Post the best writer from your country
Post the best writer from your country
Jackson Davis
Nicholas Thomas
Machado de Assis.
Connor Ramirez
Living or deceased?
Ethan Rodriguez
Juan Lewis
ʿAbd al-Wāḥid Yaḥyá
Luis Rogers
Sebastian Watson
Brother, you forgot the Salawaat on our Great Teacher (ṣallā-llāhu ʿalayhī wa-ʾālihī wa-sallam).
John Sullivan
Holy based... Did not know there were this many Guenonians (pbuh) here.
Joseph Collins
Carter Watson
Landon Butler
Ian Lewis
Literally no other country can compete
Owen Turner
Ian Price
marinkovićfags can fuck right off
Adrian Gutierrez
Mexican here.
Juan Edwards
Joseph Garcia
Logan Jenkins
The duality of mexicans
Brayden Lopez
my country has an 79% illiteracy rate (hint: ex-yugoslavia).
Aaron Ortiz
Add Rulfo in the mix
Blake Hall
Paul Gadenne
Nolan Anderson
Yeah, the Anglo can't compete with this
Nolan Walker
Halldór Laxness. I cannot even begin to fathom the powergap between him and our second-best writer.
Hunter Robinson
are you kidding?