What do I think of this guy ?

What do I think of this guy ?

Attached: Actualized_org[1].png (428x428, 120K)

He seems pretty actualized.

What the fuck is this?

idk, ive never enjoyed triangular shapes.

Why does his logo the pedo symbol?

Really makes you think

i dont like westernized buddism

literally whom?

Op are you a pedo?

Head too big

Me too, But I also dislike Easternized Buddhism. Chinese ruin it too.

Idk, I think he's a faggot but I remember enjoying a thread about him about a month ago from an airport express train where three schizos were arguing about him quite insistently.

Don't remember the details, maybe he's a pedo or an archon or whatever

iirc the big triangle is the man and the small triangle inside is the boy

>ming the merciless expounds his new-found love of new age philosophy

no thanks

I've only seen brief snippets of his work, except for the recent one on psychedelics, which I watched in full.
I would say he raised some interesting questions, none of which were particularly original, but didn't follow them to their natural end. For example, he pointed out the flaws in the scientific/empiricist worldview and how psychedelics present a challenge to it, but he did not once elaborate on the epistemological implications of his experience of psychedelics. His video essentially amounted to saying: psychedelics, because they induce a state of consciousness different than the default human one, help us understand that the default human state of consciousness isn't the only possible one, and that there exist different, much more vivid states of consciousness. But this is obvious enough, even to someone who's never taken them. What we want to know now is exactly what knowledge you can gain from psychedelics, how you can gain it, etc. since he seemed to be implying that psychedelics are a tool for getting at the truth.

Guy had himself castrated so he could focus on his teaching pretty Yea Forums

I think I just watched this dude reviewing psychedelic drugs a few times and it was kinda weird

He's based and dare I say, redpilled, in the original sense of the term.

Strong cult leader vibes. Especially his lecture about cults, how they work and why he is not one. If his work got on the news, he would basically be the next Jordan Peterson, except more dangerous because he is stable enough to not get addicted to pills.

Watched a video of his where he took 15 fucking minutes to explain what essentially amounted to basic idealism (how we don't have access to the world itself but only representations of it inside in our minds).

At best he seems like another run-of-the-mill, new age self-help guru. At worst he gives off some really off putting culty vibes.

I have depersonalization disorder which strips you of 99% of the emotionally charged human bullshit that blinds you to reality(spooks) and I can attest that most of the stuff he says is true.

Since I lack an ego(well not entirely but I have a lesser ego than usual) I see the world from a more impartial viewpoint, which basically is closer to how a hypothetical god would see the world. It's easy for me to see the stuff he is saying

huge brainlet leading a cult of mouthbreathers.
totally unremarkable

Attached: CwmnPagWgAAqHoS.jpg (781x639, 85K)

He's a pedophile.

Hope the FBI is watching this fucking faggot

Physiognomy of a bad person. Baldness of a sexual spendthrift. Paleness of inner sickness and hatred of the outdoors. An urbanite scum whose actualization consists in sexual debauchery. Hopefully the COVD19 wave of 2020 purges the world of men like this. I will pray to God.

Good to see Frankie Muniz doing well after Agent Cody Banks.

His face and the layout of that picture make me very uncomfortable for some reason. Why do you ask?

degenerate knuckle licker

He popped up in my youtube recommendation and seem to tackle intersting subject abeit in a bad way

spiritual coomer vibes desu

I grew up in a hub of New Age crap in northern California and have met many, many people like this. They learn a bit of New Age jargon and read some Popular Science articles on quantum physics discoveries, then all of a sudden fancy themselves enlightened. In person, they come off as either very lost people trying to fake it until they make it or as blatant narcissists. Many of them would tell lies unnecessarily and try to manipulate people around them in the most insignificant ways just to see if they could. Most of them seem to just get involved in multi-level marketing cults where they can sit comfortably somewhere just above the bottom level of the pyramid scheme and get their kicks. I personally know of at least two such people who became involved in writing and publishing New Age pseudospiritual, pseudoscientific, and self-help texts. Then you've got your magic crystal saleswomen, your self-help seminar cults, and all the rest of that stuff that attracts these kinds of personalities. This man has the same eyes as Eckhart Tolle, Keith Wilber, and Andrew Cohen. Gurus cannot be trusted.

Required reading for non-bootlickers

Attached: 51a5SQo4n0L._AC_UL320_SR214,320_.jpg (214x320, 18K)

sucks cock.

Why does he use the boy-fucker logo?

Fraud bastard. Insane schizo retard

>Guy had himself castrated so he could focus on his teaching pretty Yea Forums

What? No way, if so he's retarded

Typical new age 'spiritual materialist'. Every two months he takes a new drug or finds a new meditation method and reaches a new stage of enlightenment that he then peddles to his troglodyte viewers.

This is all the books he as of five years ago.

Attached: leo_gura_books_01.png (650x366, 456K)

>atlas shrugged

Eckhart Tolle is not new age crap at all. His teaching are genuent and lack narcissism completely.
But i agree with the rest.

Failed PUA who pivoted to "self improvement" nonsense.

he used to be a typical self-help guru, with the twist that he overdid it on halucinogens, mistaking their pharmacological effects as enlightenment, and went psychotic