Don't ever try to enlighten me or my son again

Don't ever try to enlighten me or my son again.

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Other urls found in this thread:

what happened to the justin murphy podcast

is he crossed eye?

God I wish he published physical copies of his books.

How come Moldbug has never actually tried to put any of his ideas into practice? Given the clout he's built up, both online and offline, there ought at least to be a certain amount of room for him to implement some of the things has in mind, in a limited space and in a limited way. Even Plato tried to put some of HIS ideas into practice when he was in Syracuse.

He got Thiel to sponsor Urbit for one thing.

We're under a Neoliberal Hegemony where money is ecumenical.
In order to put any idea into effective practice in this system, you either need a lot of money to begin with, be able to affect a lot of money, or be able to destroy a lot of money.

And I'm not talking about millionaires; even billionaires struggle with getting their ideas to promulgate. I'm talking about institutional levels of money. Systemic levels of money.

Attached: network ned beatty.jpg (500x400, 79K)

The fuck is Urbit
Looks like botnet for loonix


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Why would you need to? We already have patchwork in its superior form.

Does Moldbug hate himself?

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A mutual told me he actually voted for obama twice. Idk, if his philosophy is vastly misconstrued or he doesn't believe in it. That, or the US is still incredibly conservative even for Democrats

I'm sure he's struggled with the JQ himself.

Is somebody just making three Moldbug threads a day now or did he suddenly do something new recently and get a bunch of attention

The accfags spam him back and forth with Land. Land is more likely to get them booted from the board again, so they've adapted.

At least Land doesn't look like as much of a fucking faggot

adam driver / DFW's baby

>Don't ever try to enlighten me or my wife’s son again.


Attached: moldbug.png (1242x414, 94K)

fuck off you beady-eyed kike

>never actually tried to put any of his ideas into practice
he's no leader, he wants a decentralized constellation of cults to perform his dirty work

>Yeah babe, I'm a right-wing intellectual like George Will or Bill Buckley
>Cool, so are you coming to the rally this weekend?
>Well, I can't...I mean I won't...I mean, I'm like so far to the right that they can't handle it, know what I mean?

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faggots still coming down from his amphetamine binge i guarantee it

urbit is literally that

Impossible, even back in 2008 he was calling Obama a communist.

t. has not read neither his earlier or later works

he said he supported Obama too. Some kind of ironic thing about reactionaries not being subversive

What did the ADL mean by this?

>It is unrealistic and unacceptable to expect the State of Israel to voluntarily subvert its own sovereign existence and nationalist identity and become a vulnerable minority within what was once its own territory.

Do you think they would feel the same way about any European country

>I'm talking about institutional levels of money. Systemic levels of money.
What does this mean?

>Do you think they would feel the same way about any European country
No, because Israel is nation built for survivors of oppression, while every other country wasn't.

>want to make your far-right monarchist nationalist city state
>have to do this by making an independent country as no country today would allow you to kick out blacks, jews, muslims, and have a replacement level fertility rate all while being a bunch of whites
>try to buy land
>or worse, take it by force
>this means getting land from the third world
>every Jew immediately starts kvetching
>my great grandfather got GASSED by BIG BOOTY NAZI PAWGS equipped with BRÄP HÖSES
>every country on earth boycotts you, prevent all travel to ans from you
>US government just siezes all of your assets and jails you all at best, invades and murders you ten years down the road at worst

>Israel is nation built for survivors of oppression,
Oh I see Israel is the one country in all of history that was founded not by force but as a righteous defense from persecution. Do you fucking retards even hear yourselves?

>kick out blacks, jews, muslims, and have a replacement level fertility rate all while being a bunch of whites
moldbug isn't racist, and Land is equally racist to all. This sentence makes 0 sense.

lmao you're legit retarded.

Midwit confirmed. It's not about race, it's about IQ, which race is just a proxy for. The skin color is irrelevant, yes, you drooling ape, but other room-temp IQs like you will PERCIEVE it (or rather be intentionally misled to believe it) as what's actually going on, and will agitate to have it prevented because of that misperception.

Both of them believe genes exist, so yes, they are in fact racists.

You've never read Moldbug if you don't get why he did this. Republicans are just the progressives of 10 or 20 years ago and lend a false sense of meaningful opposition to the system, they're one of the Cathedral's most useful window dressings. His strategy is basic accfaggotry, the faster the Cathedral is allowed to impliment its structurally self-sabotaging, anti-meritocratic policies, the sooner it will collapse and be replaced by absolutist NRx neo-Cameralism running on Gentoo.