowing that he wold die with honor. Except no impact came. Nassim Taleb opened his eyes and the world was all reflections. It took him several minutes to realize what had happened but as a man with considerable intelligence he soon realized that he must have somehow entered the orb. The world was smooth, exitless, there was evidently no way out as far as the genius Nassim Taleb could tell. Multiple award winning author, philisopher, and social media influencer Nassim Taleb was trapped in a glass orb, less than an inch tall, and unable to escape. He realized this and grew red with rage, 'This does not happen to men like me! I demand to speak to whoever did this! Restore me to my height!' He said this while jumping up and down on the smooth glass floor of the orb that was now his home, angrily and as loudly as he could manage. He stomped and shouted and screamed and the now setting sun outside streamed calmly through the clear glass and draped the mirrors with ribbons of fire.

>confusing pinko with a philosopher

not reading all this shit. summarize it in under 10 sentences.

nassim taleb shrinks and is sucked into a glass orb, he is owned and can do nothing about it.

fuck yeah

whats Lindy? Whats 4HL? Who is Paul Skallas (I follow him on twitter)

Lindy is just a heuristic. If a play has been staged on Broadway for 20 weeks, it will survive for 20 weeks more. It's just a way of saying that stuff that has lasted a long time will last for a long time still.

If lindy was lindy, lindy would be lindy.

I enjoyed reading that user.

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Look up the Swedish Investor on YouTube.
Read Black Swan then Antifragil, Then watched Swedish Investor video on said titles help clear things up for this smoothbrain.

you are retarded

>Then watched Swedish Investor video on said titles help clear things up for this smoothbrain.
Unless you're going into the technical statistics stuff he throws in at the end, why would you need this? He repeats his points over and over again like hammering a nail, giving 50 different examples for each idea in plain english.

This, I don’t get how anyone misunderstands Taleb unless they are literally retarded.

So it seems his technical incerto book will be out in two month physical
Anyone here have PhD in math or stat and can understand it?
Hope someone can make guide on how to read it. I really want to know what's the deal with all fat tails shit he always talk about

Just read up on power laws and Pareto Principle. He's just trying to show how little information we can get from bell curves or linear models. His whole work is based on making the case that our lives are better explained through explosive, nonlinear models.