What are some of your favorite unorthodox places to read?

What are some of your favorite unorthodox places to read?

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>reading at a bern-out rally
is there anything more pretentious, more attention-seeking?

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I read The Savage Detectives in the covered smoking-area of my last restaurant job. Explaining it to coworkers was not ideal.

He would fit right in here on Yea Forums

Some of the most focussed, retentive reading I've ever done has been on the shitter.

I personally like to go to book stores, pick a book of the shelf and read the whole thing in one sitting without having to buy the actual book

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At least you really enjoyed it, right user?

obviously shopped

Infinite Jest has literally never been read by a single nonwhite

hopefully not anally retentive
what was he really reading?

He's showing us the finger to us.

140+ IQ post

>obviously shopped
stop ruining the fun
>Infinite Jest has literally never been read by a single nonwhite

I read my books in class also in the front row and make sure to raise the cover when the professor passes because I like to put on airs. When the poem gets extra spicy my I begin to bellow the verses dramatically over the professor's speech and return to silence as if nothing happened after.

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Several months ago I got through like 50 pages of just walking around in a mall, sitting periodically. Also used to read while steering the shopping cart for mother during the fortnightly grocery run as a teenager, got through a lot of an HS physics textbook doing this.

i read it years ago when i was 16 (see: before you did) and im a mexican immigrant :3

what's up with the shitty haircut of the bloke to the right

Me too but you shouldn't spend any more time on the throne than you need as it can cause hemorrhoids not memeing.


You can end up having to wait around a lot for a rally. Would you rather just stand there

Can't believe that black guy stole someone's book. But I guess, they'll steal anything...

In a tent in the woods.

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Holy based..

Not so fast!

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Why are you at a Bernie rally in the first place?

wtf I love AOC now

She would solve her (((Republican))) problem faster if she paid more attention to Malcom X and less to that overrated TV preacher.

In high school my buddy's older brother would always be at the big summer music festival with us, and every year he was notorious for bringing a book and reading it under a tree for the duration of the 3-day fest until the 3 bands he wanted to see came on, after which he would continue reading.

And he actually had the most patrician taste in music out of anyone in our circle, and got laid the most.

We used to think he was cringe but now I realize he was unfathomably based.

I carry books at work, read during free time. Whenever someone calls me out on it or says it's "unprofessional", I point out someone who's been dicking around on their phone or browsing uselessly on their laptops.

>being seen with book!
>being seen in public at all!!
You’re an agoraphobic, user. Stop trying to make us like you

Woah butterfly, lay off the clams.

>i read it years ago when i was 16
What's the point of going through a book you obviously don't understand? Besides impressing other kids and uselessly trying to get girls to look past your physical inadequacies and into your "brilliant" soul, I mean.

Also, you need to go back.

Who's , "us", tranny?

Ive noticed this a lot, Butterfly says "us" like she's the phenotype for Yea Forums, like shes speaking for the in-group when most people here arnt exactly part of her demography.

Books for this kind mental illness? when someone thinks they are part of the gang when they are not?

Reminder DFW was a Republican

>people here arnt exactly part of her demography.
Doesn’t matter. “Us” is us. Could have just as well wrote “people” or “others”.

Fuck off

Your mom's pussy.

There's quite a lot of seethe coming from you, mister.

Just kicking over a sandcastle. I’m fine now. How are you?



You. Can suck my dick and. Lick my balls. Anytime!

I'm doing swell. I've been experimenting with different tripcodes to see which outcomes are to my liking.

Yes, but why do you say us? With the comment you specificlly replied to I do not think it makes sense to say "us" since the veneer of most people here is inceldom by default. maybe if you said something a little more kosher with the gestalt identity of the board I wouldn't mind.

>spend $934 billion on "defense" every year
>voting for a candidate that wants to raises taxes on literally anyone
Really makes me think.

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The 13th Olympian God in the flesh

1. kys yourself
2. fuck you
3. kys

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im gettnig gangstalked

i don't read

Same. I remember reading the whole two volume sleeved "The Lego Book" Pictures and all ini one sitting at my local book store when I was a kid. The fucker was like 80 bucks, but I extracted its worth without parting with my cash.

>not having access to a university library throughout one's adult life
Pleb alert

lmao great

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Really makes me wonder what h*ck you’re talking about. Trump?
Bernie wants to raise taxes on the rich, duh.

Damn. I almost want it.

>>voting for a candidate that wants to raises taxes on literally anyone
>Bernie wants to raise taxes on the rich, duh.

