Did William Blake have autism?
Did William Blake have autism?
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Does OP have autism?
Does OP have autism?
>Blake fags
Look at Blake's weird deformed face. His drawings and poems are also very odd.
You have to go back.
Fuck up Blaketard
He probably had a screechy voice like Saul Kripke
That's more than just a vocal fry lol
If he had autism, why did he hate Newtonian physics so much?
His poetry is retarded as were his politics (LEAVE MY NIGGERINOS ALONE NOOOOO) but I doubt he was an autist. Autist are more focused more on STEM bugman shit or crap that requires memory and pattern recognition. Poetry and languages not so much. Maybe Blake was a schizo, that's more credible. But if you want the GOAT mystical poet then read Yeats.
> Yeats superior to Blake
my sides
>Maybe Blake was a schizo, that's more credible.
That would make sense.
Schizophrenia more likely. Or maybe he really was a prophetic visionary
Unironically yes. Blake created muh meme fictional universe but Yeats dealt with something closer to the truth.
idk, his face doesnt look retarded weird.
He almost certainly had (in modern terms) schizoid personality disorder, same as Pessoa, for instance. That is what made him brilliant.
>Or maybe he really was a prophetic visionary
Name one prophecy
He was prophetic of the dialectic of enlightenment.
That's not a prophecy
It kind of does
Might have been schizo, he's had full blown visions of angels visiting him and shit
>itt spiritual plebeians not understanding
As expected.