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>Jeff Bezos earned every penny he has

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He did, but let me guess, you, someone who spends most of their time on Yea Forums, are more deserving of those pennies?

more money does nothing to solve the problem of how the money is budgeted, you braindead fucking swine. we can already afford your fucking welfare policies. ~eliminating the billionaire class~ does nothing to get you more there than you already are. also get the fuck off of my tripcode

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How did he acquire it if he didn't earn it?

No, his employees literally worked to make that bastard a wealthy man.
Money is worthless.

We can do Sanders plan, easily. But shits like Bloomberg and you are crazy, so I prefer to eliminate money entirely. Put value back where it belongs and wipe out the sociopathic ruling class.

By legalized theft. Want some theory to read?

>By legalized theft. Want some theory to read?

Not that guy, but hit me up.

>Put value back where it belongs and wipe out the sociopathic ruling class.
>Money is worthless.

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holy fuck that is genius. are you telling me BERNIE SANDERS will abolish the world economy???

>By legalized theft.
Based. Bezos is just taking what's rightfully his.

great so there isn't a plan to restructure the budget to be able to support free stuff for everyone. please fuck off.

I'm guessing there's a part about Surplus value in Das Kapital

Simple Proudhon comes to mind. Bakunin, Kropotkin, Malatesta and Goldman. But also Stirner and bookchin.

Are we on the same page yet?

Something I’ve been saying since mid 2016 is that there will be no political revolution (Bookchin differentiates their statecraft from real polis politics. I am referring to former) and only a social revolution can set things in motion.
Not just a yellow vest protest, but synchronized action. Rejection of their legal fictions.

>I really respect lawyers. They’re good people

I know the difficulty of extracting ourselves from capital, so I advocate transitioning to a non accumulative currency. A completely moneyless shared economy is going to have to wait.

>so I prefer to eliminate money entirely
Does your thinking ever move beyond mere sentiment? "Just eliminate money. Just instantiate utopia. EZPZ." These are things that braindead teenagers try to pass off as political praxis. Read pic rel to understand why "simply eliminating money" is a metaphysical impossibility. Read Seaford while you're at it.

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No one cares about anything that you have been saying or when you said it. How much of your life have you wasted on self-mythologizing make-believe shit?

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>professor Paul Cockshott
Can you give a rundown of what you’re referring to? I do want to read this book soon though. Here’s one for you.
Yes, I’m thinking of the ramifications of just paying people on an app for time worked, a second income. “Funny money” but redeemable at socialist establishments, goods and services.

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>I do want to read this book soon though.
Just like you want to read Das Kapital, huh?

I don’t want to read Kapital.

Cock head. Still operating on the mythological Smithian conceptualization of money and exchange (the same one that your political opponents run on). Read Graeber to get thoroughly btfo. Read Seaford to get your universe torn apart.

>Yes, I’m thinking of the ramifications of just paying people on an app for time worked, a second income.
what a great idea, this sounds like a real thing which will definitely happen now that you have posted it. epic!

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Money’s value is myth. Go ahead. “Year apart my universe”

>Money’s value is myth duuuurrrrrrrr
You braindead moron. You're just as bad as the ancaps that reee against fiat. Read Graeber and stop embarrassing yourself.

>oh yeah? i'm a teenager? i'm psychologically stunted? i'm an infantilized adult?
>say hello to my friend *PROFESSOR* COCKHEAD
galaxybrained of you to watch polemicist dweebs on yt, butterguy. you're a real iconoclast and revolutionary.

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Most confused word choice in an already confused post

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how modest! how ubusque! she destroys the false idol of currency and accepts no praise for abolishing the oppressive institutions of capital.

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I like iconoclast as a word.

(You)'re a fucking idiot lmao. You'll want to look up the word next time you try to correct someone on their use of it, swine.

You have to admit it’s a nice word though. Has a nice feel to it. Iconoclast.


I know it for its original Greek meaning, destroyer of images. Not the later connotations it picked up.

Oh hey, the next one is also great
Always loved DCD

>I know it for its original Greek meaning
You sound about 14 years old.

Thanks mister.

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I read thus spoke zarathustra on a ferry in the midst of a cross country bus tour in new zealand. A girl I had a crush on let me read excerpts of it aloud to her and added thoughtful questions to my extemporaneous commentary. Really great experience, a thousand times more pleasurable than the near blackout sex I had with some [slag] later that week

Love you, butterfly, if only for crushing the less cognitively fortunate.

Thought: listening to it as 40 somethings may be a different experience from how it sounded 30+ years ago...


Book covers should be banned.

Holy fucking mother of all based

woah butterfly, lay off the HRT


He literally did. Also Daisies is a fucking shit film.

>Bernie wants to raise taxes on the rich, duh.
Do you really think Bernie will raise taxes on himself?

>Deep! Profound! Footnotes!
Midwit plebbit zoomer detected. Not even those digits can contain this much cringe.

Oh no, my baby girl has shitty taste :(

You can't floor the Dore

infinite jest? queefinite jizz, more like.

Agree. Wallace has mistaken his occasional cleverness for literary genius of the highest order. I still like some of his short works.

become a fucking statistic already

She never read that many books.

Why do niggers have to show everyone that they read?
>Look at me I read books I am not a nigger like the rest. I am a special nigger that can perform basic human function.

Oh, shut up.


SOME people seem to be be in pain.

Alex - What's your favorite part of IJ?

This election is my first time voting. I'm voting for Donald Trump

My headcanon is this is the guy that insulted that user on the train for reading Plato

Bush turned him slightly liberal but he was always pretty Republican

No shit, he employed them.. they didn't have a gun to their head when they got hired. They accepted their wages willingly.

Because they actually leave the house. If Yea Forums wasn't agorophobic social retards they do it too. But also probably by combining the autistic power of /fa/ (wearing a corduroy jacket with leather elbow patches and smoking a pipe) and /fit/ (the jackets arms would be tight as shit on bulging overworked biceps but the black skinny jeans would betray scrawny neglected chicken legs).

>projection: the post

I know this is bait but it baffles me that this kind of subhuman trash actually exists

I got constipated frequently as a child, and would just read for about an hour whenever I went to the bathroom.
My parents always assumed I was masturbating.

>Going out of her way to name mostly nonwhites

I want to suck her fat retarded tits

> they didn't have a gun to their head
Yeah, we do. You die on the streets without money.
You stupid conservatards are no smarter than apes

>Le Bernie is a billionaire like Bloomberg meme

DCD are just so timeless. I listened to them while reading Vidal’s Julian. It still hurts that I can’t make a movie of it. Old dreams die hard.

What are you reading lately? Current, last, next?

Nah you can just work a different job. It isn't actually a matter of life and death, but you can shut the fuck up and suck my dick.

Patrician quads

>Naw, you can totally choose your master, or die trying to become one of them! It’s totally human nature, yo
I’ll stuff that dick down your throat

So like I said earlier, it isn't actually a matter of life and death seeing as how you can just work a different job if you can stop your pity party long enough to cope with the fact that you're not rich
1. shut the fuck up
2. suck my dick
3. SHUT the fuck up

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You understand nothing of the world you live in, kid. Carry that around with your a while, and shut the fuck up till it sinks in.

Right, so again, like I've I've said two times already, get a different job. It is intellectually dishonest to characterize the condition of first world labor as a matter of life and death. Shut the fuck up and suck my dick.

I accept your concession


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First of all I wanna tell you tell you right off the bat to shut the fuck up. Secondly, suck my dick. Anytime!

Name a place and I’ll cut his dick off and shove it down his throat

Honestly, I know his type. He’ll never listen to reason. Deeply entrenched into his spook ridden world and perfectly happy with overlords controlling him.

Busy/noisy bars in Brooklyn because everyone is so self centered it's like reading in a vacuum of elevated white noise.

I really do not like you at all. You espouse platitudinous sentiments of politics as if they're in any way original and endlessly self-aggrandize over whatever indeterminate subjectivity can accompany the content of such ideas.
It would be embarrassing to watch if it wasn't so entertaining, the way we're taken on a tour of your collection of images from entry level foreign films with every one.
You're not a tough guy, retard. You're not chopping dicks off. There isn't actually anything wrong with just wanting to live and not be against everything, yet you posture as one who does because (You) are a coward.

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Alright I understand but same as always, you can shut the fuck up nd suck my dick. Any time you'd like, really.

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>as if they're in any way original
What gave you the impression that I was the alpha anarchist?
I’m alright

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Trying. Making plans. Hoping all goes right.

>Making plans.
If this is some kind of coy allusion to terroristic action you're an even goofier dude than I ever thought possible,

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Not a terrorist

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>no you see, Bernie is a MILLIONAIRE, not a billionaire like those other democrat crooks! I swear he's different and will actually go against his own monetary interests by raising taxes on himself!

>Can't simple math